Chuck Lowe: Obama & Black Lives Matter Help Propel Violence Against Police

 Unknown-1In a Huff Post piece, Christopher Lamb took Republicans and Ben Carson to task for criticizing Obamacare at a National Prayer Breakfast…

I won’t go into the specifics, accuracy or prescient premonitions of the coming ACA disaster, but, suffice it to say, umbrage was taken, feathers ruffled. So offended by Carson’s contumacious conniptions in the presence of the presidential demiurge, Lamb penned the following:

“Rudeness is the raison d’etre of the far right, where bluster is preferable to rational discourse, hyperbole beats knowledge, and what one feels in one’s gut is more important than the facts.

Rudeness is a form of currency that provides those with shrill voices and cynical minds their own talk-radio programs or Fox News appearances, or maybe a future in politics, where they can scream their way to fame and fortune like carnival barkers and snake oil salesmen by appealing to the vilest of our instincts.”

In other words, Lamb found Carson’s comments at the National Prayer Breakfast “rude”.

bluelivesresizeEvery American who saw President Obama’s eulogy in Dallas for the five dead police officers witnessed the event horizon for rude behavior.  Obama’s comments with respect to “Black Lives Matter,” were an existential insult to the families of the dead cops right in front of him.

Obama’s rhetoric after every high profile confrontation between blacks and cops/whites has been a catalyst for violence and de facto permission to escalate that same violence.  There is a straight line reference from Obama’s rhetoric, to dead cops in the streets all over America.  The murderer gave the eulogy.

In Poland, the day before his unnecessary, hackneyed, racial oratory which insulted and demeaned the families of the dead, Obama said that “In any movement, like Black Lives Matter”, there will be a few who say innapropriate things.”

Most Americans, not held prisoner in a sensory deprivation tank over the last two years, will remember, the thousands of “Black Lives Matter” protestors, blocking bridges, throwing bricks, bottles, intimidating and assaulting folks, but especially, we remember the incessant chants, in unison, again and again and again, everywhere they marched, with few exceptions.


If this, wasn’t enough to dissuade our unrefined, uncultured and churlish president from mentioning this group of radical, cop/white hating, wanna-be-Black Panthers, then maybe the black killer, who mentioned “Black Lives Matter” while the dead were still bleeding out in the streets should have clued him in.

The murderer gave the eulogy.

About Chuck Lowe

Nothing interesting.
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24 Responses to Chuck Lowe: Obama & Black Lives Matter Help Propel Violence Against Police

  1. Harley says:

    you write like you smell….putrid.
    How many blacks have been killed uneccessary. We can’t even count because no one
    really cared.
    Gavin was not a member of black lives matter. In fact he was part of a right
    leaning organization. Harley knows something is wrong here.
    Gavin had problems after returning from war…just like the 250,000 other vets
    who flooded the VA.
    Black lives matter….blue lives matter…..and they will in November when
    the landslide comes.
    Funny…did you read the articles about the families who lost loved ones in
    dallas….it was 100% opposite what you said.
    Remember….many of the cops who gave their lives were BLACK….
    go back to digging ditches…I think I have buried you and your ilk enough times
    to make you looklike the vile racist angry disgusting putz you really are!

  2. Carla Whitaker says:

    Very interesting!!

  3. CG says:

    Chuck is on the attack…look out. Well written Chuck…its a tough one.

  4. Harley Lies for FREE When the Truth Pays $1,000,000 says:

    Nice piece, Chuck.
    Harley talking about how anyone writes is laughable.
    The only thing that smells in your story is his comment, his attitude, his degradation of others and, oh yeah, him in general.

  5. Thats a Fact Jack says:

    Chuck slams this out of the ballpark while tutti fruity harley does a face plant in Hillary’s carpet.

    • rww says:

      harley doesn’t like carpet, he likes the shaft!!!

      • Harley says:

        big mouths.
        10K says you’re wrong.
        Got it ready to go.
        Put your money where your mouth is.
        Have an arbitration company that will handle all money
        and pay off the winner. Even get a contract thru the
        best legal firm in kc…..
        Bring it on scumbags….
        And hearne…you cut me off but let this language on this
        blog. WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. CFPCowboy says:

    There is still more Black on Black crime, which is totally ignored by Black Lives Matters. When someone says All Lives Matter, Black Lives Matters assumes it is an affront. This Administration has continually put it’s fingers on the scale of Justice, from the dropped charges against the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia to The Beer Summit, to Trevon Martin, and Ferguson. No. Black Lives Matters did not shoot policemen, and we cannot prosecute ideas. We can only prosecute those whose actions put ALL LIVES in danger. The real argument stems from a lack of enforcement of law, all law. Our Constitution provides for equal treatment under tbe law, but it goes for nothing if the laws are not enforced.

    • the dude says:

      You seem like a reasonable chap, Cowboy so I will lay it out as a reply to your comment. The events that are happening now is a culmination of the further militarization of our police forces and police state in this country and needs to stop for everyone’s good. The problem with the police is a further entrenchment of the ‘Us Vs. Them’ mentality when they should be viewing it as ‘US’. Cops are citizens too whether they want to view it that way or not. We need to stop with this ‘blue line’ bullcrap where civilians are viewed as criminals and future criminals and get back to old time policing when cops walked a beat and actually knew the people in their beat they walked and treated people as human beings. Until cops can take a ‘We’ mentality things will only get worse.

      • CFPCowboy says:

        The “we” mentality would help, but you have to realize that in the country, I have lunch with the police, talk to the sherriff, and enjoy a human relationship with all the officers in the county. What lost me was Congress, stating the law, as written, asking the attorney general if she would enforce it. When she says, “I don’t know”, she fails. You cannot enforce tbe law for one, and ignore it for someone else. I listen to the Director of the FBI saying no prosecutor would take the case, not that Mrs. Clinton is innocent. There are several laws that were violated, both in spirit and deed, from thr IRS to Clinton’s e-mail. If there is no prosecution, why have the law? The ends never justify the means, and absolute corruption corrupts absolutely. If we do not want to prosecute perjury, should we ignore manslaughter too? Bad policemen need to be prosecuted. Violent protestors need to be prosecuted too. You do not protest with a firearm if you want to survive.

        • the dude says:

          All playing more into the ‘Us Vs. Them’ mentality. The reptile critters in Washington continue with impunity from criminal prosecution for the laws they have broken.

          You are lucky in the country where you get to know your law enforcement personally and most city cops don’t care to get the people they are sworn to protect and serve personally. Watching the 30 for 30 documentary on the OJ trial really drove home the gulf that exists in this day between white America and the black community. Don’t think it exists? Watch the reaction to the not guilty verdict on part 4.

  7. The Word says:

    Black Lives Matter is a hate group. Period, end of story.

    Blacks maybe disenfranchised, but you know what? So damn what. Many things blacks have done to disenfranchise the community, they did themselves.

    Maybe blacks wouldn’t be so disenfranchised if they:

    Had less kids out of wedlock.

    Quit emphasizing sports over education.

    Finish school and learn a trade.

    Don’t get $1000 worth of tattoo’s before your 18.

    Commit less crime.

    Give your kids normal names are aren’t hard to spell and harder to pronounce. Seriously, most black names you have to gargle razorblades to pronounce them.

    Stop listing to crack music.

    Let’s be honest. We in 2016 treat blacks like special needs kids. No matter how wrong, or violent they act there will be someone making excuses for them because well, their “Special” and don’t know any better. Or won’t be any better then they are now.

    That mindset caused this issue , caused cops now to be killed. Many in BLM STILL think Mike Brown had his hands up and said don’t shoot.

    • Frank says:

      What the Chuck happened to you Word?

      • The Word says:

        As I said, blacks are treated like special needs kids in this county. We don’t have a cop problem, we have a black people problem.

        Don’t want the cops to militarize? Here’s a novel thought, don’t have your neighborhoods be war zones. Cops are not militarizing in white, hispanic or asian neighborhoods. So why are they in black areas?

        How about the fact that when reporters went to the Baton Rouge shooters former home they were met with a AK-47 in their face.

  8. The Word says:

    Looks like Obama’s war on cops continues today in KCK.

  9. AJ says:

    Chuck always, always gets straight to the truth.

  10. Bob Jones says:

    When Nixon died he commented the next Great War will be a race war. He was correct it’s us verses them and we will win. Chucks right we’re looking at a civil war

  11. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story, sheep.

  12. Jack Springer says:

    Obama started the race war in June of 2008 while running for President when he said “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

    The media if they were truly concerned would have never let him get away with it … but they were in love with the idea of black man being President .. nothing else mattered.

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