Lefsetz: The Independence Day Blues

circa 1985:  American president Ronald Reagan makes an announcement from his desk at the White House, Washington DC.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

I blame Ronald Reagan

And then Bill Clinton put a stake in the heart of the Middle cClass, all in an effort to save his job.

The right wing intelligentsia has lauded Reagan’s “accomplishments” to the point where they cannot be challenged.

In a disinformation campaign they slapped Reagan’s name on highways and buildings, as if that would cement their hold on the public consciousness. And the left wing intelligentsia has pointed to the economic run-up during Clinton’s reign as evidence of his “accomplishments.”

In the process our country became bifurcated, the land of haves and have-nots.

And this has all come home to roost with the ascension of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

Sanders faded because Hillary was reasonable, whereas the Donald’s competitors were all paying fealty to an elite that had lost touch with the rank and file.

However, Hillary’s beliefs are in question, which means that…

Trump could win in the end.

Because he’s preaching revolution, whereas Clinton wants more of the same. And that same is not working for so many inhabitants of this great country of ours.

It’s not about immigration.

It’s about jobs. 

Give someone a good job, allow them to not only pay their bills, but prosper, and they’ll embrace change, because it’s working for them. But change hasn’t worked for the lower class or the middle class, for decades, so they’re ready to revolt.

And it’s laughable that Democrats are attacking Trump, they just don’t get it. Because the way to win is by appealing to Trump’s voters, his constituency, those ignored by the Republican party for far too long while it satiated fat cats, moneyed interests, while ignoring Joe Public.

1020949672And Bill Clinton played to these same movers and shakers.

Thus the left wing intelligentsia stood by as unions were eviscerated, education funds were slashed and tax advantages were given to the rich and powerful. The Democrats were like Britain, or France, in the run-up to World War II… They could see what the Republicans were up to but they were reeling in the wake of Reagan, the Bushes, the right wing takeover of the debate on Fox News and talk radio. And they wanted to cocoon as opposed to fighting battles and losing all the while.

Germany and Italy were in dire straits after World War I. 

So what did Hitler and Mussolini do? They gave the public jobs! Building infrastructure, putting food on the plate and currency in the pocket.

Whereas President Obama refused to ask for more stimulus money, listening too long to Larry Summers and the Republicans felt there should be pain – that we needed to earn success – knowing nothing about economics, talking about the imminent rise of interest rates when they fell and stayed low to the point where if you have money in the bank you’re falling behind.

Both parties lost touch with their constituencies, the little people who make this country work.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg does not make this country work. Neither does Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein. You need people to not only do jobs, but to consume, to put money into the system. However in the veneration of the fat cats anybody working for a living wage is viewed as a chump, their only option of getting ahead being the lottery or reality TV.

And you wonder why our country is in trouble.

Hillary may lose to Trump because her message is unclear.

Four more years of the same? That’s not what the disadvantaged want. As for Trump’s insane economic policies, trade barriers and the renegotiation of debts, speaking to the idiocy of these elements misses the point! He’s saying he’s gonna fix the problem, whereas the Democrats just say to be afraid of him. Huh?

Manufacturing isn’t coming back to America.

Running to the left on this is missing the point. People need to be given jobs, retrained for today’s work force, earn a living wage.

And sure, some of Trump’s followers may decry the safety net, because they’re working so hard and are not sacrificing.

You know who isn’t sacrificing? Wall Street.

Hedge funders who pay capital gains rates on ordinary income.

Trump’s followers want Social Security, they want health care, but they want to believe their interests are acknowledged, that they have a seat at the table, and right now they don’t.

Everybody’s making fun of them.

Listen to the holier-than-thou left wing – from Hillary to the New York Times on down – telling people they’re stupid for supporting Trump. But maybe they’re smart, maybe they’re sick and tired of being paid lip service and ending up with nothing.

The game is rigged. And when it is, you turn over the table. 

And that’s Trump’s play, not Hillary’s. And you wonder why he’s got traction. Who cares if George Will abandons the party, the party abandoned the voters years ago? And this happened on the left too, I’d like some of that Hillary speech money.

We’re going down a bad path folks.

The people in Washington have achieved their goal, which is to have us fighting amongst ourselves and missing out on the real issues, the primary benefits. Whether it be online hate or anti-immigrant sentiment, the have-nots are hating those they have access to. Hell, you can’t even shake Justin Bieber‘s hand after the concert anymore, reach and have influence on your congressperson – those do-nothings earning a paycheck far in excess of what they deserve with Cadillac health plans to boot?

Throw the bums out. That’s what the Trump defenders want. 

That’s what the Bernie followers desire. Instead, they’re told to lay down their arms and get in line. Who exactly does that appeal to?

America is all about opportunity, that’s the essence of its dream. And that opportunity has not only been squandered, it’s been decimated. Trump says he wants to make America great again and what his followers hear is a return to prosperity.

And you’re laughing at all of them.

When you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose. Which is why the disadvantaged took the UK out of the EU and their across the ocean brethren are agitating for Trump.

A change has got to come.

What kind of bizarre world do we live in where you overpay for college, are unable to discharge the debt in bankruptcy, solely to get in line for a job. That’s the dirty little secret of higher education, it’s not about learning, it’s about getting a leg up. And at the elite colleges it’s about making relationships, establishing a network that the rank and file can never penetrate.

So know that 200 plus years after the founding of our country we’ve hit a crossroads. It is not business as usual, we cannot secede from the world, we cannot go backward.

But we can come together, we can unlock the gates and let everybody in.

We can hug our brothers and sisters and lend them a hand.

The only way out of this is through unity.

And if Hillary wants to win, she’s got to start bringing people together.

Otherwise, the Democrats are going to discover that the mob rules.

And they’re not in control of it.

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29 Responses to Lefsetz: The Independence Day Blues

  1. miket says:

    the revolution will not be televised. the revolution will not be televised.

    but you can see it from here… and it isn’t Trump.

    • Harley says:

      you say thesethings about this guy.
      Conceal/carry/shoot yourself is now a very popular thing!
      I will get back to your story later.
      til then….get ready for one of the most explosive responses ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. CG says:

    As readers know I have been on the Trump wagon…but boy they are trying to hand it to him and he won’t bite…he just doesn’t have the answers. Same old lines and nothing new really…his party wants to get behind him but he just won’t let them buy in….yes he still has time…but it needs to happen asap…Donald is ‘cool’ but not informed and seems to have no real plan just talk…not good…Hillary is not wanted but barring an indictment will win, the public just doesn’t see Donald as a president…he won’t let them..he needs to DO HIS HOMEWORK AND START SPEAKING AS IF HE HAS REAL ANSWERS…ATTACKING HER IS NOT THE ANSWER…be more clear, be specific, be informed…start now otherwise she wins no matter what.

    • chuck says:

      Glaze speaks the truth.

      Trump might be un-coachable.

    • Harley says:

      to be honest glaza…you are a stupid fuck!
      You didn’t listen to Harley! You didn’t listen to the king!
      His party does not want to get behind him…they’re running away from him
      as fast as he can. Who’s speaking for him at convention? HIS KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Even ivanka who he wants to f*ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      He knows nothing about the world…knew nothing about the VA or ISIS….
      andwhen he shamed himself with the star of david tweet from a Nazi
      website (probably published by our resident white supremacist on kcc)
      he showed he has no shame!
      Donald is not cool glaza. You are not cool. You both are disgraceful and
      on top of it are disgusting…dumpster with his comments on women and you
      and your horrid vile little you tube trash where you treat women like sh*t with
      your freakiing horrible little stories. BE CAREFUL!
      Today Obama jumps in….that’s it….its over.
      Harley predicted this….but it wasn’t hard…..Trump is a scumbag/lying
      self promoting/woman hating/egotistical/phony with his fake hair and
      spray tan/his lies about his wealth and money/his appeal to the worst in
      americans…..but does this sound like someone else we know.
      SAY IT GLAZA…..HARLEY GETS IT RIGHT EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Now go play with jr.!

  3. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    People focus on the WRONG branch of the government when it comes to change and revolution. It matters very little whose backside sits in the Oval Office. It’s all about lawmakers, lawmakers and lawmakers. If you are one of those people that votes for an incumbent, YOU are part of the problem. These buffoons (BOTH SIDES) are so entrenched that they think they are bulletproof. If Americans would just NOT vote for ANY incumbent, there would be an entirely new Senate and house in the next 6 years. Everyone screams about term limits for Congress, but REFUSES to use the power of the vote to accomplish this task naturally. There isn’t a nickel’s worth of difference between repub & dems that have made politics a lifelong career. Whatever it takes to get re-elected is their SOLE purpose. Period. Keep half the people fighting with the other half of the people means nothing will EVER change. That is their objective.

  4. chuck says:

    A couple of points. The Rich, may underpay, but they DO pay.


    Here is a brilliant take on College Costs that I think should get a nod from the Right and the Left.


    • Harley says:

      sorry chuckles….there’s a huge shortage of psyciatrists and psychologists
      ….many turning to telemedicine….and it’s getting worse.
      sorry….wrong again chuckles.

  5. Orphan of the Road says:

    In the world of politic’s greed, corruption and lies, the Clintons think they should be held to a different standard than other people.

    Whether Trump or Clinton wins it will still be Goldman-Sachs’ win. Watching the day-to-day of the Trump campaign I still think he is this election’s Todd Aikens. Except Trump is in on the punking.

    When Bill Clinton was fighting off impeachment he said this while lying about his sex habits he had this to say.

    “I feel like somebody who is surrounded by an oppressive force that is creating a lie about me and I can’t get the truth out. I feel like the character in the novel Darkness at Noon.”

    And Hillary has said always believe the victim in a sexual assault case. Well unless it’s Bill.

    Her call for debt forgiveness of college loans for entrepreneurs show how the working class of America has been thrown under the bus by the Democratic Party. What she doesn’t mention is debt forgiveness is taxable as income.

    That’s why you should FEEL THE JOHNSON.

    • Harley says:

      orphan….you go play with YOUR JOHNSON.
      your comment is flaccid and needs some help getting it “up” to par with
      what Harley has been saying for the last year.
      again…Harley was right!
      No indictment.
      Landslide for Hillary
      let’s KEEP America great!
      Oh and they just dropped the price of trumps made in china hats…get
      one. You and whiney can set up an ebay shop for memorabilia for losers!

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        Gross incompetence is such a validation by the FBI.

        Trump, Hillary, doesn’t matter Goldman-Sachs wins.

        “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. ” FBI report.

        Trump is this year’s Todd Aiken. Only Trump is in on the punking.

  6. chuck says:

    12 minutes into the phlegmatic James Comey’s dissertation on the warps and wefts of the Clinton E-Mail scandal, thorough and complete with references to actus reus unauthorized deletions of material evidence, I mistakenly thought we still lived in America after all. Then, in a stunning turn of Clintonian presdigitation, Comey abruptly performed public ablutions and said that the FBI would not recommend an indictment of Hillary Clinton He then turned and walked off of the public stage, presumably to go help O.J. find the real killers.

    The Clintons have long employed some type of evil Klingon Cloaking Device, but this is their finest hour. Now, marching directly towards November, the Bill and Hillary Clinton Chimera is green across the board and go for launch on another 8 years of “Fundamental Change” for you and me. On the Right (And in my house.) there is the wailing and gnashing of teeth at an investigation that seems as fixed as a Roller Ball Tournament. On the Left, the Press-Pack- Animal-Sock-Puppets are eating this up like Joey Chestnut eats Hebrew Nationals. Unctuous rationalizations and gloating are all the rage on MSNBC and CNN as they direct “I Told You So’s” and gore the Fox Ox.

    Bill Clinton is coming home! You have to admire the Clintons for their ability to spin virtually any scandal, any mortal sin, no matter how untoward, how outrageous into a peccadillo unworthy of notice by the 4th estate and even turn the attacks back on the victims and accusers. They are not just good, they are all pro, all world, all universe politicians.

    It would seem, that the Benghazi disaster, which brought on the investigation, which in turn accidentally focused on the illegal server, was the catalyst for Hillary erasing e-mails, which many, including me, thought would expose her connections to “Pay for Play” donations to the Clinton Foundation. Think about that. Comey, never even mentioned the Clinton Foundation. Not one word.

    Comey is now the Actaeon Hound. He has seen the Clinton’s naked corruption and his fate is to be eaten by his own. He deserves no less.

    • Harley says:

      “willfully”….willingly”……you don’t know the law you
      You can only guess what was on there…and your record of guessing
      is ZERO!
      aNOTHER wasted conspiracy disaster by chucklet and wislon and
      wak job….what’s next…..Did hillarys cat privately listen in to
      conversations about Hillary’s daughters wedding. SO REPUBLICANS
      JAIL WHILE YOU _________ OFF IS OVER.
      You and glaza have given up. DUMPSTER IS NOT ONLY UNCOACHABLE
      But wait….another dumpster lawsuit…this one for allegedly raping a
      young underage woman. Hey…this will be another 30 day news cycle
      story. Stay tuned.
      Harley reigns supreme. You just admitted it.
      I thank you for being one of my disciples/readers/followers and
      now worshippers. That’s along with the thousands who follow
      my words.
      Thanks chuckles…appreciate the ink.
      Maybe one day you’ll be on the “correct” side.

      • Shark Tank says:

        Notice how Mr Liberal has no trouble flaunting status by claiming everyone that doesn’t subscribe to his political views is a peasant. If your on the fence just watch the labeling that takes place by the liberal mindset and ask yourself…. Is equality going to be achieved by a group that proclaims their elitist nature through their actions or their labeling?

  7. CFPCowboy says:

    I think the revolution is here. The last nail in the coffin happened this weekend. It was magnified by an FBI that kept reporters away from a meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, where for 30 minutes, those two talked about Bill Clinton’s golf game never played in Phoenix and Lynch’s nonexistent grandchildren. Then, it started out with a whimper, as FBI Director Comey read the Bill of Particulars only to say that no prosecutor would take the case.
    After this, you must be dreaming about bringing people together. Having read at least one of the statutes, the one that does not require intent, I can honestly say that the revolution is here, where even moderates think that Clinton has no not one honest thought in her body, and they are tired of the elites operating in anther reality. So far, they have been a peaceful lot, but the lessons learned from Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, and Ferguson are that the mob rules. How long before they learn that fact, and how long before they realize they are a well armed majority?
    You talk about awarding jobs, at the same time you say that manufacturing is gone and won’t be coming back. You want to retrain coal miners in West Virginia, them move them to new jobs without concern for their homes and families. They do not want to be retrained for jobs that pay half as much. You talk about the Hedge Fund guys paying only capital gains rates, and you want to punish them, but that tax rate is still more than the income tax rates in many countries. What you seem to miss is the simple concept that even countries compete. You are right about manufacturing, of course, but business will always attempt to increase revenue and reduce expenses, and you ignore the simple fact that government does not create jobs. Business creates jobs. Business owns the means of production. Business can cross borders without a passport. Two thirds of American employers have watched their corporate, individual taxes get hiked to 39.6%. They have watched their employees demand $15 per hour, and, if they have over 50 employees, they have to provide healthcare as well as paid employee leave. There will be no new high paying jobs. They have watched as electrical rates double. So, where are those jobs that Hillary is supposed to provide going to come from?
    It is a nice thought. When justice fails, anarchy and revolution follow. That is what you have to deal with, and after this weekend, I do not see the right and moderates singing “Cumbaya” anytime soon.

    • the dude says:

      They are doing a slam-bang job of dividing us when we should be coming together to ask for their heads on pikes for effing up our country. But then we would have to look at ourselves in the mirror because we have willingly allowed it to happen.

    • Stomper says:

      Cowboy, seriously ? Governments don’t create jobs ? What is your definition of a job? Who do teachers, policemen, and firemen work for? Do their paychecks find their way into the economy? I thought you took some economics classes? I know you worship the private sector but when our economy is humming, roughly 30% of the activity is the function of government.

      To say only the private sector creates jobs tells me you missed some classes. I know you are smarter than that.

  8. Harley says:

    lquid gas is cheaper than coal…china is shutting down coal plants because of
    environmental problems….demand for coal is dying….many nations moving
    to renewables…you need a revolution to stop that.
    Manufacuturing leaving. Obviously cause cheap labor is overseas. Watch shark
    tank on tv. Every time a manufacturing product comes on all the sharks say
    save money move the production overseas!!!!!!! you need a revolution for that
    The pols are raping young boys and girls (see trumps new lawsuit with 13 year
    old girl)…..Bossie’s Citizens United opened the flood gates to trillions paid to
    pols to get their influence (a republican started that whole thing) which created
    a huge billion dollar industry in pay for play.
    Big corpos aren’t paying taxes…..when walgreens threatened to buy some
    irish company and move profits there Cuban said he’d divest all his stock if they
    did it and they stopped the move but they’ll do it once Cuban gets his money bags.
    GE didn’t pay a dime on 15 billion profits. You need a revolution tostop that?
    3 trillion inoverseas banks from u.s. companies tax free…we could save medicare/
    Medicaid/social security/and many social programs with that money for decades.
    You need a revolution for that?
    Congress doesn’t give a fuck about peoples views….90% want common sense
    gun laws against those on terror lists or no fly lists….you need a revolution for
    Bush/cheney just named in report as cause for 5000 young kids deaths and
    250,000 injuries (which flooded the VA like never before. We now can save
    lives in battle that we once lost…VA (where I do volunteer work) is overwhelmed…
    one endocrinologist for 150,000 patients. Most of the kids from Iraq/Afghanistan
    suffered brain injuries from ied bombs. Their testosterone levels average about
    73-100 when should be in 500-700…..they don’t do anything for maybe 2 weeks
    per month…..no one’s helping them so they suffer everything from horrible
    health to extreme fatigue and other serious problems….thanks bush!
    Legal system is fucked. Judge sentenced young kids to prison so the private
    company running the jails could make millions off them…even when the kids
    were innocent or could get community service. We’ve packed jails and have
    to take care of all their needs for small victimless crimes….need a rrevolution
    for that?
    deregulated their industries and less competition means higher prices for
    consumer…looks at cable/airlines/and almost every other industry!!!!!!
    LOSS OF JOBS: technology reduced jobs…lets be serious….fewer people
    needed to do the same job 5 people did 10-15 years ago. Jobs left for
    china/Vietnam/Africa…..go to trump towers and there’s not one item sold
    in that building made in the u.s.a…..
    STUDENT LOANS: 1.7 trillion dollar bubble. Banks on the hook. Obama dropped
    rates to make them more affordable. Dumpster says wages are TOO HIGH!
    are you serious?
    jobs: 3 million unfilled jobs in u.s. requiring skills. Look to craigslist/other
    job listings and they’re filled. I counted over 2500 open jobs on cg from just
    TAXES: taxes are lower than ever. Hedge funds get huge breaks…but they
    paid for it with donations to corrupt pols. But that goes back to the 80’s
    POLS: can’t get anything done….repubs block everything. 12 job bills to get
    americans working were held up by rethugs. Put $1 in infrastructure rebuild and
    government get $1.25 back in taxes…win/win and hundreds of thousands of jobs.
    WAR: 2 unpaid wars Obama tried to get us out of. Bush sighned bill to have
    all americans out of Iraq by 2011….didn’t work out for Obama….now we’ll
    probably have to fight another losing war against people who don’t care to
    And ya know…this country ain’t such a bad place to live. Lots o problems but
    we’ve always had them. DUMPSTER IS WRONG….America is great with all its
    headaches and hate. IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT HERE…MOVE.
    Cowboy…Australia is great…new Zealand has plenty of job openings and they pay
    to move there….belize…saw on tv its really peaceful.
    to dumpster fans…if you hate blacks/Hispanics/moslems/foreigners/ then get
    the fuck out of here. They are the new majority. You don’t own this country.
    It’s all of ours.
    In fact….we’ll help you pack your bags.
    Goodbye and good riddance

  9. Harley says:

    you say cowboy electrical bills doubled. Where the jobs come from:
    2 million in developing renewable energy!
    show me a corporation that pays 39%…that’s after every legal and illegal
    deduction (see trumps taxes…if he shows them…that filth)
    Occupy Wall street: youn people doing what young people did in the
    anti war 60’s. Hardly effective…just like black lives matter and other
    fringe groups. Hardly effective in producing change.
    rates not that much lower in other nations….and u.s. companies can
    stash cash in Bermuda etc. where they’re very very low in order to attract
    that cash to those nations…..do your research.
    what about tifs cowboy…how many trillions are the governments out
    on those projects. come to joco…that’s all we have…….and look at the
    owners…one major tif benefactor is a felon.
    look at kcmo…..I know convicted felon getting millions in tif funds for every project.
    get serious cowboy…been eating too many beans….. your comment has more
    holes than glazas girls!

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