Lefsetz: Donald Trump Take Two; The Hillary Playbook

dc5e0bd9dd7dc886230d131f554d2fb5Stop making fun of Donald Trump!

If that had worked, somebody else would be the Republican nominee and he wouldn’t have increased his share of the electorate after the debacle in Wisconsin. The more the holier-than-thou say they know better, the more the downtrodden and alienated double-down.

And if you think continuing to label Trump a racist iconoclast works, you don’t realize that most of those voting for him don’t care what the man says. They just want to shake up the system. They believe in the man, not his outbursts.

And there are only so many redneck yahoos out there. Trump wouldn’t have won the nomination if they were the only ones who cared.

Hillary lost the nomination to Obama in 2008 and she’s doing a good job of losing here.

Because she’s not playing to win, she’s playing it safe. Utilizing the Clinton handbook of the 1990s, where you triangulate, comb the research and tell people what they want to hear.

That don’t work no more. In the 21st Century people don’t want artifice, they want AUTHENTICITY!

And Hillary’s making the No. 1 mistake in the popularity wars, she’s letting her haters define her.

It’s hard to come out from under that.

Furthermore, she’s playing nice and being all milk and cookies when we know she’s more cutthroat than the Donald and more experienced. It’s time not only for Hillary to take off the gloves, but to be mean. To zing. This is a heavyweight fight and you cannot win if you’re on the ropes and you don’t punch back.

Furthermore, this is the tech election.

83a59f94-c8df-4c68-80e0-792afa639b92And in tech there’s a huge first mover advantage. He who gains traction first, even with a substandard product, oftentimes wins, especially if he improves the product along the way. And believe me, the soft, sensitive, reasonable side of Donald Trump is being groomed for the public as I write this. What’s Hillary gonna do then, when Trump is alternately sensible and nice?

Talk about jujitsu.

Clinton plays by the old rules, the ground game. However today it’s all about the online game. The right wing owned talk radio and the left wing owned the internet, but now Trump has leapfrogged the left to own social media. The days of blogs are through, now it’s all about Twitter and Facebook and Snapchat…and Hillary better start now, because it’s gonna be hard to garner a following in the fall.

What do we know about Hillary?

What the right wing wants us to know about her. The email server, Benghazi. Most people are clueless as to who she really is, and the truth is when you get her on stage, in front of people, she’s quite remarkable. Debbie Wasserman Schultz put the debates on Saturday night so no one would see them, so the frontrunner wouldn’t be challenged, and today the media is all Trump all the time.

The Donald eats a taco bowl and it’s front page news.

As if those voting for him can’t see it’s calculated and ultimately don’t care. Will you stop making fun of those leaning to him? That’s how the Republicans got into this pickle to begin with.

And all this b.s. about immigration and trade and…

It’s not about the specifics, it’s just that Trump’s adherents believe someone’s finally listening to them, that he’s on their side. So far, Hillary has been defined by the LEFT as being on the fat cat Wall Street side. And that’s just nuts, it’s Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. It’s Trump who’s inured to the private jet lifestyle. We haven’t seen such a topsy-turvy delineation since John Kerry was the traitor and George Bush was the war hero… Huh?

So please Democrats, stop going negative and start going positive.

Give people a reason to vote for Hillary as opposed to trying to scare them away from Trump. I mean how scary can the man be? He was in business with NBC; he was on television ad infinitum. No one thinks that prime time is peopled with criminals.

But there are legions of people who believe Hillary belongs behind bars.

Come out swinging Hillary.

Make news every day. Don’t play it safe. Don’t worry about the dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, they’re already on your team. Cater to those in between, who’ve lost their jobs and feel they’re unheard. And the irony here is that it will bond the disaffected Bernieites to you along the way.

Stop playing to the moneyed interests.

You think you need them but you don’t. Bernie didn’t and he raised a ton of cash. You can too, if you’re just honest and forthright, if you’re three-dimensional, if you let people know who you really are and convince them that you care about them.

And I know you do.

But no one else seems to think so.

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25 Responses to Lefsetz: Donald Trump Take Two; The Hillary Playbook

  1. Harley the Great says:

    Dear Mr. Lefty:

    This is not an online election. If you saw dumpster with his phony taco salad
    you know he’s a idiot and a know nothing.
    Nothing can change that in 6 months or 2 years.
    Here’s why:
    as I said over a year ago:
    John McCain is gone. He just said he has never seen the Hispanic community
    more upset/and organized and fired up. He expects to lose his race in Arizona
    since 30% of his states inhabitants are Hispanic!!!!!!!! And they are out
    for blood.
    this will be a negative campaign. And if you research the numbers you can
    see why. Hillary may have high negatives…but dumpsters are sky sky sky high.
    Last month I met with the Clinton advance team at the carpenters union by the
    stadium. His first attempt to come to kc ws delayed…so he returned.
    The tactic is not to get in the gutter with trumpster…he’s already in the gutter.
    And since his presumptive nomination he’s had a horrible week.
    The republican party is ripping itself apart. You only need to go to redstate.com
    to see what’s happening. Senators/congressmen/ryan/bushes/McCain/and almost
    the entire leaders of the party have come out and made comments against trump.
    If not outright words…their actions have shown what they think of him.
    Fact remains that the people who man the phones….hold the mailing lists….
    have the background info…..are the keys to the money want nothing to dowith
    trump. I spoke with a high republican official on a recent trip and he outright
    said “WE’RE OUT IN 2016” and with trump and the dems tying every candidate
    with an R to mr. trump it could be the worst slaughter in history.
    Even McCain said seeing his picture alongside trumps was the worst thing he
    seen in the campaign…and its just starting.
    Hillary really doesn’t need small donations. What they do is tie the giver to the
    candidate. But with 4 phone calls Hillary can get access to more money than she’d
    ever need. Here’s the facts:
    1. Dems are revved up. The jewish vote is revved up (along with their money)
    President Obamawith a 52-54% approval rating (higher than Reagans at this
    point in his candidacy) will be on the road probably 4-5 days a week in sept/October
    in key areas to get out the vote. I was told that all rental vehicles in 20 major cities
    have been rented by the campaign to shuttle voters to the polls for early and
    same day voting. This strategy was very successful for Obama especially in states
    such as Wisconsin and Ohio.
    Next you look at the voting probabilities of minorities. Ask mr. preius or mr.
    ryan what trump must do to win in November:
    1. GET OVER 40% OF THE HISPANIC VOTE. The chance of this happening
    is the same as me winning a grammy next year…non existent. I have seen the
    data and the most intense/rabid voter registration drive is being undertaken
    by Hispanic groups centered around Univision (which usually beats all 4 networks
    in ratings…NBC/ABC/CBS/AND FOX) with their novelas) I was toldthat a clear
    90% of the Hispanic vote will go to democratic candidates…from Hillary and to
    down ticket candidates. This spells huge trouble for the entire republican
    party especially in states like California/florida/Illinois/ohio/and yes even texas!
    Rebs have to defend 24 senate seats….dems just 10…..dems take back senate
    easily….taking as many as 6-10 seats!
    Black vote: Obama isn’t running…but to him this is his election too. He’s in it
    to protect his legacy and his executive orders including one that will take awaythe
    tax evasion strategies of corporate America. Good luck with the repubs fighting
    him on these orders!!!!!! Only sets the stage for Hillary and her “working class”
    Wmen: If you read mccains comments you heard him say that he had never
    seen the damage caused by republican candidate being tied by their throats
    to trump. The ability of dems to tie every candidate to trump from dogcatcher
    to senate candidate in focus groups has astounded polling and researchers as to
    how the opinions of the participants were dramatically pitched against anyone
    associated with trump in any way. And this wasfrom a lifelong republican!!!!!!
    MONEY: Clinton told the group that trump would never spend the money
    needed to win. He’s cheap. Is a hoarder of money…never putting his own
    money on the line for anything. He may have had a good run of using his
    name for licensing but the Clinton plan is to do the same thing obamadid
    to Romney.
    They will focus on showing that trump is not a great businessman he pretends
    to be. Watch for ads about his bankruptcy and failed businesses. His offshore
    hirings/and use of migrant labor in his hotels (he doesn’t own them) and to
    drag his business acumen thru the dirt and show voters he’s not the smart
    businessman people think he is. They portray him as a con man and horrible
    businessman…and its over.
    It’s known he has overseas accounts so they’ll be asking for tax returns as they
    did Romney. Trump has to fight that but it will be a big media item and just
    as it hurt Romney…it will kill trump!
    Hillary onlyhas to play the part of the experienced female and her knowledge
    of both domestic and foreign affairs and make trump look like a complete fool.
    This has been planned since January.
    We also heard that one of the highest negative response ads for a candidate
    were those where women spoke the words of trump calling women pigs/
    treat them like sh*t etc. The response from females in focus groups was
    off the charts. Behind that was the recent ad where other republican candidates
    (who received the majority of republican votes) talk about trump. That too was
    off the charts. Expect to see that over and over and over and over……
    The key is the minority and female vote. The old gray haired men and baldies
    like glaze are dying off and that’s what left of the republican party. White males
    no longer rule that roost keeping republicans in office for all these years.
    Now Hillary leads trump by 14 points. June spend for Hillary is pitted at 20 million
    but will probably be twice that.
    As the key people said this will not be a close race. Even the cook report and
    nate silver (who was right in 2012) see at least 10-12 states shifting to democratic
    after trump got the nomination.
    An anomaly has now become a reality and America is afraid of what trump brings.
    I studied his debate tapes/interviews and if you watch trump he never answers
    ALL HE SAYS IT “we’ll do it….it will be carried out in an orderly manner ” then
    continues to saythe same thing.
    All America needs to see is an ad where a reenactment is carried out of bootlickeers
    carrying out a 4 or 5 year old child from a home and the resulting conflict/screaming/crying/of the child and it will set off the biggest anti trump
    movement ever.
    WILL BE PERFECT IN 2016/2020.
    A small portionof the nation has unleashed a bigot/racist/hate monger and it will
    be the last time we see an election this one sided.

    • chuck says:

      I am not sure who will win this election, but I am sure, that kcconfidential readers, even if they hate Trump, will find solace in seeing this chest-thumping zoo animal eat a ten ton crow if he (Trump) does.

      While his (Harley’s) identity remains anonymous as he insults, denigrates and slanders everyone who posts on this website, we all must have, at some point, imagined what he looks like. Me, I like to think of his face as one worthy of a great painting by a great artist. Georgia O’Keefe.

    • shim sham man says:

      It’s so cute that you address your novella here to a guy whose piece is merely reprinted here, Mr. Harley. Part of me is glad you think anyone cares, maybe that keeps you warm at night. At any rate, keep it up, you’re once again 50% of the content on this site.

      • Harley the Great says:

        thanks…appreciate the shout out.
        I am taking over several blogs and setting the record straight.
        KCC is one where some ORPHAN guy complained about
        hillarys southern accent.
        So I published a recent poll where in a state that Romney
        won by 50%…yes 50% was now in 2016 a one point lead
        by trump in a very v3ery verey very red state.
        I expected an answer to counter my statement…but got
        The commentators here on kcc are not only shallow but
        lack any kind of facts/stats to prove Harley wrong.
        Even hearne and glaze won’t take on Harley because they
        know Harley is the man!
        So I may be 50% of the content but my content is always
        able to be verified by fact and stats and real world comments.
        Sad that I have to waste time correcting everyone here
        but someones got to do it.
        If hearne was to clean ship and bring in some true writers
        I would not have to correct every statement.
        Til then…Harley runs this blog. Hearnes name is at the
        top but everyone knows Harley is the wheel that turns
        this blog.
        thanks for acknowledging you read and follow my
        writings. More people seem to be agreeing with me.
        Its too bad…hearne has some great talent to really
        have a well read blog but as great athletes realize theres
        the time to exit stage right and hit the sunset.,

  2. CFPCowboy says:

    Both parties need to be smacked for the concept of, “It is Hillary’s or Jeb’s turn.” Hopefully we elect our best and brightest, and all I can say is if Pelosi, Ryan, Reid, amd McConnel are our brightest, I know how Rome was destroyed. In all cases, we put politics over the people of the country, and whether you like it or not, none of us are part of the elite, attempting to control the election, either through super delegates or unbound delegates. It is just that the Republican elite lost control. Democrats are a little more guided, the D being all that is important in their lives, so whoever the party picks, they will support. It does not say much about either party. I like neither camdidate, so I can be considered an independent when it comes to the President. I will vote. Conservatives will not peaceably tolerate another four years of what they see is corruption, and Liberals will not support Trump. The next gour years are going to be turbulent.

    • Orphan of the Road says:

      Thomas Frank’s look at Liberals takes the Democrats to task for abandoning the working class.

      Hillary has never seen a conflict she didn’t want to send YOUR sons and daughters to fight.

      Vote for me, I have a vagina is not a reason to vote for anyone. And guilt-tripping women for not voting for a sister when she threw so many women under the bus to protect her predator of a husband.

      The Clinton charity (cough, cough) is ever so glad to take donations from tyrants and those who oppose rights for women and homosexuals.

      If you count Henry Kissenger as a great man and a dear friend, which she does, you endorse treason.

      And that faux Southern accent she tries to employ when in Dixie?

      • Harley the Great says:

        hey orphan…I guess you’d have to say the southern
        accent is working incredibly for Hillary…I mean its probably been her best tactic in the south for any democrat in probably
        40 years.
        according to the repub bible REDSTATE, a major organization
        with the most recent polling shows Trump with a one
        point lead over Hillary…..IN GEORGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        GEORGIA ON MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        the reddest of red states of all America…..and Hillary
        is one point behind trump now in the reddest of reddest states
        (outside Kansas of course).
        That should cause you concern orphan……
        Can you imagine what happens in the rest of America
        if Hillary is that close to trump in GEORGIA…..
        could set up biggest landslide in history of American
        politics for the next madam president!
        Thanks for bringing up the subject!
        Your friend

  3. chuck says:

    “Cater to those in between, who’ve lost their jobs and feel they’re unheard.”

    You know, Coal Miners.

    “What do we know about Hillary?

    What the right wing wants us to know about her. The email server, Benghazi. Most people are clueless as to who she really is, and the truth is when you get her on stage, in front of people, she’s quite remarkable.”

    What’s remarkable is that she isn’t in a jail cell. Remember William J. Aramony? He was running the United Way in 1992 when he was ultimately indicted for defrauding the organization of 1.2 million dollars. Essentially he ran up big entertainment bills and had a couple of girlfriends (He was married.) The man did 6 years in prison. Compare that, to the outrageous machinations of the Clinton (Slush Fund) Foundation, where giving a speech nets you literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, which, then in turn, supplies needed influence with regard to International Business Deals, which, coincidentally, favor those folks who paid for those speeches. Not just to favored, friendly nations with interests mutual to the U.S. but terrorist and adversarial nations with interests that are mutually exclusive with the interests of the United States.

    It’s called treason.

    As of about 12 months ago, the Clinton Foundation had taken in 550 Million Dollars and could only prove (I am betting even THAT is a hell of a stretch.) spending 75 Million dollars in actual charitable contributions. 475 Million, were eaten up in administrative costs. Johnathan Gruber must be running this son of a bi*ch. Like Obama Care, it is all a lie, the money is gone and there is nothing to show for it other than more proof of the Main Stream Media’s complicity in what any prosecutor with above room temp IQ, knows is categorically, Fraud.

    “Stop playing to the moneyed interests.

    You think you need them but you don’t. Bernie didn’t and he raised a ton of cash. You can too, if you’re just honest and forthright, if you’re three-dimensional, if you let people know who you really are and convince them that you care about them.”

    “Honest and forthright” got out of the barn back in Little Rock. Leftysetz is huffing paint.

  4. CG says:

    Again like it or not its a Donald Trump media world right now. Period. The world waits to hear what he will say next. I see him as the favorite now. Vegas has him at 1.5/1 underdog and Clinton is a 2 to 1 fav if you bet on her. Who knows.

    Trump with all the negatives is seen by the silent majority as THE WHITE KNIGHT…someone who will fight the establishment and perhaps win. All the slings and arrows didn’t work for the far right of the GOP in the primaries. It made Trump stronger and more popular. That’s growing not shrinking. Can Clinton win, sure. Can Trump win you bet. If she is cornered she may turn to Bernie for that VP spot… and word it out, that’s now a real ‘maybe’…with Bernie she wins without him…I see it as a Trump win…Lots of time to see what comes next.

    • Harley the Great says:

      again glaza…..you declared bk so I question your business acumen.
      you have shown not one ounce of knowledge of anything in the political
      or sports world.
      and know I am doubting your ability to do anything except con people into
      believing your total b.s.
      Your stupidity shows as the demographics show that trump is not the
      white knight. There just aren’t enough mad white men to get him elected
      orveven close. Glaze….they’re old and dyining…many gone already and
      the white voting public is just not expanding like the minorities here…
      in Europe or even Israel (where soon the number of arabs will outnumber
      the jewsish population and then what happens…does isreal become the
      new south Africa?).
      Trumpwas nominataed with a minority of republicans voting for him.
      And the establishment still holds the keys to the white house. without them
      he’s done.
      You’re a big loud mouth…so here’s the deal…10K bet…you take trump
      and I’ll take Hillary. Winner takes all. You shoot your big mouth off with
      bullshit and for all the readers who have had it with your continued
      b.s. aided and abetted thru hearne keeping a total idiot writing say pay up
      or shut up.
      In all your pieces of lying writing you’ve not used one single piece of
      data/stats/mpas/anything to back up your claim.
      Was on the plaza last night and it was packed….from kona grill to
      gram and dunn to all the restaurants after you and chuckles and hearne
      claimed it was dead.
      Drove past 119th street….dead…dead…..dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      We’ve seen no movie of your book so we rename it KING OF LIES!
      No reality show except some cartoons scribbled by some 3rd grade writer/
      animator on an etch a sketch.
      The world is waiting to hear what he says…especially his new economic
      plan which would collapse the entire world economy.
      The f*cking worst plan ever. Tell those people (china/the pension plans
      of 130 million americans and other nations) that America will negotiate the
      payment of it’s debt. Not only would that cease the buying of our debt
      and investing in our securities and cause other nations to lose trillions
      along with americans taking a huge financial hit but also the dollar taking
      a huge hit around the world. The end of his policy would be a collapse
      of the us economy….huge losses and downgrades of our debt…and
      worse would be a world economy depression.
      You didn’t even know that. Because you were never an intelligent thinking
      man. I dare to take this policy and analyze it and give us a written
      explanation of what this new economic policy would do. Esssentially
      your yuk yuk old time comedy shop would be GONE IN 30 DAYS if this
      policy was enacted. We’ve got the 10K bet…your writing something
      intelligent about trump’s new economic policy which we will be hearing
      a lot about in the next months which literally destroys the life savings/
      retirement accounts of over half the nation.
      We’ve read your b.s. We’ve caught on. But you’re like a caged animal
      without a brain. Show us what you got glaze. You’re a loud mouth
      know nothing and you will never change.
      PUt your money where your mouth is!
      The silent majority you talk about is small and shrinking and come
      November i’ll have the total information uncovered about the losers
      here on kcc……HARLEY IS FIRED UP!!!!!! AND HARLEY HAS NEVER
      BEEN WRONG!!!!!!

    • Harley the Great says:


      • Harlye…we..– are knowing of yur degree from Jay Skool and ur coments…are
        relly grate. keep up the gud work
        ……and don let glaxer of the hook
        you at the reunion!!!!we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fired uptooo!!!!!!!!

        • chuck says:

          I was preoccupied in front of “Gatsby’s Door”.


          • CG says:

            P.S. Harley I never too BR..ever one of my clubs did, not me…so very Donald Trump I guess…I can’t help it if he is the story and will likely win…you didn’t think he’d get the nomination REMEMBER..SO be quiet.

            I was first major if we are media guy in KC to see the Trump express and call it then…hmmm…

          • Harley the Great says:

            glaza…another bold faced lie….
            your company took bk….who is your company
            run by?
            NO more articles about sports/politics and now
            Same excuse as Donald? Hardly! Who do you
            blame your bk on ????????????????????????????/

          • Harley the Great says:

            and glaza….who did you stiff out of money?
            should be interesting

  5. Ambrose Bierce says:

    Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage

    That land full surely hastens to its end
    Where public sycophants in homage bend
    The populace to flatter, and repeat
    The doubled echoes of its loud conceit.
    Lowly their attitude but high their aim,
    They creep to eminence through paths of shame,
    Till, fixed securely in the seats of pow’r,
    The dupes they flattered they at last devour.

  6. Kerouac says:

    Dewey defeats Truman… Cantor, up by 30% vs Brat, will breeze… Cuomo in landslide over Pataki… Clay big underdog vs Liston… Jets have no chance vs Colts… USSR will destroy US hockey team; ditto polls, opinions, betting lines, lies, damn lies & statistics.

    Making America Great Again one state primary at a time: PRESIDENT TRUMP 2016


    • Harley the Great says:

      RECORD AND PERFECT PICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Bring it on seniors!!!!!!!!!!!!! Harley is on a roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Scully and Mulder says:

    Imagine the headlines later this year: “Republican Candidate Donald Trump Wins General Election, Becomes President of the United States.” If you’d asked anyone even a year ago what was wrong with that sentence, they wouldn’t know where to begin. And yet here we are.

    Now, for those of you genuinely panicking about the seeming inevitability of a Trump administration, let’s try to put you a little at ease. Although Trump has a massive lead in the GOP primaries and is all but destined to become the party’s candidate for the presidency, he also has one of the worst favorability ratings in electoral history. Basically, if Trump becomes the Republican candidate, then forget Clinton and Sanders — the Democrats could run Tommy Chong for president and still have a good chance of winning.

    “I just called my opponent, Mr. Jared from Subway, to concede and congratulate him on his yuge victory.”

    It’s no secret that The Donald isn’t exactly your traditional conservative. In fact, until 2004, he was a registered Democrat, and he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. An attack ad from the Jeb Bush campaign in 2015 highlighted some of the disturbingly liberal views that Trump has held over the decades, including his claims of being vehemently pro-choice, in favor of tax increases for the rich, and again (we can’t stress this enough), his glowing endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president.

    “Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.” — Trump, January 2017

    So what changed? According to some (including Jeb Bush himself), nothing. That is, Donald Trump is a liberal, deep-cover operative hired by the Clinton campaign to make the Republicans look so absurd as to all but clear an empty path for the Democrats in this year’s election.

    Paranoid? Maybe not, considering that Trump has been close friends with the Clintons for decades.

    According to conservative pundit Allen Ginzburg, if, hypothetically, a liberal plant was to run a presidential campaign with the deliberate goal of losing and getting his opponent elected, said campaign would be indistinguishable from what Trump is doing now: embodying a caricature of right-wing politicians while insulting his opponents, promising supervillain schemes about giant walls taken straight from Escape From New York, and endorsing bizarre internet memes about centipedes and cucks.

    It’s also interesting to note that Clinton’s campaign has been riddled with scandals, but that each and every time one comes up, Trump has marched out like a white knight on a gilded horse to valiantly say something unbelievably idiotic. In June 2015, the media reported on Clinton’s gaffes in the Benghazi scandal, and Trump immediately started talking about how Mexicans are crossing the border to rape American women. When Clinton was pulled up on her most recent email scandal, Trump started talking about how we should totally invade Mexico.

    The millions of people terrible enough to hear this bullshit and yell “FUCK YEAH” should take a bow, too.

    In fact, every time the Democrats start tasting their own feet, it seems Donald Trump is on hand to say something stupider. So either he’s employed by the Democrats to make them look good, or he really is that dumb. We can honestly swing either way.

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