Glazer: ‘President’ Trump (Who Else?) Weighs in on Terror Plot Early

3Another day, another terrorist attack…

Today’s went down in the Brussels airport and subway with more than 38 killed and 170 injured.  A suicide bomber hit the airport terminal and shortly after another explosion took place at Brussels subway.

Naturally Isis is celebrating on Twitter.

This followed the arrest of the Paris attack leader, Salah Abdeslam. And it’s believed his crew was responsible for the attacks this morning. According to military sources Abdeslam’s childhood friend lead today’s killing spree. Word is the two were talking and wanted to make a statement before they were captured or killed.

Naturally CNN, Fox and most news outlets were all over this terrible nightmare early this morning with video and reporters on the scene.

However what was most interesting to me during the early reporting on the attack was the media didn’t seem to get words from President Obama who’s hanging out in Cuba today. Nor did they corner Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Ted Cruz.


The go-to news guy was – wait for it – Donald Trump.

Trump said today’s attack reinforces his plan to not allow foreign Islamic or Muslims into the United States.

Not until we get a handle on terrorism, anyway.

It plays into Trump’s hand, because he is seen as a strong leader running for president.

trump-for-presidentThere are so many terrorist groups from so many middle eastern nations you need a score card to keep up. And if you’re lucky enough to defeat Isis, there are more new ones along with some of the old ones.

Members of the military spoke to CNN about our need to stop being so PC and start listening to them on how to fight back. The generals feel that the White House listens to civilian leaders too much.

In short we are not proactive enough to stop the attacks.

Who knows?

It’s hard to try and hard to stop people who can make these bombs at home.

And there soft targets everywhere.

Before long airport security will be at the doors going into the terminals, not just the boarding gates!

Will all this help put Donald Trump in the White House?

Does America want to fight this kind of a war with Hillary Clinton leading the charge?

My guess is no.

So wwhile Trump doesn’t have answers that we can 100 percent count on working, at least he talks the game, where Clinton really doesn’t.

Obama is now scene as a weaker president.

Cuban President Raul Castro didn’t even meet Air Force One at the airport. The White House claims they knew he wouldn’t be there. However he did meet the Pope.

To me there’s little doubt that things like this may well put Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
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24 Responses to Glazer: ‘President’ Trump (Who Else?) Weighs in on Terror Plot Early

  1. Bernie Sanders and his supporters says:

    Wait…there was a attack in Brussels? It HAD to be a white, Christian, middle-class male who had a job and loves his country. It wasn’t? It was Muslims? Must be because the Muslims are poor and disfranchised in white majority European countries that it. Islam is a religion of peace, everyone knows that.

  2. CG says:

    Welp BIG WIN FOR TRUMP IN ARIZONA. Lets face it this race is over. TRUMP WINS GOP AND HILLARY IS THE DEMO..its over. TRUMP WILL HAVE ENOUGH DELEGATES. With the world wide terror threats….TRUMP MAY BE IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT NOW. He has the nations total attention.

    • harley the manificent says:

      Yes he does old man. Get your social security check yet?
      Trump is behind sanders and Hillary in Utah…the redest state in the u.s.
      Trump has only 41% of female vote. (redstate figures)
      He’s losing 14-1 the Hispanic vote. (redstate figures)
      He losing 15-1 the black vote. (red state figures)
      25% of republicans (according to red state) will under no circumstances
      vote for trump. 7% of republicans will vote for Hillary. Add some numbers
      and see what you get. Now that you’re on social security I hope you will find time to read
      more facts about this race instead of playing shuffleboard with
      your pals at John Knox village or the other senior homes you are now
      part of.
      Last week you said Hillary would win the general….now you say
      Trump will win only because of the death and blood we see on tv.
      Please check with a doctor soon as you keep forgetting what you say
      from one day to another.
      I hope you’re not having senior moments…and wish you good health.
      What would kcc be without your never ending wishy washy daily changing
      b.s.? Hearne writes about abot jewlelry heists and 2 ku basketball players
      who never play…so your back and forth writings are all we have left.
      Good luck man! May you live forever. Those drugs you’re taking will
      kill you. Be careful. They’re not natural.
      good luck

  3. Kerouac says:

    Making America Great Again one state at a time: ‘President’ Trump… sounds good – real, real good!


  4. chuck says:

    Nice article Glaze.

    Trump has much more to fear from Republicans than Democrats.

  5. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Gosh, if all those dead people in Brussels were just allowed to carry guns……….oh, wait. Typically crap from the knee-jerk reaction crowd.

  6. Nakisha knipp says:

    Good read

  7. Frank says:

    “There are so many terrorist groups from so many middle eastern nations you need a score card to keep up.”

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned from you Glaze, it’s to just chill, buddy. You act like having to keep a score card is a bad thing. I threw my school shooting/workplace score card out long ago. Just chill, buddy, smoke some herb.

  8. Play that violin says:

    el Presidente Castro

  9. glenn says:

    The GOP will never allow Trump near the White House. Trump’s chumps don’t realize how many people are actively organizing on both sides of the ticket to see that he goes down.

    Funny story: I used to work for Fort Lauderdale yacht brokerages in the ’80’s. One day the 182′ Trump Princess motors up the intercoastal waterway and docks in front of a couple of hotels.

    That boat was the most ostentatious display of gaudy materialism and egoism. Each stateroom was decorated using jewels. The ruby room, the diamond room, the sapphire room – even a gold elevator. Everything was controlled remotely. Hit the remote and curtains close and TV’s come up from the floor.

    The worst was the disco, where one had to look at continual flashing slides of Trump on various adventures. Look! There’s Trump on a horse!

    Quickly I had enough and went outside only to see a man on the dock peeing on the
    hull. He was from the hotel and pissed that his view of the ocean was blocked.

  10. harley the manificent says:

    the knives are out for trump. Already politicians representing the republican
    elite (70% of the party) have been given 100 million dollars from donors
    to buy/payoff/threaten the few delegates who have been assigned to
    trump from the previous primaries.
    They are party regulars, who cherish their jobs inside the republican party,
    and who are susceptible to being “talked” into supporting an open convention.
    The republican primary voters mean nothing to the party regulars. They have
    voted at a 40% average clip for trump but that’s not enough for the party itself
    to let it go down the drain for trump.
    In the next 3-4 months the real knife in the back happens. Party regulars will
    force or “encouorage” delegates (many of whom have not been appointed) that
    trump is not the answer.
    So for glaza to think that the nomination goes to trump is premature.
    With all that money. With the threats and coercion that will take place. With the
    action taken by party regulars worried that down tickets will suffer including
    losing 10-15 house seats and losingthe senate with trump at the top of the
    ticket…and the 200 million dollars used in anti trump ads in the 2 or 3 key
    states Hillary must win to get the electoral college victory it seems that the
    road to trumps nomination much less being elected in November seems
    Delegates in states really are not bound….but glaza…the knives are out…the
    delegate count doesn’t matter til the rethugs get on the floor of the convention.

  11. harley the manificent says:

    see glaza has no idea what he’s talking about. This comes from redstate…
    the numbers come from the Washington examiner…a very conservative leaning
    newspaper…..this is the reality that glaza knows nothing about and when he
    speaks he makes himself look like an idiot. Sorry glaza…but YOU’RE WRONG AGAIN!

    “Moreover, the tendency among women voters to lean Democratic became even more pronounced when they were asked to consider a Trump versus Clinton matchup.

    In that scenario, 31 percent of women would vote for Trump, while 58 percent would choose Clinton.”

    if CLINTON gets 58% of the female vote (women vote more than men) it’s pretty
    simple to see the simpleton mind of glaza/k/chucklets and the rest of the trump
    crowd here. Again this comes from redstate….the major republican blog site in
    America….not from a liberal or dem leaning site……….
    Harley reigns. I do invite others to bring data/analysis besides the grade school
    writings we’re getting from glaza.

  12. Mark Smith says:

    with Trumps long history of construction in NYC, you have to wonder what kind of dirt the left and its mainstream media hit teams are sitting on. If he gets the 1237 or whatever delegates to win the nomination, I just dont believe he can beat Hillary in the general. Look, you cant pour a yard of concrete, move a stick of lumber, or hang a single piece of sheet rock in New York without brushing up to the mob. There will be a deluge of dirt pouring over Trump win the general election begins. The media, and most likely the feds are willing to overlook all of the crimes committed by Hillary, but Trump, not so much. Cruz or Rubio might have been able to give her a run, but its too late now. So its going to be another 8 years of Obama failed policies by his surrogate Hillary.

    • harley the manificent says:

      its not been bad smithy and you know it!
      Obama took us from the near collapse of the entire world economy…
      the loss of millions of jobs in every industry and now headhunters are
      telling me there are not enough people to fill positiins………..
      And did you boys read that muslim u.s. citizens are registering to vote
      to add another million new voters to the the rolls in 2016.
      What does that mean……??????????????? you say??????????????
      Michigan…already democratic will be a landslide for dems.
      Same with ohio and Pennsylvania….landslide for dems.
      And glaze says trump should be smarter? He’s not smart…he just won the
      genetic money lottery by being born to a rich dad.
      And lets see how chuckles feels about US citizens of muslim descent
      registering millions of new voters.
      It’s coming boys…and Harley will be proven right again.
      In March of 2015 predicted a democratic win of the white house.
      And yes…in new York….and new jersey you work with the mob.
      But a man of honor and such great decisions like 4 bankruptcies…10
      broken companies….and needing a foreign enemy to bail him out of
      his billions of debts should know better. Especially if he wants to
      Now hearne…you’re keeping my posts from coming up….you say
      uncensored….you’re censoring my comments. Lets be fair!

  13. CG says:

    I love the attention Trump gets and the show he has put on…however his offhanded comments and lack of discipline are starting to catch up with him. He may just be too unpredictable to win over America…this latest thing with the wives doesn’t help. He needs to think more before he talks…hey I kinda like him but he needs to be smarter.

    • Stomper says:

      The Donald has said so many outrageous things that would have destroyed any other candidate but couldn’t touch his teflon coating makes one think that this one won’t either. Common sense would dictate otherwise. Exit polls in 2012 indicated that 53% of the voters were female. To make statements that seem to imply that the only thing that matters about women is whether or not they are physically attractive is risky if you want the female vote. I know he does not like to take advice from others but somebody in his camp had better start controlling the message he gives out.

      • harley the manificent says:

        stomper….the fact is that if you watched polling and research
        you would have seen as Harley did that Trumpsters comments
        were hurting him from day one.
        From his first comments of hate and vile anger his unfavorable
        have skyrocketed.
        Females from his first comments about “treating women
        like sh*t” have had an effect on him from the day he said them.
        Its just that you weren’t paying attention. Yes he still won
        primaries with his hillbilly constituents but he was only getting
        35% and that there were so many other candidates in the race
        that 35% would win him those primaries.
        Had you paid attention, as Harley did, you would have seen
        that his favorables with women started going down even from his first confrontation with Megyn Kelly. What have you
        been reading.
        When he insulted females you have to remember that 95% of
        women don’t look like his botox filled/52 iq/thin/well dressed
        iin 1000 dollars coats like his immigrant ho who just stood there like a mannequin while he probably pushed her and
        prodded her. The guy wanted to do his daughter!!!!!!!! How
        do you think the other 95% of u.s. females felt about him watching his mannequin stand by his side and his rich little
        girl laughed when daddy said he wanted to date her.
        Do you not think that most women with any brains thought
        this trumpster was a sick cookie.
        Sorry stomp…follow Harleys lead and you’ll be on the right
        track. How stupid do you think today’s American woman
        really is. Come on. You know better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Your friend

    • harley the manificent says:

      glazechanges his mind for the third time in 2 days. No wonder you’re
      where you’re at!

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