Glazer: The Great American Reality Show

donald-hillary-greatest-show-on-earthWill Hillary Clinton need to hire comedy writers to fend off Donald Trump?

Because at this stage of the game the Republican presidential race has turned into a comedy/reality show.Even straight laced Marco Rubio has gotten into the act big time. Not so much as a candidate who can best Trump but as a zinger-slinging put down artist.

Trump on the other hand has attacked his fellow candidates when needed from Day One. But now with Rubio and Ted Cruz desperate to stay in the race, both have come after Donald with harsh and often funny attacks.

Rubio’s the most aggressive with one liners even more painful than Trumps.

For example:

“Donald Trump doesn’t want to make America great, he wants to paint it orange.”

“The reason Trump doesn’t sweat is his pours are full of tanning spray.”

“Trump calls me little Marco, and yes, he’s six foot two and I’m not, but he has small hands….and you know what that means.”

Wow! What happened to all those talking about how Rubio will govern?

Cruz hasn’t been as hateful. He just calls Trump a conman and wants to see his tax returns. “He might be mob connected,” Cruz says.


Well, I guess it’s time to just throw everything possible against the wall and see what sticks.

The end is clearly near for Rubio and Cruz. Ted won his home state of Texas and a couple others. Rubio is losing his home turf, Florida to Trump. However, if you can’t even carry your home state?

The excitement for the first time in years elections is about the GOP.

Unlike boring Mitt Romney, Trump’s created a media frenzy and seems to be gaining on Clinton.

He’s already talking about going after her daily on the key issue of her being a criminal who should be indicted.

Clearly that’s the battle cry that’s coming soon.

So will Hillary be able to fight back with one liners and take on the showman? 

To be honest she’s much smarter about the political world and first hand experience with world leaders. However Trump is more and more becoming the voice of an angry America. The man of the people.

Yep, and he’s a billionaire. Go figure.

For the most part we only see the Trump family being interviewed and getting tons of face time. There’s virtually nothing on Cruz or Rubio families or kids or wives.

Trump’s sons even get more face time than Cruz.

The Clintons get some but not much of anything compared to the Kardashians – I mean the Trumps.

See its like this; American political life has turned into a reality TV show. One that seems to favor Donald Trump.
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14 Responses to Glazer: The Great American Reality Show

    HILLARY 52/KKK FAN TRUMP 44 (cnn poll) which was almost on in 2012.
    Plus in the next 2 weeks republicans (yes republicans and their pacs) are spending
    What you are seeing in that the attacks on trump are starting to hurt him
    in key states. The numbers are showing that attacking this Nazi racist
    is taking effect finally and people are starting to see what this conman is
    all about. As time goes on….his disapproval numbers will eventually hit 85%
    and that will kill him.
    It’s been a nice ride ….he’ll get the nomination if the other repubs don’t
    steal it…and once the down ticket candidates come to realize the damage
    this guy will do….they’ll jump ship. Would not be surprised if they pull
    a fast one at convention.
    Harley knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 74% of republican primary voters who didn’t vote for trump would not be
    satisfied if trump got repub nomination.
    I smell a landslide coming.
    Glaze…you’re a dummy! It has come to this. Sorry dude
    Just like your Nazi racist hero trump …HARLEY TELLS IT LIKE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. PJ O'Rourke says:

    Cruz could actually get…nominated. I’m assuming that Trump will finally be exposed as a double agent, and will have to be stuck in a Chappaqua safe house, or wherever Hillary has got Bill stashed. But Cruz could actually get the nomination, and that would just be a disaster for the Republican Party. He’s dragging in all these tired, sick, old social issues, get out of here. Stop it with the stuff about the gay marriage, stop it with the — I’m a 68-year-old guy with three kids, I’m supposed to raise my own children? Come on, I need immigration.

    Bring in a boring guy. Okay, Republican candidates are supposed to be boring. We’ve got several that’ll do just fine, there’s Jeb. Kasich is a perfect example, a good boring governor of a purple state, very popular governor of a purple state, lots of experience in the House of Representatives, and he’s polling at like no percent.

    That’s what being a Republican is all about is low energy. We want a smaller government, a more efficient government, a government that doesn’t poke its nose into everybody’s business. We would like the government to go, not away, but to go back to the other end of the room, and sit down.

    This is worse than the Salem Witch Trials. I mean, because what kind of witch trial leaves Hillary not with her ankles in the stocks? I don’t get it. They have gone crazy for Trump, who is just a bad man. I mean, that kind of language, I mean, honestly, you know, I mean, it’s like talking to some drunk guy in a bar at midnight. And people are going for it. I just don’t understand.

    I thought there was a Republican establishment who was supposed to keep things like Trump or, for that matter, Cruz from happening, and then I realized, no, they’re all dead. I’m the Republican establishment now. And it was a sad and burdensome thing to find out. And I wish I knew what to do.

    I really do hate it with this immigration stuff. I mean, O’Rourke, was that a tribe in the Dakotas somewhere? I don’t think so. We are a nation of immigrants, what’s keeping us ahead of the Europeans and other economies is our welcoming of immigrants. That’s what keeps our age down, you know, I mean, everybody’s got to support me, soon, for Social — with Social Security. We need some young folks.

    If Donald Trump gets the nomination, if Donald Trump makes me vote for Hillary Clinton, I’m coming after him with the two weapons he is most frightened of, a building inspector and Kobe Bryant’s barber.

    • CG says:

      Now that was funny PJ….like it or not Trump vs. Hillary is the deal…and I think Trump beats her…he’s just too big a media star right now for her…but lets see how this plays out…the public never likes the ones that run much right…but I think they are starting to really like Donald.

      • hey glaza: have you heard news today….governors/
        senators/reps/ all republicans are coming out for Hillary,
        Milton friedman…major repub economist just endorsed
        You and your media stars…old porn stars…old comedians…
        glaza…they’re old….and fading…..just like your boy
        Get your money together….put your money where
        your mouth is.
        In other words you’re a chickenhawk.
        SHOULD BE A “blast”!

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Media stars don’t swindle the Electoral College. There in lies the sticky wicket.
        The Republican convention could still go brokered with States delegates acting as the Dem’s super delegates do….and voting as they choose….
        Then, it will get interesting, but Hilary wins, regardless.

        • PJ O'Rourke says:

          At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats

          • Stomper says:

            Interesting perception there PJ. I guess that makes Conservatism the philosophy of I got mine, fck you.

  4. chuck says:

    Trump has inspired true believers in a moribund and declining middle class who think they might yet have a voice and the possibility of hope for them and their families. Like a new religion, the acolytes are tumescent with that hope, personified in Mr. Trump. The “Establishment” in both parties fears that this new Messiah will come on an ass, to cross the Rubicon and breach the barricades. Then, like Charlemagne, next January, with no help or debt to any entity, crown himself President.

    Me, I am less than sanguine concerning his prospects. Republican and Democrat wallahs are apoplectic with fear at Trump’s nascent and burgeoning power. The past, could well be prologue. Republican and Democrat recognition of the “enemy of their enemy” has already created some unholy alliances. Behind the scenes, the movers, shakers and swells cry for someone “rid themselves of this troublesome priest”.

    Mr. Trump is in harm’s way.

    • PJ O'Rourke says:

      “Even a band of angels can turn ugly and start looting if enough angels are unemployed and hanging around the Pearly Gates convinced that all the succubi own all the liquor stores in Heaven.”

  5. Trump is a conman…plain and simple.
    From his taxes to his business dealings with terrorists (it will come out) Donald
    is an opportunist with no conscience.
    He is just now starting to see what happens when you lie and cheat and when
    the repubs and dems see you as a threat to the entire nation what happens
    People don’t trust him…he’s for himself and he’ll never spend his own money
    in the amounts needed to win this election.
    Thursday Romney (another loser) speaks about his plans. Maybe he enters the
    race…bfd….won’t matter….we want trump in the fall to bring out the racist/
    haters who found a target in Obama and now can come out from under the rocks
    and support this disgusting horrid man.
    go to hash tag NEVER TRUMP…..fastest growing on twitter…read what the
    real silent America thinks.
    The repub party is dead. So where is whiney and southy and chucklets????????????????

  6. Kerouac says:

    Rompin’ stompin’ ‘Landslide’ President Trump!


  7. Gangster = Politician says:

    News flash felon. Rubio drops out on guarantee of VP spot for Rubio on pressure from GOP. Combined votes de-thrones Trump. Trump breaks pledge runs as independent gives Hilary the win. Trump supporters furious over Republican tactics turn out in droves win Trump as independent… First rule of poker don’t know your hand know your outs.

  8. gangster….go back to school….you don’t make sense.
    Trump supporters are only 16% of all primary voters! Will explain later

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