Glazer: Hating On the Rich & Famous

amy-schumer-zoom-b0ff2278-c313-40e5-9eed-1dc21892b73dAmerica’s true pastime – sadly – the hate and scandal game…

Who can we burn, how bad can we burn them and how fast? And the meaner, more tied to sex or money the better, right? It’s a daily and constant media onslaught, the new opium of the people.

Why has this blown up to be so big today?

Simple: life is hard for most Americans. Bills and family issues as well as trouble at work makes it easy to want to hate on others who seem to have it made.

Just this past week two more famous winners – quarterback Peyton Manning and comic Amy Schumer – were under attack.

Manning’s being tied to a sex scandal from his days at the University of Tennessee. Seems he was accused by a female trainer of pushing his private parts into her face while she was working on his injured foot. Manning says he was mooning a fellow jock and it just happened by accident when he moved forward.

Manning says he thought she would take it as a joke.

She didn’t.

It was in a report she filed nearly 20 years ago against him that was settled at the time. She has her side he has his. Manning wrote about the incident in a book. So now just after he wins Super Bowl 50 it’s all being brought back up. Why?

To help her deal with her trauma? To go after a sexual monster? Nope. Merely to destroy a hero, a football legend and get media attention.

images-1Does anyone think Peyton Manning is a sexual criminal?

I doubt it.

Nobody really even cares, people just love to attack a winner and Manning is one of the most famous, in-demand public figures today. So who better to attack than him?

Amy Schemer has seemingly overnight become America’s naughty comedy sensation. She has a hit tv show on Comedy Central and her movie ‘Trainwreck” was a smash hit.

So now, like past comedy superstars Carlos Mencia and Robin Williams, Shumer is being accused of stealing jokes others wrote or performed before she did.

Understand that when you get as big as Amy, writers are hired to help you update your act on tv and stage. So it’s more  a combination of she didn’t know a writer borrowed a bit from a young comic they’d heard at a club or show somewhere else.

Remember writers get paid to turn in new jokes weekly and their names rarely if ever surface.

Meanwhile Amy is super busy doing commercials, shows, acting and personal appearances, so she likely doesn’t check on where the material comes from.

Hey, sometimes a comic hears a bit and it’s in their head and later they think they came up with it. It’s a little of both. Most – but not all – comics have borrowed material – it’s gone on for years. It’s nothing new. It’s the delivery that makes them a star. Again some do it more than others. It’s not right, but in showbiz many things are not right.

It’s the nature of the beast.

2172904_origYep, we love to tear down our heroes. You know, Tom Brady is a cheater. Tiger Woods cheated on his wife. Big Ben attacked a girl in a bathroom. Tony G shoved two strippers that wanted money for the assault.  Hillary Clinton passed top secret, classified information on her home laptop.  Ted Cruz is a liar. The list is endless.

And don’t even get started about daily attacks on NFL and NBA players.

Hey, some are warranted, most are over the top.

Yes, the Bill Cosby case is real, just as was the OJ Simpson murder case.

Those things do happen.

But mostly it’s the hate game.

We see that here daily on KC Confidential.

What or who can we pick on? How can we attack someone? It’s a national trend.

Good news travels slowly and is just not too interesting to most people.

Hearne once asked me about who would we build a statue of these days. Ha! That’s a tough one. We’re all human and we all make mistakes. We all need to look in the mirror at ourselves and see that none of us are anywhere near perfect.

Well, maybe Jesus was. Oh, but they nailed him to a cross. Those Damn Jews. 

Who can we blame? Who can we put down? Who can we destroy?

It’s America’s No. 1 media delight.

So sad so cruel and far too often.

Oh, almost forgot; didn’t Peyton Manning did roids a few years back? Someone said he did.

Must of been how those darn Broncos won the Super Bowl.
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25 Responses to Glazer: Hating On the Rich & Famous

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Social Media. It gives any blowhard with a mobile device to ability to spread insults and hatred on a grand scale.

  2. Frank says:

    I thought you were going to defend Amy Schumer, not come up with lame excuses such as, she’s “borrowing” the jokes, she’s “super” busy doing commercials and can’t worry about trivial things like where her material comes from, she heard the joke and now she thinks it’s hers (naturally). I’m thinking if she heard your defense of her, she would say she’ll handle her own defense from now on.

  3. Frank says:

    I don’t think people are “hating” on Cruz because they are jealous. The fact that you were able to lump him in with celebrities in the same article makes me wonder if in a few days you’ll write an article about how we were simply “hating” on Hitler. Not saying that Cruz is like Hitler, but you were pretty fast to link him with Tom Brady and Peyton Manning.

    • KCMonarch says:

      In Crag’s world he also equates the negative comments on his blogs to the criticisms leveled on Schumer, Cruz, Manning, etc.

      In Crag’s world we all are petty and jealous of his life. His shallow, hollow, narcisstic existance is the envy of myself and anybody else who pokes fun. And personally I hope he never gains true perspective. What fun would that be?

      • CG says:

        Great example of the entire story. Lets attack Craig the writer, I never mentioned me, though sure I’m a target. NO kidding. My life is an open book, there is a book, I am on radio and in other media often and yep its a love/hate. I get it. Other writers here and elsewhere don’t have a ‘story’ so to speak so not much attack on them. Yet most get some crap. Way it is.

  4. Wrong again glaze. When you put your name and in your case your ego (I’m great
    looking…I get all the young hot chicks….I get all this….I started this guys career…
    I know baseball…I Know football….I know politics…on and on…..) people see you
    as a fool especially when you tell them how great you are or how much you know
    and then you’re proven (yes proven with stats/details/information/and not
    b.s) that you’re wrong 90% of the time youget what you deserve.
    It’s not hate. I don’t think anyone hates you. But I read where you slammed
    a local Italian American business owner who does more for the community
    and charities….who isn’t out there screaming how great he is…and you insult
    him on kcc. Is that what you’re writing about in this article.
    The pols are calling each other liars and threatening lawsuits in the repub
    primaries right on prime time tv.
    Everyone sees what attacks you get on tonys blogs. And yesthey are outrageous
    and uncalled for and I don’t think I’ve seen any as bad as are allowed there.
    When a comic takes the stage…they’re putting themselves up for negative
    reviews…same with restaurants…same in every business.
    Problem is you don’t get it. You’ve written hundreds of times how great you
    are. You put yourself up for criticism just like any in the public light.
    Peyton manning may have did what you say and some people will care because
    he’s tried to be the “real deal”….but he might not be.
    New England tight end was the real deal on tv and in games….look where he’s
    at and look at the type of individual he is.
    When you’re in the public arena and you choose to use your name and saythe
    things you do and try to masquerade as a sports and political expert you better
    expect to feel the heat.
    But as I’ve said you take more than most (except trump) arounx here but you
    could go just run your comedy club…not brag about “who you’re friends with”…
    not be a loud mouth about your life or what you do because truthfully no one cares.
    Stop writing. You bring the heat yourself. You’re the one to blame for
    your own demise.
    I get on you about sports/politics because you really know nothing about either.
    No different than you’ll see/hear on fox news or msnbc or cnn.
    Maybe manning is a bad guy…or brady cheats (which has been proven time and
    time again) see Sports Illustrated article about him and bellichick and the tapes.
    You bring it on yourself. Do a better job at whatyou present or stop the b.s.
    Your ego is catching upwith you and luckily hearne doesn’t let those losers from
    tonys post on here…if so it would be an utter mess.
    Still luv ya. enjoy reading your stories but if you’re gonna play the game…learne
    the rules and take what comes with trying to be a star.
    good luck…harley

  5. Kerouac says:

    Well of course this old story was drudged up again to make Peyton Manning look bad; perhaps jealous swiss fans are the source.


    Still, public figures/public disgraces, other famous denials ultimately were proven true:

    Clinton’s “I never had sex with that woman”/”depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is, is”, etc.

    Sports, Lance Armstrong denials, followed by admissions, Pete Rose “I never bet on baseball” become “yes, I did bet on baseball”, Palmeiro’s “I never” re: steroids (with an pointed finger for emphasis no less, etc.)

    So many liars, so little accountability.

    “Manning says he was mooning a fellow jock and it just happened by accident when he moved forward.”

    – his accuracy (double entendre) is in dispute today: on the field, age 39… off the field, a 19 year old in his prime throwing a ‘pass’ that far off the mark (it was intended for a teammate his, Manning said.)

    Only, the teammate denied Manning’s ‘claim’ & the latter lost his eligibility for failing to go along with Peyton’s ‘lie’. As such, if there’s smoke, is probably fire too, Kerouac’s opinion.

    Try this on: replace ‘female trainer’ with ‘Manning’s mom, or wife, or daughter’ & “he thought she would take it as a joke” falls just as flat 1996 as an 2016 forward pass his. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck & tumbles through the air gridiron like a duck, it’s likely a duck/lie.

    Innocent until proven guilty, of course. Regardless of age, is no statute of limitations one’s reputation, good and bad.

    • the dude says:

      Yeah, what if that was your wife, daughter or niece? Does not reflect well on PM much at all.
      Everybody is a creep.

      • CG says:

        No everyone does things at times that are not right or the best. Doesn’t make everyone evil, just human. WE all screw up at times. Not saying the big things like Cosby or OJ can be excused of course not, but Peyton, Amy yeah.

  6. chuck says:

    Well, who knows?

    ? True?

    Who knows? I do despise Movie Stars who arrogate gravitas by way of repetition.

    “In Crag’s world he also equates the negative comments on his blogs to the criticisms leveled on Schumer, Cruz, Manning, etc.

    In Crag’s world we all are petty and jealous of his life. His shallow, hollow, narcisstic existance is the envy of myself and anybody else who pokes fun. And personally I hope he never gains true perspective. What fun would that be?”

    I am not saying you are wrong, in fact, we all live our lives, based on sensory perceptions that come to us between our ears. We live our lives in our heads. Perspective is an ongoing subjective argument that seeks acquiescence.

    Seeking that acquiescence, by way of bloody constraint is our bane and our salvation at the same time. That Guidon/God, in the end, is solipsistic, subjective and the friction between ideology is writ small here and writ large in war.

    • chuck says:

      To make sure there is no uncertainty, I enjoy and read Glazer’s articles. The self righteous pretense, that we all would have made different decisions, faced with Glazer’s variables, assigned to our lives is sanctimonious, preposterous, rear-view-mirror-anonymous bulls**t.

      In the end, we make decisions based on scenarios we concoct between our ears. Venal, Minor and Mortal sins, are historically assigned to an infallible, ecclesiastical pope. You know, like the Borgias, or Nick the 5th. The litany of popes, just as destructive as the puke/commie/Donation of Constantine fu*k we have now would shove the Occident over the cliff.

      Fu*k the Pope, I would rather hear Glazer pontificate.

      • CG says:

        Thanks Chuck. Appreciate your words. You have been one of the few comment folks who isn’t constantly attacking the writer, me or anyone else. You mostly comment on the story itself.

        • problem is his comments are vile/angry/taken from
          far right wing manifestos/racist and most importantly
          filled with hate.
          Besides that chuck’s articles are fine.

        • Just the Basic Facts says:

          Noticed that chuck hasn’t defended you any for calling women names. Nor has he defended you any on your ban at Entercom that you keep denying ever happened. You’re not rich and famous outside of your own mind. We know what this story is all about, you’re not fooling anyone one bit. How come you don’t run up the fake posts in here like it appears you do over at Tony’s site?

  7. Orphan of the Road says:

    “Also, consider that a group of women just filed a federal lawsuit against the University of Tennessee, arguing that the school violated Title IX by protecting athletes who commit sexual assault—and they cite the Manning case as an example.

    Looking at that lawsuit, it’s hard to feel confident that much has changed. The plaintiffs allege that key people at the university—including Chancellor Jimmy Cheek and football coach Butch Jones—were personally aware that certain football players had previously committed rape, and yet they often pursued a policy of “[delaying] the investigation process until the athlete perpetrators transferred to another school or graduated without sanction or discipline.” It remains to be seen whether any of the players named in the suit will achieve anything resembling Manning’s success—and, if they do, whether the public will take a hard look at the allegations from their college days or choose to look the other way.”

    • CG says:

      Point well taken. However unless Manning raped someone or that girl, forced ‘sex’ on her or others, not a wee wee in the face area during a massage, ‘boys will be boys’ then no I don’t think he falls under that situation. Rapes and other charges against other players, yes thats something different. The OJ ruling meaning if a girl accuses you of anything you are guilty til YOU PROVE YOU AREN’T, isn’t fair at all. Its a money grab by city and county law to force the minor issue if there even was one into court for all to be paid like DUI”s are way over the top. There are ‘real ones’ and many more that are truly not…all the same an arrest, a paid lawyer, a paid court fee, a paid probation fee, on and on…everyone makes money but the victim in too many cases the one arrested. If you win you still love, paying a lawyer so on…not fair and they know it. I’d like to see them make sure ‘something’ really happened. Most times it didn’t. If its a real assult or rape thats different.

      Again its 20 years old. Peyton to my knowledge has not ever been involved in any ‘crime’ with women or anyone else since. I think he’s basically a good guy. Back then he maybe was out of line, but it wasn’t rape or anything close, he was being a clown. From what I see.

  8. CFPCowboy says:

    Dating back to the Watergate era, we all have admiration for the Washington Post, and Woodward and Berstein in particular who brought down the most powerful man in the world, and we all received satisfaction knowing that nobody was above the law. At the time it happened, it was done without bias. Today, we see it as a way of bringing someone down, be it a Soros or a Koch, and it is all the same. Today, you are guilty with the declaration of your enemy to the indictment, regardless of the outcome of the trial, and we have all become prosecutors for our ideas, willing to tear the opposition down without listening to a word of the testimony, “Hand up; don’t shoot.” In many cases, it is built on a false premise that somehow found its way into our head, and we are so upset that we hate the outcome, as well as the opposition. Our feelings have replaçed the facts. In addition we have been bombarded with the concept of the actual and implied endorsement. Just because Sean Penn is a great actor, you should have the same political views as he does. Really? The lesson of sanity is this. My clients are always right. What a person believes is their reality, and for the politicians out there, I am totally uninterested in the other candidates’ positions as described by you to me. My hàtred is curbed with amusement. I am perfectly aware that people communicate on a seventh grade level, and I appreciate someone who can entertain with language, even if I am not sold on the product. I listen. If you find me not listening, you have obviously turned me off in your first sentence, but, even though you lost the sale, I will continue to be amused. I may pity, but I don’t hate.

  9. Play the violin says:

    Glazer the white Kanye

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