New Jack City: The NOT So Super Super Bowl Ads

imagesI was NOT impressed!

Is it just me or has creativity of the TV commercials produced for their initial airing during the Super Bowl been steadily going downhill? With this year’s batch being some of the poorest?

Here they come – the mighty corporate geniuses of commerce – green lighting some of the goofiest, silliest commercial concepts presented by their mega ad agencies.

Do you think some of those corporate business heads are intimidated by their (perceived as) hip agencies?

I think they are!

Think about it, a reported $5 million for a 30 second spot during the game.

And probably another million—give or take a couple of hundred thousand—for conceptuals, production and whatever else these agencies can tag on.

And that’s ALL we get?

So who’s REALLY the winner here?

For one the network is. And, of course, the ad agencies themselves are too.

Kong-Fu-Panda-Wix-Super-Bowl-50-Commercials-720x415As for the ultimate outcome for many of the commercials I would venture to say that some of the brands they represented did not get their money’s worth, and there will be plenty of finger pointing in corporate suites this week.

Gotta love Monday morning quarterbacking……

Having that off my chest, please give me one good reason why Paramount Pictures would spend that kind of Super Bowl money to promote the next TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES movie coming out in June?

To my way of thinking TMNT prime audience are young kids.

Are THEY watching the game?

Most likely not.

As for their parents they won’t get nudged by their 11 year olds to see the movie until probably the REAL TV campaign kicks in much closer to the film’s opening date.

Imagine just how many TV spots Sunday’s one-shot price tag would have bought for TMNT this summer!

At my way of figuring probably in the neighborhood of 50 to 60 spots?


So much for Super Bowl spot pricing this year.

On to 2017 when we’ll probably be looking towards a $5.5 million tab—and hopefully a more creative batch of commercials.
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9 Responses to New Jack City: The NOT So Super Super Bowl Ads

  1. chuck says:

    Desultory at best with few exceptions.

  2. miket says:

    there’ve been some pretty big backfires in the past few years with some ads, so “safe” rules. people are so quick to criticize in these pc days, that it sucks the life of everything.

    my personal theory is puppymonkeybaby began conceptually as monkeybaby. but someone pointed out that the name alone would send the Creationists, and religious right in general, into a frenzy. so, they added pug puppy into the mix. in this manner, they equally offended everybody with some gawd-awful creature you didn’t really want to look too closely at.

  3. Jack Springer says:

    The only good ad was the Doritos ad which got the abortion wing nuts panties in a wad.

    They don’t like the idea that a fetus is actually human. Look for Frito-Lay to drop the ad because of pressure from the far, far left.

  4. CFPCowboy says:

    We miss Bud, not the Imbev,”Please don’t drink to much.” If I were Warm Springs, I would worry about my funding. Face it, Bud, Coke, and Audi made the show. All failed.

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