Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Star Wars’–The Force Delivers On All Fronts

Screen Shot 2015-12-17 at 1.42.33 PMIf I had to choose just one word to describe STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS, that word would be TERRIFIC!

Nothing against George Lucas, mind you, but selling LucasFilm to Walt Disney has been the best thing that could have happened to the franchise.

Disney management wisely put the project into the stellar hands of J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan and producer Kathleen Kennedy and stepped away—allowing there heavy hitters to work their magic.

And did they ever!

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS features the forces of the First Order, an offshoot of the Galactic Empire aligned against the resistance and sprung up from the Rebel Alliance.

Or as J.J. Abrams put it, “We set out to tell a story that had its own, self-contained beginning, middle and end. But at the same time implied a history which preceded it and also hints at a future to follow.”

So that you may discover the surprises and plot twists in the theater, I will NOT reveal specific story points, detailed character development or downright spoilers here.

Instead I’ll let your imagination interpret the following line from the soundtrack of the film. Then I’ll follow it with some memorable mental notes that I took away from the screening.

“Without the Jedi there can be no balance in the Force.”

lp0xdkiphsondrnxtzqiNow my personal notes—-

* Abrams has achieved the perfect blending of the classic characters portrayed by Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill with newbies who will carry George Lucas’ original creation on to future generations.

* Wisely bringing the classic characters into play at distinct spacing. Han Solo first showing up about 40 minutes into the proceedings while Princess Leia—make that now General Leia Organa—first appearing one hour and 20 minutes into the film.

As for Mark Hamill? His appearance nears********

Oops, almost hit a spoiler.

Suffice it to say it all comes down as the perfect transition to STAR WARS VIII which begins filming this coming January for a 2017 release.

* The introduction of a new, fun droid named BB-8 that adds lightness just where it’s needed,  just as R2D2 did years ago.

* The wise casting of Daisy Ridley as Rey. The 23 year old Brit almost steals the picture and should have a bright future ahead in Hollywood.

Imagine! New girl power from Disney here. Brilliant move.

* John Williams‘ classic but dynamically updated musical score.

* The special effects which don’t seem to hit you over the head with the latest CGI wizardry. Instead giving a nostalgic look and warmer feel of the Galaxy far, far away as we first discovered it.

I’ll admit that when that STAR WARS logo hit the screen to the sound of its magnificent theme—it gave me goosebumps. 

Han Solo to Leia:

“Some things never change.”

Leia to Han:

“You still drive me crazy.”

The Force Awakens—and delivers on ALL front.

My score: A

(Reviewed at AMC 30, Olathe)

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings during Kansas City’s Morning News with E.J. and Ellen on 98.1 FM, KMBZ.

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6 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Star Wars’–The Force Delivers On All Fronts

  1. ron says:

    Great review, jack.
    And an A score no less.

  2. chuck says:

    Yeah, a Politically Correct Star Wars just sends a “Thrill up my leg”.

  3. Furioso says:

    Yeah, a Disney Star Wars movie is all we need. Rolls eyes. Disney makes crap, they just cater to kids and their parents. Disney hired J.J. Abrams just to give the first Star Wars a boost and now that he’s done that he’s gone TG.
    Here’s my ratings of all seven Star Wars movies:
    2 – Star Wars(1977) -Revolutionary special effects and unique characters/robots
    1 – The Empire Strikes Back – A sequel..okay, really a continuation of the first movie that actually works. Even better special effects and a whole slew of new/fascinating characters. Incredibly this best Star Wars movie has made the least money.
    3 – The Force Awakens – Honestly, it ain’t hard to make a good Star Wars movie compared to the crap George Lucas made after his divorce in 1983.
    4 – Return of the Jedi – Not very good, the magic was long gone like Lucas’s marriage. Marcia Lucas was the real force behind the first two successful Star Wars flicks but she couldn’t stand her cold, soulless husband anymore so she ran off with the guy who designed skywalker ranch.
    5 – Revenge of the Sith – Unwatchable. Even the climatic battle sucks.
    6. The Phantom Menace – Unwatchable. I walked out then tried to go see it again the next night. Walked out again.
    7. Attack of the Clones – Unwatchable. One of the worst movies this, or any other, century.

    To sum it all up Star Wars died in 1980 and it really hasn’t made a decent comeback. The name Star Wars is so iconic they can still make money off it. The magic however, is long, long gone.

    PS: Oh yeah, Indy Jones 4 was awful.

    • chuck says:

      Indy 4 was a Galaxy past “Awful”.

      I might go see this anyway, I hear Michael Moore is reprising his role as Jabba The Hut and Billy Dee Williams from the galaxy Funkytron will be back.

  4. Shawnster says:

    Saw it Saturday and it was just OK for me dawg. Expectations were most likely too high, but I couldn’t overcome the feeling I had seen this story before. Read some reviews after and J.J. Abrams confirmed my feelings of deja vu. A little disappointed by that but I understand why he did it. Hopefully the sequels move the story forward.

  5. the dude says:

    BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, does it have extra Jar Jar Abrams lens flare?

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