New Jack City: Tarantino Forces Film–And Then Some

hateful-eight-tv-spotSay what you will about Quentin Tarantino, he’s become one of America’s hardest hitting directors and filmmakers…

Many of Tarantino’s cinematic achievements have reached cult status!


All are mini-classics in their own right.

Well, Tarantino is about to make history again. And not just with moviegoers but in the movie industry itself!

His latest motion picture is called THE HATEFUL EIGHT. It’s a post-Civil War drama of betrayal and deception.

It is being released by The Weinstein Company on Christmas Day, Dec. 25.

But it’s HOW it is being released that’s shaking the status quo!

THE HATEFUL EIGHT will debut in a number of larger markets—including Kansas City—but only in very limited runs —and FORMATS.


As most of you know, the Industry has switched from film to digital projection.

hatefuleight-135124However Mr. Tarantino remains a film purist and has decided to reverse that trend with his latest motion picture.

He shot the picture in the 65 mm film format and now insists that ALL December 25 premiere engagements will and MUST be presented with 70 mm film projection equipment—giving the movie a definite roadshow approach the likes we haven’t seen since BEN HUR, LAWRENCE OF ARABIA and 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY.

So premiere theaters will have to install 70 mm film projectors for which they allegedly will be reimbursed by the distributor.

Additional engagements of the movie using 35 mm film stock and projectors could follow a week later.

My sources tell me that THE HATEFUL EIGHT, co-starring Channing Tatum, Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen and Bruce Dern will then get its wide digital release here on January 8.

A lot has been said and written about Quentin Tarantino.

His recent condemnation of alleged police brutality recently set off a firestorm from police departments and their unions.

But Tarantino told the L.A. TIMES, “I’m not being intimidated.”

It should all play out for interesting showings of THE HATEFUL EIGHT at the movies…
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12 Responses to New Jack City: Tarantino Forces Film–And Then Some

  1. jon says:

    I didn’t know that 70mm projectors were still around. Any left here?

  2. PV_Pathfinder says:

    The Weinstein Company literally scoured the planet to find and rehab any 70mm projector they could get their hands on. There was a write up in the WSJ about it. Pretty interesting read.

  3. miket. says:

    helluva thing. i vaguely recall seeing 70mm films; grand scale indeed. but for this film? any of his films?

  4. Stand with Blue says:

    Screw Tarantino. After his anti-police murder “rant” he neither deserves the spotlight or my hard earned money.

    • alice d says:

      You’ll love it even more when you see the goy pay $10 to watch homosexual oral rape scenes on christmas day. Maybe you can take a ‘date’, craig. I’m sure they are going to long be out of midnight mass!

  5. JoCoPost aka Tracy says:

    Jack, with so many of the year’s best films coming out at Christmas, I think we can all wait for digital release Jan. 8, don’t you? Ha, I bet you saw it that way. It’s been a brutal year for theatre owners, including my favorites at the Glenwood Arts and the Rio. They lost 3 screens at Metcalf South and 4 screens at what I called GlenBridge on Holmes. All due to the sleazebags at Lane4. Wanted $2000 per month rent per screen, LOL! Indie houses like Glenwood Arts went into debt when film studios dropped film and demanded they buy $70,000 digital projectors.

    Now fortunately, I am happy to report that the Ks. Intl. Film Festival at Glenwood Arts in Ranchmart which was in November was up 84% from the previous year. Best film festival attendance in five years.

    So no, Mr. Tarantino. Take a chill pill. See you digitally Jan. 8. Or maybe not at all, dude.

    Thanks for this story, Jack!

    • chuck says:

      It will be a hateful wait,
      until January 8,
      that dreary date,
      when fans can sate,
      & view on QT’s pate,
      & another self fellate,
      from an over rate.

      • miket. says:

        i dunno about overrated, chuck. he’s over the top for sure. gratuitous violence? yep. gritty and offbeat? well, not two adjectives often used to describe violent movies, but yeah. kinda like Peckinpah meets Coen Brothers?

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