Glazer: Scribe Call Royals Celebration KC’s Finest Moment

1503360983147125830I grew up watching the Kansas City A’s and later the Royals, the Chiefs…

However I have never seen anything like Tuesday in Kansas City. Never. It was much more than a parade and a World Series celebration. It was a unique love affair between a great young group of baseball players and their fans – the Royals and the people of Kansas City.

The only other city I know of that seemed to have had something like this was with the Green Bay Packers and their champs years ago. Since then, nobody. These Royals really do care about their fans. They stayed after games didn’t mind doing autographs, photos, or just talking to fans young and old.

You didn’t have to be a hot blonde.

You could be Joe Average and they still cared, smiled and were kind. Throwing Gatorade or water on each days hero or heroes after each and every game. Maybe the Latino blood that runs through many of the Royals rubbed off on our American Players. The warmth, the compassion was all there, every day, every game.

Nobody gets out of line, nobody gets in trouble. 

Years ago I ran with many of the Royals and Chiefs.

They lived in Westport bars and loved Stanford’s. Some became real pals. I even lived with Chiefs running back Ted McNight, great guy. All the Red Fridays I chaired and hosted from the stage with Bill Nigro, Randy Miller and many stars drew huge crowds – but nothing like this.

1985 KC Royals World Series parade

1985 KC Royals World Series parade

Was it 100,000, 300,00, 400,000 – some guess as many as 600,000 people came to midtown and downtown.

Who knows? What matters is this: This city came together WINNERS as much as the players. Didn’t matter what the parade offered, it mattered that WE MATTERED..our CITY MATTERED…OUR TEAM MATTERED and BIG TIME.

The Royals are a model for everyone in professional sports. Their attitude the way they treat each other and their fans. Truly unique. They ALL LOVE US and our city LOVES THEM. Some will go on to make millions and millions of dollars and be big stars on TV and beyond, but…WE WILL NEVER FORGET THE DAY THEY CAME HOME LIKE MEDAL OF HONOR WAR HEROS.


I am so glad for the people of Kansas City.

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54 Responses to Glazer: Scribe Call Royals Celebration KC’s Finest Moment

  1. Kerouac says:




    The legend of the asterisk continues… a KC tradition since 1955


    • chuck says:

      Kero, you are getting into Jack Torrance territory here. They actually won the fu*kin thing dude. I mean come on. While I would like you to be my Death Row Lawyer, this is getting weird.

      Redrum! Redrum!
      They won! They won!

      • CG says:

        K agree with Chuck here..I think you are brilliant, like you…but man they are a great ballclub, they won outright no question…don’t be the educated side of hater commenters…its ok to say ‘know what I was a bit wrong, they are good they won fair and square’ hell K this was a feel good story on our city not the status of the Royals or Giants history.

        • Kerouac says:

          Kerouac will, in deference you CG/your as others obvious love affair with the 2015* Royals, put in abeyance for the time being any more commentary regarding those frauds of no merit… there was no winner this World Series – only losers KC & NY.


          • Johnny Midnight says:

            At least they didn’t “win” like ‘THE’ ‘2014 WILD CARD CHAMPION SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS’

            Frauds. Losers. Steroid aided freaks.

            Everyone knows the Boston Red Sox are the real 2014 World Series Champions.



        • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

          He’s from san Francisco for gods sake.
          he’s been wrong every time just like glaze.
          Love the picfrom 85…..that parade was something
          else. that parade was the best one ever in kc.

    • chuck says:

      Here is an anagram for “Royals Kill Mets”.

      “likely lost arms”

      It’s fate man, just go with it Kero. Facts are facts.

    • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:


      read writers who really know the game they say this team is an incredible
      team. We know kerowacky has a solid background in sports…he’s got
      incredible recall of stats and information that astounds even the magnificent
      He does have proven statements…but you guys just can’t compare to
      kerowacky. Sorry…he’s got some huge info on sports that none of us
      have…and even though we may not agree with his final conclusion…
      y ou guys are so tongue tied you can’t debate him with facts.
      Yes..he’s wrong…but kerowacky knows more about sports than any of
      You do the same to Harley…you attack me personally because I use
      facts to back up my statements.
      While the wannabe is jumping up and down because some trick mayor
      in kc knows his name…and he thinks he’s somebody writing on a blog
      with 10 readers….he never uses facts and he ends up with pie on his
      face when he’s continuously proven wrong.
      Glaze is far off too. But we expect that. He’s been wrong…go check his
      headlines in 2014 and see what b.s. he spurted. After chiefs havea great
      pre season…he predicts huge things for chiefs. Then when they lose he
      turns on them. He knows nothing about the chiefs..coaches…strategy…
      formations…their roster…their game plan and gets what he can from
      sports center. He might be great talking sports at a bar…but someone
      with knowledge of the games would eat him up in trivia…information
      …stats….and because he made some movies 80 years ago…he’s the
      smartest guy in the room .
      Kerowacky is just playing you guys like a fiddle.
      Just like Harley.
      And we sit back and laugh at the crap you guys put out.
      He’s got you in the palm of his hand.
      just like Harley.
      he’s just pimping you guys to get a crazy reaction from you.
      And its funny.
      don’t doubt this guy knows his stuff…he probably was a sports
      writer or stat guy some day….could be from the star (who I knew
      very well) that did the sports stats.
      Yes…I think he’s wrong on his royals outlook. They won. Who cares.
      celebrate! have fun!
      After all this is all just fun and entertainment and I ‘m sure he’s
      laughing watching you all take his comments so seriously.

      • HarleyTheTroll says:

        You really don’t think anyone takes you serious, do you? I read yesterday that you now work with the biggest sports teams, stars and MVP’s in the nation. I think that now brings you a third career. You’ve made anonymous, unfounded, unproven, factless claims to have worked with the finest medical professionals in the nation, the finest attorney’s in the nation and now the finest sports figures in the nation.
        And, sir, volunteering for a local presidential campaign effort does not mean you “worked for the Clintons.” At the same time, being involved in a local organized charity effort does not mean you raised $600,000 for kids Christmas presents. It means you’re a bit player, like you accuse everyone else of being.
        So which is it, are you in medicine, law or sports? My guess it you take medicine, while opening debt collection letters from law firms while watching sports in your moms basement. You want to attack every writer and commenter for not offering facts, yet you have no proof of a single thing you have ever done or claimed to have done. Notice the disconnect? Its Harley, whistling in the dark.

        • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

          Y OU AIN
          10k…IF YOU GOT IT DOGS.

  2. shim sham man says:

    What the Hell is wrong with this Kerouac guy? Who pissed in his Cheerios when he was a toddler?

    Brother, you’re not half as smart as you think you are, your sports puns have never been funny, and now you’ve outed yourself as the crank that you are. Half of the content on this site is the autistic kid, the other half is this pseudo-intellectual, and at this point, the autistic kid is winning in the quality content race.

  3. the dude says:

    How sad when a city’s ‘finest moment’ is the celebration of a sport contest.
    Can’t we do better than this?

    • shim sham man says:

      What do you want, “City Cures Cancer At Local Rotary Club Meeting?”

      What a self-righteous asshole.

      • the dude says:

        You are only proving my point, chucklehead.

        • shim sham man says:

          Ya know, for what it’s worth Kansas City actually has a leading cancer research center. I bet some of the researchers watch the occasional baseball game to let off some steam. It is possible for a modern city to do more than one thing at a time. Wait, is this Tony Botello?

  4. Stomper says:

    Don’t mean to be piling on here Kerouac but it is a bit sad to see what was once a credible commenter here at KCC reduced to irrelevance by his own hand. At first I just thought you got some vicarious pleasure by raining on the parade of local sports fans. Maybe a transplant from the Bay area. But you revealed a history with KC by referring to your affection for Chiefs teams of decades ago. If one tries to follow your “rational” thought process and apply some consistency to your statements, there are few, if any, legitimate champions in any sport. Certainly not the SF Giants from 2014. Gaining entry into the Playoffs by virture of a Wild Card “gift” eliminated them from any possibility of claiming to be a legitimate champion. Duke couldn’t even win their own conference championship so no way they could claim legitimacy as NCAA National Champion for 2015. K, there is a reason they/we determine winners by playing the game inside the white lines and not just on paper. Makes me wonder if your disdain for real life outcomes extends to other areas of your life. Maybe problems with decisions made by your boss, family, friends, clients, etc. Life can’t be much fun when you take a “glass half empty” attitude with everything you encounter. Please make an effort to rehabilitate your credibility here at KCC so that we might actually read and consider your future offerings here as worthy. Maybe a few minutes researching the meaning and importance of “good sportsmanship” might be time well spent for you. Watching you self immolate was a bit shocking.

    On a side note with regards to KC sports history, a shout out to the memory of Norm Siebern, former KC Athletics player who passed away this past weekend. One of my first sports heroes in Kansas City and the answer to the trivia question of who did KC get back by trading Roger Maris to the Yankees in the 6 player trade. Godspeed Norm.

    • Frank says:

      If only we could get Kerouac’s blessing for this World Series win, we could celebrate. Without his blessing, we might as well have lost 🙁

  5. chuck says:

    The Royals won, P.E.R.I.O.D.

    By the way, their wives are hotter, their cars are faster, their lawns are manicured better, there dogs are cooler, their cats are meaner, their grocery boys are more polite, the wind, blows the fu*k around them in winter time and Reggie gave them the straw that used to stir his drink.


  6. SteelyDanMan says:

    It’s total bullshit and also very dishonest how City Hall inflated the estimated number of those who attended the parade yesterday. I seriously doubt 800,000 were crammed in front of Union Station and lined both sides of Grand and other streets of the route.

    Are people this dumb? Where are your critical thinking skills, sheep?

  7. Kerouac says:

    Au contraire mon frères…

    Kerouac is feeling a lot of love being bandied about here the KCC blog, an festive if not Championship mood – oops, promised CG that I wouldn’t address the aforementioned elephant (the former KC mascot, A’s, by the way) in the room for awhile.


    This has been iterated afore, but for the Johnny Come Lately’s: Kerouac was once a fan of the Kansas City A(thletic)’s… when they folded ’67, he became a Dodgers fan.
    Became GIANTS in the last few years because they did things right – the epitome a ‘team’ and not a cast of ‘I’ndividuals.

    Followed the Royals whence they were born in 1969, Ed ‘Spanky’ Kirkpatrick, Bob Oliver, Wally Bunker et al. By then, embraced a new allegiance, the Dodgers. Why leave Dodgers in lieu GIANTS? Former $tooped to trying buy a Championship for several years now. Fortunately, both the GIANTS & the Dodgers won many ‘legit’ Championships pre-1969, before MLB (as the AFL and NFL same) headed $outh. Have been a Chiefs fan since their arrival ’63, tho today follow them moreso out of habit/pity – NFL/MLB ceased be relevant/embrace integrity, methods/outcomes theirs long ago: they $old out. Kerouac cares not a wit what anyone else’s opinion be – believe as you wish – as will I.

    No respect for those chase modern sports buck, new ‘model’ over-expansion, multiple divisions & too many teams/players all major $port$m, which diminishes the product afield & makes a mockery, a fraud of every ‘Championship’ team, including this year’s MLB, NFL, et al. Reason why there has not been any ‘great’ teams since the dynastic 1960’s Green Bay Packers ruled gridiron, Boston Celtics NBA & Montreal Canadians NHL. MLB, closest to them the 1960’s Dodgers & STL Cardinals, last vestiges great Yankee teams too, each of whom won ‘a’ or multiple Championships 60’s & were on the cusp winning even more that decade.

    Upshot: sports/outcomes then legit are bogus today. Today, no great teams any, in any sport, every team is a fraud, including thoroughly mediocre’s Royals & Mets, the Patriots and Seahawks, ditto all the rest. Even the GIANTS MLB, though they are dynastic moreso than fraud the one-time winners a sports season.

    On a personal note, for those who enjoy using coarse language and taking potshots of a personal nature at other, Kerouac is quite capable of same, but, prefer eviscerate via the pen a clean, sobering narrative – kiss no*** and take no prisoners, just the same. Kerouac ‘tells it like it is’ -his takes/opinions aren’t going anywhere, except it appears living in the heads certain posters, rent-free. Reiterating, post & read for information, entertainment and my own enjoyment – always find & provide plenty of each, trio.

    1969* – 2015*, tbc ongoing


    • Fake Name Guy says:

      Nobody cares. Get over yourself already.

      • Kerouac says:

        Nobody cares for everybody… we already covered this elsewhere, but in case you forgot:

        This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

        There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

        Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

        Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job.

        Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.

        It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

        Nobody cares for Everybody, though Somebody cares more than Anybody should… ‘you’.


    • Big D in the O says:

      A very windy way to explain that you are a Difficult Individual Claiming Knowledge.

    • KCMonarch says:

      I fully recognize you’re simply a troll but I will bite.

      To try to compare 60s franchises with today is ludicrous. Yes, there are more teams now but the talent pool at that time is infinites mal compared to today. Player scouting is now so much more thorough and spans the entire planet. The athletes in every major sport today are much stronger, faster, and more skilled than the guys who played 50 years ago. It’s the law of probability.

      Compound that with the fact these guys practice their craft year round as opposed to guys in that period who had other jobs…if you put ANY team from the 60s on the field with 2015 Royals, the results would be laughable.

      There is a reason George Brett said this is the best Royals team ever. Because it’s true.

      • Kerouac says:

        Enjoy biting trolls, do you? As you wish. Now then, to your plea above: in a word, abbreviation, it is ‘BS’.

        “To try to compare 60s franchises with today is ludicrous.”

        – vintage adage, nod honest Abe: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Read on, McDuff.

        “Yes, there are more teams now but the talent pool at that time is infinites mal compared to today.”

        – sounds impressive, especially ‘mal’ (as in seizure – perhaps in the throes one as you typed said.) ‘Prove’ your work: not as in ‘it thus follows’ ,or, ‘due evidence which suggests’ etc. As this is Missouri and not cock & bull – ‘Show Me’.

        “Player scouting is now so much more thorough and spans the entire planet.”

        – yet, Kurt Warner is found working Hy Vee in Iowa – whoops, missed that one. All the fancy bells & whistles ‘modernity’ are proven flawed.

        “The athletes in every major sport today are much stronger, faster, and more skilled than the guys who played 50 years ago. It’s the law of probability.”

        – translation: it’s the law of BS… probability is it stems from too much exposure pseudo-science as well modern media and arm-chair QB’s flapping gums sans evidence that affirms. Again, say ‘Show Me’ proof, not pontification.

        Players have always been bigger, stronger & faster than some another guy, or teams that matter, nothing new there. In fact, the bigger, stronger and faster teams Superbowl’s 1-3 ‘LOST’ each game, KC, OAK & BALT, ‘experience’ proving difference. Dock Luckie and Willie ‘Foots’ Lee were drafted by the Chiefs decades ago: guys were big and strong (Lee had a 17EEE size foot/shoe, Luckie a weight-lifter strong as an ox; that neither physical trait translated NFL, evident, hindsight. The Chiefs fastest player ever was Jimmy Hines – he ran a 9.1 hundred yard dash – was so fast he got into 1 game with KC during his career, which started and ended 1 game, 1970.

        Baseball pitchers were throwing just as hard yesteryear as they do today – the human arm is incapable beyond maximum limit shy injury/arm flying off. Because means measurement today is more precise does not negate previous generations athlete’s by virtue said. Aroldis Chapman? Steve Dalkowski. Though never an MLB pitcher due an injury-ended career, he faced MLBr’s in spring training (including Ted Williams, merely the best hitter ever.) Williams said Dalkowski was “the fastest pitcher I ever faced and probably who ever lived, and I’ll be damned if I ever face him again.” Down on three pitches.

        Here are a few more testimonials:

        “He was unbelievable. He threw a lot faster than Ryan. It’s hard to believe but he did” – Earl Weaver, who watched Nolan Ryan pitch dozens of times, and managed Dalkowski.

        Paul Blair, who batted vst Ryan, Sandy Koufax, Sam McDowell, Vida Blue, Dick Radatz & Goose Gossage, said of Dalkowski, “He threw the hardest I ever saw.”

        Cal Ripken Sr., who caught Dalkowski and whose professional career as a player, manager & coach spanned five decades; he observed Ryan, J.R. Richard, Dwight Gooden, Roger Clemens and Randy Johnson: “Steve Dalkowski was the hardest thrower I ever saw.”

        Pat Gillick who was a teammate of Dalkowski before embarking on a decades-long career as successful front office executive:”A lot of stories get embellished. But this guy was legit. He had one of those arms that come once in a lifetime.”

        So don’t parrot the oft-heard and always errant modern-day over-hype that is as prevalent as it is preposterous today.

        As for today’s athlete’s being “more skilled”, funny thing: the greatest records sports history still stand today courtesy the athlete’s ‘yesteryear’ (among them – Chamberlain’s 100 point game & 70 NBA records his never equaled let alone surpassed by those ‘superior’ modern day players. DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak MLB as well Pete Rose hits record, Cy Young’s 511 wins. Babe Ruth, with no medicinal assist as the modern types Bonds, McGwire and Sosa et al, hit more home runs in a season than entire ‘teams’ did; the list goes on and on and on…

        “Compound that with the fact these guys practice their craft year round as opposed to guys in that period who had other jobs…if you put ANY team from the 60s on the field with 2015 Royals, the results would be laughable.”

        – more subjective BS… understand that your ‘word’ does not suffice or translate as proof, unless perhaps you’ve first-hand knowledge as did aforementioned Gillick, Ripken Sr, Weaver, Williams, etc.

        “There is a reason George Brett said this is the best Royals team ever. Because it’s true.”

        – that’s not saying much, a guy who carries an asterisk himself 1985*… as the Royals 2015* same, you keep trying KCM…


        • KCMonarch says:

          I won’t deny there were a small percentage of exceptional players in that era. But team rosters top to bottom today are far deeper and stronger than 50 years ago. The best team Dalbowski ever played on would be sub .500 in 2015.

          Face it old man. Many of your childhood heroes never would have made it out of A ball today.

          • Kerouac says:

            “a small percentage of exceptional players in that era.”

            – the creme de la creme it was then, only the best, which was hundreds of players/teams fewer compared a plethora of mediocre, filler talent today over-saturated rosters/bloated product – which affirms/ensures mediocrity.

            More subjective BS yours, whippersnapper… when one cannot dispute nor refute what a Kerouac says, keep grasping at straws, and coming up empty.

            Next challenger step up the plate…


        • Nellie says:

          K – I remember the Dock Lickie story in the Star when Chiefs brought him in (I don’t believe he was drafted out of FL). As I recall he came into weight room, asked what the bench press record was, and promptly put up more than 600 pounds. Of course steroids were not banned or tested for at the time.

          • Kerouac says:


            Dock Luckie was ‘not’ so lucky however, terms being NFL caliber. Drafted by the Chiefs in the 6th round 1981, Luckie had enormous strength that did not translate to enough success on the football field.

            Today, shear size has increased, but that in and of itself (the being bigger or stronger) has never, nor will it ever, translate into being better player than one from days yore simply because of said.

            Former NFL players comment ‘there are more fat guys’ playing today than yesteryear, and no doubt that’s true if one looks at the ‘blobs’ their bellies hanging over their belts try and play the game.

            I’ve yet to see a defensive lineman who matched the overall height & weight & strength of former Chiefs, Oilers & Chargers DT Ernie ‘The Big Cat’ Ladd. 6’9 325 (340 depending on # of pancakes eaten any particular day), ‘Cat’ could play.

            Also recall Oakland/Cincinnati DT Richard Sligh – he was only 7’0 and 300 + lbs. And how many 6’10 (6’8 3/4 to be accurate, but I digress) TE’s as former Chief Morris Stroud have come along since he was drafted 1969? He was not the best though, more so a journeyman talent, affirming there’s more to it than just size, strength, etc., yesteryear and still today.

            If by virtue being the bigger, stronger and faster player one was ‘better’, then track athletes & too weight-lifters galore would over-populate sports rosters. Alas, the long list of failures regards the above ascribed, legion.

            And of course we’re not talking about the entire population the planet playing in the NFL/MLB, so the fact humans have grown taller or heavier or stronger isn’t a matter ‘end of argument & all hands down.’

            There has always been only so many roster slots available – today, extra teams & players various sports ‘of necessity’ demand bodies be employed just to meet the requisite criteria… that it takes many more players to fill rosters/teams – fillers, like a CD with but one decent song & all the rest cr@p – makes clear it is not ‘the best of the best’ today these bloated teams /rosters, in the same way was ‘best of the best’ yesteryear, far fewer teams/players each.

            And if one doesn’t believe such ‘watering down’ the talent level doesn’t impact statistics players and yes even Championships* won teams, today, compared those yesteryear, one is either a very naive or stupid person, indeed.


  8. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    You’re driving around town and you see some delusional old guy with a dirty, grey, stringy beard holding a sign that says “THE WORLD IS GOING TO END TOMORROW.” Two days later, you see the same guy holding the exact same sign.

    Do you try to convince him why he was wrong or do you realize why he is standing there in the first place and just keep driving?

    Move along, folks. He’ll still be standing there tomorrow with that same ‘ol sign.

    • miket. says:

      yep, yep, yep… agree. i can scroll faster than i can read. comes in handy sometimes.

    • Kerouac says:

      More important the question ‘why’ you’re driving around town… looking for the exit? On-ramp that elusive legit Championship? Two days later, still driving and still looking/watching/reading, him…


      • kriskle says:

        Maybe he sees him every day on his way to work? You know, a job? Unlike people who spend their days, every day. begging for attention with multiple posts every day such as at 7:46 a.m., 8:37 a.m., 2:13 p.m., 4:44 p.m., and 4:51 p.m.?

        Then notes hypocritically how much time others spend on Internet comboxes?

        • Kerouac says:

          Ahh, the joys of retirement, decades ago; only the ‘little people’ work, shorty – & the legit Championship-bereft…


  9. Stomper says:

    Hearne, the aerial shot of the crowd at Union Station looks almost as big as the Plaza Lighting Ceremony. 🙂 Maybe you should check into who does the crowd estimates and how they do it. Must be some intrigue in there somewhere.

    • kriskle says:

      Remember that not everyone who was along the parade route downtown went to Union Station. A lot of them did, but not everyone.

      Still, if you look up photos of the entire area between Union Station and the Liberty Memorial absolutely jammed, they could be off by half, but that is still one hell of a lot of people.

      • KCMonarch says:

        And we’ll likely not see that kind of response again in our lifetime. Virtually everybody I spoke to down by Union Station was thrilled to be part of it but the prevailing sentiment was “never doing this again.”

        • miket. says:

          my wife works at the WW1 museum. of course they got slammed. sold out of food, water, soda pop… medical calls all day long, too (minor, fortunately).

          she got home (late of course) and declared, “once every 30 years is enough!”

          don’t think i saw her look so exhausted. and she’s used to long hours and big events.

    • CG says:

      Nobody that matters does the estimate..clearly 850 thousand is silly no way..but 300 thousand plus in all of midtown including Plaza,P and L, parade, Union Station, on YES…I think so.

  10. Rainbow Man says:

    I just can’t handle the crying. Steven St. John crying is, in my opinion, fake and somewhat strange. Really? It is like a contest to see who is the most passionate fan on 810 radio? The sappiness is starting to get old. I am not going to sit here and tell my stories about the radio in the yard with dad and blah blah blah… But I am a good Royals fan… and I am damned happy they won. followed close… stuck through the lean years… But crying? Christ. We should celebrate the bejesus out of this victory but the competition to become the next Tuesday’s with Royals Morrie star is killing me.

    • Alphonse Tooty says:

      And SSJ was so exhausted from being the most compassionate Royals fan that he just couldn’t make it to work the day after the parade. Maybe he should have gotten some sleep insted of Periscoping drunk from PP&L after the parade? I also tired of Bukaty working in the fact that unlike their competition, WHB is locally owned. How is that relevant to the Royals winning the WS? But I enjoyed the media coverage of the parade and rally very much. High entertainment. Even when Johnny Gomes went all WWE.

  11. CG says:

    Again tons of interesting comments. Welp I tried to do a feel good but as usual ends up the ‘hate’ session from our comment guys for the most part….always does….so some cried, some think other teams were better, some wonder was 200 thousand, 500 or the insane mayors 850 thousand, really, hah, lets say 2 million feel better…point is it was a great day for KC…Thats all….the Royals are a model pro team, no question, that’s all…do I live and die with them…NO…kids do and people who want someone else to make them feel better do, I understand that…I was that way with our teams as a kid and young adult…today its a different vision to each person…I have friends who are wealthy who live and die with our teams and friends who make ten bucks an hour feel that way too…so its different strokes for different folks….and as Harley says “you are a fair weather fan” well he’s in many ways right…teams and things change weekly daily and if I see it I report it…I hope for the best but normally its not…THE ROYALS WERE BEST EVER THIS YEAR..nice to see that once in several decades…simple as that.

    • miket. says:

      i can’t speak to the veracity of what i heard this morning on 610, but fescoe reported that the team, yost, moore all had dinner with david glass the night of the parade. he reportedly told them that (I’m paraphrasing) he wasn’t going to be one of those teams that reaches this level, only to dismantle it piece by piece in trades and free agency.

      if true, could this royals team, who’ve won this city over and gained thousands of more fans across the country, including jaded east coast sportswriters, perhaps won david glass over as well?

      from looking at him, you’d have a hard time thinking that dude ever has any fun. maybe these past two years he realized owning a winning team is… fun and worth ‘keeping the line moving.’

      • CG says:

        Nice to hear that. Today they released Alex Rios and Guthrie. Understand why, money, age, got all they could from them, both had moments, especially Guthrie..but mid 30’s and up big salary..Royals need it to keep others..

        As for Glass you may be right. However keeping some of these stars will be tough over huge money and bright lights big city..especially Eric Hosmer,maybe Moose who will be big bucks and still very up and down..I don’t know where we are on contracts for Wade Davis and other pitching stars..I now Sal signed a long term contract for low bucks compared to his value…but sadly money and big city lights and dreams may take some of these guys away no matter what. I do see the Royals as next years team to beat in the American League again. I think barring injuries and bad luck the Royals should walk away with division title back to playoffs then who knows…it could be the last year of this with losing guys like Hosmer, but maybe a young guy will show up again..never know…hey the Brett Royals lasted ten years as a dominate team..but Brett stayed..too early to tell the long story…

        • miket. says:

          wade davis still on board, someone else too but forgot the name. they could still have gordon back. wants to test the waters, see what he can bring for real, or maneuver for a better deal from the royals? we’ll see.

          all in all, i’d rather they keep zobrist and chris young and hope they do.

    • Frank says:

      The Royals won the world series for the first time in 30 years and 4 days later, the only thing that matters is a number. A week from now, it will all be Chiefs talk and how unlikeable these Royals players really are from the likes of TJ Carpenter and how Soren Petro never wants to talk to a baseball player again.

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