Paul Wilson: When the Media Gets it Wrong – Intentionally

church door fireThe headline on the popular web site, U.S. Uncut, reads, “Racists in Ferguson Burn Down 5 Black Churches in 9 Days.”

Uncut describes itself as “a decentralized direct action group in the United States established in February 2011 to combat corporate tax avoidance and highlight cuts to social spending and public sector jobs.”

But they seem to have at least partially left that mission behind in an effort to fan smoldering racial embers.

Accompanying this inflammatory headline is a picture of a church, fully engulfed in flames.

The first anomaly you notice is when you click on the lede, the actual story pops up as – “5 Black Churches in the Ferguson Area Have Burned Since Last Week, Media Shrugs.” So immediately you are moved away from the National Enquirer style lede to a more subdued story line.

No longer are there “racists” in Ferguson doing the damage or idea that all the fires are in Ferguson.

The story says major media have been silent about this “latest wave of racist violence.”

It is true that five churches have had fires in the last 10 days. Actually, a sixth was added to the list on Sunday. It’s also true that, for the most part, these have been fires set at the front doors of the churches where there was minor damage.

And, they are indeed intentional, as St. Louis Fire Capt Garon Mosby said,  “It is arson,”  “These are being intentionally set.”

northside mb churchMost of these fires are taking place in North St. Louis, near Ferguson, where racial tensions have been high since the shooting of Michael Brown. And, not all these churches are black. Two have white pastors and are very diverse in nature with both blacks and whites worshiping there.

But those facts dilute the message Uncut is trying to deliver.

On October 8th, the first fire was set at the Bethel Non-Denominational Church. Between October 10th and October 14th, New Northside Missionary Baptist Church, St. Augustine Catholic Church, and the New Testament Church of Christ. Saturday, a small fire was set at the New Life Missionary Baptist Church and on Sunday and at a 6th church not included in the original story. All six churches are within three miles of each other.

In an attempt to add fuel to the fire, Uncut adds, “As the Black Lives Matter movement gains momentum and power, the backlash from white supremacists appears to be intensifying.”

When you leave the news story and head for the comment sections, the vitriol intensifies. “It’s the KKK.” “What if these were Muslim churches, there would be hell to pay but no one cares since they are black churches!”

Violence of any kind is uncalled for; racist acts of any kind, even more so.

But racism cuts both ways. In talking to locals with connections to the investigation, it seems among those being considered suspects is an unidentified 30-something black male. Motive? To generate more hatred and animosity in the community.

Why manufacture news whose sole intent seems to be to make race relations worse?

And in the end, what do you do with this story if it’s found the fires are all connected to a black man attempting to keep racial tensions at an all time high?

Can it look any worse than the original riots, burning your own neighborhood in protest for your own people being treated unfairly. Yes, if that’s what they find here, it’s a whole new, shameful, low for our society.

We have all the problems we need, why manufacture more?
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22 Responses to Paul Wilson: When the Media Gets it Wrong – Intentionally

  1. the dude says:

    Print the legend.

  2. LanceTheIntern says:

    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

    “When the legend becomes fact… print the legend” – Maxwell Scott (Carleton Young)

  3. DiscoStu says:

    Of course Paul Wilson does exactly what he is decrying…

    > In talking to locals with connections to the investigation, it seems among those being considered suspects is an unidentified 30-something black male.

    Of course you offer no proof of this. No source. Just a completely baseless claim that will undoubtedly ignite those who already believe the claim you posited.

    But it is OK when you do it, Paul? Of course not. Thy name is hypocrite.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Hey, Stu, of course there’s no proof. I think my wording was “…among those being considered as a suspect is a 30 something, unidentified black male.” “Consider” indicates nothing more than a thought, as a “suspect” indicates, SUSPECT and “unidentified” wraps it up telling you they have nothing other than what they said.
      I offered that asking the question, if they came to pass, what would it do to the rest of the lede, as written by Uncut.
      In case you don’t read for content, it’s not accusatory, rather thought provoking.
      If that’s hypocritical, so are you; no one named Stu is into disco.

      • chuck says:

        Race hoaxes are common and once exposed, there are no apologies.

        Like Ahab hunting the Great White Whale, the Liberal Media is on constant alert for the Great White Defendant.

        • Keroauc says:

          I must be racist for reading that article Chuck, because it resonated with me (just as similar stories told me by my late father during my youth; he was an police officer and polygraph examiner, military & later civilian sector… the stories/lies never change, only the datelines.

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            I don’t feel like a racist for writing it, but I do feel like an insomniac for reading your comment.

          • Keroauc says:

            (Filed under the category ‘how many names can I comfortably fit into a single, brief paragraph’), nod ‘you can’t get there from here’ and Dandy Dan Rather’s ‘what’s the frequency, Kenneth?’, Kerouac was specifically referring to the article Chuck provided a link to… enjoyed your article as always PW; get some more sleep…


      • DiscoStu says:

        Your attempts at “thought provoking” (LOL!) was just you being a hypocrite. You obviously don’t know what that word means…

        > If that’s hypocritical, so are you; no one named Stu is into disco.

        Good one! LOL! You are so laughably old and lily white and laughably/pathetically ignorant.

        I love old white men as they provide comedy in perpetuity — always playing the role of victim and the downtrodden. You play your role well.

      • uhou eaarley says:

        were there large antennas….blacksmiths…..bands forming A
        pen**……slip and slides…..and the rest of the lifted boring
        zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….articles we’re forced to read
        that are written like the “stalker” story.
        God please help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Orphan of the Road says:

    The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and shithouse stalls.

    Is there a solution in your story, Paul? Does the American public hold these independent “news sources” to a higher level than the MSM? They must because the MSM commits these fouls by the hour with little correction.

    The downfall of the American Journalist can be studied entirely in one person, Jerry Rivers. Of course you good people know him by his stage name, Geraldo Rivera. He began broadcast news’ decent down the rabbit hole by setting shots for news reports, staging events, ect.

    And as HL Mecken observed, “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

    And of course the old Goebbel’s meme, a lie is as good as the truth as long as you get someone to believe it.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Orphan, I agree with you about 75% of the time. But regardless of the other 25%, you ARE the resident authority on HL Mecken. Hands down, you win.

  5. CFPCowboy says:

    The truely sad point is that not a single looter has faced prosecution, and the gentleman calling himself the Attorney General wants to be governor…really? Of course, Ferguson destroyed itself. No business wants to rebuild, and insurance rates for doing business in Ferguson preclude it. Church burnings are wrong, as well, and need to be prosecuted, but they won’t be unless our AG gets off his brains and does something. When laws are not enforced, city, county, state or federally, compliance becomes, first optional, and finally non-existent. It may not matter if it is spitting on the sidewalk, but it makes a big difference in robbery, theft, assault and battery, rape, and murder. Pardon me, but our AG is being paid to enforce the law, and if he can’t do that right, he does not deserve a promotion. I know that Stomper will think I’ve lost my mind, but the last Cass County Prosecutor, presently running for AG would be a great addition to the office. That’s right. She is not, and never will be a Republican. At least I’m not S predictable as Harley and Stomper. This morning, it was reported that 53% of the kids released from juvenile detention in Missouri come back as adult offenders to Missouri prisons. Yes rehabilitation is neede, but in the striving of lighter sentences, perhaps we have forgotten to prtect citizens from crime, something detention was supposed to do. We just need for laws to be enforced, all of them.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Great comment and right on the money.

    • chuck says:

      The Department of Justice is a politicized, enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, that, in conjunction with the “Black Lives Matter” insurgent/brown-shirts in the streets, thugs, continue to warp the definition of the “Rule Of Law” and encourage violence, dysfunction and spread fear. The Progressive base, properly excited, votes for their “Bread and Circus” rewards. Wash, rinse and repeat.

      Federal Law, will never be enforced against the Left, because, the Fed, is, the embodiment of the Left.

      The actual, real time, boots on the ground decisions, to enforce or ignore criminality is made, with few exceptions by Liberals who populate the Federal Government. Minorities are 29% of the work force in the Federal Government. They are a solid, lock step supporter of Democrat policy. If we take the rest of the work force and pretend, that it is 35% Conservative and 35% Liberal, then the obvious bias for Democrats is apparent.

      In my opinion, it is far worse. Those attracted to employment in the government, are not, would be Captains of Industry with few exceptions and are leaning as left as a pimp in a Deuce and 1/4 rollin on dubs on their first day in service. The Rule of Law and the Social Contract are part of the “Fundamental Change” wrought against traditional Americans and the traditional America we used to know.

      The Federal Government will not now, nor in the foreseeable future, prosecute the very people/thugs, that are actually de facto soldiers/insurgents in the “Struggle”.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        If the LEFT enforced what they really need to, it would be in direct conflict with their narrative…. We couldn’t have that!

  6. uhou eaarley says:

    Hey chuckles and winery and southy…
    did you see my girl Hillary just eat and spit out those republicans in that
    Here’s Harleys prediction you old white fogies…..HILLARY TAKES THHE
    CROWN IN 2016 AND IN 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You all look like jokes and in your lifetime you will never see another
    rethug president and you will never be on the right side of any issue!
    racism isn’t so bad here….Obama just gave guys like chuckles the vile racist
    and big bear a target to attack.
    11 hours she took on those morons in the rethug party! What a freaking mess
    you boys have created.
    Not one of you old guys could have kept up with her….you would have
    keeled over from a heart attack.
    your opinions are always wrong…..stop the b.s…………….!

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