Hearne: Star Whiffs on KU Frats Carting Unconscious Coeds to the Frat House Story

drunk-uni-college-girl-passed-out-marker-pen-prankRemember when cutting edge Kansas City Star columnist Mary Sanchez swacked that two bagger a couple weeks back?

Where in a single column she exonerated K-State’s band for its marching penis formation, then served up a non sequitur chastising everybody for not focussing instead on a spate of on-campus robberies.Huh?

As if paying more attention to the more mundane robbery reporting should have blotted out the higher profile football fuss.


So then where were Sanchez and the Star last week when a Lawrence news story headlined, “Police stop men taking unconscious women to KU frat houses” broke?

Um, nowhere I can find, so let’s take a look.

“Officers patrolling the Oread neighborhood as part of the Lawrence Police Department’s Fall Safety Initiative have encountered a series of troubling alcohol-related activities since Kansas University’s fall semester began in August,” begins the front page story in the Lawrence Journal World.

“Police spokesman Sgt. Trent McKinley said that over the past several weeks, officers on two occasions have witnessed groups of men taking unconscious, ‘highly intoxicated’ women back to their fraternity houses after nights out on the town.”

imagesSounds pretty heinous, huh?

“The first instance happened on Aug. 29 during a traffic stop, McKinley said. An officer pulled over the car and found nine people — seven men and two women — squeezed inside. One of the women was unconscious from alcohol intoxication.

“The officer asked the others in the car if they knew the passed-out woman, and they claimed they did, McKinley said. However, they were unable to recall her name or address when the officer asked.

“The second incident occurred on Sept. 5 near the intersection of 14th and Ohio streets when an officer noticed a group of men attempting to lift an unconscious woman to carry her back to their fraternity house, McKinley said. Again, the men claimed to know her, but did not know her name.

“In both circumstances, the men told officers they were planning to care for the women back at their fraternity houses. However, officers assessing the situation instead stopped the men and called ambulances. Both unconscious women were taken to Lawrence Memorial Hospital for treatment of possible alcohol poisoning.”

However with no followup reporting by the Journal World readers such as Chad Steele assumed the worst without ever learning .

“How in the world is this not kidnapping? Carrying unconscious women back to their house and they don’t know their names? How is it “impossible to know the intentions men involved”? If a random creeper gets a kid off a playgound into their van their intentions are pretty obvious. This is sick.”

“Why weren’t kidnapping charges filed on frat boys present, or better yet charges against all the frat members?” echoed Paul Beyer. “Those frat members know exactly what goes on there with their brothers.”

“The notion that those frat boys were carrying the women to their fraternity house to help her doesn’t pass the laugh test,” added reader Richard Aronoff.

Reader Dorothy Hoyt-Reed urged the newspaper to do a followup to no avail..

“What did the police do with these guys? Did the the women know them when they woke up? Did they test for the date drug?”

And now, the rest of the story…

Turns out Lawrence police were far less suspicious of foul play than the Journal World front page story had seemed to indicate.

In fact, there was nothing on the surface to indicate the frat members were up to no good, McKinley says, adding, “technically it was a medical emergency and they were trying to help.”

As for taking the women back to their fraternities, what kid wouldn’t be wary of dropping a passed out woman off at her parents house or sorority, McKinley asks?

Two of the frat boys involved in the traffic stop were ticketed for “open containers”, but the designated driver dude was stone sober and not charged.

The bottom line:

“It did spur more conversation with the university,” McKinley says, which is investigating the matter further. However at this stage of the game, barring further informqation, the police portion of the investigation is o-v-e-r.

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29 Responses to Hearne: Star Whiffs on KU Frats Carting Unconscious Coeds to the Frat House Story

  1. HARLEY says:

    again…hearne…you make yourself look bad. who cares at kcc. Sanchez writes stories
    to please her bosses…not you.
    Obviously the Lawrence police department is full of incompetent officers (which I
    doubt) or you’re making something of nothing.
    We already saw your blog carry an apparently erroneious (and hilarious) story about
    ksu andtheir trombone section carrying out a conspiracy to make aband formation
    look like testicles. That was the funniest story of the year. And printed was this
    information came from a major k state alum and booster. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The star is a kc paper…no one cares what happens in Lawrence with obviously
    some drunk girls being taken to a frat house to sober up.
    You presume something is not right….but you have nothing to backup
    your claims.
    You said they should have dropped the girls off at their parents house or
    sorority….did you know where they lived….were they of age….what did you
    find out besides scrapping details from the journal world…apparently nothing.
    The driver was sober…they had open containers (imagine that in a college town…OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If the police with their investigation complete and finished believed there was
    nothing wrong…who are you with no knowledge of the incident personally
    to make aspersions as to the Lawrence police.
    Were the frat boys merely trying to help the girls? you don’t know.
    was there criminal activity besides open container….you don’t know….
    You and your investigative reporter have been wrong many many times
    on every issue you’ve taken up. And there ws no follow up on the stalker
    or the jewel thief or the hundreds of funny stories concocted by you and
    your boys.
    Please leave the police work to the pros….
    and by the way did anyone get stuck under the dash?
    were there big suv’s with huuugggggge antennas?
    did you find a ku alum to give his two cents….
    were there any trombone players in the car and where they legal
    carry trombones?
    Was there a mapped out plan on where to drive to.
    Was the band involved.
    Was the Jayhawk costumed guy at the scene?
    was don fambrough questioned.
    where was bill self?
    what was the name of the bar….glaze wants to know (hahahahahah)
    thanks…but no thanks….please stop this silliness!

    • admin says:

      Don’t take this the wrong way, Harley but…

      I think I’ve figured out your problem – one of your problems anyway:

      You can’t read!

      Either that or your ability to comprehens and recall what you’ve just read is so poor that you get everything all mixed up in that once-upon-a-time steel trap mind of yours. And the ensuing distortion causes you to make ridiculously inaccurate references and assessments to the stories you (presumably) just read (or tried to read).

      Honestly, I don’t mean to come off as critical, because it seems evident that you have little to no idea that you suffer this condition. Perhaps a close loved one could help you to get help.

      Just a thought.

      Because it wasn’t KCC or Paul Wilson who masterminded the exclusive coverage of the K-State penis probe. Nor was it KCC who apologized on behalf of the band and suspended the director, etc. Paul merely tried to have some fun with the story which was already out there pretty much everywhere in the media and social media.

      BTW, the Star very much does care what happens in Lawrence – just as it cared enough about what happened in Manhattan that Sanchez (and the news side) wrote about.

      Also, I wasn’t the one who presumed something was not right about the frat boys taking passed out drunk women back to their frat houses late at night. The Journal World blew the whistle on that one (did you miss their headline?) and a number of Lawrence residents weighed in with the comments critical of the frat rats and the LAPD.

      That wasn’t me, that was me reporting on it.

      In fact, I was the only one to weigh back in with the police to find out what additional information was available, if any further action was pending and their take on whether the frats really were rats – which they did not appear to be, despite the Journal World’s inferences.

      All of which appears to have totally escaped you.

      I’ve got two words: Get help!

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Hearne, you’re smarter than that. Kitty Scrotum SCANS, he only SCANS… for basic content. Then he picks which of his 3 standard comments apply.

        1. Wilson’s lame jewelry robber story – Wilson hiding under his dash. Doesn’t matter how many times I tell him, that was YOUR story, not mine.
        2. Wilson said Penis, Penis, Penis how many times can he say Penis in the “made up” K State story?
        3. Harley is right, every time, all the time, 100% of the time, always.

        It’s old, its stale and the BEST was when he corrected my “grammer” a week ago! He writes with the skill of a handicapped kindergarten child, yet, graduated top of his class from MU J School.

        His outing will be a treat for all to behold.

  2. HARLEY says:

    by the way …was the pics of the girls taken at the scene…and the fan passed out on
    the lawn looks like someone we know! hahahahahah!

  3. miket. says:

    Harley, really dude, your obsession with KCC, Hearne, Wilson, et. al, is nothing short of bizarre.

    I know how much time it takes me sometimes to think about and write a reply to some of the stories on here, and I simply cannot fathom how much time you must spend writing diatribe after diatribe on story after story, day after day. You really must try to get a life outside of this one little corner of the blogosphere.

    Well, to each their own and ‘free speech’ and all I suppose, but doesn’t it bother you at least a little being a ‘blogstalker’?

    • HearARLEY says:

      not with these clowns!!!!!!
      its a circus…and all told…spend about 15minutes a day here..
      I write fast because my mind is razor sharp!
      And mike T….I am probably the most read commentator in this
      and other blogs…I write for others and do it so the truth is
      My comments are rfaast and to the point…..and as far as hearne…
      your the one who posted those pics…not me.
      What if that wasyour daughter.
      I know readership is down but going the way of tkc will not save your
      without me/glaze….you’d have nothing! Let the truth be spoken.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      You hit that nail on the head! He hates me, hates all my stories, but without fail, he represents 1/4-1/3 of the comments, regurgitating the same old lines.
      He borders on stalker mentality.
      Question: How else can I write a story and he has a comment up in three minutes?
      Answer: He hits REFRESH every two minutes.
      But rest assured, a really funny day is coming for him.
      Thanks, Mike, even when you disagree you’re even handed!

      • HearARLEY says:

        not quite…. you see my articles before I get hearnes
        approval…and you get to see what I wrote before its posted
        on site
        I see your articles also…..
        you’re dealing with a very very smart person with connections
        in the clouds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        you barely have a story about a pe*** up onlineand Harley
        is commenting on it actually before many people see it.
        If you wantto know how its done go to you tube!!!!!!!!!!
        its all in public view…………….
        or contact me at law4life1000@yahoo.com
        remember: momma was right sir

    • the dude says:

      You clearly do not know the harlinator like we do.
      He is a troll that spews venom nonstop from his hate bunker under the Overland Park Sewage Treatment Plant No.5.

      • Kitty Scrotum says:

        Hey,, Dood, I write fast …
        because my mind is razor
        .I am probably the most read commentator in this
        and other blogs…I write for others and do it so the truth is
        My spelling grammer
        and comments look bad because
        I’m so smart.
        Look at awl the great thinkerers, Socrotease, Instein, Jesus
        they all wroted badlie because they were
        two smart.
        If more peeple
        we’re smart az me it would bea more commun butt
        my level of Eye Que is sew rare most peeple don’t
        my style writerings and inteligunce.

  4. Frank says:

    These frat boys remind me of my dog. Every so often, he will come up the stairs from outside with some dead animal in his mouth wanting to bring it inside. He will act as if nothings wrong. I’m also reminded of all those nature shows where we see large animals dispatching their carcasses after a long hunt.

    • admin says:

      Funny, Frank…

      Been there done that on the dog trying to bring something gross into the house. But the Lawrence police really didn’t seem to be convinced of foul play here.

      I know, I know – where there’s smoke there’s fire…then again, don’t forget about those electronic cigarettes.

      There was another woman in the van with the seven dudes and passed out girl – a woman who said she knew the other girl but couldn’t say her name. And when the police sent the unconscious woman to the hospital, the girl who said she knew her didn’t even bother to go. She stayed with the frat boys.

      Go figure

      • Frank says:

        I’m not suggesting foul play. It’s just the idea of frat boys running around in a pack, just like animals, and picking up the easy prey, just like animals, and bringing the prey (likely diseased) back to the den, just like animals.

  5. Frank says:

    Oh, wait. I guess that is foul

  6. Jack Springer says:

    EVERYONE should know by now that the KC media – radio, TV, and the Star NEVER cover a negative story about KU.

    Nothing new here.

  7. KCMonarch says:

    I am not sure but I think that top picture is a early draft of the plans for KState band’s next halftime show.

  8. balbonis moleskine says:

    There is an organized group in this country who wants to demolish the fraternity system. They are winning because of hypocrites like you.

    Their boogeyman is rape and it is working perfectly.

    • Cottonball says:

      Paranoid much?

    • Trevor says:

      KCMonarch has a point. Where else in America do they often shut down an entire organization when a very small percentage of the group does something deployable? Then the 98% of the innocent people in the organization are evicted as well as the doors are barred shut. It’s time that they start punishing the individuals and not the entire group, unless they can prove the majority of the group is responsible for the actions. No where else in America is an overreach of “justice” served in this way. The college administrators take the easy way out by doing this because they can wipe their hands clean of the situation quickly and without any repercussions.

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