Paul Wilson: Republican Presidential Debate – Do These Guys Even Exist?

635705494395515207681353443_CHuseScUsAESCxBI knew going in that last night’s debate would be more than I could stomach…

Listening  from my home office was as close as I wanted to be to this train wreck. I could hear it as well as I wanted to from there.

I walked by the TV a couple times to see them all lined up in front of Saint Ronald’s retired plane. I wondered if it was strategic placement with The Donald and Ben Carson dead center? Then I had a momentary nightmare envisioning the plane with the TRUMP logo emblazoned on its sides and its name changed to Hair Force One.

Half listening with one ear, while the John Prine channel played on Pandora, I had another thought. Why wasn’t there any collusion between all the buffoons on stage to agree that, at the appointed time, they would all turn to Trump and say in unison, “You’re a buffoon and don’t belong on this stage!”

Even buffoons know one when they see one.

My Twitter was blowing up from people who felt they had to live tweet the event. You know, in case you didn’t have your own opinion of what was going on.  Then a soon-to-be-erased, mid-debate Ann Coulter tweet caught my eye;

“How many f–ing Jews do these people think are in the United States?” 

I’m assuming, based on her comment, she thought there had been an inordinate amount of pro Israel jibber jabber.

59c1d0f2ff26b413ce1fd2bd9880f930Ann, you’re smarter than that, aren’t you? 

The candidates aren’t pandering to the Jewish vote or viewers. Those comments are carefully aimed, with laser like precision, directly at Evangelical Christians? Why? Because each and every one gets spun up about Israeli issues based on the Book of Revelation end times prophecy. That rhetoric resonates with the Gentiles as much or more than the Jews.

But back to the story…

For three hours the cluster droned on and on. It was the broadcast equivalent of waterboarding. The only benefactor being SNL which will have material for 25 skits.

Eleven candidates, side by side and none of them look like a President – nto yet, anyway.

I’ve always assumed these debates were staged – that the candidates had a hint of what the questions would be. But I was proven wrong last night. Just when you thought this painful marathon was coming to a close, they pulled one out of left field. No one saw this question coming or the candidate’s answers would have been better. More thought out.

What nickname would you want to be called by the Secret Service?

Jimmy Carter was called Lockmaster. Ronald Reagan, Rawhide. Bill Clinton was called “Eagle” as opposed to versions of ManSlut because the FCC won’t allow certain words on the radio waves, even if you are the Secret Service.

Chris Christie said he wanted to be called “True Heart.” I would have guessed “Biscuits and Gravy” or maybe “Toll Booth.” 

John Kasich went for “Unit One.” My money says that’s most likely what he calls his man part as well.

Carly Fiorina went with “Secretariat” after just having bitch slapped Trump over his “look at that face” comment. She brilliantly neutered him in the debate over that remark, stating she was sure all the women of America knew exactly what he meant when he said it.

So then why name yourself after a horse 10 minutes later?

Much to the delight of KCC’s short bus commenter, Scott Walker picked “Harley.” I have nearly 100 emails from readers this morning saying Harley is now bragging that Walker is one of his biggest fans, “dis3iples” and readers. 

Jeb-Bush2Jeb Bush chose “Ever-Ready.” I’m not sure where that came from and, frankly, there’s no way to make that any funnier than what it is.

Donald Trump wasted no time offering a tongue in cheek response of,  “Humble.” Totally appropriate, as if he needed a bigger slice of that pie after the spanking he took from Fiorina.

Ben Carson picked “One Nation.” That’s a poor nickname for two reasons. First, we are a long way from “one nation.” Second, I’d wager 85% of the black voters don’t even consider you black, so you have your hands full, sir.

Ted Cruz wanted “Cohiba” in honor of a good cigar, I assume, while Marco Rubio threw some respect to Florida sports fans with “Gator.”

Mike Huckabee elected “Duck Hunter” because “I’d go to Jail for Kim Davis”
used way too many words.

And Rand Paul, chose “Justice Never Sleeps.”

Really? This conjured visions of him as a superhero, dispensing Libertarian hope to the masses with Trump as his Kryptonite.

John Kasich had a name, I don’t remember what it was, much like the rest of his campaign no one knows anything about.

And now we get a small break with the fervent prayer that the next debate will have half this many people.

Will Trump’s tent start to collapse? ABC’s poll says 60% of ‘merican’s say he’s not capable of being President. But I’m pretty sure he thinks they’re all idiots and is counting on the other 85% who are in his corner….
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40 Responses to Paul Wilson: Republican Presidential Debate – Do These Guys Even Exist?

  1. Kerouac says:

    Now that we’ve seen a couple hours worth Jeb’s ‘energized’ pose last night, almost looks criminal (if not Presidential) his picture above… the face of constipation (politically too).


  2. harley says:

    yes Wilson….I am noted throughout the nation. But walker is a slut like some
    other peoipe I know…and is a buffoon.
    My twitter account with over 15000 followers blew up and I near regurgitated
    when this low life/worthless/Koch bought and paid for buffoon mentioned my
    name as did my followers and disciples.
    this morning I put out my response to that line by the worthless and soon
    to be ex candidate for prez by saying:

    SHOVE IT UP YOUR _______!

    as for Wilson…thanks for the ink….as I said Governor walker is one of my
    many followers/disciples/readers. Unfortunately he didn’t take my advice on
    such influential blogs as red state/huffington post/ TPM and others which
    reach a combined 8 million readers.
    Had mr. walker listened to me and stayedin Madison he wuldnot be
    at 1 per cent in the race and probably stealing money from his little office
    like the rest of the other candidates have done.
    Mr. Trump will soon cut his down to size if walker lasts another month.
    His money has dried up ….just like his old ladies _____________________!
    again wislon….you wish you were Harley….but you never will.
    The best you can hope for with articles like this is that you’re the first
    comic of 10 at standfords. Not even funny. Just typical garbage we have come
    to expect.
    Shalom…and to answer your question…I think there’s about 6-7 million jews
    running America right now.
    Your friend and confidant

    • Stomper says:

      And I thought Walker said “Harley” because the Harley-Davidson headquarters are in Wisconsin. Guess I need to get out more.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Of course that’s what he meant, but its not how Harlis took it! Cause you know, he IS the most interesting man in the world. Oh, and the most accurate.

  3. harley says:

    TRUMP IS RIGHT….look at that face…..even glaze would turn that down
    at 3 a.m.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        That boy does like to hear himself talk, huh? Business mogul, prognosticator, hates everything I write but reads EVERY last word at eff’ing midnight and is always 1/3 of the total comments.
        I’d call that fan boy status, Hillary.
        And when you go down, he’ll have 100 reasons why he knew it all along, predicted your loss on HufPo and all the other “national” blogs he writes for, but just punked the idiots of KCC.

        • harley says:

          so far batting 1000…..I don’t think you or glaze
          or anyone else is batting that good.
          and I’m always right which irks you to know end.
          surprised we didn’t have a follow up investigation
          about the k state students who marhed out of line
          to form testicles. That was your story ….
          Whoever gave you that info knew you would fall for
          it…like the rest of the stuff written on here.’
          I suggest you and sundy get on that conspiracy story
          because its typical of what is found on stories
          on kcc.
          thanks for mentioning me…remember you mentioned
          me first and yes my ytwitter blew up and so did
          my emails with people giving me a laugh.
          of course you and the rest of your right wing prez
          candidates give me much material to make fun of.
          the bar…the antennas…the stalker…etc etc…they
          have made for incredible stories of someone who
          needs to get in touch with reality and the real
          have a great day and I look forward to more comedy
          and laughable comments from you and your fake
          named dudes…..

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            ” I’m always right which irks you to know end.”

            Know? No?

            What are you J Grad, a first grader?

            No, you’re not always right….and you irk me to (too or two) NO end at all. You (or ewe) should KNOW that. I’m just glad you’re such a fan boy that you can’t NOT (or knot) read (or reed) every word I write (right).

            It’s impressive how you comment 5-10-15 times per story, you’re (your) so (sew) attention starved. Have a nice weekend, Kitty Scrotum.

  4. chuck says:

    The comment that received the biggest applause, was Jeb Bush’s Orwellian comment that his brother, “Kept us safe”.


    Bush-Cheney’s galactic international blunder, created a vacuum in the Middle East that promoted Iranian hegemony and increased Iranian power. The enemy of our enemy was fighting out enemy and we destroyed the balance of power. Trump was right and should have reemphasized his point, the Bush-Cheney war is still costing us blood and treasure and is now destabilizing Europe. Bush-Cheney gave us Obama, the most radical, racist, Fascist President since Lincoln.

    Trump was also, the only one on the stage not rattling sabers at Russia. Unbelievable. Our Russian Foreign Policy over the last 25 years, is a study in ignorance and counterproductive measures, that, when seen in hindsight, is a miasma of failure and missed opportunities. I think I remember one of the candidates mentioning positioning more missiles in Poland, to aim at Russia. Sickening. really, we are still, after all this time, using threats of “Rockets to Russia” in order bend the Russians to our will. At least Trump said he could work with Putin and would get him on the phone. Christ on a crutch, it was the “Hunt for Red State October” up there.

    The idea, that we would even consider, launching ICBM’s into Russia and that republican Candidates would countenance it in a Presidential Debate is mind boggling to me.

    I like your article Paul, but I think Ann Coulter is a hero who tells it like it is.

    The CNN format, was designed to diminish the candidates and create rancor amongst them. It worked. Lay down with CNN Dogs and get up with Liberal fleas.

    Carly was bitten too, but still shined in my opinion.

    When they asked that stupid question, all of the candidates should have told that condescending pri*k to shove it up his azz.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      This will sound like me talking out of both sides of my mouth, but I’m really not. I’m 100% behind the Trump Circus! We are so far away from leadership that takes a stand, popular or not, that we don’t even know what it looks like! I think we need a public figure that’s willing to stand up in one of these mindless negotiation settings where NOTHING happens and say, “Screw ALL of you, call me when you want to make something happen!” Someone who tells China or Japan what a trade imbalance looks like and shows THEM how import taxes work!
      I thought Carley did great and I agree with your comments. There’s only about four people who should be on that stage and Rubio is one of them!

      • chuck says:

        Panaceas by definition are usually over simplifications, but you mention Japan, our close ally and it seems, we could trim 5 Trillion off of the 19Trillion dollar deficit, doing what we do so well. We owe Japan 3 Trillion, why not send F22’s, LA Class Subs, Air Craft Carriers and all the bullets we can manufacture to them. This offsets Chinese power in the Western Pacific and doesn’t endanger any American lives. For that matter, the Vietnamese hate the Chinese, we can make some “Sweet Moola” on that sale too. In addition, the Kurds are crying for arms to fight ISIS and are, again, high quality allies in the Mid East.

        The world economy, craves stability, as does all economies. We no longer have the same vital interests that we used to have in the Mid East. Fracking. If Putin wants to go into Syria, God Bless Him. Send him help. I in no way, believe that Russia is interested in sponsoring global terror with their new buddy Iran. They are as exposed as the rest of the west to Islamic Terrorism and the concomitant agony it brings.

        If we could climb into Michael Fox’s DeLorean and go back to 1979, we sure as hell wouldn’t send surface to air missiles to the Mujahideen, we would help the Russians contain and destroy the Taliban.

        Just sayin…

      • admin says:

        The problem with Carly is two fold:

        Her track record with HP was indisputably awful and if anybody bothered to Google stories about her, they would see that she’s an expert, shoot-from0-the-hip bullshit artist with a track record of not being able to back it up.

        And second, all that saber rattling was borderline scary. Looked to me like she was trying to show the boys that she can play the role of tough chick. But her suggestions when scrutinized were shallow and superficial…if hawkish sounding.

        • Harley says:



        • Harley says:

          congrat admin….secretariats a$$ is a loser…lost
          in California…..laid off 100,000 people then bought
          a yacht.
          But you’re right…she was just another clown
          on stage that night. Id not seen so many
          comics on stage since I saw glaze and his group
          of old comics on stage years ago in Westport.
          And to think that someone will vote for one of
          these goobers.
          I have never heard so many lies in the little time
          I wastched this show which should have been
          renamed “LAST COMIC STANDING”…..
          from trump’s lies about vaccines…the the high
          energy bush who put everyone to sleep…the
          dr. carson who sounds like a hypnotist…to
          Rubio who couldn’t get his stories about his
          family coming from cuba/mexico/aruba/ or
          wherever the hell they swam from right…or
          rand paul (who was right about a few things) using
          the same gel glaze uses on his head….to the ugly
          broad (trump said it) who admitted she was
          “ugly” which is fine because she speaks the truth…
          to the dot head from india in the kiddy debate who
          wants to bomb Russia…to the pig Huckabee who needs the same diet that fat boy Christie was on…to the
          bridge that Christie shut down and will go to jail
          for… the rest of the creeps like cruz who reminds
          people of a kiddie porn collector…
          I mean wilsolong likes trump because he’s got
          his picture above his bed and prays that he’ll be
          a billioniaire like trump someday..
          but what a bunch of clowns….
          and after watching this clown comedy glaze should
          pay them each $500 to come to op and perform.
          What a bunch of losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          but yes hearne…you’re right about secretariat’s a$$/

    • the dude says:

      Yeah man, I think Jeb is straight from Bizarro universe. Does he really think most sane people here would share that comment? Nyet.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        I love how he took Trump to task when Trump said Bush’s WIFE helped formulate his immigration thoughts and ideas. Came out in the press accusing Trump of lying. Where did Trump get that idea? Oh, I don’t know, but it seems to have come from the first few pages of Bush’s book!

        • Harley says:

          you really need to turn channel wilsolong.
          maybe the JEFFERSONS were on tv land.
          It seems that you’d learn from watching that
          show than listening to bush and trump try to
          outdo each other.
          BOTH ARE WHAT WE CALL LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
          what a joke…and what a comment?

  5. CFPCowboy says:

    So, Paul you were upset by the questions asked by the debate moderators, as stupid questions get stupid answers? I heard, not saw, it also, traveling over I-70 from St. Louis to Kansas City, and believe me when I say that is the way to take in a debate. By the way, Jake Tapper said you were a blooming idiot, and I would like to get your opinion of Jake Tapper. Are you still kicking your grandmother and stealing her social security checks? In the first half of the tedious three hour session, we learned nothing. However, in terms of the second debate, we know the Republican candidates 100% more than we know the Democrat candidates, as they have yet to even have a debate. A majority of the Democrat candidates are not pleased by the schedule, and the anoited one is definitely headed for problems, especially those felonies governing the keeping of Official Secrets, lying to the FBI, and others. There is nothing we can do with the lack of intellegence in our Republican Legislature, so defending them is useless. Perhaps that is the reason Trump stands a chance. This early in the campaign, there is not much to say, except the leaders appear to be non-office holders, demonstrating the Republican desire to vote “none of the above”. Think it translates to votes for Hillary? Perhaps you need to give it a re-think. The best line between Republicans and Democrats comes from Oh Brother Where Art Thou, when going down the road with a bank robber, the idiot Republican says, “Friend, I think some of your folding money’s come unstole.” This is definitely the silly season.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      I agree. And no, my grandmother passed away and eventually the checks stopped short of any prosecution efforts.
      I’ve never been a Tapper fan, but he remained more composed than I expected. I honestly looked for him to go bat poop crazy on Trump, but alas, he did not.
      I’m still not seeing a Hilary win. But at the same time, none of the felonious investigations are going to stick. We now have pretty good insight that says Bhengazi was a full on gun running operation, but no one cares. Months of missing email, no one cares, but Nixon got the boot for how many minutes of missing tape?
      All the “investigation” is to make us feel like they care, feel like they are digging into the matter, but in the end, nothing will come of it.
      It’s a LONG way to Super Tuesday. There’s not going to be a clear picture till then.

      • Harley says:

        you ain’t seeing nothing!
        after seeing a man’s private parts in that band formation
        and printing the b.s. given to you by the famous ksu alumni
        about the trombone section moving their feet to make the
        formation look like testicles…sorry dude…you either
        need glasses or stop falling for such funny jokesters!
        still laughing about that story. You’re just way too
        remember…momma is always right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Stomper says:

    You nailed it, Paul, with regards to Ann Coulter. American Jews are far, far less supportive of Israel when compared to Evangelical Christians. American Jews and Israeli Jews are two very distinct groups and often differ on their politics. Her quickly deleted tweet on American Jews is just further proof that her comments are never based in rational thought and her goal of “Shock” is aimed at selling her books and getting invited on conservative television. Actually, it’s a great business plan.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Stomp, I’m not willing to utilize or profit from a “great business plan” if its based in a disingenuous premise. Ann, like Rush, have moved 100% into the realm of “entertainer” and should at least have the stones to say so. But, my guess is the low information voter, fan, devotee wouldn’t be swayed from their position even if they did.
      Thanks, as usual, for being the voice or opposing OR same side reason.

    • chuck says:

      Here is some information for ya, put Ann Coulter on the 10 dollar bill.

      • Stomper says:

        Why not the $5 bill and remove Lincoln. You’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid of the neo-confederate Thomas DiLorenzo for a while now. Lincoln as a “radical, racist, Fascist President”. 15,000 + books on him, and you buy in with that garbage. Please.

        • chuck says:

          It’s hard to hear you with Oliver Stone sittin on your face. You are not really pizzed about Lincoln, he is as dead as the Emancipation Proclamation, which, only freed slaves in the South as a political expedient. Lincoln hated blacks more than the Kennedy’s and that is going some. You are offended for my comments on Obama. They both trashed the Constitution and are tyrants.

          You and Harley, the world’s most perfect Liberal, should go burn some Confederate Flags and make us all safe from “Micro-aggressions”.

          The unquestioned concentration of power in the Executive Branch, no matter the antecedence, political affiliation or history of the Chief Executive is an invitation to rule by “Phone and Pen” and fiat.

          Sic Semper Tyrannis.

          • Stomper says:

            In answer to the question, Rubio, Cruz, and Trump all suggested Rosa Parks so I guess they won’t be getting your support. What’s next on your list of projects, the 13th Amendment? Maybe start your campaign of revisionist history by blowing up the right side of Mount Rushmore?

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            As soon as they said Rosa Parks I had flashbacks of the movie Barber Shop where, I think it was Eddy Murphy, playing the elder barber, decided to set the young, opiniated kids straight on historical facts and went on a three minute hilarious rant. Two key points he made, “….OJ Simpson – GUILTY! And Rosa Parks? She din’t do nuthin but sit her black azz down on a BUS!”

          • chuck says:

            Uh, yeah…, sure…

            I am gonna leave ya the field Stomper. I am moving and will be off line for a while.

            I actually expected you to tell me that Sic Semper Tyrannis meant I could “Keep my doctor”.

            Have a great weekend.

    • Harley says:

      stomp….maybe too much manchevitz on the holiday?
      another comment I disagree with you on. The American jews have not
      lost support of Isreal!!!!! What are you thinking? That’s our homeland.
      They lost support of BIBI and his hawkish positions.
      Read the polls stomp….do some research….bibi wanted to bomb Iran
      but key Israelis said no. Bibi wanted to drag the u.s. into the war using the
      special bunker busters and americans shedding blood and treasure
      from our nation. Bibi wanted to get American boots on the ground losing
      another 5000 brave americans in a war.
      Had it not been for Obama and Kerry and the other nations in our
      group….bibi would have wanted American ground troops fighting Iranians
      while Israelis stood behind and suffered no casualties…just as they
      did in Iraq and Afghanistan.
      Nostomp……we jews support isreal….it is bibi and his war mongering
      we disagreed with.
      Instead of more American blood and deaths in the mid east we negotiated
      with the Iranians and now there’s noweapons.
      The other side of the coin…if we did what you and the other war
      hawks wanted and had not come to some type of agreement…the Iranians
      would probably have completed their attempt to build a weapon by
      You are wrong. If you speak as a jew…speak for the jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      and remember….if we save one… (i’ll let you finish that statement because
      you’ve heard it before).
      Thank god we had Obama and Kerry and the top nuclear experts from all over the world plus our allies in the negotiations working onthis agreement
      …….how many more American lives have to die for someone elses problems.
      and do you have kids….if so ….send them to iran to fightQ!QQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\\
      I am tired of americans dying and being maimed for the lies and
      war mongering of politicians like bush and cheney… must end…and
      I pray to god it has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

      • Stomper says:

        Harley, Check out the work that Pew Research has done on this topic. Once again you seem to run off in rants without fully comprehending what you read. Absolutely, American Jews support Israel but not to the extent in many areas that Evangelical Christians do. It’s the Evangelical Christians that scream their support for Israel as the reason for their disdain for the Iran nuclear deal. Paul was correct in saying that the talk on Israel at the debate was aimed at getting the support of Evangelicals much more than the support of American Jews.

        Boehner invites Bibi to speak to Congress with the support of the Republicans. I’m surprised he wasn’t handing out yarmulkes. I think most American Jews resented that. The GOP still can’t handle the fact that Jews vote democratic.

        Harley, please try to focus on your reading comprehension before you attack those that support you. In your politics, I pretty much agree with your positions. Give it a little thought before you attack the few supporters you have here.

        And again, check out Pew Research’s work on comparing the views of American Jews and Evangelical Christians with regards to Israel.

        L’Shana Tovah. Shalom. CHILL.

  7. paulwilsonkc says:

    Harley, 9 rambling comments, that all say the same old thing on a story written by someone you claim you can’t stand, but hang on every word I write.
    You saying nothing new, ever. Don’t you get tired of your crap too?
    Jewel Thief – Hearnes story, not mine, but you’re learning challenged so I understand.
    JoCo Stalker story that went no where – dude was convicted.
    KState Penis story – carried by every sports network out there and they self imposed sanctions.
    Not only are you unbearably repetitive, you’re always wrong.

  8. rubio 2016 says:


  9. Libertarian says:

    The final buzzkill with repubs as far as I’m concerned, was Reaganomics, aka the best laxative this nation has ever seen.

  10. CFPCowboy says:

    I am not seeing a Hillary run, complete, as Justice is going to have to do something, even if it is charging her with a broken turn signal with respect to her limosine. Now, having determined that she actually deleted work e-mails in her purge (leaks from the FBI), we have a felony. I always try to find humor, and I think I may have found the pinacle of audacity from the souls calling for a woman President, Fiorina versus Biden. The diatribe would be so juicy, sexist, bi-assed, and even racist. We cannot elect someone with an Italian name… In any event, with the Pope’s failure in protecting the Little Sisters of Mercy or the biblical definition of marriage, we have a leader from a country all of whose leaders were never born in that coutry, the Vatican, proscibing immigration policy to the United States. Please do not overstay your Visa.

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