Glazer: And the Winner of Last Night’s Republican Debate is…

carly-fiorina-net-worth-how-rich-is-the-former-hewlett-packard-ceoWho won last night’s Republican presidential debate? Answer, Carly Fiorina

She’s now a player and likely will end up in second behind Donald Trump at some point and maybe as his VP. Although she jumped him hard on the face joke, she also was also somewhat respectful to Trump and kinda nice. She showed that she’s tough, has a plan more than anyone else, and even addressed our backward criminal justice system. She’s a winner.

Jeb Bush had some moments mostly about his wife being hispanic and Trump being a jerk for not saying he was sorry for putting her down – but he wouldn’t do it. Jeb also made his brother, George W look good. He got some nice responses. However Trump still smashed him down and Jeb is just a bit weak up there.

Overall Bush is a nice guy who just isn’t strong enough.

I think he may gain a bit not much.

Marco Rubio did well and should gain some. 

He too could be a VP for Trump. Rubio came across strong on the military and how he would be a strong leader. But he wasn’t very funny and didn’t have the chops of Forina or Trump.

trump-fiorinaBen Carson is a nice guy, but he seems to be fading.

Carson made no new news and clearly just doesn’t have the overall knowledge to be president. Maybe he could end up a VP to help pick up black votes while he gathers more experience.

Donald Trump is still the show. 

About 24 million people watched a kinda low level debate  last night ALL BECAUSE OF TRUMP. There really was no other reason to watch and otherwise CNN would have been lucky to break one million viewers.

However these are early debates with 1,000 people on stage are kinda lame. There’s just too many people. The first hour was all Trump – he’s the show – he’s the star.

Trump will continue to lead and looks to be the likely nominee.

Trump’s celebrity, combined with the anger of voters and his shoot from the hip style all seem to be working. He’s a super star and that’s that.

Nobody could take Trump down – at least not enough – thus he was the overall winner because he didn’t lose.

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21 Responses to Glazer: And the Winner of Last Night’s Republican Debate is…

  1. miket. says:

    “…looks to be the likely nominee.”

    oh come on, craig. that is such mindless crap. debates and media coverage this far in advance of the real race don’t count for a whole lot. so far he’s still more blowhard and bluster than serious substance.

    you can annoint him if he does well in Iowa and New Hampshire… and manages to still be alive after Super Tuesday. if he makes it that far as the front-runner, you’ll have a good case for the nomination.

    • harley says:

      GLAZE…PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU MOUTH IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Harley says:

      just got back from worst movie ever…and had this on my computer that
      I read while drinking a great rum and coke. This is just the first of many
      scams your boy has been a part of. Glaze/wislon/kerowacky/hearne/
      chuckles the sad clown….this is whats coming up….get ready…it will
      hit you harder than a middle linebacker who stole ball from chiefs!!!!

      IRS Busts Trump’s Phony Charity For Scamming Veterans, Revokes Its Nonprofit Status

      by Steven Bernstein • September 19, 2015


      Most of us are appalled by the things Donald Trump has to say. He has been very callous with his disrespect towards war hero John McCain while venerating our troops in the next breath. So it makes sense that he may have helped a shady veterans’ group raise funds that does not actually work for veterans’ advocacy. On Tuesday, he appeared on the USS Iowa in Los Angeles to accept an endorsement from a “nonprofit” veterans group, Veterans for a Strong America, headed by huckster Joel Arends. Arends’ group, according to the Associate Press lost its nonprofit status in early August for not filing tax returns, which would let us know how the group collects money and how it spends it. According to, the group presently has $30 on hand and $318 in debts, which might explain why they held a fundraiser rally featuring Trump as main speaker – charging up to $1,000 a person.

      Trump said, in front of 16-inch guns on the Iowa: “You know, Joel and the group called and they said, ‘Would you come over and speak?…I got here and they asked a couple of days ago would it be possible to come over and say a few words. An endorsement from your group, with so many veterans, hundreds of thousands of veterans, I really appreciate that, Joel. I did not expect it. I didn’t expect it, I didn’t ask for it. I will say this: I am with the veterans, 100 percent. They’re our greatest people.”

      Rachel Maddow points out, in the video below, it appears as if Arends is the only member of Veterans for a Strong America, and it is actually not possible to join this organization. Making matters worse, Arends was not only involved with a fake U.S. Senate candidate in South Dakota, he was also involved a phony super PAC scam in Texas, and he is currently under investigation in Arizona.

      All this information would have been easily available to Trump with a simple Google search – some bare minimum you might have expected from a candidate for the presidency. Or else he was entirely aware of their shady status and had no problem helping to raise funds for a shady organization.

      In addition, that simple search might also might have saved Trump some potential new grief, because AP reports: “Regardless of its legal status as a nonprofit, Veterans for a Strong America’s endorsement of Trump on the deck of the USS Iowa may also raise campaign finance questions. Under federal law, corporations are restricted to donating $2,700 either in cash or in-kind contributions to a campaign. But the event, which Veterans for a Strong America paid for, involved 850 attendees, putting the cost at roughly $11,000.”

      As many have said, Trump is an embarrassment to himself and this country and to the office he seeks.


  2. First Take says:

    I like Trump, but I didn’t think he had his best performance. He should have directed the discussion toward his tax policy. The only real policy he has laid out other than immigration. I still like Trump, but I don’t think yesterday was his best day.

    Rubio looked great.

    Jeb Bush, I thought, looked very well. He was knowledgable, and put forward a moderate platform. I think he is a great candidate at the wrong time. I would vote for Jeb, but he is not my number one.

    Ben Carson, I thought, was Ben Carson. I take issue with your comment that he didn’t seem to have “overall knowledge”. Ben Carson is a very interesting man. He was very interesting before he got into politics. I think you would really enjoy reading about his life and story, Craig. The man is certainly low on energy, but one thing his not low on is knowledge.

    Think about how he said he advised Bush after 9/11. He said “Kennedy-esque” referring to the way he rallied industry in the wake of the moon race. Ben stated that he expressed a point of view where American ingenuity could force the hand of middle east players through an oil play. I am not sure how familiar you are with the world energy markets. But in about 2002-2004, industry began to realize that they could claim American oil through unconventional methods. I am sure you have heard of it— Fracking. This has catapulted America to be the worlds NUMBER ONE oil producer. It is easy to say this in hind sight, but Ben was ahead of the curve on this one. Ben Carson is one of the most knowledgeable people on a variety of issues across the board. But what you know isn’t always as important as your ability to think critically and ACQUIRE knowledge. Ben may know nothing about a topic, but has an incredible ability to digest data/knowledge quickly. Not sure he is Presidential, but lacking in knowledge (and more imporatntly the ability to acquire and analyze data) he is not.

    In the end, though, I agree that Carly won that debate. She had the best technique, used her gender to her advantage (notice they had Dana Bash be the one to interrupt her in the beginning), and was very well prepared with plans and details.

  3. Kerouac says:

    Conclusion mine: ‘personality’ matters much as ‘substance’, nod ‘Love and Marriage’ voters and their President – “you can’t have one, you can’t have one, you can’t have one without the, other.” Nod Myron Cohen, “well, everybody’s got to be someplace”, candidates astage pay the price vying/being the public spotlight – potshots/anchors aweigh.

    Trump ~ some pizzazz, lots of money & a man smart enough to surround himself with the right entourage cabinet/advisors otherwise, nod Orleans – “you’re still the one.” If he isn’t ‘edumacated’ some issues much as some others, the question presents – where have the venerable types/their tacks gotten this country, of late? Latest affirmation a not so magical negro, make way the apprentice career politicians – “you’re fired!”

    Fiorina ~ nice legs, Carly; alas, (nod The Donald) not a face could launch 1,000 ships in war. Sexist compliment one/put-down aft aside, that she has no legs to stand on terms Presidency, fact. Don’t see her as VP either, but a cabinet position a possibility.

    Carson/Bush ~ the deux are antithesis passion and energy. Substance may both have – the right person for the job? Can you imagine either negotiating with a Putin or some other hard case? Think Reagan and H.W. Bush, then look at Ben and Jeb. Case closed (Ben & Jen are more feisty.)

    Christie ~ like a (George Washington Lane) bridge over troubled water, voters will lay thee hopes down Chris, trampled afoot/voting booth in lieu somebody/anybody else.

    Huckabee ~ a position in the cabinet likely his summit. A nice man & stately, if more erudite than dynamic (think Simon without Garfunkel.)

    Rubio ~ has a future, but it’s still years ahead of him terms anything as grandiose the Presidency.

    Paul ~ stay down, ye punchline/punching bag for yet another Trump joke/jab.

    The rest… Kerouac doesn’t have the heart (or care enough) comment further.


    – BRONCOS [2500] ~ Swiss Chiefs [call a timeout]


    • harley says:

      oh boy….another faceplant.
      you said trumpwas smart enough to surround himself with smart people.
      Yes 4 bankruptciesand it proves you’re surrounded by smart people who
      will be part of thebacklash against trump and his so called ‘GREAT BUSINESS
      or having the biggest cheater in the nfl history…the biggest lying cheat in
      nfl history right by his side…CHEATER BRADY……the only people he
      needed to add to that were Pete Rose (a cheater)….the black sox (cheaters)
      bellycheck (a cheater) and Robert kraft (a cheater)………………….oh and don’t forget mr. Icahn who did SOOOOOO MUCH FOR OUR GREAT CITY!!!!!!!!
      how ignorant can yoube?????????????? smart people.
      How about a guy who wants tosleep with his daughter….if that’s
      not sick….then glaze is the president of mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      please spare us this stupdidty!

      • first take says:

        What is interesting is that Trump is actually calling out a travesty in our economy. How we reward bankrupting companies with the Bankruptcy Code. Unfortunately, not many people in the US know about this “raping” of the middle class. Look at the current Alpha Natural Resources (ANRZQ), the third largest coal producer in the world. They made a 126 million dollar purchase and then defaulted less than 30 days later, failing to pay 103 million dollars to pay off a bond that had matured. So the company bought an asset, and then screwed over everyday americans that owned the bonds.

        Believe it or not, what Trump did with his bankruptcies is “smart business”, regardless of the morality. If you listen to what he is saying, he wants to change this travesty. The Chapter 11 process for corporations in America is set up as a get out of jail free card for over leveraged companies. Sell as much debt as you can, then when things get tough, or the debt becomes too much. File for Chapter 11, never repay the loans, and keep doing business as though nothing ever happened.

        Bankruptcy does not end a business. It is not like many people assume. It is a “protection”, bankruptcy protection. Notice how some of the largest coal producers are going bankrupt, but production hasn’t declined? How can this be? Because the business goes on and nothing changes, it is just a debt relief tool.

        I am not sure Trump is Presidential, but he is right that the corporate bankruptcy code is one big loophole to sell alot of debt and never pay it back.

        • Harley says:

          standing ovation for first take…and great info.
          but my sources tell me that trump made about
          100 mistakes over the years that will come bck
          to haunt him.
          the changes the repugs madein their nominating
          and primary process for prez will very much benefit
          trump and he could very well be their nominee.
          Winner take all primaries…clustering primaries
          in the south on 1 day….and the other changes
          made could make trump their nominee….I do
          hope so…although it could be a laugher in nov/16
          that even Harley would have to roll on the floor
          yes…trumpused the laws tgo save himself and his
          cronies money thru bankruptcy. In a debate someone
          could literally demolish his entirecanddidacy in
          just 5 minstues.
          I have seen what they have planeedfor mr. trump…
          and it will make romneys 47 per cent tape look like
          small potatoes.
          please glaze and Wilson and southy and whinery…
          please go out and support mr. trump…it will
          make November a snoozer….and trump will end
          up looking like a piñata when its all over…

  4. Stomper says:

    Thanks for putting this piece on last night’s debate out there, Craig. I think the opinions of those claiming to be republicans on who did well and who did not are more meaningful than mine but I agree that Fiorina came across a pretty solid. Carson is a sharp guy but just seems too nice and non confrontational to be President. Trump, being an outsider, is not held to the same standards in what he says as the politicians are so he gets away with his bluster while others would not. Other than his stupid comment on bringing his own water due to the drought, Rubio looked strong as well. As I’ve mentioned before, he is the guy that scares my democratic tilt. He is articulate, the camera loves him, and he can connect with the middle class with his story. If he would only move more to the center where he could actually draw votes from independents and moderate republicans in the general election, he would be a tough candidate for the democrats to handle in 2016. I actually thought Christie helped himself last night but he may already be too far gone. Same with Paul. Walker didn’t impress me but, again, what do I know? Miket. is right, if Trump is still in or near the lead after Super Tuesday, maybe he has a shot at the nomination but I don’t see it.

    In the end however, I still strongly believe that because the Republican party is so much controlled by the establishment, Bush is the guy at the end of the tunnel. Outsiders have a better shot on the democratic side since it’s far less establishment (I’m not a member of any organized political party, I’m a democrat. – Will Rogers) . The GOP needs to focus on the half dozen or so swing states and they include Florida-Bush (and maybe Rubio) and Ohio-Kasich. Jeb has the money, the support team, and the backing of the party establishment. All he has to do is not shoot himself in the foot for the next 6 months. It will be interesting to see where the money and support that each of the peripheral candidates have now, move to as they start dropping out.

    • harley says:

      you are full of bull cg.
      but I have to saythat stomper is catching up with you.
      With cg’s record of 0….yes 0….we must take into his account of 0.\
      you’ve been wrong on everything and now we can add your long boring
      assessment of mr kennedy to your long long list of failures.
      I know you like mr. trump because he appeals to your lack of
      any real substantial ideas about the world. Trump did not say one thing
      about policy throughout the debate except build the fence which an idiot
      knows will neverhappen….even with some as far off a you glaze.
      Mr. carson put itso true…if youbuild the fence…put it around119th
      and Metcalf so we don’t havetogo see such old comics.
      But mr. carson is so right…exempt agriculture workers from any
      program…and he’s so right. the farmers…who first are fighting a drought
      need theillegal migrant workers tgo pick vegetables (even carson was
      right to say americans won’t do it…go back and listen glaze)…but this
      anti immigrant foray that glaze is so in love with would be a absolute
      catastrophe for the entire nation that the $350 basket of food from cosco
      or wall mart (wherever you old peopleshop would jump to about $600)…
      and I have the stats to prove it.
      so glaze again …please stfu….
      stomper….you need to do some research. You are embarrassing whats
      left of the left wing on kcc…..Rubio has as mmuch chance of being
      president as glaze has as being grand potentate of the shriners local lodge…
      Please…I appreciate all your opinions but the facts remainthat its a long
      way to nov 2016…and after Hillary withstands some of the most ruthless
      mud slinging (by the wy…didyou hear oreally last week…said Hillary won’t
      have any problems…oreallly…the grand pooba of the oldwhite republicans
      in American…thefew that are left.
      So please…listen to the oneand only Harley…he is right…glaze is wrong…
      as for fire-rhino I have to agree with mr. trump….her face could sink
      a thousand ships…and hopefully with her prestige and bitchy attitude
      she should be ableto get her money back from the Mexican plastic
      surgeonwho hatcheted her face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Viva la America… la trump…because no one is hoping
      that trump wins the nomination more than Harley.
      Why? there’s about 100 hours of tape ready to be unleashed onhim
      with 2 billion dollars trhat will make 2016 one of the great landslide of
      American history.
      But I do agree with trump…lets get universal health care…bring back
      late term abortions….lets tax these wealthy guy s up to 90% likethe
      good ole days….lets all get richand havebeautiful women like he does….
      keep planned parenthood…..keep social security and medicare…..
      go after the hedge fund thieves.. andall the other republican (uh sorry
      I meant democratic programs he’s for). Hell if hedoes allthose things
      maybe hecan threaten Hillary to come tohis fourth wedding!!!!!!!!!!!
      AS far as prognostiators…there still is the oneand only Harley.
      sorry guys…..stop passing wind for the truth….you’re all way off.
      the only one with the facts and stats to back up his ideas…

    • harley says:

      nice article stomp/.

      at least throw in a joke or two to tell us something we don’t know.

    • harley says:

      the camera loves him? are you serious.
      the camera’s love trump with his funny facial expressions…his hand
      gestures…the way he faces someone when they insult him with his
      full body…the way he leans on the podium to show strength.
      stomp….body language is important….and the camera spent more time
      focused on trump even when he wasn’t part of the debate than any
      other candidates combined!
      As for bush…he’s a schmoe. When talking about foreigh policy he should
      have taken a toilet break. He’s a clutz just like the rest of these clowns.
      But more important himstanding on his tip toes was hilarious…next
      time he’ll wear elevator shoes like the clowns in ringling brothers.
      Or trump dumping on rand with his comments about rand’s looks.
      Lots of mature smart people there. Too bad they weren’t on the stage
      last night.
      That entire debate with trump getting 60% for the win is the saddest
      excuse for a presidential crowd ever seen. The only other laugher
      I truly missed was rick perry trying to count to three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Had he been there…this show would have been nominated by emmy
      awards for comedy special of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      What a bunch of mish mosh and lies…..but ya gotta give them credit..
      thos racist republicans did something nice for ben carson…they didn’t
      ask him to shine their shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Most Americans hover somewhere around the middle on all social issues. Until the Repubs realize they are on the wrong side of these issues, they will never get the “swing” votes they need from people that might agree with their fiscal policies but just can’t accept their social views.

    National polls show that the majority of Americans either don’t care about or actually support:

    Legalized Pot
    Gay Marriage
    Planned Parenthood

    Every person on the stage last night was against all 3. (Sans Paul on the pot issue) The MOST extreme being Huck & Cruz. More and more people are turning away from organized religion and aren’t interested in a candidate’s faith, especially when that faith drives their politics.

    • harley says:

      JIM…you had some great comments last few days…what
      this is old news!Q did youjust discover that most of America favored
      pot/gay marriage/and planned parenthood?
      one thing we agre with ….that fire-rhino….that loud mouthed horse (according
      to glaze’s choice trump) has the face of a southbound mule.
      And when glaze won’t do some broad…you know she’s bad!!! hahahahahaha

  6. the dude says:

    What is the world coming to when Paul (Aqua Buddha) is the most reasonable sounding person when it comes to foreign policy? Yikes.

    • First Take says:

      I happen to like Paul. In fact I am more politically aligned with Paul than I am with any of the other candidates. That said, Paul was hurt by Trumps ascendance in the race than any other candidate, less Jeb Bush. I say, “less Jeb Bush”, because Bush has more to lose than Paul. So only by virtue of being the front-runner, did Bush have more to lose than Paul. Paul is targeting the same constituency that Trump is targeting. If you look at Paul’s (even more so Ron than Rand) policy stances, they are wildly populist. Paul is rooted in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, and a belief of individual liberty over federal micro-management. Paul is pro-choice on marijuana and gay marriage. Paul is hard on immigration (notice how he agreed with Trump on birth right citizenship?), believing that the Constitution is for American’s and that being an American is an earned privelige that is passed down through the generations. I may not have a million dollars, I may not have 1000 acres, but I have American citizenship, and at the very least I will pass that special status to my children. Paul is an isolationist, and this plays into his immigration policy. We are the strongest military in the world with the weakest physical borders. We aren’t attacked, not because the attackers cannot get to us, but because of what attacking us would mean. In a previous life, where “lone wolf” attacks weren’t relevant, our geography left no need for strong borders. We had two oceans on the east and west, we had canada to north, and mexico to the south. While the geography hasn’t changed, the nature of war has.

  7. Kerouac says:

    BRONCOS 31
    @the swiss 24

    heh heh heh heh heh


    • CG says:

      K I will never doubt you again. YOU WERE RIGHT I BOUGHT IN. My story later today. The Chiefs are just a sad joke…AGAIN. How do you lose that game? I feel bad for the Kansas City fans. This team is again a nothing. This game answered the questions on Reid and Smith….going NOWHERE. They don’t know how to win. They haven’t for years and years. Not since Marty. It’s in their head. LOSERS. They haven’t won a big game in decades. They embarrass themselves and us on national tv over and over and over and over…especially against Manning or Indy. Just nothing left to say.

      • miket. says:

        in a word, unreal. ok, maybe a couple more words: faceplant, joke, choke, bad play calling, turnovers.

        chiefs really needed that win and they go out there, let denver stay in it and ultimately give the game away. embarrassment is right.

  8. Stomper says:

    Geez, Harley. You even trash those that agree with you. I love your politics but you really need to focus more on your reading comprehension before you launch into your tirades. All I said about Rubio was that he possesses some assets that political advisers would love. 1. He is a good looking guy and that counts in politics ( It worked well for John Kennedy). 2. He is articulate. 3. He has a background story that the middle class can relate to. I also said that with the current state of his political positions he is not going anywhere. He seems to mimic the positions of Ted Cruz (who looks like he just walked out of a casting call for “The Addams Family”) in trying to appeal to the far right, social conservatives. I still think that winning the general election is a very long shot for the GOP. They continue to self destruct.

    Harley, L’Shana Tovah. Chill.

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