Paul Wilson: K State Half Time Show – It’s a Bird, it’s the Enterprise, it’s…a Marching Penis?

K stateAbout the hubbub over the K-State band’s half time show in Manhattan…

Not being a sports fan, I caught the video on Facebook and had a hard time – no pun intended – trying to decipher exactly what it was the band was going for.

According to the marching band’s Facebook page, the routine was a Star Trek reference featuring the Starship Enterprise flying into the mouth of a Kansas Jayhawk.  Naturally the Jayhawk faithful were outraged by what they thought looked like a giant penis, but what would you expect? That K-State was orally abusing their beloved bird.

I showed the video to my wife; “Look what K-State did. They sold this as the USS Enterprise attacking the Jayhawk, but it’s really a penis!”

She watched the video, looked at me confused and then said, “That’s not what I’m seeing.”

That was my second confirmation of doubt.

Naturally, KSU’s band director and administration was concerned with the perception, leading marching band Frank Tracz – who’s now has been suspended by the school – to offering the following on Twitter and Facebook;

Kstate Jawhawk chart“The chart below represents the drill from tonight’s show. There was absolutely no intent to display anything other than the Enterprise and the Jayhawk in battle. If I am guilty of anything it would be the inability to teach the drill in a manner that these young people could have succeeded. I do apologize for the misinterpretation and I assure you that I meant absolutely no disrespect or malice toward the University of Kansas.”

K-State subsequently announced a series of self-imposed sanctions for the school and its marching band as a result of the possibly misunderstood performance.

“After Saturday’s game, the administration formally apologized to the chancellor and athletic director at the University of Kansas, which was the mascot depicted by the band,” the statement read. “K-State students previously signed a sportsmanship pledge as a way to increase the awareness of good sportsmanship.”

1. A self-imposed $5,000 fine to be paid to the Big 12 for violation of league sportsmanship policy

2. A single-game suspension for the university director of bands. The suspension will take place for the game against Kansas on Nov. 28.

3. Prior approval for all content in the band’s halftime shows by representatives of the Office of Student Life and the Athletic Department.

I talked to a well connected K-State alum and booster, who said, “It appears the skit was legit but a naïve band director got embarrassed and felt the apology was needed, regardless.

“The alumni are really pissed at the President and Athletics Director for what they feel was a hastily issued set of apologies. I found it interesting that the director apologized, generically, to anyone who may have been offended, but not directly to the institution of KU. The opinion of KU fans I’ve been in touch with is it was hilarious and much ado about nothing.

“The only thing that makes me think there’s credibility to it; non KU people have always made homosexual references when needling the Jayhawk fan base. Much like KU fans refer to KSU fans as hayseeds and the University as Silo Tech. People are conditioned to see what they want to see. And there’s a credible rumor that a dozen or so well placed band members went off routine, rounded off the lower right to look more like testicles while having the top group fall in line so it looked more like a shaft.”

In summary it was a poorly designed and implemented performance.

If it was supposed to be the Enterprise, they missed the boat. If it was a penis, it wasn’t a very good one. And if people can’t decide which it was, it was a generic fail.
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51 Responses to Paul Wilson: K State Half Time Show – It’s a Bird, it’s the Enterprise, it’s…a Marching Penis?

  1. harley says:

    another classic story!
    another rehash that appeared on social media for 2 days.
    but we got the inside scoop.
    YOU WANT TO CALL THIS SCANDAL…let the kcc people give it a name!!!!!!!! And
    they know a great scandal when they see one!!!!!!!!!
    12 trombone players, in a clandestine operation (minus the big antennas) go out
    on their own and walk in the opposite direction of the band’s director and his
    highly classified email (on his private server no less) map to make this giant
    spaceship (full of illegal aliens I’m sure) look like testicles. The undercover story
    interviews a highly place k state alumni and booster for their take
    on this highly classified investigation that involves the trombone players,
    the band leader ( who’s related to Lawrence welk), the chancellor, millions
    of ku students and followers, and a special camera angle that makes the
    trombone players look like they deliberately changed places from the
    highly sensitive and classified drawing from the band leader to cause this despicable
    half time show.
    Then we read on hearnes blog that IT WAS A PENIS.
    sorry dudes of kcc…im not an expert on others penisis (hope I spelled that
    right) and really could care less except for the fact that someone who would
    know penisis makes the final decision to call the starship a PENIS.
    This entire episode needs rep. gowdy to call an immediate closed “zipper:
    hearing on this subject immediately. This is bigger than Benghazi/the stalker/
    the jewel thief who never was/the big trucks with huuuuuggggggee antennas/and
    even the investigation into the drunk broad who owned the jazz bar on main
    street and the gay guys who tried to buy it. THIS IS REALLY REALLY “BIG.
    Thanks to kcc we now know from the experts that THIS WAS A PENIS!!!!!!!!
    OMG!!!! jUST when I thought we had seen it all…SOMEONE find another ridiculous supposed scandal about a penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What has the world come to??????????????????????????????????????
    OMG…..hearne you better get back to kcc real fast. Your blog is shall we
    say going FLACCID with things like this.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      You’re so addicted to every word I write that a story can’t be up for 60 seconds before you’ve found it and commented on it!
      There you have it, KCC readers. Harley’s day time job; sitting in his mom’s basement hitting REFRESH every 5 seconds.
      Harley, you need therapy. You spend a little too much time hanging on my every word.
      I’m ok with fans, 1500 people follow me on Twitter for a reason, but man, you’re carrying it a little too far.
      Chuck, find this boy a ditch to dig; he’s got way too much time on his hands.

      • harley says:

        you’re the writer…take the comments and the
        response like a man.
        you wrote this marvelous piece…I didn’t.
        was this story a joke?
        I’msure you’re the man with the plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • rww says:

        hahahaharley why would you worry about spelling penisis wrong when you misspell so many other words? What did you have too many in your mouth at the time?

      • harley says:

        hey wislon. Was wondering if you had done any further investigations into the
        renegade student band memebers who made the wrong turns to make the
        spaceship look like a ********.
        If that’s the case I’m sure the big 12 wold love to see your undercover info
        so they could ban them for life.
        anxiously awaiting you and your ksu alum’s special report. If fox nws
        did that report they’d flash big headlines like “BIG C*** GROWING…FOX

    • harley says:

      hahahahahaha! goober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      you fell for Harley s comments. No I don’t follow you. I track quarter million
      dollar results online.
      just happened to see you wrote this story.
      and as you said ITS A PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The Word says:

    I thought it was stupid. Whatever it was the K State Marching Band failed at it.

    What the marching band fail did was take away from the game itself. K State played a good game, but of course it was against a 1AA team. I think this should be Old Man Snyder’s last year. His JuCo Pozzi scheme should be over.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Word, that’s the WORD and how I closed the story; penis or spaceship, it failed. And in today’s world, someone’s always waiting to take you down, even if it comes from someone with no more credibility than Harlis, they still try.
      Thanks for your comment.

      • rww says:

        Paul, if it was the Enterprise why would it attack the Jayhawk in the mouth and not the belly? That makes as much sense as hahahaharley !!!

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          rww, not being a Star Wars fan, I’m unsure where the Enterprise would attack a Jay Hawk. The beak entry seems unlikely, though.

          • trekkie says:

            I think alot of the misunderstanding is the topic at hand. I feel safe assuming from your comment that you know NOTHING about the subject matter. And that is not a dig at you. But if you don’t even know the basic fact that the Enterprise is from Star TREK and not Star WARS, then how can you be expected to understand the routine?

            It may have been intentional, unintentional, or a little of both. But the subject material they used is obviously, so obscure to the audience, that a misunderstanding was bound to ensue.

          • trekkie says:

            I saw the USS Enterprise, but then again, I know the subject material. I didn’t see a penis, and I think the KSU administration is a bunch of Borgs that sell out their students, instead of defending them.

            Long live Spock, he got the joke.

  3. harley says:

    or not.
    I don’t trust kcc commentators except vanilla betty to give us an
    EXPERT OPINION if its a penis or not.
    she should know.
    anxiously waiting for her opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. harley says:

    I doubt a 66 year old man would be able to tell us the real truth and nthing but the
    thanks stock are up …up..up…up…invest in dominos pizza…horribl’e pizza
    …great money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Ahhh, so adding to the list of me being a dead beat dad, wife beater, box salesman and fat, I’m now 66?
      You’re simply brilliant in your lack of knowledge. You’ve not be right on anything yet, simpleton.
      So while tracking your “quarter million results online,” whatever the hell that means since you have the writing skills of a first grader with a full time special needs para, you just stumble across my piece?
      God, you are a pathetic liar, but man, is this going to be fun watching you dismantled piece by piece as the facade crumbles.

      • A says:

        pw,is this a sports story or just more jayhawk fun for us?Good god,stop with the whining responses.I thought you were at least literate. Fail?I think not.In fact,the more Lawrence cried,the funnier it became. Now shut your beak!

  5. Trevor says:

    It must have been a slow news day when this hit the presses. Oh, those silly band members and their senses of humor. I wasn’t in band in college or high school, but I remember many of them going on to great careers as stand-up comedians on Letterman and Leno. I have yet to watch a halftime band show where I don’t see “boobies” in the formation, but it’s the same way when I watch clouds in the sky go by.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      ….and I thought I was the only one…

      • harley says:

        what’s crazy is that many people on kcc see boobies in the
        clouds and a penis where it isn’t.
        do these people have a problem?
        I mean usually (from a psychiatric point of view) it means
        that these people aren’t getting any sex.
        I don’t know…I get plenty from my girlfriendso I
        don’t have to look at pics of college bands to determine
        if its a penis or not…I don’t have to determine why if it
        was a penis or a spaceship would it be headed toward an imaginary figure (the jayhawks) mouth….nor do I
        need to daydream about sex like many horny old men
        have to do.
        I wonder where glaze is on this subject. He’s our
        resident sexologist and it would be interesting to see
        if he daydreams about boobies and a penis.
        thanks ad I hope this is the last time we have to read about
        porn dreams/c*cks/and boobies on this faltering site.

  6. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Another epic fail by the Taters.

  7. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    PW, I’ll take the mystery out of it for you. Of course it was a penis. Of course they intended to put it in the Jayhawk’s mouth. Of course it was orchestrated by the band members despite what the band director knew or didn’t know. Come on. You know what it was intended to be. Does ANYONE think that during band practice these kids didn’t work out the whole deal with the beak opening and the Enterprise becoming a tad misshapen?

    I’m a KU fan and I admire those kids’ courage to follow through with what that surely knew would get get some people’s tit in a wringer. That’s some funny stuff. They did the crime knowing they would have to do the time. Kudos.

    Scale of 1 to 10 for things that people should be outraged about? About -.001.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      As I said, thats exactly what my contact said… “rouge” band members. And it has been way over blown. I just wanted to offer the facts behind all the talk…

  8. Trevor says:

    The writers of “Animal House II” have taken note of this and plan to make something similar as part of their script, but expect the erotica to be ramped up significantly.

  9. miket. says:

    well, they did get the Jayhawk right…

    naturally, members (no pun) of the marching band at KU have already had much fun drawing up preliminary plans for some kind of symbolic retribution. can they pull off the innuendo without having to issue apologies? will they?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Their Director seems like, by all accounts, one of the nicest guys ever. My on campus contacts tell me it was a group of band leaders who broke off and choreographed it on their own. I grew up hearing the term “band geeks,” so when he said, “a dozen or so ROGUE band members” I couldn’t hardly keep a straight face. You know, it would by like if someone told you Harley had a Pulitzer nomination…..

      • harley says:

        I look forward to “up”dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • miket. says:

        oh, those ‘wild and crazy’ band geeks…

        harley & pulitzer are two pronouns that should never be used in the same sentence. harley + geek, yes. harley + penis, yes. harley + kitty scrotum, yes.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          YES! There’s his new name. Anyone on KCC, when addressing him from this day forward, must call him Harley Kitty Scrotum!
          mikeT for the win!

    • ted says:

      pull off?

      This is getting way out of hand.

  10. Frank says:

    Looks like the penis is slapping the wildcat’s face. And there’s a smaller wildcat licking the balls.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Amazing, Frank, that’s what I saw TOO!!

      • harley says:

        I didn’t see anything but a Jayhawk and the spaceship til
        some people in porn pointed out that it looked like
        a p****!
        some people have some strange imaginations I guess!!!!!!
        Myself and the wife agree…it doesn’t looklikea
        I would suggest that someone take a poll. like:


        its such a pressing issue that I’m sure its the talk of
        billions of people throughout theworld! hahahahahaha

        • Stomper says:

          Harley, in a comment above, you mention getting plenty of sex from your girlfriend. Here you mention your wife. I’m impressed that you can pull that off.

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Stomper, when you’re a pathological liar, its hard to keep your versions of all the stories straight. Harley road a bike down Metcalf and College when it was dirt. Yet, he’s younger than anyone on here.
            BOTH have been comments from him. Thats why its easier to not feed the troll…

          • harley says:

            obviously hearne or someone edited my response to stompers questions.
            I have a girlfriend…no wife.
            the line read…..”Myself and the wife agree…it doesn’t looklikea
            that wasreference to wislons wife who also
            said it didn’t look like a ___________.
            “it wasn’t what she was seeing”….
            we agreed o something…yet hearne edited it
            out and many other comments I make in
            response to personal attacks.
            I had ome fun with the article based on
            previous stories that have appeared on
            this site and apparently many people found
            it not only funny but very clever.
            hearne….have a great day.
            Harley reigns.
            and no I don’t do meds….am in excellent
            shape. You can catch me at the gym 4-5 times
            a week.

      • Frank says:

        Willie’s getting willied

  11. CFPCowboy says:

    Perhaps, in this day and age of educational correctness, universities actually telling students to call the cops if they are offended, and professors grading students on their inability to determine sexual orientation in English literature, this may have been the only place left where student could engage in free speech and free thinking. In short, it was stupid, but I remember my days of higher learning along with the the stupidity of college life. As a KU graduate, it felt like the helpless cry of students from a second rate institution. Strike that. It was funny. POPP

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      We once rolled a scaffolding 30 feet from where it was to the campus flag pole… while another group of guys went to a filling station where they had the OK to “steal” a bunch of used, worn out tires. When they got back, one by one, we dropped the tires over the pole till it was 3/4 covered from bottom to top!
      But the fun part was to watch security and maintenance trying to figure out, one, how it happened, and two, how they would get them off. All while standing in the shadow of the scaffold.
      After ruining one chain saw blade trying to cut through them, the brought around a small bucket truck, but had to move the scaffold to get it in place.
      THERE’s your sign…

      • harley says:

        now that’s sounding like a lot of fun.
        where did you go to college……?

      • harley says:

        what a great story…..that’s so funny…..a funny funy funny
        prank !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        really…..learn to spell next time you tell a funny story.
        that must have been like a barrel of monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    It was indeed funny, but it does show that KU is living rent free in KSU’s collective heads. Poor Taters.

  13. the dude says:

    Imaginary bird fellates imaginary ship- outrage ensues.

  14. Jack Springer says:

    KU …. the land of hawk suckers.

    • harley says:

      whatever the case…this is just another “deep” in depthstory that
      will rest in the history books written by this writer.
      It was good for a lot of good laughs…not just by Harley but anyone
      who commented.
      hearne…I’d pay to see more like this…
      I gues I was OTFLMAO……what a classic story by a classic __________!

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