Steele: Has the KC Star Ceased to be Ridiculous?

Margaret_Sanger_anniversary_96_yearsFor the last few days at least, the Kansas City Star has not sent out in its daily email blast an article scolding Kansas Governor Sam Brownback for some imagined offense…

Had someone told the editors their Brownback mania was making them look ridiculous?

Then on Wednesday – shock of all shockers – the Star published an article, by Judy Thomas no less, that paints Brownback in a favorable light for demanding an investigation of Planned Parenthood‘s sale of aborted baby parts.

Other than the use of the word “fetuses” to describe babies whole enough to have viable body parts, the article “Kansas and Missouri call for investigation of Planned Parenthood amid questions about aborted fetuses” was refreshingly free of the Star’s usual diabolical spin on this issue.

Unknown-2Can this be, I wonder, the same Star that won Planned Parenthood’s national “Maggie” award for its equally maniacal campaign against “theocrat” Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline.

Best I can figure is that the suits told the editors it is time they to appease the red state rabble lest they openly rebel against the Star’s much too generous tax breaks.

Otherwise, it’s hard to understand why the sale of baby parts would upset editors comfortable with the abortion industry’s killing and dismembering of those same babies or its routine concealment of child rape that Kline tried to expose.

Then again, there is much I don’t understand about the Star.

Rich Steele is a citizen journalist and head of the NSAAS (Non-Smokers Against Anti-Smoking).
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13 Responses to Steele: Has the KC Star Ceased to be Ridiculous?

  1. the dude says:

    Jesus Hearne, what justification are you using to put up this verbal diarrhea of BS from this clown?

  2. Ernest Evans says:

    Dear Mr. Steele: Good posting!! You should not be surprised that Judy Thomas was fair in her article about this issue. Judy is a good friend of mine, and I have always found her to be a very fair-minded journalist. As for the quotes from Margaret Sanger that you posted, I am not surprised–there has always been an explicitly racist agenda as part of the pro-choice cause. President Obama is well aware of that racist agenda and Justice Ginzberg is well aware that he is so aware- so, quite rightly, she does not want to retire while he is in office because she does not trust him to appoint a justice as pro-choice as she is. Take care!! In Christ, Ernest Evans

  3. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Gotta love the irony of lampooning someone who actually attaches their real name to an article by someone who doesn’t. I’m with you, Dude. Please pass the Pepto.

    • Dwight Sutherland,Jr. says:

      Let me get this straight- you’re attacking Rich for using a pen name with a reply using a pen name?

      • Dwight Sutherland,Jr. says:

        As a matter of fact,for the last two years all the attacks on my posts have been by people using pen names,including you Jimbo(“Mysterious J’, “Harley”etc.).So why is “Rich Steel”singled out because he criticized a writer who signed his article with his real name,as I have?

  4. chuck says:

    The KC Red Star has supported the election of every tax and spend politician and tax and spend initiative since antediluvian times. Now, it wants taxpayer subsidies from all Kansas City citizens to support YALE, Jenee Racismheldt, Lewis OnlyBLACKisgood and a host of apparatchiks to far to the left to work at Pravda.

    If hubris was money, the K.C. Star would be burning piles of hundred dollar bills to heat that glass monstrosity every Christmas and handing out new Escalades for Christmas bonuses to the entire staff.

  5. Stomper says:

    Rich, how about that piece on the Pope focusing on climate change and the dilemma faced by Catholic Republicans? I seem to recall you were not real happy with the Church on the Bishop Finn issue. Guessing your not a fan of the Pope on this issue.

    • harley says:

      rich is another loser who hearne allows to write garbage on hisblog.
      Rich loves guys like bishop finn. Another perfect author to be highlighted
      on kcc.
      yes stomper….what about those self righteous people who love the pope
      but got all wried up when he wrote about the hazards of climate change?
      nice comment!

  6. Lydia says:

    Broken clock. They would have to do a 180 degree turn in order to stop circling the drain. These latest articles are an aberration. They will soon return to their obsessive Brownback bashing and mocking of anything that is not left-wing received wisdom. There still will be nothing original, witty or clever, just the herd mentality journalism that has characterized the paper for the past several years. The Star will continue to insult and alienate readers until the bitter, bankrupt end.

    • The Word says:

      Without looking at the article let me take a guess. They took down the comments for this one didn’t they?

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