Glazer: Life in the Fast Lane’s the Place For Me

jordancarverfootballsmAs you enter uour 50’s you begin to wonder, “Did I do everything in life I wanted to do?”

That answer is different for each of us.

I was talking with Hearne about this last week, and I find it interesting that many of my friends – within 10 years of my age – are still saving and building for their futures. Thats actually pretty common.

And I always wonder, “Don’t they know the future is NOW.”

Now’s the time to enjoy your life! Like Janis Joplin said, get it while you can!

For example the night before I flew to LA to work my script and hang with that hot cheerleader in the pic, Black Barbie made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

So I didn’t!

Unfortunately it didn’t go over too well with my cheerleader friend when she stumbled onto the photos I’d taken after I left her alone with my phone. She’s over it now, though.

Still I’ve always marveled that many of my friends who have way more savings and financial strength than me, are still waiting to do all these kind of special things they dreamed about in their youth, but never could afford, had the time or could get away with.

Like that trip to Rio or Europe, or that crazy car or motorcycle. Doing something wild with their wife, girlfriend or just another member of the opposite sex.

It’s always gonna be tomorrow,”When my kids are out of college, my wife and I are empty nesters or when I’m single again.

IMG00233Meaning NEVER.

In today’s health conscious world, most of my pals are out jogging, at the gym, on special diets and all that. Hell, I’m a gym rat myself.

But the fact is, nothing we do is gonna make us young forever.

So go out and do what you dreamed of doing when you were younger today – now.

Before its too late.

I preach that to my friends, but they mostly think my lifestyle is way over the top.

Craig & Barbie 2011(1)(2)

Black Barbie

Hearne told me, “Hey if it ended today, I’ve had a nice run.” I agreed.

We both have. Sure we always want to do more, but as time grows shorter, our options become more limited.

“I’d move to the Islands, but damn the hospitals there suck and I like my doctor in KC.”

Fear grips us. We’re addicted to our day-to-day lives. We take far fewer chances. Remember all those adventures in our 20’s and 30’s. Not so much today.

Of course, we can’t always do everything – even I can’t.

For example, the other day I got a call from a couple of strippers who wanted to come by my place and do another threesome. And these girls are gorgeous!

But it was late and I had to do media with the comics in the morning so I passed.

Next time.
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34 Responses to Glazer: Life in the Fast Lane’s the Place For Me

  1. the dude says:

    Jesus gramps, you ARE getting old.
    Passing on a threesome?
    How much would that have cost you?

  2. CG says:

    This guy as you can see is a MAJOR HATER…DUDE WILL SAY no I’m not but he is…why…’gramps’ is not said to be funny or put down at all…it’s done HOPING PRAYING…BEGGING YOUNG GIRLS LIKE THOSE I DATE SEE IT AND GO..WOW HE MUST BE OLD OOOOHHH…DOESN’T WORK…even Johnny Dare tried it…sure it can hurt your game a times but the game is on you…DUDE WOULDN’T REFER TO BOB DOWNY OR SAY BRUCE WILLIS AS ‘GRAMPS’ AND believe me they got nothing one me and I mean nothing in the hot girls dept…nothing…a fact…yet ‘gramps’ again only done to hurt and hopefully get ‘the word out’ you are old…as ‘snitch” same thing…etc…on and on…all haters..

    Hearne asked me to post the girls that came over the night before I left…I chose not to for that reason..’skanks’ ‘whores’ ‘how much’ DUDE FACE IT BRO I AM THE KING HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS…SIMPLE AS THAT NOBODY AND I MEAN nobody can beat me on the chick front…sure some younger guys can at times now…but overall no close second in KC history period…a fact jack..


  3. Play that violin says:

    Just when you thought Joe Biden was the creepiest man on the planet.

  4. JimmyD says:

    How many times has this same blog entry been posted?

    Within five years I fully expect a kickstarter to help pay for Glazer’s broken hip hospital bills. You’re a gambler Glaze…does five years sound accurate?

  5. double nickles on droppin the dime says:

    This gets sadder and sadder with every passing year. The thing is, I’m not sure he is in on the joke.

    On many messageboards, this would be referred to as a “sh**post”.

    Can’t wait to see your big biography movie and your reality tv show. Im sure those are going to be airing on one of my 300 channels shortly. Then you will finally, in your 60s, be the star you deserve!

    • the dude says:

      Come see the sad little 60 year old junior high kid do sad, immature stuff!
      Who would want to sit through that?

  6. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Jesus guys, his overall point is live for today because tomorrow may never come. I agree with that to a large extent. My father is a perfect example of this. Joined the Navy at 17, got out and married my mother and started a family. Never drank or smoked or went out with the boys while raising his three children. Spent his entire career as a tool and diemaker saving and living within his means to fund a nice retirement one day for he and my mother. The problem came when my mother came down with Alzheimer’s and he had to put her in a nursing home, which started costing him about $60,000 a year. Now, years later his life savings is drained and all the things he planned to do with my mother in retirement, never happened. He spends his days visiting her in the nursing home, watching the “golden years” slip away. I used my father as a cautionary tale to some extent. Life is too short folks, have fun with life. Enjoy your wife and significant other while they are healthy. Take those trips NOW in your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s while you can still enjoy them to the fullest extent. If you don’t, there’s an excellent chance you never will.

    • CG says:

      Nice story.

    • chuck says:

      Guy who says…

      I have read your comment several times. Every time, I come to the same conclusion. It is sad, but I do think that you and your family are really lucky. Your father and mother sound like they were the best! I hope your mother is as comfortable as can be expected and your father is lost in memories of happier times.

      God bless…

    • Chancealot says:

      If you are doing what you love to do, then I hope doing it makes you happy. Something that didn’t really sink in until my early 40’s. What I picked up is that everyone isn’t perfect. Guys like Craig and J. Dare who drop names because they know a guy & who tell stories because they have been there. They may be considered narcissistic by some but sometimes it takes those traits to get over the mountain of shit you sometimes find in front of you (Sometimes at no other fault than your own) How many times have you looked back at your life and said, “had I only done this”? Craig is simply saying, I think, that you have to see that moment when you get to it rather than wait until it is behind you to make that leap of faith or have that regret. This was a completely CG way of saying he is trying to live without those regrets, what are you doing? Yes men give each other $h!t about being fifty and yes there are plenty of mistakes to go around if you have lived at all! I am learning you have to take character flaws with a grain of salt or you will be judging people right up until your lonely funeral!

  7. Libertarian says:

    Enjoy every ham sandwich.

  8. Ophan of the Road says:

    You better get it while you can
    If you wait too long, it’ll all be gone
    And you’ll be sorry then
    It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor
    And it’s the same for a woman or a man
    From the cradle to the crypt
    Is a mighty short trip
    So you better get it while you can

    To add to Craig’s mantra, tomorrow never comes.

    • Gerald Bostock says:

      Carl Martin

      • Ophan of the Road says:

        Alone, on stage, armed only with a guitar, Steve Goodman was the best performer I ever saw.

        Living with a death sentence since you were 18 makes some tremble and others rise to the greatest heights, Gerald.

        And the little white boys with their shiny guitars
        Would follow right along at their heels
        They learned all the words and they learned all the chords
        But they never did learn how it feels
        Now one night I asked Carl where he got the fire
        And he said, ‘Steve, you’ve got to understand
        If you want to be someone, you better have some fun
        And you better get it while you can.’

  9. CFPCowboy says:

    Saving for that retirement or saving for that non-retirement: contrary to what one economist said that the high first time unemployment claims are due to older age people retiring, it’s just not happening. There are a higher percentage of older employees working today than at any time, and it is not a bucket list. It is how we want to persue our lives. Can you imagine waiting until age 70 to take your retirement, only to be dead at 70 1/2? Millenials, eat your heart out in Mom and Dad’s basement. You lack experience, and we refuse to give it to you. You have a graduate degree, and you know nothing. Thank you President Obama and the ACA for making older workers on Medicare a better bagain than millenials. Grandparents not only can keep their jobs, based on experience and knowledge, but we can do it with more leisure time to live the way we want to live. It’s just a point of view, so when that insurance salesman says you can have x dollars per month at 90, more to the point, what do you get now? So, when Iran invades the US for the second time in 40 year, let the Millenials figure it out.

    • Stomper says:

      Thanks Cowboy. I’m sure that Craig did not intend or anticipate that his offering would take on a political tone but with the mention of the O man and ACA, it looks like you are trying.

      ” There are a higher percentage of older employees working today that at any time, and it is not a bucket list. It is how we want to pursue our lives.” Preparing individuals on how to approach and hopefully enjoy their retirement years is right in your wheelhouse but I think working longer is how many HAVE to pursue their lives, not WANT to. In 1950, an average male lived to around 65 and about 70 for females. I’m guessing here but I think most people died at home without much medical intervention ( and the accompanying cost). Now the average lifespan for both sexes is about 10 years longer, probably ending in some sort of facility with some pretty hefty medical costs to boot. Medical science can keep you alive longer but at what tradeoff in cost and quality of life. A lot of my age group peers continue to work and forego retiring because they stress over how much money they will need to have the lifestyle they want and cover the potential medical and facility costs. They don’t think they have a choice. I have friends who think they need a couple of million at least in retirement funds to enjoy it but I also have a lot of friends who have retired and have only Social Security and Medicare between them and living in shelters. I work with a couple of people currently in their 70’s who think they have no choice but to continue working. Maybe we are saying the same thing and you just threw me off by the use of the phrase “want to” as opposed to “have to”. Heck, I certainly don’t know the right answer. Always good to read your thoughts, Cowboy.

      CG, as dude said below, you get trashed a lot but your point with this piece is right on the money from my perspective.

  10. CG says:

    Glad some of you address the story and its point of live for today. Thank you. The other guys just want to bitch and hate. That’s all, doesn’t matter what I write about, way it is..I understand.

    As far as a movie or tv show…what’s interesting as Harley even says…I am out there trying. I got several films done, a book and sold a movie got a tv pilot…that’s hard to do guys. I never give up. And that’s the point. Living life not standing around waiting for something to happen, making it happen, if you can. If you don’t go out and fight for it, it never will take place. I know everyone doesn’t want the things I have worked for…but we all want something out of life at different times. Go for it, THATS THE POINT. Win or lose. TRY.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Agreed. Nothing I hate more than people who piss and moan about their lot in life and don’t do a damn thing to change it.

    • the dude says:

      Hey man, I bust your balls on a frequent basis when they need busting but you are right about that. You are hustling to do something, whatever that is.

    • KCMonarch says:

      If/when you accomplish something noteworthy you won’t have to constantly tell everybody about it. Others will tell rhe story for you.

      As far as these women are concerned, remember that you aren’t exactly competing with discerning gentlemen for their attention. Let us know if you ever impress an educated self-assured woman.

      That would be an interesting read.

  11. Hot Carl says:

    I fly all over the world for my vacations. I want to get that sh*t done now while I can still enjoy it. I’ll drive to the Grand Canyon when I’m old and gray like Glaze.

  12. harley says:

    I would suggest everyone go to youtube….look up

    “robin Williams one minute
    greatest one minute speech ever made!

  13. harley says:

    had this story been written by someone other than glaze it would have had
    real meaning. But glaze is a Donald trump. A belief that his life is better
    than than anyone else’s. Both have their priorities in the wrong place.
    No glaze…I truly would never change places with you.

    • CG says:

      Interesting Harley. This story has nothing to do with trading places or my life it is somehow better than others. In fact I have had many lows as we all have. I just battle back, so do many others. It is about spending our last years having as nice a time as we can. Health issues, aging, finances etc…can cause the ‘golden years’ to be not so golden. So do what you can while you can. That’s all.

  14. bschloz says:

    SmartMan just did a triple lindy in his grave.
    Glaze aren’t you closer to 70 than 50?

  15. PucksinKC says:

    I work 40+ hours a week in a relatively dull job. Yet, the job gives me the flexibility to pick my kid up from school and work from home when she’s sick. I make enough money to have a nice house for the two of us, take her on a vacation a couple times per year and save for her college education and my retirement.

    I AM addicted to my everyday life and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

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