Paul Wilson: One Man + One Horse = True Love?

Cirilo-CastilloIt was just another day for a Hidalgo County, Texas woman as she went to the barn to feed her horses…

But in Nadia’s stall, she found a man lying in the hay with a broken leg. The man, Cirilo Castilllo, told her he had been in a car accident and crawled his way to her barn looking for help.

But when the authorities arrived, they knew who Castillo. was. They knew something else, too. That he wasn’t looking for help, he was looking for love. It seems Castillo had been twice arrested in 2013 for having sex with a horse named Nadia.

This was the same barn, the same Nadia and the same man with lovin on his mind.

After Castillo’s second arrest, back in February, he’d been ordered to stay away from the barn. But it’s June, love was in the air and Castillo simply couldn’t resist.

This time though, things went a little different than planned.

Nadia kicked him to the other side of the stall, rejecting his advances.

I’m not an expert in this field, so I’m only assuming that diddling a horse a time or two is one thing. But if your’re working on your third arrest, you may have a problem. You may be a serial offender.

Bestiality is not officially a crime in Texas. They have an express lane to death row. You can go to prison for smoking marijuana. But a little hanky panky with a horse – it’s not a crime. Who knew?

mr-edfinalCastillo broke his probation terms for cruelty to animals after his previous rendezvous with Nadia, so he’s going to do some time. He also spent 270 days in jail for public lewdness in a 2012 incident with another horse, but that was back when he was a player. He’s now a one horse man.

“I can’t just ignore this and allow it to keep happening,” Hidalgo County sheriff Lupe Trevino said in 2013, “Maybe we can get him some help, whatever we can do, we are going to try and do.”

Is it possible Castillo was simply looking for a stable relationship?

And, is this any of our concern? Much like our own bedrooms, what happens in the barn should probably stay in the barn.

Funny-Gay-Marriage-Signs-gay-rights-30945882-500-371Thanks gay marriage, here comes that slippery slope we were warned about.

I say if Castillo has feelings for a tree, a pet, Nadia, he should be allowed to pursue that and his “partner” should get the same benefits he has. (Which I would assume are minimal.)

Far be it from me to engage in victim shaming, but is it possible that there’s more to this story that needs our consideration?

For example, did either of the two have too much to drink?

There’s no mention of whether it was consensual or not.

Was the horse acting in a provocative manner? Was it maybe wearing nothing but a sexy little halter?

Did the horse clearly say “nay” ? And if so,  regardless of any extenuating circumstances, nay ALWAYS means nay.

john-elway-horseWould any of that change your opinion?

Hopefully, this wasn’t same sex bestiality; that would just be weird. Texas would find a way to stick a needle in the dude’s arm were that the case.

Your well-coiffed scribe  however will follow this court case and let you know how it all plays out. I checked with the hospital this morning and Castillo had surgery on his leg and is reported in “stable” condition.

What’s up, Texas? Are you guys trying to compete with Florida?

One final thought – if this is a crime, how is it that Matthew Broderick and John Elway’s wife gotten away with it it all these years?
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15 Responses to Paul Wilson: One Man + One Horse = True Love?

  1. Orphan of the Road says:

    Missouri is only a few years away from the stump breaking a mule days.

    Texas stands alone. Alabama made it illegal last year.

    Less than half the states make it a felony.

    Animal porn is legal in KS and MO. Legal; Videotaping/photographing zoophilic pornography

  2. Stomper says:

    Catherine the Great, anyone?

  3. Steve Porter says:

    Nay means Nay!

  4. CFPCowboy says:

    Horse love is one thing, but I have it on good authority that Nadia was paid. As someone who knows horses, I was wondering why Nadia’s owner did not recognize Nadia’s previous beau, same barn, same horse, repeat offender. There are a lot of questions. How old was Nadia? Was she under age? Perhaps it was statutory rape. We tend to look for why Texas does not have a law against this, but how often does it happen? Castillo has already violated several laws, bestiality, trespassing, and other laws. Is he even in the country legally? Perhaps, with a broken leg, he has learned his lesson, that a horse is a horse, of course, of course… unless he finds a liberal lawyer willing to sue Nadia and her owner for spurning his advances, breaking his leg. After all, someone has to cover his medical expenses. Knowing horses, it is easy to tell which participant has horse sense.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Cowboy, I searched my go to data base, crimesagainstnaturecomittedbyillegals.mex but came up with nothing conclusive. But he’s in Texas so it’s safe to at least assume he’s an illegal.
      The horses owner did confirm Nadia is a mare, so we are saved the horror of this being a same sex incident.
      If the perp was angered and taking revenge on Nadia, Texas could have charged him with a hate crime.
      She could not have been under age; I’m pretty sure horse years are like dog years so she was at least 21.
      I just so wish a scene like this made Glazers bio epic coming to a theatre near you! “I came busting in the barn door, my pistol in one hand, my gun in the other, telling HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, Wiiiiiilllllber!”
      We then stole all of Nadia’s coke, the illegal’s south of the border coke a cola with EXTRA SUGAR, and rode off into the sunset in a coke/coke infused haze of glory and badassery!

  5. chuck says:

    God almighty that was hilarious!



    • gayle says:

      .mex …

      Tee-hee … 🙂

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        You saw what I did there, huh, Gayle?
        Wait for Jack Springer to jump on here to inform me he went to the link, it’s not real, so he stopped reading my horrible story…

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Thank you, sir; I do what I can. As FlyinBrian said, I’ve got crayons, paper, I have my big boy pants on – look at me write!!

  6. the dude says:

    Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places
    lookin’ for love in all the wrong spaces

    • miket says:

      “I’ve often said there’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” — Ronald Reagan

  7. Libertarian says:

    In Castillo’s defense, Nadia IS a slut.

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