Hearne: 610 Sports Blows Everybody Away, Soars to No. 1

during the American League Wild Card game at Kauffman Stadium on September 30, 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri.


Pardon my French, but I’m scrambling to try and put my eyeballs back in my eye sockets. Because about two minutes ago they flew out like meteorites when I saw that 610 Sports had taken complete command of the Kansas City radio market.

Numero Uno, baby!

That’s right the little engine that couldn’t, not only could but did in fact knock one completely out of the park. Uh, with the help of some dudes who call themselves the Kansas City Royals, that is.

Think shock and awe. Think irrational exuberance. Think great Caesar’s ghost!

And while you’re at it, throw in fly me to the moon and to dream the impossible dream.

I sure have never seen anything like this.

Maybe former Kansas City A’s owner Charlie Finley was right, this is a baseball town.

And can we have a moment of silence please and maybe some black armbands for the former sports radio powerhouse known as WHB?


For the Merry Month of May, KCSP AM – 610 Sports highly forgettable call letters – not only stormed the castle and took no prisoners, it registered a 7.4 share for a solid 1st place finish and a cume of 408,600 listeners.

That’s nearly a share point and a half ahead of second place KCFX FM. You remember them, right? The station that carries the Kansas City Chiefs.

We’re talking about the broadest measure of listeners, 6 and older, Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to midnight.

And before Harley or some other shmo races in and starts making wisecracks about 6 year-old listeners, that’s not what this is about. It’s not about slicing and dicing the numbers to come up with a watered down guesstimate about women 18 to 34 or men 25 to 49.

Because these numbers include everybody in the entire sampling, they’re by far the most accurate.

You don’t nearly triple a 2.5 share from March without steamrolling lots of other stations. Stations that pride themselves in those narrow demos they market to specific advertisers.


World’s Happiest Broadcasters?

And don’t forget the fact that virtually every Royals game is also on televsion.

Or that most games are at night or on weekends when people are free to leave their radios off and catch the action up close and personal.

Nope, make no mistake, 610 Sports is riding the Royals coattails in style.

Which leaves WHB in like 19th place, 18 slots back, behind even KMBZ FM.

But look at the bright side.

WHB is still five slots ahead of fellow AM station KPRT that plays black gospel.

Shocking, astonishing!

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52 Responses to Hearne: 610 Sports Blows Everybody Away, Soars to No. 1

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Not shocking or astonishing at all. It’s all powered by the success of the Royals, and nothing else. If the Royals sucked, 610 would be right back in the toilet. Their hosts and content haven’t gotten any better. They still suck. They just happen to have the rights to the Royals broadcasts and first dibs on all Royals info. It’s nothing more elegant than that. When the Royals’ season is over, you’ll see 610’s ratings take a giant crap.

    • And your point is? says:

      These articles by Hearne are about the radio business. A huge part of the radio business is acquiring content. That content can be talking heads, more music rights, or programming. The fact is, 610 made the GREAT business move of acquiring the rights to the Royals when they were a struggling franchise. 810 could have the greatests radio talking heads, but I wouldn’t know because I am too busy listening to real sports on 610 and not someone talk about sports on 810. And come the winter I’ll be listening to 101 and the Chiefs.

      810 covers the stories that 610 and 101 the Fox run, and thats the Chiefs and Royals.

    • And your point is? says:

      “They just happen to have the rights to the Royals broadcasts and first dibs on all the Royals info.”

      Uhhhhhh… ya thats kind of a big deal. The rights weren’t just handed to 610, 610 made a great business decision. A decision 810 could have made as well. And “first dibs on ALL the Royals info” is kind of a big deal too. When people want ALL things Royals ALL the time, being able to break stories is the name of the game.

      I haven’t seen him on here in a while, but it looks like 610 scoops 810.

      • Radio dude says:

        Uhhh, basically WHB handed the rights to 610. WHB had The rights and didn’t fulfill their end of the agreement.
        The Royals then took the rights inside and 610 Sports became the local affiliate. I think it was more of great timing for 610… But no matter the reason, it’s trouble for WHB.

    • hmmm says:

      If 610 sucks and it’s just the Royals, then why did 610 beat the hell out of 810 across all dayparts even where there were no games? Morning Drive, midday…..everywhere. It’s a metered market so clearly they are converting the Royals cume to regular listening. The fact that 810 is old, lazy, and washed up is making it easy for them.

      • LLSmith says:

        Add that to the fact that WHB has done nothing but tear down the Royals at every turn. They’ve pissed and moaned about the team since they lost the rights (and a lot of money), after they thought Tony Pena had them on the way to the playoffs.
        WHB was a great venue for fans and the “talent” to cry about how shitty the teams in this town are. Not so much when they can’t change their tune and the team keeps on winning.

      • admin says:

        And what hmmmm says is also true

  2. hahhararley says:

    guys right…..and when the chiefs have a huge season kcfx numbers will skyrocket.
    no big news here hearne. If you read the star any day since april they almost
    every day had a story about the skyrocketing numbers of viewers and listener
    s of the royals games….
    have fun at touches!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. bob says:

    Surprising. You’d think after years and years of having a guy run a live ad talking about BBQ for a hour each week would have caught on by now.

  4. neurodawg says:

    I have TRIED to listen to 610 but their broadcasters sound like teenagers practicing vocal fry. The Royals are the only reason to tune in.

    • And your point is? says:

      I tried listening to 810, but then I realized they were a sports channel without any sports.

    • bob says:

      I don’t know who is who over there, but it 75% of their hosts have nasally voices. Doesn’t sound good.

    • Irony says:

      It’s ironic that WHB just started subscribing to the ratings again and they get their ass handed to them. After they couldn’t pay their Arbitron bill for many years Arbitron cancelled their ability to use the ratings for sales purposes. Nielsen however forgave the debt and they are now subscribers again. Too funny. I have done business with WHB and they are arrogant douchebags and this couldn’t have happened to a group of nicer guys. HB stands for “has beens.”

    • admin says:

      I’ve listened to them dawg and I think they pretty good…

      Probably a lot of people have gotten comfortable with a number of the WHB guys, but this is really 610’s moment to shine. For them to showcase their talent, get under listener’s skins and become the next big thing.

      Everybody has to start somewhere.

      I used to think of Kietzman as being a third string, boring weekend sports guy on Channel 4. He got his chance and look what he did with it.

      But just like Don Fortune in days past, Kietzman’s schtick has gotten fairly predictable and old.

      Many people don’t like change – perhaps that includes you – but there 610 guys are making the most of things and I like the way they sound and come across

    • admin says:

      That comment is so bogus Neurodawg that one of two things has to be true.
      Either you’re older than God or you’re a WHB plant

  5. And your point is? says:

    And be it known, 610 has the greatest on air talent in all of Kansas City sports, and his name is Denny Matthews. Fox Sports Midwest should take a look at Rex and see if they can figure out why 610 is getting so much play. No one at 810 is worthy to hold the jock strap of Denny Matthews. He has more talent in his pinky finger than all 810 (and the other 610 folks too) have put together.

    • Radio dude says:

      Denny Matthews is boring and always has been. He knows his stuff, especially when it comes to Royals history because he has been there the whole time.

      Tenure does not equate to talent. Denny even takes a break through half the game. I guess it’s just too hard of work. Even though every other baseball broadcaster does it 160 times a year.

      The guy who says what other people think must collect a paycheck or have a very good friend at WHB. This cume infusion for KCSP is a HUGE deal for them. Yes, it is because of the Royals success…pure and simple, but this could go on for another five months if the Royals are contenders. If that happens, those 400,000 listeners stand a good change of getting more familiar and comfortable with 61 Sports. Content is king and if the station can improve their talent it could be a changing of the guard in the leadership for Sports radio in Kansas City.

      • Kerouac says:

        “Tenure does not equate to talent.”

        – exhibit A: Vin Scully of the Dodgers*… up to date as a ballpark organ in today’s hip-hop world, local LA opinion ranges “he’s an institution” to he belongs in one, but closing in age 88 & nearing a tie or (double entendre) passing the late NY Mets broadcaster Ralph Kiner (who died at 91 less than an year aft retiring as the oldest broadcaster MLB history), be worse things than listening to Denny Matthews [ * the Dodgers are Kerouac’s team. ]

        “Denny even takes a break through half the game. I guess it’s just too hard of work.”

        – Scully doesn’t even travel/do broadcasts outside California any more, which translates to him doing games vs SF, SD & the rare occasional inter-league game vs Anaheim (not sure if circa 2015 he’d even travel to OAK anymore.)

        As a young man he headed West from Brooklyn… now, he won’t head East any longer, only North (to SF) & South (to SD)… soon, he’ll run out of a way to go altogether. Like the Dodgers, success his is of another era, his age corresponding to last two digits LA’s most recent baseball relevance any, 1988.

      • hahhararley says:

        wrong radio dude….if royals hit a skid…its back to the
        old way.
        when you’rehot…yu’re hot.
        these ratings are fleeting….as you should know….
        problem with tv royals is that they are on cable….and how
        many people don’t have cable tv? maye 30% of the market.

      • PucksinKC says:

        Get the MLB app. Lots of play-by-play guys switch out during the middle innings. Denny isn’t the only one.

  6. artemmis says:

    I still miss Greg Halls old blog —

    he listened to sports talk radio — so we wouldn’t have to.

    • admin says:

      Greg is like that Bottomline dude, he comes up for air every once in a while. My take is he just got tired of working for free.

  7. Terry says:

    I turned it over to 610 today because 810 was focused on ice hockey, but then the pre-pubescent 610 hosts were talking about the concept of doing things for wives so they can get more whoopee in bed. I believe one of the hosts allowed his wife to borrow the “man cave.” When I heard this, I turned off the radio and turned on music for a half-hour before turning on 810 again.

    • Geez says:

      Thank you Terry. very interesting . Be sure and let us know when you take a piss.

      • Terry says:

        Nice one, Geez. Very creative response to a fact-based observation of radio station content. I have no horse in the race (but maybe you can watch one piss and take detailed notes of it). Listen to the 610 podcast if you don’t believe it.

    • admin says:

      To each his own, Terry…

      Many people like it when the hosts throw in a slice of life. And c’mon. A brief aside and you can’t take it. I seriously doubt they dedicated any huge block of time – or even close – to joking about their wives.

      It’s a nice breather for those of us who like sports, but also have a life

      • Terry says:

        It was certainly interesting to hear a professional on-air personality refer to a vagina as a “woman cave” during the same segment. Sort of reminded me of my high school days … or maybe middle school.

  8. New Age Outlaws says:

    Oh you didn’t know??? Then your ass better call somebody!!!!

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of ALL ages:

    D-Generation X proudly brings to you the undisputed Kings of KC— the Road Dogg WHB and the Bad Ass Kansas City Royals.

    And if your not down with that we got two words for you–


  9. admin says:

    I’ll tell you guys who’s missing in this equation and plenty conspicuous by his absence.

    And that’s that dude who always signs off with something like “810 beats 610”

    Where’s that guy? I think he may be too busy changing his diapers to weigh in.

    • miket says:

      that was the guy who went by Old Man Kissel. he was a regular on Greg Hall’s OTC blog. signed off his comments with “810 scoops 610 again!”. presumptuous, arrogant ass-hat, imo. some people thought it was Keitzman. I couldn’t tell and didn’t care.

  10. hahhararley says:

    hearnes right…this time.
    royals are all over the place. Looks like they dominate the all star game with 5=7
    starters and you know yost will pick Herrera/davis and Holland for the game…
    those that don’t make it will probably be added but yost ha to pickone guy
    from each team minimum.
    restaurants and nighttime evets are getting hurt….but its royals time.
    and we’ve got 4-5 months more of it.
    I watched the cubs game and was amazed at how many royals fans were there.
    Then….in the fall…the chiefs should be going 10-6…maybe 11-5…who knows
    but this sports town is out of control.
    And America is surprised with the crowds/voting for all star game/
    who knows…maybe some businessman in the nba will see all this and say
    I want that town for my team…..
    It incredible. who would believe that ths small market team could capture
    the entire nation and get as much ink as it’s getting.
    IN THE 90’S……KC IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • grow a pair says:

      Great comment Harley. I was at the Friday cubs game at Wrigley and the bar owners said they had never seen something like that before from a team not from Boston or new York. It was out of control. They brought in special orders of boulevard and every bar was serving bar b que specials. At Nike town on Michigan avenue I counted and out of ALL the people in the store only FIVE weren’t wearing royals gear it was crazy.

      • hahhararley says:

        was at chiefs game in new Orleans when we had Montana
        and allen. night before the game the french quarter was
        all red…probably 30,000 chiefs fans for season opener
        that year.
        its incredible….but long way to go.
        I heard that about 1 million votes are still left to be
        registered on intrnet for all star game. And many will be
        votes for royal players.
        and hearne…..even though you’re amazed all this as
        happened in the media…you can read my earlier posts
        where I pointed out that the royals are#1 in prime time
        tv viewing and that would be reflected in the ratings…….
        KC IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Arte says:

    Yes 610 has certainly benefited from the success of the Royals. But give them credit, they’ve done a great job of capitalizing on that success. They’re simply having fun. For example, they went to Chicago to broadcast live from a bar outside Wrigley. They’re leading the charge to get fans to vote Royals into the all-star game while blasting any national media types who disagree. On so many levels, they’ve tapped into the enthusiasm and pride Royals fans have for their team and city and the fans have joined them for the ride. Meanwhile over at WHB,
    you have Petro with his boring stats, a bitter sounding Kevin Kietzman who seems caught off guard by the Royals’ success and frustrated he can’t manufacture any substantial controversy because everyone’s having too much fun to really care. WHB just sounds stale and out of date while 610 seems fresh and reborn just like, well…the Royals

  12. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    To be quite frank, sports talk radio sucks in KC. Kietzman’s “Napoleon Syndrome” is tiresome and predictable. 610’s hosts are a collection of complete douchebags. I’ve been listening to Spotify more and more.

    • Jess says:


      I do not have anything to add to this story because I have stopped listening to KC sports talk. I am just reading the comments to get the scoop on what has been happening lately.

  13. KC Nice Guys says:

    Serious question and maybe it’s just about my taste, but how does Henry Lake still have a job?
    I’m not saying I could last more than 5 minutes on radio, but there’s something about him that has made me make sure I never push the 610 preset on my radio between 10 and 2.
    It sounds like purposely uses awkward pauses and says all the words where an acronym would work just fine so that he can fill airtime because he knows what he brings to the table is garbage. His content is “Pete Rose – Hall of Fame or not?”-esque and his interactions with callers is/was deplorable/very hard to listen to.

    I like both 610 and 810 and I flip back and forth, but it would be nice to have a Jim Rome type of option for mid day when Soren gets unbearable. It doesn’t appear that this market can sustain that though.

    • miket says:

      i think the market would sustain it quite well. the question is would entercom pay for the kind of talent it would take?

    • Gerald Bostock says:

      i’ve asked the same question forever about Fescoe. Hands down, without equal as the worst sports radio ‘personality’ ever. Just because a guy has no hesitation to open his yap doesn’t mean he should be allowed 4 hours a day in front of a mike.
      Blustery, unknowledgeable, rude, crude, artificially pot stirring, thinks by being a jerk he is being edgy. Was bad on 810, is bad on 610

  14. hahhararley says:

    the owners and on air talent at 810 are still living high on the hog.
    still making big money.
    all this sports excitement spills over to them too….since they have
    all the knowledgable people on their station…Montgomery…boal….
    and the other well known sports guys in kc.
    They’re definitely not hurting in the money department………

  15. Gerald Bostock says:

    Now that 610 is on top, maybe Jason Whitlock can return. Because he’s apparently looking for a job. Two years into his ESPN post without generating any content. Good job if you can get it.

    from the Wrap:

    ‘Jason Whitlock’s role as the head of ESPN’s The Undefeated has ended before it even really began.
    The journalist has exited as editor-in-chief of the website that focuses on the intersection of race and sports, ESPN announced in a statement on Friday.
    Whitlock will be replaced on an interim basis by Leon Carter, formerly of the New York Daily News and ESPNNewYork.com, who will assume all day-to-day management of the site’s editorial processes and personnel.

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