Glazer: Dallas Cheerleader, Movie Deal Await Scribe in LA

Craig's date Gia

Craig’s date Gia

As the rain pounds down today, I’m preparing to fly back to LA…

The plan is to work with writer director David Jung on my movie script for The King of Sting. It was a year ago that David and I made a deal with film company Mayhem to make the picture. Contracts and negotiations took nearly all this time to finish. Boy, have things changed in Hollywood dealings since I started this journey in the 1980’s.

Yes, it’s been a long, strange trip to finally get my life story on the big screen.

I’ve worked with some of the best, from Nick Kazan (Reversal of Fortune) and Robert Roy Pool (Outbreak) to John Heyman (Passage To India) and more recently Eric Eisner, Robert Lorenz and Clint Eastwood. The book’s only other script was written by Dan Gordon (Wyatt Earp, Hurricane).

Hopefully we’ll finally get it done and the movie made.

The director did the heavy lifting and we’re doing touchups on the first draft this trip. I’ll be out there all next week. Should be interesting.

The story is about my young life, mostly spent in the southwest from age 18 til my early 30’s. My partner back then Don Woodbeck and – I for reasons the story explains – posed as law men a la the old west and took down drug dealers by doing sting after sting all over the country.

Later it led to me working for the Attorney Generl of Kansas as a special agent. Woodbeck was my sidekick then as well, kinda like Wyatt and Doc Holiday 100 years latter. We both paid the price in the end, his death and my time in the slammer.

I’m often asked ‘why do you keep going with this project after all these years?’ Well, we don’t get but one shot at making a film about our life.

Screen Shot 2015-06-05 at 10.13.01 AMIt’s a fantastic adventure and coming of age for a young man.

If you read the book, you know there’s a bit of all of us in these two guys. The movie’s been a carrot in front of my face for years. It’s my Super Bowl.

Mayhem has made many life story with movies from Invincible with Mark Wahlberg to Million Dollar Arm with Jon Hamm to Game Plan with The Rock.

I like this young director and writer, great guys.

I hated leaving Clint and Eisner but Clint was going to produce and not direct, he’s limited now on what he can complete as he’s in his mid 80’s. But with Sniper being such a smash hit, who knows whats next for this legend but since Lorenz was directing Clint would not move on my project.

I get one nice reward on this trip.

I hope she doesn’t drive me nuts, but one of my recent ex girlfriends Gia moved to LA to get into showbiz. She’s a former Dallas Cowboy cheerleader now in her mid 20’s.

She lived in KC for a bit and went to K-State and she’s gonna hang with me this weekend before I have to be locked up in an office working all next week.

I’m hoping we get this movie made by next year.

Mayhem’s a great company that distributes through Disney. The director has more passion to do this movie I think than I do if that’s possible. So back to the firing range.
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35 Responses to Glazer: Dallas Cheerleader, Movie Deal Await Scribe in LA

  1. miket says:

    “…But with Sniper being such a smash hit, who knows whats next for this legend…”.

    Eastwood is going to direct a film based on the book written by “Sully” Sullenburger who was the pilot who landed the jet on the Hudson River after that bird strike.

  2. hahhararley says:

    again glaze….good luck….If you pull this off it will be like the chiefs winning the
    superbowl………go get ’em.
    Maybe your ship has come in !!!!!!!!

  3. the dude says:

    “It’s a fantastic adventure and coming of age for a young man.”

    You really, truly are completely deluded if you actually think this.

  4. Jack Springer says:

    Straight to VHS.

    • Play that violin says:

      HAHA +1 guess it isn’t Beta!

    • CG says:

      Yep all those people from Clint to Kazan are not as smart as you guys….they all wanted to be involved in a story that was a nothing…right, spent millions on it over the years..but they aren’t as clever or as film smart as the three of you guys. Right. Right.

      Your being so jealous and making such stupid comments shows your not too bright, huh. You don’t have to like me, though you don’t know me and NONE OF you read anything.

      • Jack Springer says:

        Believe me … no one is envious or jealous of you.

        • admin says:

          C’mon, Jack…

          You wouldn’t like to have that grrrl in the pic pick you up at the airport and read you bedtimes stories in your hotel room in LA?

      • Play that violin says:

        I do believe CG just had a bit of a temper tantrum!! Your “book” nor your life interests me. But after reading the story and seeing Jack’s comment I had a good laugh. So suck it!

  5. rkcal says:

    I can see it working in a “Paul Blart, Mall Cop” kind of way.

  6. David says:

    Good luck CG. With the cheerleader and the script.

  7. SteelyDanMan says:

    So your script was optioned last year and now is being greenlit?

    But you’re just getting around to polishing the first draft?

    Something doesn’t add up. Are you personally financing the project?

    David Jung has a couple horror flicks to his name, according to IMDB.

    Hell, if I were you, make a comedy. That’s your forte considering you’ve been in the business for decades.

    • the dude says:

      Just enjoy the comedy of errors put on display here. This clown thinks by getting his movie to screen will somehow validate his sad life.

      • admin says:

        I know what you’re saying dude, but I honestly don’t think Craig is particularly sad about his life.

        If I was dating that chick in the photo I’d be in therapy. But to each hsis or her own, right?

  8. Worldwide says:

    Gia has nice tits

  9. admin says:

    Guy does toss out some good zingers from time to time

  10. Craig Glazer says:

    You know what your biggest fans are your biggest hatters. So I have a ton of fans..LA is nice so far, been a minute since I was here. David and his wife had a nice welcome party for me Sunday. Many of their friends in the entertainment biz there, pool party at his house. Mostly agents and so forth. Nice to see and meet those who don’t hate but pull for people who work hard to get projects completed. Its a tough biz.

    As for the pix, of course its not self anything Mayhem is a major production company who usually goes out with Disney on release. Developement of a story like this costs over a million bucks with my fees, the director, writing, staff on and on…thats just the developement. My story has always been with a major. As written above. As you all already know.

    Hey who knows, maybe still won’t be made, nothing is for sure in this world except your efforts. Its a great adventure and unique, but you never know.

    As for the trolls and haters, have at it. In the meantime I’m working out here to get her done.

  11. CheerCoach says:

    Mr. Glazer, the Gia pic is either a joke HC is playing on you, or the worst possible picture he could find. If it’s real, that girl is most certainly not Cowboy material. She’s not Cowboy laundry room attendant material. You need to give in to the need for corrective lenses because she’s skanky, has been ridden hard, real hard, and put away wet. Real wet. She’s 5 miles of rough road, son.
    If we sort through all the hype, I’m assuming the closest she’s come to being a Cowboy’s cheerleader is possibly having attended a game. To be one who so brags of his super-hot conquests, this is a $60 evening at best.

    • the dude says:

      She has a cheerleader outfit she could put on for an extra fifty spot.

    • CG says:

      Son we already discussed you. Two years a cheerleader, not a biggie, and in fact better bod than 95% of those gals who look like ‘Peggy Sue’…but hey what do I know and do I care what she did, she has a 9 body and is hot…skanky well how would you know, you never had even one date with a 9…50 bucks really….good luck pal…

      Post your hot chicks in your recent life…not your chunky wife ok.

      • the dude says:

        As always Glazer, this is not about me it is about YOU. I am just a ‘little person’ who has never had the chance to realize the ‘awesomeness’ that you have achieved in your so called ‘life’.

  12. hahhararley says:

    sorry glaze…don’t beliee she’s a former dallas cowboy cheerleader…
    look at that dress..a little skanky for the public scene.
    go prove that gia is a former cowboy cheerleader becsude no one like her
    showed up in 2012 or 2013…..
    prove it! I knew some of them who were from kc nd that’s not the type
    of woman they take for cheerleaders.
    think you might be wrong.
    prove me wrong….I think you stepped in it this time.

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