Steele: But He Was Such a ‘Caring, Beautiful’ Jihadi!

Nadir Soofi in an image from his Facebook page.

Nadir Soofi in an image from his Facebook page.

It turns out that Nadir Soofi – one of the two ISIS-inspired jihadis who hoped to kill scores of people at the inaugural Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest – has a local connection…

His father and stepmother live in Kansas City.

Soofi and his running mate, Elton Simpson, made the mistake of confusing Texas with Paris. In Texas, the security guards have real guns, and they know how to use them. One 60-year-old guard, though wounded himself, managed to take out both the would-be jihadis.

The Kansas City Star, like most major media outlets, felt bad for the jihadis.

Reporter Eric Adler had nary a contrary word to say about the stepmom’s rant:

“My question is, what did they (the organizers) get out of this? How was this event a productive thing for either now or in the future? How was this productive for the average U.S. citizen? Can you answer that one question? How does it make America a better place? This is what I want to know.”

I’ll let the extraordinarily brave event organizer Pam Geller answer that question:

“So, why are some people blaming me? They’re saying: ‘Well, she provoked them! She got what she deserved!’ They don’t remember, or care to remember, that as the jihadis were killing the Muhammad cartoonists in Paris, their friend and accomplice was murdering Jews in a nearby kosher supermarket. Were the Jews asking for it? Did they ‘bait’ the jihadis? Were they ‘provoking’ them?



“Are the Jews responsible for the Nazis? Are the Christians in the Middle East responsible for being persecuted by Muslims?

“Drawing Muhammad offends Islamic jihadists? So does being Jewish. How much accommodation of any kind should we give to murderous savagery? To kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.

“Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.

“Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not stand for being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed, while everyone else lives in fear.

“Islamic law as it’s interpreted by extremists forbids criticism of Islam, the Quran, and Muhammad. If they cannot be criticized in the United States, we are in effect accepting Islamic law as overriding the freedom of speech. This would establish Muslims as a protected class and prevent honest discussion of how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence.

“Some say that ‘hate speech’ should be censored. But what constitutes ‘hate speech’ is a subjective judgment that is unavoidably influenced by the political perspective of the one doing the judging.

“Allowing this sort of censorship would mean nothing less civilizational suicide. Many in the media and academic elite assign no blame to an ideology that calls for death to blasphemers — i.e., those who criticize or offend Islam. Instead, they target and blame those who expose this fanaticism. If the cultural elites directed their barbs and attacks at the extremist doctrine of jihad, the world would be a vastly safer place.”

THE STEPMOM would have none of this.

She described the event as either “illegal or immoral.” She was more ambivalent about her stepson’s actions. “I’m not saying what he did was right or wrong,” she told the Star.

No, of course not.

The ethics of mass murder, especially to stop some rampaging cartoonists, are difficult to sort out. So apparently are the ethics of beheading 21 innocent Christians (videotaped for your viewing pleasure) and the kidnapping of 300 more.

I say “apparently” because I have yet to see an editorial from the Star on the relentless, barbaric anti-Christian, anti-Jewish pogroms we see in the Middle East and even in Europe.

Nor have I seen any major media critic attack the “Book of Mormon” for its outrageous, if occasionally amusing, assault on Mormonism.

Maybe the Mormons should start lopping off some heads.

Rich Steele is a citizen journalist and head of the NSAAS (Non-Smokers Against Anti-Smoking).
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38 Responses to Steele: But He Was Such a ‘Caring, Beautiful’ Jihadi!

  1. 'rhahhararley says:

    more religious b.s.
    who cares? If the attendees of this cartoon fest are stupid enough to go to this
    event when they had paid 30K for security and the possibility of terrorists
    with explosives and guns coming…so be it…you won’t catch me there to see
    some comics. I’d rather go to stanfords! and heck…the kcc guys are
    afraid to walk on the plaza at night.
    Anyway…there’s more important news…Brady and pats get caught deflating
    footballs….lets get our priorities straight. More discussion about flat
    balls than cartoons of mohammed.

    • chuck says:

      I would go see her and I wouldn’t walk across the street to see the Beatles.

    • Play that violin says:

      That is because the liberal coward you are would never stand up for a fundamental building block of a free society. As you state if they are “stupid” enough to attend… Today that is a cartoon fest tomorrow its the voting booth that is under attack with your attitude.

  2. Libertarian says:

    I personally would never host a mohammed cartoon drawing contest, but will defend anyone elses right to do so.

    I believe in God, and could care less whether or not someone wanted to have a God cartoon drawing contest. I just wouldnt attend, OR get pissed about it.

    Thats the beauty (and sometimes the ugly) of America.

  3. Jack Springer says:

    The scum’s parents live in Overland Park, Kansas — NOT in Kansas City.

    This scum does not need a funeral — especially one that is celebrated. I hope the Westboro Baptist Church pickets his funeral.

  4. newbaum turk says:

    Terrorists among us. I get tired of hearing that only a small fraction of Muslims actually will carry out Jihad. The problem is I believe most Muslims are sympathetic and/or agree with actions like this or what happened in France. They use our political correctness against us and it’s killing us.

    • chuck says:

      About a year ago (I think…) I read the PEW REPORT on just this subject. It said that of the 1.2 Billion Muslims in the world, 300 million were actively engaged in Jihad, another 300 million supported Jihad, 300 million had no opinion and 300 million opposed Jihad.

      I think, depending on where the question is asked (In America and Europe, Muslims, in my opinion, will lie if asked this question. Takyia.)

      The reason that there is very little hue and cry against terrorism from Islamic countries and Muslims, is because, in my opinion, by and large, they support it.

      So, lets bring as many as we can, right here into the good old USA.

  5. Ernest Evans says:

    Media very uncomfortable with this story!! First, the hero is a cop–a most un-PC situation!! Second, the terrorists used assault rifles–which shows why the much attacked “militarization of the police” has taken place since 9/11. Overall, story illustrates an eternal truth that most of the US political class has forgotten; in the words of the great British socialist George Orwell: “People sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men walk the streets prepared to do violence on their behalf.” Our having forgotten this basic truth is why the black neighborhoods of Baltimore and Saint Louis have become bloody war zones. Take care. In Christ, Ernest Evans

    • Phaedrus says:

      Seems like the cop was able to handle it without calling in the artillery and the tanks. If he was wearing camouflage, he probably wouldn’t have even been hit.

      Why don’t we forget the various religions and all become darwinists (or maybe Scientologists)? The world would be a happier and safer place.

      • moderation says:

        +10,000 Dr. Ernest Evans has become less and less academic, and more and more partisan. Where once he made unbiased points based in academia and neutrality of facts, we now find partisan pandering and political propaganda. This is too bad since Dr. Ernest Evans was/is one of the more intelligent and thoughtful posters to KCC.

    • chuck says:

      Dead on the money E. E.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      this guy quotes George orwell….and we can see how well his books
      on 1984 and animal fall came to pass….not!!!!!!!!!
      Was in st. Louis thru ferguson…not a war zone unless you read the
      governments report of the hatred and vile actions of the ferguson police
      department. And when you say zone I hope you understand the entire
      mess took place in about 3 square blocks.
      Again…using these right wing nutcase links and authors as a reason
      to go to war…is absolutely stupid.
      sorry…the answers are simple…but the knuckleheads in d.c. aren’t
      getting it se
      I hope you sleep at night…or get some Nyquil….the problem is not
      as bad as you say.
      If not…hide under the bed with your guns and ammo.

      • you’re afraid to go to the plaza chuck…
        I seriously doubt you’d go out and fight these guys…
        1. you don’t know who they are
        2. you are too old to keep fighiting this fantasy war.
        3. you are afraid of some young black kids on the plaza
        and you expect us to believe you’d take on these terrorists.
        4. tyou’ve served..we appreciate your service…but lets get
        real about the situation in America…no sharia law…
        no communists….we jus t need to learn to get along…
        because the non whites are growing at the fast clip and
        we’d better learn to coexist….

      • miket says:

        harley, you might want to re-read 1984 and Animal Farm before completely dismissing them.

      • Play that violin says:

        Government reports of hatred? Isn’t this the same government you’ve been supporting on these pages and others for the last 6 years? In the end justice prevailed. Now thanks to the “victims” property values in Ferguson have nose dived. Baltimore and Ferguson are the result of your liberal thinking and the failures are clear. If only you and your kind weren’t wearing rosey liberal blinders. Before you blame cops might want to think about who your going to call when they start torching your property since your opposition to Amend 2 will keep you from protecting it yourself. Hypocrit.

    • moderation says:

      Dr. Evans,

      You seem to have forgotten many of the greatest passages in 1984. You should be forgiven for your lapses, they happen to the best of us. But, rest assured, you chose the wrong work of literature to quote when speaking on the topic of The State. You see, for every quote you pull from 1984, in defense of State tactics, 10 more can be referenced to rebut you.

      “Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious”

      “The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

      ““The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?””

      ““We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.”

      “So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern…Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”

      And lastly, to you Dr. Evans….

      “What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?”

  6. chuck says:

    Pam Geller’s activities should be a clarion call for Americans.

    Check this.

    There are now, no go zones in Detroit, where Sharia Law, is the law of the land.

    There is NO freedom of speech in NO GO Zones.

    Check the rest of the videos. They are stoning Christians on video in America.

    The Politically Correct will join Harley at Stanfords, to elect a “Speech Kommissar” that will dictate the limits of Free Speech available to those wishing to discuss Islamic terrorists.

    Me, I say beat the absolute fu*k out of them.

    God Bless Pam Geller.

    • chuck says:

      Here is a list of some of the accomplishments of the “Religion Of Peace”.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      wish we could fight them as you say…but this is not world war 1/2 Vietnam
      or korea….we don’t know who they are….
      Ask anyone who went to iraqand they thought of everyone as the enemy.
      So what do we do?
      and who’s kid gets to go over and fight these people.
      As I have sid before….pump all the oil we need…keep it here…
      get the price of oil down to about 30/barrel….open up national
      reserves….invest in cars getting 100 miles agallon…or electric…
      go alternative energy…and then say bye bye to these people.
      Tell the Israelis we have fought enough wars for you and you never
      want peace so it’s your turn. Arm them..protect them…if iran
      won’t do this deal right take out their nuke capabilities.
      Saw head of dept of energy o tv last night on daily show….guy seems
      to know what he’s doing…but as Reagan said “verify/verify/verify!!!!
      Truthfully…no way to keep iran from getting nukes…they can be
      make in Russia…builts or just bought from old soviet military.
      But somehow we have to either find a way to get along with them
      as we did with our “enemies” the ru ssians for many years…or
      we bring oour kids home and let them settle it themselves.
      Chuck…you can’t beat the shit out of anyone. You don’t even know who
      they are.
      aand please get a honest source to show sharia law exists in America…
      just the sameb.s. that texas is being invaded by marines….
      comoe on…lets get serious.

      • moderation says:


        You oversimplify the foreign policy surrounding the Middle East.

        Alternative forms of energy? Sounds great. Ethanol which is derived from corn has cause the price of corn to rise. This in turn causes prices to rise at the grocery store for things such as beef (the cattle must be fed, and usually thats corn). This disproportionately harms the poor. Many poor do not have cars, but they must all eat.

        Electric cars? Sounds great. Tesla is doing a fine job. But we have NO PROBLEM getting clean energy, the problem is storing the electricity once we make it. The battery technology just doesn’t exist. I really hope Tesla’s new battery works, it would be a HUGE step for humanity.

        Open up national reserves? Pointless, less than a years supply and it is meant for emergencies in case OPEC decides to embargo the USA like they did in the 70’s. More harm than good to open it.

        Take out Iranian nuclear capabilities? Ok, you may be on to something. But keep in mind how devoted the some 300 million people Chuck quotes as supporting Jihad are. America has a population less than 300 million, are you ready for the real “War to end all Wars”? From your other posts, I don’t think you are.

        No way to keep Iran from getting Nukes? This may be true, after all if a man is thirsty enough he will drink his own urine. But keep in mind we live in a world of 196 countries and only 9 have nuclear bombs. If it were as easy as you say, I can only imagine more would have them. Russia has incentive NOT to arm Iran. After all my friend today could be my enemy tomorrow.

        If it were as easy as you say, we wouldn’t be were we are.

        • 'rhahhararley says:

          moderation…you’re new here so let Harley
          counter your arguments!!!!!
          1. we have too much corn…market collapsed with
          gmo seeds turn away by china….and yields now are
          at all time highs while the corn market is looking for
          new customers….and suing Syngenta!
          2. ethanol…govt. mistake. when do we cut those
          subsidies off? what a mess…..
          wind is growing by leaps and bounds in other nations…
          read wheresolar panel prices have gone down…
          but we’re creating millions of new jobs in the future
          with this alternative focus. Will take time…but
          where are the republicans now that these alternatives
          are starting to take off.

          National reserves: if we were to get the price low
          enough…fracking starts up fact it already
          is. The plan is that we can become energy independent
          within 5years…invest capital…and not have to
          depend on Saudis…..instead of oil leaving thru
          the pipeline we keep it here!
          National reserves…unleash it…prices collapses…
          the governments in most arab states go bye bye
          except fr Saudis who have exta financial reserves.

          Iranian bomb: when Russia collapsed and government
          broke up…they had so much material that they did
          not know what to do with it. I’m am totally against
          attacking Iranian facilities….but Israel did in
          years ago and there was no reaction from Iraq.
          I’m sure u.s. has the knowledge and info to take
          out the nukes. In fact…read where u.s. shut down
          their systemvia a hacking program.

          Iranians are waiting to get rid of their government…
          with sanctions that we now have in place we
          stangled their finance system. And even Obama has
          said there are even more stringent sanctions we can
          take….we can handle iran….if wwe hold course and
          make them feel the heat. No…I don’t want a war
          with iran…but we could collapse them financially
          with harder sanctions…but why…our air force is
          providing Iranian troops with cover in the middle
          Then tell Israel we’re cutting the cord!!!

          And you are wrong on tesla. Tesla’s president
          really doesn’t want to sell cars…not at 120K…
          he wants to control the lithium battery market
          and the entire battery market itself…as seen this
          week with his home battery introduction.
          We have electric cars…the technology can advance
          as quickly as we need them…but Detroit is not
          happy about havig to change their entire model
          lineup and sell electric so quickly….in fact they
          have so much invested in fossil fuel autos we
          may never see full electric cars for the prices
          the masses could afford that were reliable and
          didn’t have to change the entire operations of
          other corresponding industries.
          Thanks for your thoughts…nice to see someone
          on here who isn’t reading WND and listeing
          to fox tv all day.

      • Play that violin says:

        The US never fought an Israeli war. Drinking from the Kool Aid again.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      come on chuck…more b.s.
      sharia law in Dearborn….get off the net at 3am….listen to the mayor of the
      city…..and remember sharia law is only practiced in only 3 nations in the
      mteiddle east…
      get real….this is not a propaganda site for your hate.
      You make wstboro look pretty lame.
      Andd chuck if you’re so worried about this…why not get off the internet
      and grab the guns you have and go fight these people.
      I think you’re a little too old to be fighting ghosts.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      geller should be a clarion call!!!! she should run for prez in repub. primaries
      with the rest of the clowns.
      aclarion call of nutcases who knew there’d be trouble but yet provoked
      these people with some stulpid cartoon fest.
      They should have been home with their ak 47’s watching you tube for
      more lies and crap from a bunch of kooks.

  7. chuck says:

    This is 4 minutes. If you want to know why so many Muslims are coming here, then here is the answer.

    Get out your check books folks. You are paying for your own execution.

  8. Hot Carl says:

    I can’t stand these jihadi dickheads. Glad two more of them are dead. Too bad we can’t thin the herd at a greater rate.

  9. moderation says:

    Uhhhh…. The system worked how it is supposed to work.

    1. Mrs. Geller was able to exercise her freedom of expression.
    2. The jihadis were able to exercise their free will and respond with violence.
    3. Society enforced its ban on murder by taking out the jihadis.

    I don’t see any problem here. Mrs. Geller was free to express her views on Islam just like someone can call Mrs. Hearne a c****, s***, w**** at the bar. I assume all of the posters in here would celebrate my right to call their wives c**** and s**** and w*****? Probably not, they would probably punch me in the face.

    I take the same view as the Pope. “If my good friend Doctor Gasparri [who organises the Pope’s trips] speaks badly of my mother, he can expect to get punched.” That doesn’t mean I don’t support their right to make that speech, and that doesn’t mean I support the Jihadi’s extreme response. It just means that no amount of legislation will eliminate all risk in the world. If you choose to insult someones wife/religion/country you can expect a response. And if it is YOUR wife/religion/country that is insulted you can expect to be punished if you opt for a violent response. Isn’t that the way its supposed to work, or am I missing something?

  10. moderation says:

    Mind you, also. Mr. Rich Steele is supporting the denial of Freedom of Expression by posting his articles on this very website. Mr. Steele, and Mr. Hearne for that matter, may be unaware, but KCC has deployed the use of a Blacklisting system. Such a system “blacklists” IP addresses. In this case KCC’s system administrator has seen fit to Blacklist known TOR IP addresses. By doing so he has blocked KCC from viewing in over 50 of the countries around the world. These countries include China, India, Somalia, N. Korea, Iran and many of the countries most notorious for crimes against humanity and suppression of speech.

    The people in these countries, and the reporters that cover the atrocities of these war zones, depend on the TOR network. Without the TOR network a reporter in ISIL controlled territories will be unable to report the atrocities, such as the aforementioned beheading of Christians. You see for every beheading displayed by ISIL 10 more go unknown. Without the TOR network the world would never know the scope of anti-Christian sentiment in these places.

    And yet, here we find Mr. Hearne and Mr. Steele preaching the virtues of Freedom of Expression while at the same time denying this very article from those in MOST need of these freedoms. Irony? I believe so.

    • moderation says:

      Was it not a few short weeks ago KCC was condemning Apple for rebuking Indiana while at the same time conducting business with Saudi Arabia????

      And yet here we have KCC promoting freedom of speech while at the same time denying that very freedom themselves……

    • moderation says:

      Access denied. Your IP address [] is blacklisted. If you feel this is in error please contact your hosting providers abuse department.

      I could provide no less than 100 screen grabs to the same effect while attempting to access KCC. Perhaps its not so much irony as hypocrisy.

  11. Phaedrus says:

    Just to stir the pot a bit…

    How many Muslims were killed in Iraq/Afganistan by the peaceful, God-fearing Christians from the good ol’ US of A?

    I don’t like Muslims that terrorize/kill others based on their religous beliefs. On the other hand, a far greater number of innocent (muslim) civilians were killed in Iraq/Afghanistan than the number of civilians killed by Muslims here.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      and it was all because of the bush/cheney/powell/rice lies as they
      let nut and yahoo make us believe there were wmd’s…..
      anyone dying like this on any side is a waste of god’s children …no
      matter what god they worshipped.

      • been there done that says:

        we’ve had this discussion before. it was not bush/cheney/rice lies it was saddam hussein lies. read the transcripts, listen to the interviews, saddam hussein was clear… he feared Iran more than the US. He lied about the WMD’s because he was more afraid of Iran than he was of America. those are his own words not mine. saddam was a crazy, iron-fisted dictator, but he was also VERY intelligent. Ask any world leader that knew the man and they will say alot of things about him, but stupid is not an adjective they would use.

        Just like the loons that listen to FoxNews, the left is just as loony. Be wary of getting your facts from the news, try to get primary source documents whenever possible. in this case audio tapes and transcripts are available from Saddam himself. he was already sentenced to death so he had no reason to lie.

        • 'r hahhararley says:

          no you read the documents…..even powell admits
          they were lied to. Cheney made his friends change
          the testimony…bush knew…but they

  12. 'r hahhararley says:

    wanted war. So you’re saying we should invade iran becaae the same
    factors are present there.
    We were lied to about that war…even the culprits who caused 5000 American
    deaths now admit it!!!!!!they lied…and I can produce the docs that prove it.

    • PreviousPoster says:

      Here are some relevant excerpts from the released interviews by SSA George L Pirro of the FBI after Saddamm was captured. These interviews were conducted in Arabic between Saddam Hussein and SSA George L Pirro from February 7, 2004 to March 21, 2004. These were released in 2009 after a FOIA request by the National Security Archives at George Washington University. Also included is a Guardian article dated 10/09/2004 citing US officials with knowledge of the interrogations.

      “It is demonstrated by an exchange between Saddam and his generals recounted to the LA Times by a senior US intelligence officer on the brink of last year’s war – a story that goes to the heart of Saddam’s final deception: that of his own generals.

      Shortly before the war last year, Saddam gathered his top generals together to share what came to them as astonishing news: the weapons that the US was launching a war to remove did not exist.

      ‘There was plenty of surprise when Saddam said, “Sorry guys, we don’t have any” to use against the invading forces,’ the official said” 10/09/2004

      This speaks to Saddam Hussein’s deception.

      Speaking to Saddam Hussein’s fear of division within his country is the following from the FBI interviews with Saddam Hussein himself.

      “Hussein stated Iran was Iraq’s major threat due to their common border and believed Iran intended to annex Southern Iraq into Iran. The possibility of Iran trying to annex a portion of Southern Iraq was viewed by Hussein and Iraq as the most significant threat facing Iraq.”

      “SSA Piro commented that under those circumstances, it would appear that Iraq would have needed to reconstitutes its own weapons program in response. Hussein replied that Iraq would have done what was necessary and agreed that Iraq’s technical and scientific abilities exceeded others in the region.”

      Whats important here is how convoluted the whole situation was. In a nutshell….

      During the Iraq – Iran war of the 1980’s Iraq had superior capabilities compared to those of Iran. Iraq had missiles capable of striking some 2-300 km into Iran from within Iraq. Iran didn’t have these capabilities. But Iran was rapidly progressing in their military programs. After the Iraq – Iran war, came the conflict with the US in 1991. After this Iraq was bound by UN resolution 687. Iraq was to publicly destroy all of their WMD’s, let inspectors in, etc, etc, etc. But Saddam destroyed some of the weapons himself before the inspectors arrived, but no one really believed him. As it turns out he was telling the truth, and by 1998 he didn’t have a serious supply of WMD’s.***I believe this is what you are referencing as Powell/Cheney/Bush’s ” lie*** However, at this same time Iran was increasingly becoming a greater regional threat to Iraq. Now Saddamm has significant incentive to perpetuate the belief that he does have WMD. After all, no one believes he got rid of them, and Iran is becoming a greater threat. This all culminates in a June 2000 speech Saddam gave.

      SSA Pirro addressed the June 2000 speech in the interview giving a glimpse of how America perceived Saddamm’s comments.

      “Hussein was reminded of a speech he gave in June, 2000, where he stated that he would not disarm until the region disarmed; and his own words could be taken as an admission that Iraq possessed WMD.”

      Now I will retire from this topic. If I were, I would be writing my own columns, not commenting on KCC. Really, no one on this site knows whats, what. Myself included. Thats the nature of foreign policy and posturing. But I felt compelled to provide some citations. I will entertain your citations about admission of lies.

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