Hearne: Unanswered Questions Linger in ‘Duke’s on Broadway’ Rape Story

Dukes-on-Grand-windows-smashed-SIZED_1429570753144_17118131_ver1.0_640_480Don’t expect the Duke’s on Grand rape story to go away anytime soon…

There are just too many crazy twists and turns and unanswered questions. Starting with the gaggle of employees who hung out illegally drinking after closing hours to party with owner Dennis Skeen, a former hot dog salesman and the alleged perpetrator.

And that the 23 year old woman victim had been drinking illegally for nearly three hours with Skeen and the other employees who left only minutes before Skeen did the nasty.

In another odd twist, it was three homeless men who say they spotted Skeen taking advantage of his passed out employee and who called the police. One of the homeless gents told KCTV that Skeen threatened them by waving a gun after he dragged the woman’s lifeless body out of sight into a back room.

According to Regulated Industries Skeen and his wife were in negotiations to buy Duke’s, however its liquor license expired two days after the alleged incident and liquor wholesalers have been notified not to deliver to the bar.

The latest: “There was a restaurant equipment auction scheduled for Downtown Pizza (Skeen’s company) this week, but it got cancelled at the last minute due to some legal issues,” says a restaurant source.

homeless-580x250Meanwhile back at the ranch, inquiring minds want to know exactly what lead up to the alleged 6 a.m. rape, fondling and gun waving.

And why did the other Duke’s/Downtown Pizza’s other employees depart when the victim was in such obvious bad shape. And what lead Skeen to move in romantically so quickly after their departure, only to be interrupted by the homeless dudes?

“I’d like to know – and this may not come out until it goes to trial – if Skeen and the woman already had a romantic relationship,” says the restaurant source. “I mean, they worked together and like if they were kissing or something right before she passed out.

“It’s not like you’re going to rape someone that’s working for you. You know, bring somebody in and then just rape them. And maybe instead of her waking up to him, the police woke her up and she panicked and didn’t know what to say. Then again, maybe it was the worst thing imaginable and he’s just a sick fuck and he needs to go to jail.

“The bottom line is they all stayed after hours illegally and everybody got hammered and bad shit happened. I think it all started with the alcohol and worked its way into a worse problem.”

Stay tuned…

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10 Responses to Hearne: Unanswered Questions Linger in ‘Duke’s on Broadway’ Rape Story

  1. gayle says:

    “I think it all started with the alcohol …” Doesn’t it always?

  2. 'rhahhararley says:

    the question here is did the young woman claim she was raped…and did they
    (the police) get evidence as to that fact.
    Lots of loose strings in this story.
    Whatever the case…it would be hard to prove the man raped the women without
    more information.
    So my suggestion is you get your #1 news hound on this story asap.
    If the girl drank too much then passed out it may be a hard case for
    I’d like to hear from jr. or whinery on this so we can see the legal
    side of a story like this.
    Most importantly has the girl reported a rape….and have charges been filed
    Also…many bars/clubs have closed their doors and locked them for private
    parties with the booze flowing. I guess that’s illegal…I’m not with liquor
    control…..maybe get glaze to tell us more about this stuff since hes
    a longtime bar operator.
    Just too many questions to figure out what happened.

      • 'rhahhararley says:

        that’s why I suggested you get your news hound one of those
        high top hats…a rounded tobacco pipe…..some wire
        rimmed glasses….and coon skin coat and put him on
        this story asap when he looks like Sherlock holmes.
        But don’t forget the plunger in case he gets stuck
        under one of the chairs at Dukes on Broadway trying to
        collect clues on this live late breaking news story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm Not Telling says:

    There are way to many unanswered questions. I know the police are talking about what happened during the “incident”, however what happened before hand? Why won’t they release what they saw before hand on the security video? Yes there are pending charges and a prelim hearing scheduled for 05/06/2015. For his children’s sake I hope to heck the worst case is not true. What kind of “legal issues” would prevent an equipment sale and why would the sell the equipment if they are trying to save the pizza place?

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      never been to dukes….never heard of it til hearne uncovered this
      big story.
      I’m sure the guy wanted to plug the girl…..
      booze em up….get em plowed then carry them into the back room.
      Luckily the 3 homeless guys called the police. Musthave used their
      “Obama” phones to call 911………and the police probably came.
      too bad for the young girl.
      still a lot to prove and muc h more info is needed…
      but the question everyone is asking in the city…how come your #1
      news hound isn’t on this righ now? I mean hearne…we saw what a
      great job he did with the jewl heist and the sprint story (lol)

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