Glazer: Step Aside Haters, Barack Rocks!

saint-obamaBarack Obama will finish his second term as clean a prez as there’s been in decades…

With no real accusations of wrong doings – none that were real anyway. And this president was under a microscope like no other. Social media has come a long ways during Obama’s presidency. Yet even with the constant attacks on the president and his wife, Michelle nothing really landed on Obama’s front door that mattered.

On Obama’s watch the economy came back. The stock market tripled to 18,000 plus from 6,000, Osama Bin Laden got snuffed. Most major combat has ended in the Middle East with a majority of US troops coming home. Health care was finally addressed with Obama Care. Even the price of gas has come down to under $2.50 a gallon.

So, Republicans and Tea Party types aside, what’s not to like?

Of course, there are many Americans who don’t like the president – never did, never will.

That happens with every president. You can’t make everyone happy. Obama has taken a beating for sure. He has a lot more grey hairs today then when he started. All presidents seem to age dramatically while in office.

The one thing I see is his loyalty to his family and no hint of cheating on his wife.

Now that’s unusual.

say-womanizer-again-one-more-timeObama seems to be a good man who cares. And I believe he did everything he could to turn things around for the better.

Sure there were things he didn’t get done. I remember he wanted to get the credit card interest rates down. They are crazy with rates near 30% for some, while CD’s pay 1 per cent. That got blocked fast.

Race relations have not improved much.

In fact, they’re even worse today than when he took office. The fact that he was a black president did not improve relations between whites and blacks and that’s tragic, but that’s the way it is and likely will be for some time.

The bottom line: Unless something dramatic happens soon, Barack Obama will leave office with honor and respect.

Who knows our first black president followed by our first woman president, Hillary Clinton.

She just may fill Obama’s shoes.
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89 Responses to Glazer: Step Aside Haters, Barack Rocks!

  1. the dude says:

    This puppet clown is the same as the last set of puppet clowns in empty suits that filled the position. Not much difference besides the names and faces, just puppets in suits.

  2. Homer Stokes says:

    “I ‘spect some miscegenation in they he’itage!

  3. Stomper says:

    Great piece Craig. I think this may be your first foray into politics here but you, more than any other writer here, threaten three figures in comments every time you post. This topic should be no exception. I’m sure Chuck is going apoplectic after reading this, as will others but you hit the nail on the head.

    To me it is unfortunate that people get tied up in personalities more than the basic platforms of the two parties but that is the nature of politics. My view is that one should disregard personalities as much as possible and focus on one’s own personal view of the role of government. Are you one that favors small government, the lowest taxes possible, and do not believe the government has any responsibility or even right to get involved in issues facing the country, or are you one that DOES feel the government has a right and responsibility to get involved in issues that the private sector can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t try to correct. If you fall into the former, then you think the absolute worst republican is ALWAYS better than the absolute best democrat. If you are a democrat, then you see it the other way. As a democrat, although I don’t support every piece of the liberal platform, I do think the federal government has a high level of responsibility so that’s how I vote, regardless of the individual candidate. I’ve written here before that in 2000, I thought Gore was a popous a$$ but when he won the nomination, I held my nose and voted for him because we agreed on the role of government. You are absolutely correct, there are many that just dislike Obama intensely. They could care less about his platform, they just don’t like the man. There are those that feel the same way about Hillary. They don’t argue policy, they argue personalities and that misses the point from my perspective.

    I agree that a decade down the road, people will look back and see the government’s expanded role in healthcare as a great move. It will be the signature piece of Obama’s presidency. Hopefully we go to a single payer plan and the ACA is just the initial move in that direction. There were plenty that though Social Security was a huge mistake and was an example of the government overstepping but today it is widely embraced. GOP railed against FDR at the time. Same with Medicare in the 1960″s. The GOP resisted strongly, calling it socialized medicine but today, it also is widely embraced. Seniors overwhelmingly love it.

    I’ve mentioned to Hearne on more than a few occasions that he needed someone to offer opinions from the left, to counterbalance the postings of Dwight, Steele, Valentine, etc. Thanks for stepping up Craig. I’m guessing this will generate a big number in terms of comments. Can’t wait to read them all.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      Stomper’s right.
      But Harley’s been saying that for years on kcc.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      Glaze’s story is okay but offers really not facts…just general b.s.
      Whathearne needs to do is let Harley light up the comments board
      and take this blog to the next level.
      Comical stuff by Wilson is good…who cared if butler got boooed.
      Harley has the knowledge to take it all in and mak te predictions
      that arevright on.
      Stomper…you thought this article was a good article. Maybe if the
      previous magazine you read was a comic book.

      • Stomper says:

        Harley, when’s the last time you read a post here that was complimentary of the O Man ?? Just to get one easily clears the low bar I hold.

        I would love for you to write a piece from the perspective of the left. I think the political opinions you have shared here are pretty much spot on but they have been comments not posts. However I share a common complaint that others have and that is your disdain for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and civility. If you could opine here with attention to those four, you’d be a powerful spokesman. Give it a go, mate. Hearne would love to assist in the editing process. 🙂

  4. Rich Steele says:

    Sorry, Craig, two false assumptions here. One is that there are many real accusations of wrongdoing–Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS political targeting, the Obamacare lies (see Jonathan Gruber), the missing shovel ready projects, the snooping on the AP, etc. There were enough, in fact, that liberal constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley said of the president, “Barack Obama is really the president Richard Nixon always wanted to be.”

    The reason these don’t spring to mind is because there has been no microscope, no scope of any kind, at least from the major media. The saying is that an incident only becomes a “scandal” when the NYT calls it that on the front page. The NYT has been in the tank since day one.

    You are right about race relations, though. They are palpably worse, and much of that blame falls on BHO. Those of who did not vote for him took solace in that his election would ease racial tension. We failed to realize that “dissent,” which was patriotic under Bush, would be “racist” under Obama.

    • Stomper says:


      Fast and Furious/Iran Contra, Benghazi/Marine Barracks Bombing, IRS targeting by Obama/IRA targeting by Nixon. Lies, both sides lie.

      • admin says:

        I dunno, I think that laundry list is a little too long and a little light on substance…

        Benghazi and terror attacks come with the turf. As do attempts by the opposing party to politicize them. Wasn’t the IRS scandal perpetrated by the people installed during the Bush regime? That’s like blaming Obama for the recession that he got us (mostly) out of.

        The Obamacare lies to me were really more the Obamacare fibs. The dude who confessed to the “lies” wasn’t coerced by the president to do so and in all likelihood, health care will go down on Obama’s list of greatest achievements. It’s not where it probably needs to be ultimately, but he got the ball rolling.

        Things like the above are highly politicized charges, not clean examples of pure wrongdoing.

        Watergate and the ensuing revelations? Pretty cut and dried.

        Clinton’s sex scandals? Pretty cut and dried too, although more was made of it than need have been. Trying to impeach him and then getting all indignant about a pubic hair on a Coke can seems contradictory.

        I think the general gist of Craig’s point is well taken.

        Most of the charges are ones that didn’t really much stick beyond the Republican haters, they don’t come freely to mind to average citizens. If you have to work this hard to try and remind people how awful something is, how awful was it really?

        • Stomper says:

          Spot on admin !!

          I’m sure with the impending nomination of Hillary, we will read and hear about Benghazi for months. Google “Reagan’s Benghazi” from the New Yorker and then compare the two events.

          Obama was stupid to make the comment about keeping your own doctor as that decision is made between doctors and networks, but he may have actually believed it when he said it. I agree that the ACA is only the first step and we need to end up with a single payer plan here like the rest of the civilized world. Tying healthcare to employment is idiotic but that’s a whole different discussion.

          Yep, the actions of the IRS under Obama were targeted and were wrong. Presidents using the IRS as their personal attack dog are common events but that doesn’t make it right.

          Clinton’s sex scandals are cut and dried but as Chuck mentioned, presidential indiscretions are legendary. Slick Willy was an amatuer compared to Kennedy but the press treated presidents with far more preference back then.

          Anyway, admin, thanks for having Glazer write this piece. If it was Craig’s idea, then thank you Craig. Definitely got the comments rolling and again will threaten and possibly surpass the century mark.

          Kudos !!

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      constitution b.s…that’s all it is…
      all those don’t even come close the lies (including those just exposed)
      that bush/cheney/powell/rice lied to amercians that cost us 5000 young
      americans (plus many mre to come) and quarter million injured fighting
      a war because they lied to us….
      how many have died from Obama’s lies…..none…and even the
      republicans with 8 and counting reports knows that!!!!!!!!!!!
      Barack Obama didn’t causevbad race think all this
      hatred just started. Its been hidin for 200 years..only now while
      Obama was in office could the nutjobs come out and it wasn’t
      looked as being bad.
      go away…your party is dying and eventually when its main
      supporters of old old white men die off the party shall we
      say is over for steele/jr/and chuck….
      turn out the lights on your way out the door republicans!!!!!!

  5. 'rhahhararley says:

    Glaze is back! Hotter than ever!
    Obama will go down as one of the greatest presidents in this century…along with
    Bill and Hillary!
    The neo con right wingers can bitch all they want but Obama will walk away
    with a 55-60% maybe 65 or higher approval rate from the nation. And that’s
    Harley’s prediction!

    • Phaedrus says:

      Bill was last century, genius.

      • Stomper says:

        Not to split hairs here but Slick Willy did hang around until January 20th of 2001.

        • Phaedrus says:

          The century didn’t start until 1/1/01 (just like the millennium). I’m sure Bill was coasting those last 20 days, so I ignored them.

          • Stomper says:

            No, your point was spot on. I have several personalities lurking inside and the contrarian one took over the keyboard for a moment when I wasn’t looking. I’ll keep a closer eye on him. Sorry.

          • 'rhahhararley says:

            actually bill did a lot in his final days.
            2 exectuvie orders and some pardoning before
            he left office.
            So fakeus….don’t try to foolharley.
            You looked bad again! Please refrain!

  6. Obama Voter says:

    I like Govermint cheese and my free Obama phone.

    I wonder were can I get more Obama money, from his stash????

  7. KCMonarch says:

    This administration has had hiccups as have all others before them. However I personally believe history will judge Obama as one of the most effective leaders of the modern era. With an assist to the Cheney administration for leaving the country in such disarray that there was truly only one way to go.

  8. Gassedup says:

    Please expand on how Obama helped to bring down the price of oil and gasoline? Clearly he is responsible.

    • Phaedrus says:

      Gas prices averaged $1.84 on 1/26/09 (6 days after Obama was inaugurated).

      The current average gas price is $2.46.

      Forget about explaining how Obama lowered gas prices. I want to know how $2.46 is less than $1.84?!?

      • left out says:

        gas the summer of 2008 was $4.16 a gallon. We were in the midst of a deep recession when Obama took office. There was no demand because there was no industry. Economics 101.

        • Phaedrus says:

          So I guess you’re saying that Obama is responsible for the drop in demand these last few months? Or maybe Obama was out there drilling for oil and is directly responsible for the increase in supply? Or maybe Obama is responsible for the mess in Europe, which has caused the dollar to strengthen, which also makes gas cheaper?

          Leaving aside Econ 101, why is summer 2008 a better reference point than January 2009? Why not use October 2004? Or maybe July 1977?

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      makes no diference….when something good happens..the guy at the
      top gets the credit.
      Royals win…yost gets credit.
      it plays both ways sir.
      Obama goes down as great president if for nothing else than saving
      the country frm the 8 years of economic disasters perpetrated by the
      bush/cheney mob. Did you forget what happened in 2007-2008?
      Maybe I’ll remind you sir.

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Only morons give credit where it isn’t due. Obama had ZERO to do with the price of oil/gas dropping. It had everything to do with the economic pullback in China, and the shale fracking explosion. So piss off on the idea that the president gets credit by default.

        • 'rhahhararley says:

          wrong again guy…had to do wit opec and Saudis
          wanting to
          1. cut down on oil production in u.s. Prices for
          oil would go down so much, the price of a barrel
          would make fracking too expensive and hence
          we’ve seen the closing of lots of oil production in the
          u.s….especially in north dakta…/perian basin.
          2. Saudis didn’t cut back on production with a glut
          of oil in the market. U.S. wanted to put more pressure
          on rest of arab oil market because many arab states
          depend on olil to stay in power by paying off
          opponents. US wanted to punch Russia which salmost
          went broke because of Saudis because price of
          oil plummented and its about 70-80% of Russian economy
          is run by oil… Obama teamed with Saudis…
          tol them to not cut production…and watch iran/
          Russia/Libya/Venezuela etc. get hurt financiall
          by thesuaidis not cutting production.
          Guy…shal fracking explosion meant nothing!
          economic pullback by china meant nothing!
          its the Saudis who control the oil in the wold
          who didn’t cut production duiring the huge glut.
          Get some links asnd prove me wrong if you want
          and you can’t use faux news or mad magazine.
          Yes…Obama knew what was happening and hesaw
          the economy of u.s. bounce with the price of oil
          going down at th time4.
          GET FACTS STRAIGHT !!!!!
          BUT NICE TRY!

          • chuck says:

            The idea that the Saudis conspired with the US to fix the price of oil at 50.00 a barrel is patently absurd. The Saudis dropped the price of oil, AFTER the effects of Fracking were apparent in order to destroy the US Fracking companies who are killing their profits.

            They are buying the market. Think Walmart/Saudi/Nebraska Furniture Mart.

  9. Politicians are Scum says:

    Let’s see Gas prices – when they are down he takes credit when they are up he says there is nothing he can do. Healthcare – like your doctor you can keep it – fat lie!! and I have yet to see any reduction in my healthcare costs as promised. IRS targeting scandal squarely his court. Few hundred visits by IRS to oval office ahead of the targeting and he claims nothing to see here emails “missing” and obstruction on a scale not since Nixon and Clinton . Golf more important than his foreign policy train wreck. I’m sure our men and women love serving for a man that freed the 5 terrorists for a deserter not to mention those that died trying to find the POS. The race card resurgence at the fore front of a national conversation brought on by his justice department. The market’s – Quantitative Easing and the Fed’s are so gun shy of rate changes they can’t even approach the subject without a course correction. Obama dead ISIS alive and well. Iran free to build nukes because when have they ever followed sanctions.

    Of course there are those that feel government can “provide” for them but the sheer amount of government influence in the individual lives of American’s is staggering Although Stomper thinks that is fine I’d prefer the government stick to it’s constitutional authority and put it’s own house in order instead of trying to kick in my door.

    Plus publishing political commentary from a person that can’t vote…. Suffice it to say the potential of Craig getting his voting rights restored are better on the Democratic side then the Republican side.

    • Stomper says:

      Thanks for the mention P.a.S. Love the name by the way and I pretty much agree with it.

      I also want to thank you for the phrase “although Stomper thinks that is fine I’d prefer the government stick to its’ constitutional authority…” They are !! I’m sure this will open a whole new debate but I would refer you to the Constitution itself, specifically Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3. Commonly referred to as the Commerce Clause where Congress was given the right to regulate commerce. The founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom did not define commerce as they knew future would bring changes they could not even imagine. They intended to create a living document that future courts and future legislators would interpret and apply. Chief Justice Marshall started using the Commerce Clause to interpret what the founding fathers meant before the ink was barely dry and expand powers not expressly stated in the document. Much to your dismay I’m sure, Chief Justice John Roberts even used it to affirm the Affordable Care Act. So I think the government is well within their constitutional authority. If Congress or the Courts think otherwise they can act but in the meantime, the government IS acting within their constitutional authority, imho.

      Based on your perspective, I can see the last 6 and a half years have not been fun for you. I’m thinking the next 9 and a half look to be more of the same.

      • Politicians are Scum says:

        To cite the supreme court as some over-ruling authority on ACA is a two-faced approach when they upheld Hobby Lobby and liberals came unglued. Your conceding that SCOTUS is just as wrong as the GOP.

        You are also overlooking a vast amount of other criteria in my previous post but I understand the liberal game plan. Pick and choose the low hanging fruit. Fact is promises were made and not kept, lies were told, and after numerous changes to the ACA (mostly unconstitutional in their due process if not in content) it is an expansion of government.

        You may like it and if you do i’ll challenge you to drop your current coverage and hop on the plan. But again Congress wasn’t held to that standard so in the words of the incompetent “we won’t know what is in the bill till we pass it”…

        As for the last 6.5 years government does not define me nor will it in the future. You show much optimism based on the recent a$$ kicking however. I live my life despite government not because of government.

        • Stomper says:

          Whether you like it or not , SCOTUS determines what is constitutional, not you or me. I just called you out on your “I’d prefer the government to stick to its’ constitutional authority” opinion. Certainly there are differing opinions on whether the constitution is a living document or not but again, not our call.

          Personally I’d prefer the US go to a single payer plan but that may take awhile. I’m sorry you seem to regard government as the enemy. Glad the founding fathers didn’t see it that way.

          • Politicians are Scum says:

            You think you called me out on my constitutional comment. The commerce clause is being abused and SCOTUS is simply another tool of the oligarchy. I’m sorry you seem to covet the concept that the government knows what is best for you and are comfortable with putting your future in the hands of elitists who are for sale to the highest bidder.

          • Stomper says:

            If you think the country is so far gone that the Supreme Court is now a tool of the oligarchy then nothing I can offer.

            What I do think about the government is there are issues the country faces that the private sector can’ fix, won’t fix, or shouldn’t fix and that NEED to be addressed. I won’t be so naïve to deny that the government isn’t too large in areas but on the topic of healthcare, that is an area that screams for government involvement.

            I always like to try to find some common ground if possible but if you regard the government as evil, and should remain silent on the sidelines when they have to ability to address serious threats to our economy, lives, etc. then I doubt we could agree on much political.

            I agree that MOST politicians on both sides are worthless but there are some good people on both sides that do think they have a responsibility to try to work together, find compromise, and do the work of the people. I am naïve enough and optimistic enough to think the system can work.

  10. artemmis says:

    Obama himself has acknowledged that over 95% of the economics gains in his first five years have gone to the 1%.

    This has led to a boom in luxury SUVs — these days..with all the goobers driving massive F-150s , and soccer moms in huge SUVs — NOBODY tools around in low slung sportscars anymore.

  11. Phaedrus says:

    Any businessman will tell you that this administration has been a disaster for businesses. Giving Obama credit for the rise in the stock market is laughable. Craig, this might be above your head, but correlation does not mean causation.

  12. Rosco says:

    Typical white male response. You are clearly not feeling the pain of the 99%. Black/White relations at an all time low. Brown being kept in shadows. People of Allah afraid to put down their prayer mats even once a day. Women not earning equal pay, 1 in 5 raped. Income gap widening between whites and all others.

    Yeah, it may be good for all of you club owners or bloggers in those ivory towers but among the rest of us, that food debit card is not handling it. I would take to the streets but not likely to get home alive.

  13. mark smith says:

    To paraphrase Winston Wolfe ” Lets not start blowing each other just yet”.
    The fed has been pumping up the stock market. More than a few actual experts believe the bubble is going to burst when the fed stops and the market will crash. Who knows for sure. Time will tell.
    Most new job creation has been in lower wage and part time jobs.
    Record number 47.8 million Americans on Welfare.
    Somewhere between 20 and 90 million( numbers vary widely) people have dropped out of the workforce. Given up.
    The Middle East is a fvcking powder keg. If and when Obamas Nuke deal goes through with Iran, the race for nukes in the middle east will begin in earnest.
    Obamacare is a sham with high deductibles that people cant afford now that they can afford health care.
    The JV Team (obamas words) ISIS have control of much of Iraq and Libya. Yemen is all but lost as well. So your claim that the Middle East is somehow in better shape is absurd. We never should have gone, but once started Obama should have finished the job. He didnt. Bush has blood on his hands and Barry’s early pull out insured those deaths were in vain. He shoulders his share of blame.
    We spent lives rescuing Bowe Bergdahl and left our people unprotected to die in Benghazi. An Ambassador was killed.
    He might not be the worst president ever, but he’s far from the best. Id say he is somewhere between Herbert Hoover and Carter.
    I suppose it’s all in the eye of the beholder. On the one hand you have people like me who think the guy sucks at his job, then you have people like Glazer and harley who gush like schoolgirls proclaiming Barry will go down as Christ incarnate the greatest of all time.

    • mark smith says:

      PS Just a heads up to those of you who keep babbling about Bush Cheney era. It’s over, Barry owns everything starting from his inauguration. You dont get to cherry pick the good and slough off all the bad by playing the Bush is to blame card. Bush was a disaster in many ways. The ripple effect from Obamas reign will prove he did far more damage. Harley you can now return to fapping to your hope and change poster.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      mark: hate to say this but lets go back to where the blame lies…
      had the bush/cheney/powell/rice etc mob not lied to the America
      people we would never have gotten into Iraq I the first place.
      Thanks to bush/cheney we took out irans main enemy….Iraq and
      opened up the entire area as a bees nest.
      The bush cheney mob installed the ew leader of Iraq who had not
      intentions of being a diverse nation…only looking out for his
      own people which left a huge void in Syria and part of Iraq.
      Iran (which has screamed death to America since 1980 and the
      hostage crisis moved in and filled thatvoid.
      The remnant of al quada and the other religious grups who
      had no part in the new Iraq government developed and helped
      isis and other terrorist groups start to take over from Iraq their
      par of Iraq and Syria.
      It started and goes back to bush /cheney warmongers and profiteers
      who have made bllions off war.
      So long before obama came in and could do anything we were In
      a serious jam….politically.
      Thenremember john McCain walking out of the economic meetingin
      2008 being told our entire society/system could crumble within 30
      days….and was sinkig….
      I know you want to blame Obama for that too…but you can’t.
      Benghazi…you’re still talking about it after 8 republican investigations
      that gave up nothing.
      Lets talk about 50,000 Vietnam vets killed…5000 Iraqi war deaths…
      Younee to read the reports on Benghazi and you’re so concernd about
      4 deaths when the bush/cheney mob going back decades has cried out
      for war…but never wanted to go into to fight. Cheney got 5 deferments!!!!!
      You want to blame the entire mess we were in 2009 on obamabefore
      he ever took office.
      Well sir ….go read the stats….it hasn’t been just the 1% who have been
      saved by Obama….pensions/retirement accounts are overflowing now
      that the stock market has exploded. Crimeis down. We’re not at
      war and instead of jumping into another war we’re trying to
      negotiate and hope and pray americans don’t die again in that area.
      you all wer in the draft group age for Vietnam….tell us your story.
      You love war…as long as it’s someone else fighting.
      Go down to the VA hospital somtime…it will change your mind and make
      you cry.

  14. chuck says:

    Rich Steele +1.
    Phaedrus +1.
    P.A.S. +1
    Mark Smith +1

    Any economic progress is due to the price of oil coming down to around $50.00 a barrel. That would be thanks to Fracking technology and good old fashioned capitalism.

    Quantitative Easing is the reason the Stock Market continues to flourish while pukes like Lloyd Blankfein and his ilk sponge up cash (Still, to the best of my knowledge, not one single criminal conviction for those “Captains of Industry” who sold the US Economy down the Mortgaged Backed Securities River.

    Obama’s foreign policy, is every bit as bad as Bush/Cheney. The “Muslim Spring” that misguided, Pollyanna, pipe dream, which displaced friendly despots with the disciples of Sayyid Qutb (That douche bag lived in Colorado Springs and STILL hated America.) is an abject failure that has destabilized a region that already defined destabilization. At some point in time, American politicians will understand, that people from other parts of the world, especially the Mideast, just don’t fu&king want to drive Chevy Pick Ups, or Escalades wear blue jeans and listen to Country Music or Hip Hop. We will NOT, nor should we try, to win hearts and minds, we should encourage these Shia and Sunni fanatics to continue to frenetically kill each other in their own countries under the direction of, again, friendly despots and the good offices of the CIA. The displacement of millions of Muslims into Europe, is a multicultural disaster that is now, destroying European culture.

    Obama/Holder’s interference in local police matters have adrenalized thugs in the streets, who are now the de facto enforcement arm of Post Constitutional, “Pen and Phone” Progressive policies. The new “Brown Shirts” stand ready for a moving feast of Beer Hall Putsch/Fergusons leaving local law enforcement emasculated in the face of the new Rule Of Law, Moral Relativism. Transgenerational justifications for one sided prosecutions of Hate Crimes and incendiary rhetoric from the highest offices in the land, have literally killed people in the streets during the transfer of power from traditional law enforcement to those same “Brown Shirt” thugs. Burn this bit&h down!

    New jobs my azz Glazer. There are tens of millions of folks not looking for work, who have been displaced by the uncontrolled, controlled influx of immigrants, at the behest of Republicans, who curry the favor of big business and Democrats who have changed the American demographic to achieve a never ending Democratic hegemony, that the stats on unemployment do NOT represent.

    Worse than Obama, or any of the above, is the choke hold that the Liberal Main Stream Media still has on the dissemination of the news. The blatant, categorical lies and malfeasance of this administration with respect to the scandals mentioned by some of the commenters here, is ignored by the 4th estate with few exceptions. It is a disgrace and in my opinion, the universal lubrication for the wheels of a necrotic, Progressive agenda that will continue to weaken us financially and destroy the Judeo/Christian ethos that made this Republic great.

  15. chuck says:

    Here is where the REST of American jobs go, that are not arrogated by illegal immigrants. Republicans are worse than Democrats according to Pat Buchanan.

    Again, the preposterous job stats that the Fed would have us believe, are an outrageous lie.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      chuck..get off the booze dude.
      World News Daily is not a fair and balanced news organ
      You always use for reference guy who are almost dead with no
      real senses left or sme far right wing nutjob site that is so
      out there no one (except someone on a binge) would believe
      get some real links next time.
      and sober up1

  16. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    My engineering company has been in business since 1966. We were a couple of weeks away from closing the doors in Spring 2008. Damn Bush. In the past 5 years, we’ve had record revenues and record profits. Kudos Obama.

    (looking for my sarcasm font)

    There are a million economic factors that come into play that don’t have jack squat to do with who is sitting in the Oval Office. Obama is no better or no worse than the clown that preceded him or the clown that is going to come after him.

    This just in: All politicians are scumbag puppets doing whatever they need to do to STAY on the public’s payroll. There are no ethics or principles that guide these buffoons. To hold up one side or the other as the flag bearer of truth or knowledge is laughable. People use the terms Liberal and Conservative as if they actually mean something to the people that are supposed to be championing these ideals. Most voters are too ignorant to know the difference.

    Back to your debate of who gets the blame and who gets the credit for (fill in the blank)

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:


    • the dude says:

      My puppet is better than your puppet!

      • mike t. says:

        I read that and, as often happens with these kinds of articles and comments, a line from Paul Simon’s “Boy in the Bubble” leapt to mind, “… a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires…” except not so ‘loose’ I believe. I think they keep those puppet strings pretty damn taut.

      • 'rhahhararley says:

        chuck…Saudis buying walmart and Nebraska furniture mart?
        wtf? too many shots at bakers this week?

  17. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Republicans/Democrats…different sides of the same counterfeit coin.

  18. CFPCowboy says:

    TODAY’S AMERICAN STANDARD TWO TOILET AWARD HAS BEEN AWARDED FOR BI-ASS! If Obama continues to infuriate the public like Bush did, Hillary will have to increase her support to overcome the concept of a third Obama term. Now, are Republicans smart enough to use it? Hardly! Stomper, one of the factors that awaits our lunch challenge is what happens if the Supreme Court does a slash and burn of the ACA in June, and Republicans in Congress opt for repair over their campaign promises. Nothing will keep Republican voters home in 2016 more. As to the fixed economy, something I know about, all I can say is whoops.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      jesus chuck…what time does baker’s close. You must have
      had one hell of a binge….3 am and you’re still talking
      and writing. And nothing that has to do with the subject.
      Bud light..coors light….whatever you got dude it lit you
      But thanks for your service in the force.
      And you quote pat buchanon again…I thought he died…
      worst idiot in the world.

      • 'r'hahhararley says:

        and cowboy maybe ate too much pork and beans around the
        Even if supreme court shuts down the 4 words of aca…wont
        matter …the 16 million newly insured…Obama and dems…
        the pharmaceutical industry (who’se made big money under
        this new plan) and the insurance industry andall the
        industries who have help lowr health care costs under
        aca will take care of it. They have a plan. We’re not
        worried…with their billions of dollars they’ll kick the
        conservative supreme court when time comes. If they
        vote down that burwell case.
        I hope repub voter come out. But get them wheel chairs.
        According my prediction the dem has 240-247 electoral
        votes just from the start…only need one othe state.
        And black voters will be out in record numbers…their
        voter age population has increased almost 3-4 million
        since 2012…and they’re upset too.
        Add in the Hispanic vote for Hillary (they love her)
        at about 70-75…and the biggest voting bloc …women
        (they’re over 50% of voters…especially youngwomen)
        at a 60% clip for the dems and you have the landslide
        I predicted over a year ago.
        Add in 2.5 billion dollars focused in only 6 or7 states
        that Hillary needs to win ONE…and get ready
        for 8 years of hillry!!!!!!!
        Cry’s okay.
        As your hero Wild Bill Hickock said “BRING IT ON!”

        • CFPCowboy says:

          Those pork and beans exclude me from a lot of clubs, ISIS, AlQuaeda, Iranian Shiite. Care to join me in some bacon?

    • Stomper says:

      Thanks for the mention Cowboy. You make a major point. I too am extremely curious to see what the GOP controlled Congress might do if the Supreme Court does find fault with the ACA and takes it down. Do they try to come up with their own solution and what would that solution look like? OR do they take the position that everything was just fine with the state of healthcare back before Obama and that we should go back to the days of the insurers, providers, and drug companies calling the shots while lining their pockets.

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Certain aspects of the ACA needed to happen. Such as the Meaningful Use clause which forces healthcare organizations to get off paper and start using an Electronic Medical Record which will allow for easier flow of information across the entire continuum of care. Also, the piece where dollars that the hospital received from the government would be withheld based on the hospital’s readmission rates. The idea is to improve the quality of care a patient receives, so they aren’t coming back into the hospital for more expensive treatments. Get them healthy the first time, and keep them healthy.

        • Stomper says:

          Great points GUY, especially the sharing of medical records. Running repetitive and extremely expensive testing on a patient every time they may interact with separate providers adds ridiculous costs. Thanks for offering!!

  19. CG says:

    Great comments. Glad they are about the story. Look I never said Obama was perfect. There are always many issues. The economy is never great for everyone. Most of us battle to pay the bills no matter who is in office. I just think the guy really tried to do what he felt was right more often than not. I didn’t agree with everything he did either. Chuck we usually are on the same page, well at least in sports and women, hah. No matter who is the president about half the country feels he’s doing a good job, the other half doesn’t. Always the case it seems. I just found it interesting that with all the glare on this man, he came up pretty clean.

  20. Kerouac says:

    The blackest of dark days in US history are drawing to an end… free at last free at last thank God Almighty we’ll be free at last. A grateful nation exhales in relief, and Peanut farmer Carter too, no longer bottom the Presidential barrel history, elevated absentia.

  21. the dude says:


  22. Y'not says:

    Foreign policy: Obama ran for office on promises of getting us out of wars, and the opposite happened. And now ISIS is gaining strength. But yeah, health care and immigration are two areas that the Repugs sure wouldn’t have touched. Can’t wait to go to Cuba!

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      you’ll love cuba….about a 100 billion dollar deal for u.s. companies!!!!!!
      casinos/resorts/food trade/travel….it’s a he JOB CREATOR for America….
      why be so stupid as to not think that’s why we’re opening th doors..
      and gives dems about another 500,000 votes in florida!!!

      and is anyone going to prove or try to prove my predictions wrong about the
      races? come on legal guy/Wilson/hearne… can’t let me off that
      easy…..even cowboy giave up to Harley without a squeak…….
      but liked the pork joke cowboy.

    • CG says:

      We will always be at war with someone…haven’t you noticed, we are a warlike nation always have been…its how we got to be the only SUPER POWER…we keep at it with practice..

  23. CFPCowboy says:

    I am glad we respect the opinions of others, and we have fun doing it. If you watch the economy closely, you will see that 31 states posted large business layoffs in the past month, that the FED has postponed the June interest rate hike, and the numbers on labor are showing a lack of efficiency, just when it was becoming time to discuss increasing pay. The funds in infrastructure, coming from the public sector in the past few years are being replaced by private sector investment, but there has been a dip in private sector investment in the last month. For the sake of Harley, two months of that could spell a return to the Bush recession. No, we are not subscribing to Stansfield Research. Remember that stock jockeys have predicted 11 0f the last 4 recessions.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      cowboy…hitting moonshine again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      repubs blocked 24 jobs bills for infrasturue….how about that.
      Those jobs bring in 1.30 for every dollar spent…
      No recession…have you seen the michingan reports…
      people are excited about economy…
      and theres 4 million openings in job market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      gloom anddooom old guys go down the tube again

  24. Ernest Evans says:

    Well, all I can say is that if Obama stands up to the pressure to blackmail/manipulate/coerce him into going to war with Iran he will indeed have earned his Nobel Peace Prize!! A war with Iran would be utterly disasterous for the world, the US and Israel. All of the enthusiasm in DC for such a war is a perfect illustration of the accuracy of what the late Hubert Humphrey used to say about Washington’s political class: “Washington, DC is 65 square miles surrounded by reality.” Take care!! Sincerely, Respectfully and in Christ, Ernest Evans

    • Jack Springer says:

      Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for starting a nuclear arms race in the Middle East? Think about what you wrote — it makes no sense.

  25. Ernest Evans says:

    There is a special reason for the rage at Obama felt by far too many of the nation’s conservatives: He was the one who killed Osama Bin Laden, not their collection of “tough guys” Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney. No, it was not the “manly men” of the conservative movement who got Bin Laden–it was that “weak, soft, effeminate” Democrat Obama. This reality has been sticking in their craw for the past four years, and has a great deal to do with their hysterical attacks on Obama. Sincerely, REspectfully and In Christ, Ernest Evans

    • Jess says:

      The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden, not any president. That was just a “luck of the draw” because any president would HAVE to pull the trigger on that…it is a no brainer. Really do not see how that is a talking point as Mother Teresa would have bust a cap in his ass.

      • 'rhahhararley says:

        read the intelligence reports jess…Obama put his entre
        career on the line there. If it failed…Obama out in 2012.
        guy has guts….showed it….guys like you who have no
        responsibilities can talk all the b.s. you want.
        ONe of chiefs of staffs said obamas decision was
        “one of the gutsiest calls he’s ever seen!”

  26. Ernest Evans says:

    Dear Mr. Jess: Yes, the SEALs killed Bin Laden, and coming from a Navy family that fact makes me proud!! But the President had to give the order to launch the raid–and in real raids (unlike on TV) there is no guarantee of success or that the team will make it back alive. Obama put his Presidency on the line with that raid–if Bib Laden had not been in that house (and we were not certain he was) and if the SEAL team had been killed or captured there would have been Hell to pay. Obama was really interested in getting Bin Laden which is why he took the risk for the raid–Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld could have cared less whether they did or did not get Bin Laden–for them, 9/11 was just an excuse to take actions they had wanted to take for years. Take care!! Sincerely, Ernest Evans

  27. Jack Springer says:

    Is the article a parody? The Obama Administration is the most secretive and corrupt Administration in recent US History. They lie on a regular basis — just recently we found out that the Administration believed that Iran was 2-3 months away from a nuclear bomb while they said the opposite publicly and bashed those like the Israel Prime Minister for saying otherwise.

    The list of scandals is long. People did die. People have suffered.

    • 'rhahhararley says:

      according to netanyahoo they’ve been 2-3 months away from a nuke
      for the last 20 years.
      Do you not think that they already have a bomb. when russsia broke
      up those nuclear bomb dudes went somewhere.
      Guarantee iran has a bomb or two ready to go.
      they could buy one on the open market that could level an entire
      Don’t kid yourself…the Iranians are not stupid and most of them
      were educated in the u.s.

  28. CG says:

    Jack all that may be true. It happens in every administration to a certain extent. Sadly. The answer is ‘who knows.’ We, the public don’t want to know. We’d rather kick out a president for lying about cheating on his wife than investigate any real wrongdoings…we are a nation trained to believe the killing of several of our presidents from Lincoln to Kennedy were all ‘one crazy man’…knowing all were likely planned conspiracies by groups not excluding our own other leaders. It’s like the NFL no matter who those players kill, rape, rob or run over, as long as they play well….we want to look the other way.

    America’s about second chances and ‘winning’ or doing well…not much else. Ask ‘Kim’

  29. admin says:

    So many thoughtful comments; plaudits!

    Then if course there’s always somebody wanting to try and turn a typo into some sort of “statement”or seize on something from Craig’s colorful past to try and discredit. Pretty weak.

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