Glazer: Belief in God Declining as Easter Approaches

2543.bunny_5F00_Costume_5F00_465Now don’t get too upset…

Most Americans still believe in God.

In fact, according to recent Harris Poll 74% of the population believes in God. But that’s down from 82% in 2007. And 68% of people believe in heaven, which is down from 75% in 2007. Similarly, 68% of people believe Jesus is God or the son of God, again down from 75% in 2007.

Yet only 58% believe in the devil, down from 62% in 2007.

THowever, the number of Americans who believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is 47%, up from 42% in 2007.

And here’s a surprise; 42% of Americans believe in ghosts, 36% in UFO’s and 26% in witches.


Go figure.

The list goes on…

And 25% of Americans say, I believe in God but I’m not religious. That’s a big big increase from 2007 when it was only 18%.

80d4a510e98085331580f2f83b53579cYou guys like to talk about race and conservative politics a lot here, well, 70% of blacks believe in God while only65% of Republicans do.

Gotta love that one!

And only 58% of we midwesterners believe there’s a God. What? Yep. The “show me” states.

Hey, it’s Easter, a religious time of year, so I like to see how far we’ve come on this question of, “Is there a God?”

Me, I don’t believe. 

1011960_393920644042194_332757586_nAccording to CNN there are over 100,000 known religions.

So I’m sure YOU picked the right one. Oh no yo you didn’t.

All religions are built on fear and someone gaining power over others.

And the less educated are almost always among the strongest believers. Why? They don’t know any better and are much easier brainwashed from birth.

Having gone to both Hebrew School and Catholic School as a child, I made up my mind up in third grade. I asked the sister at St. Anne’s on Mission Road, “This story in  the bible about Noah’s Ark, it’s not true is it? I mean, you can’t put every creature on earth into a small boat like that. The insects would just fly off. And where you gonna find Polar Bears in the middle east?'”

She had me come to the head of the class, took our her ruler and beat me all over my butt and arms. You could do that back then. But from that day on I was sure all the bible and God stuff was b.s.

We invented television, jets and space crafts. We put men on the moon. Yet we believe in a super being that doesn’t exist. There is no real proof of God. NONE. Just stories.

1122447978_2950856_370Now Aliens, that’s another issue.

I look up to the sky at night and see millions of stars and planets. Are w the only living creatures? No way. There’s some proof of life outside our planet. Even that we have had a visitor or two. The Pyramids? I wonder.

When we are afraid, many of us – even me – have said, “God help me.” That’s true. But if you want to find god look toward the end of your own arms. He’s within you.

I was shopping with my girlfriend’s little girls the other day when I asked one of them, a bright 7 year old, if she believed in the Easter Bunny. She said, “No, of course not. Only little kids believe in the Easter Bunny.”

Then I said, what about Santa Claus? And she replied, “Of course.”

I rest my case.
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38 Responses to Glazer: Belief in God Declining as Easter Approaches

  1. the dude says:

    An atheist jew, not surprised about that. How do you know there is no God or creator being? That’s making a whole lot of assumptions on your part.

    • Phaedrus says:

      If there is a God or creator being, then who created him (assuming it is a “he”)?

      • the dude says:

        I have no idea man. I consider myself more of an agnostic. If there is a creator being it sure is not at all like what all these religious texts make it out to be. It probably has no idea about our existence or we are like little ants to it/them.

  2. KCMonarch says:

    Of course somebody made all that sh*t up. However, you have to admit through bible is a brilliant piece of fiction. They wrote it vague enough (and with just the right number of contradictions) so that man can interpret it to meet any agenda necessary.

    • hahhararley says:

      wrong kc….the bible/the torah/the Koran all are great works of writing.
      Its the freaking fools who try to use it to fit their personal beliefs
      that make them bad.
      Eseentially what they say is very simple….and many parts of each book
      are repeated in the other books.
      “I you save one…you save all”
      we’re all just bino’s…believers in name only…few of us live what is

    • the dude says:

      The idea is good. The application of the idea is flawed.

  3. hahhararley says:

    glaze…this story Is so jumbled you make me look sane.
    We’re still trying to piece the world together again…
    in 2008 we had thanks to the 500,000 people our government has employed
    to watch the financial markets a near collapse of our entire society we.
    Every day tv floods us with godless killings and attacks.
    We are inundated with leaders who scream an yell ad hollerand can gt
    nothing acccomplishd….and we fight over a florist/baker and a pizza shop
    We have gone thru some of the worst racism in our history since the days of
    jim crow and white/black separation…only glamorized by faux news and
    other right wing ad left wing outlets.
    We were lied to and cajoled into a war that took 5000 American kids and
    250,000 kids with lifelong injuries….the crisis hotlines are flooded with
    calls of mentally affected vets….and for 12 years we never allocated the
    funds tohelp those who returned…both alive and in caskets.
    And now we have the same liars and cheats who got us into that war
    saying “lets start another “…for something that does not affect us directly.
    and to go thru the same war mongers who never fought in their lives
    scream…lets bomb iran …knowing full well we can never get them to stop
    making nukes unless we do the dirty work of Israel again and watch the
    caskets and wonunded bodies of American kids on our tv screens begginf for
    help when the republicans cut back va budgets and we have 22 suicides a
    day by these vets.
    We have the theft of tax dollars…the buying of politicians…the attempt to
    force religious beliefs on others similar to what started the Nazi ramapage.
    Hate and vile language is rampant…we’re now seeing what will be
    a major scandal in the repub primaries with voter fraud…
    andyou ask us if we believe in god.
    I believe in god. Believe everyone has a right to worshipas they please.
    There should be no discrimination and that the problems we face can
    be esily anserd if the participnts will agree to do what’s right.
    Yes…glaze there is a god…yes thee are CINOS…Christians in name
    only who qote the bible but don’t live it. Just th same for fringes of
    moslems/jews/catholics and ever other religion.
    Every man’s god has essentially the same beliefs…read the torah/Koran or
    bible….feed the hungry/save the needy/love they neighbor without regard
    to what they believe or act as long as its within the law.
    WE’re all believersin name only.
    And when that teacher beat you it obviously didn’t work. Look at your
    own life and what you’ve done and do not tell any of ushow to live our
    when your time comes and the final shovel of dirt is placed on your
    casket and they lower it…maybe then you’ll realize…but glaze it will be
    too late.

  4. mike t. says:

    cg… belief that ‘aliens’ must exist simply based on the fact that there are billions (and billions) of stars, certainly many of them with planetary systems, so as such the odds are just too great for life to NOT exist elsewhere is, well, a belief. there are no facts to support that premise, despite that the Ancient Alien programs try to convince you otherwise.

    so how is believing in aliens any different from a belief in God, Jesus as the son of God, angels, or that the Bible is the word of God? there are no verifiable “facts” to support that either, despite what the Catholic church has taught.

    in the end, there are no facts to support either premise. but there are no facts that provide irrefutable proof otherwise. so, I cannot say “aliens exist” without also admitting that God might exist.

  5. Curiosity says:

    CG-please cite from where you plagiarized all your statistics.

    Was this scientific polling or did you simply ask guests at the yuk yuk club for their opinions on religion and god?

    • CG says:

      FAKE name moron as stated THE HARRIS POLL my friend..their numbers not mine.

      • Curiosity says:

        Damn you mean old bastard! You could use some religion.

        I simply asked you to cite your source so we can decide for ourselves how badly you misinterpreted the data.

        • CG says:

          well when you start out attacking me, I am not thrilled. I got the numbers from the Harris Poll for the most part. My opinion not numbers is my opinion…thus the story. That’s all. Calling someone a liar isn’t too cool, huh.

  6. CG says:

    Well so far some good comments. As for my belief in aliens, yes its just that…I have seen several UFO clips that might be real…better evidence than anything on Jesus.

    • mike t. says:

      ahem…. “might be real.” might, yes maybe.

      but better evidence? I disagree. say what you want about the New Testament and how the Catholic Church may have, uh, edited it for their own purposes, but the disciples were eyewitnesses. and, even after 2000 years, they are as credible as any evidence I’ve ever heard on visitors from another planet.

  7. Stomper says:

    Nothing like the topics of religion or politics to generate a volume of comments and strong opinions. If you can tie those two together somehow, even better.

    Thanks CG.

    • hahhararley says:

      no stomp you’re wrong.
      Nothing like the non believers to try and say the 99.9% are wrong.
      Nothing like the belief that aliens exist…we only need to look
      at wislun ad his band of jazz enthusiasts to tell us people from outer
      space exist!!!!! hahahahaha!
      Even jr. will agree with me….we’re here for a short time. Our time is
      fleeting on earth. Smile and look to the stars and believe that life
      and what we get is incredible.
      Whatever glaze believes is fine. When his day comes to go 6feet
      underlike the rest of us..maybe he will realize that there is a god…
      and when the last shovel of dirt is put onhis grave and they lower
      his casket into the earth for pertuity…maybe his mind will change.
      If not…that’s his business. Who am I to say except that I believe
      he will be shown to be wrong.
      May all who read this live life to its fullest. LIfe is fleeting.
      We will all be a memory someday.
      God bless glaze and hearne and jr. ( who despite his writing I do
      respect. He is a smart man…we may never agree but that’s fine..,,
      nothing like a debate)…..and chuck (who may someday realize in his
      heart that love surpasses hate) and especially to my good friend
      Wilson (who someday will realize I pulled his chain to get hearne
      some readers so the advertisers could sell some plumbing services and
      sell someone a cruise to the Bahamas).
      god bless you all on these religios holidays…peace to all!

      • Stomper says:

        Harley; I didn’t advocate one way or another, I just complimented CG for picking a topic that would generate comments.

        I’m a thin skinned, sensitive guy and to have a seasoned KCC veteran like yourself tell me I’m wrong is enough to put me out on my window ledge. I don’t know how Paul, Dwight, and others here can handle it. 🙂

        And, ditto on your good wishes to all on the religious holidays.

        • hahhararley says:

          my fellow jew….glaze writes stuff like I do…
          to pull peoples chains and get people wired up
          and out of shape like Wilson.
          That’s glaze and my job.
          We write a ot of stuff to wake up the old dudes and
          get them all flustered. We both love it.
          Glaze writing about aliens? come on stomp…it’s
          a joke…like wislons articles.
          so enjoy your matzoh ball soup and hopefully you
          find the hidden money.
          You are an mot…member of the tribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Remember…this isall fun and entertainment…if
          not…we’d all be bored.
          glaze and I make tis blog fun. without it hearne
          would be screaming about t5he kc star 100% of the
          happy easter and watch the calories of the gefilte fish.
          Your buddy

  8. paulwilsonkck says:

    Is there life out there? I’d guess so. Why have they never visited us? They’ve read this blog, chuckle, scratch their big, alien heads and set a course for Planet Elsewhere.
    And who among us wouldn’t, if we could?

    • hahhararley says:

      they read your so called articles in the Chillicothe news and said
      “who the f*** would write this crap? Lets go back and talk with mork”
      Wilson…if they read your writings…like the “big truck with the big
      antennas” they’d say…’THIS GUY IS SOME KIND OF NUT”.
      Or if theyread that you found somecobblers in Eudora they might
      then theysaw your pic on facebook and said “NO WONDER EARTHLINGS
      havea great easter Wilson…I will always like you…you’re a cool
      and besides….jr. finally wrote a good article..i’m wating for you to
      write something besides getting stuck in a jeep wih your big a$$.
      don’t choke on any ham bones. who would we have to antagonize
      on kcc if there was no one to do the Heimlich on you at easter dinner?

  9. Kerouac says:

    “Glazer: Belief in God Declining as Easter Approaches”

    – perhaps the guilt-free desire eat sinful amounts decadent chocolate the rationale… aft Easter, all bets are off, ‘believers’ will re-commence, abound once more.


    A lyrical agnostic mantra, apologies to Steve Miller: ‘Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you’… theists as atheists headhunters in search adherents the non-disabused man’s world.

    While the Bible may be ascribed greatest story ever told, be it fiction or non, Kerouac ‘believes’ that if humankind was meant to know what follows (or preceded) life – be it something or nothing – we would’ve been previously informed and not left to wonder.

    Neither the yeas or nays have the corner on consensus, appears. To wit, two thots:

    The aphorist EM Cioran proffered ~ “Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?” At another, he stated “I’m (and by extension are we all) simply an accident. Why take it all so seriously?”

    On the other end of the spectrum, Dr. Arthur Conklin, Princeton University biologist, wrote “the probability of life originating from an accident is comparable probability of an unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a print shop.”

    These are the question that make the minds of men itch…

    • the dude says:

      Your Dr. Conklin obviously does not understand the concepts of quantum mechanics.

      • Kerouac says:

        Perhaps he merely dismisses it, just as you dismiss him/his (ditto Kerouac who dismisses the belief some that the earth is billions of years old.) And the band played on…

        • mike t. says:

          I believe the science of geology. combined with some of the other sciences, might say otherwise about the age of the earth.

          it is, of course, your choice to ignore, or dismiss, scientific fact… but where then, krac, do you draw the line?

    • Lance the Intern says:

      Kerouac – “Stuck in the middle with you” was written by Gerry Rafferty and Joe Egan….

      • Kerouac says:

        Was thinking Stealers Wheel when the thought came to me, but ended up typing Steve Miller instead (I’ll blame it on Satan, nod the Church Lady/Saturday Night Live.)


        Unfortunately, there’s no edit option so once a mistake is posted it remains such forever. No harm/no foul – I’m still stuck in the middle ‘tween the right jokers and left-leaning clowns.

  10. Kerouac says:

    Let us count the ways science has been stated as fact, proven wrong, revised or dismissed since time immemorial; we’ll leave the lights on for you.

  11. chuck says:

    Pascal’s Gambit is Glazers latest wager and it sounds like we are all hedging our bets. Best to bet on a winner, until it is a loser. My ecclesiastical inclinations are tempered with some mystical intrinsic insight, which is present within us all. Just my opinion, but looking for Jesus, Zoroaster, the Buddha, etc. etc. is a occupation best pursued alone.

    The Bhagavad Gita makes no more and no less sense than the bible to me. Hate is every bit as important as love Harley. It’s a good thing in the right dose, in the right situation. You’re as guilty as anyone, I just tell the truth.

    Pascal wins until someone proves him wrong.

  12. KCMonarch says:

    I’m always amazed when I see somebody who has survived a life saving surgery/procedure interviewed with their doctor and they give thanks to their chosen deity.

    Really? The scientist who actually saved your life is sitting right next to you and you choose to thank your imaginary friend?

  13. CG says:

    Again all great comments. There is no right or wrong. day maybe. I just always thought this…a group of babies raised today for say 21 years were never told anything about God, kept away from it, which is tough, and then ask them what they think. My guess is that the God issue would be a zero. Life is what it is….a mystery…a gift…a curse..pends on the life given and lived huh.

    If believing in a super human, a God, makes you happy….thats fine. I just look at history and the millions killed by Romans to Nazi’s over who believed what. To me religion has mostly seemed somewhat an evil for a group to rally around and kill off the ‘non believers.’ Not a good thing. But hey who can’t love an Easter Bunny or a Santa … that’s the nice part.

  14. Politicians are Scum says:

    You guys like to talk about race and conservative politics a lot here, well, 70% of blacks believe in God while only65% of Republicans do.

    Followed by This:
    And the less educated are almost always among the strongest believers. Why? They don’t know any better and are much easier brainwashed from birth.

    You just basically called every black person and republican less educated and brainwashed.

    Ignoring the democratic statistic, which you have, creates bias in your story and doesn’t allow for credibility.

    Take Away:
    The fundamental aspect is your allowed to believe in either manner. Live your life by either set of rules. Make your choices suffer the consequences. Considering this article is written by a womanizing thief it is no surprise that there is no belief.

    • Super Dave says:


    • CG says:

      Well guy who uses the word scum in his fake name. At least I robbed robbers..and am I a guy who gets pretty women? Well if thats a crime, guilty. Grow up.

      • Politicians are Scum says:

        Really that’s the best you got? You robbed robbers and used a fake name to do it too. Your guilt was never in question. Your reasoning is as poor as your morality. Robbing robbers is not justification no more then killing a killer. Womanizing pretty woman is no more virtuous then raping a hooker.

        Exodus 22:2
        If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

        Good thing you don’t believe as “belief” is fundamentally about 3 things:
        Knowing what is right
        Knowing what is wrong
        Knowing how to treat your fellow man.
        Clearly your a shining example of just what not to do.

  15. dala says:

    You are a figment of God’s imagination.

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