Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review

2D274907839389-hello-barbie-1.blocks_desktop_smallHillary Clinton: Yes, I Had Textual Relations with that Private Server

As fallout from Hillary using her private email for official State Department business continues, her response amounts to, “What difference does it make?”

Asked if she’d been briefed on use of private email for classified information, she said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”

Hmmmm, nothing classified?

What did she do all day, act as the fundraising arm for the Clinton Foundation?

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf said it would take a while to release all 55,000 pages of email because they would have to redact anything that was classified. Anything classified? But, Hillary said? I guess it depends on the meaning of the word “classified.”

Ladies and gentlemen, your next President, who said, “God bless the America we are trying to create.”

Al Sharpton: It Should be a Federal Crime to Shoot Black People, Even in Self Defense.

I can’t make that any better or funnier.


1426304632281.cachedPastor Creflo Dollar Jr. hyper-channels Janis Joplin

Joplin sang, “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?”

But that’s not good enough for Pastor Got Yo Dollar. He’s asking 200,000 of his followers to donate $300 each so he can buy a new jet. But not just any jet, it’s the $65,000,000 Gulfstream G650 billed as “the best private jet money can buy.”

Dollar said, “Believe it or not, there are still millions of people on this planet who have never heard of Jesus Christ and I need a way to get there!”

Hold it, didn’t Jesus change the world while riding on a donkey?

So what’s this guy’s problem? His old jet is, well, old, and you can’t change lives in a G5. That makes no cents. Your well coiffed scribe has some thoughts.

First, if you plan to send him $300, just light it on fire first instead.

The smoke will go straight to Jesus, and you can cut out the middleman.

Second, Dollar had better hope Christianity isn’t real. Because an afterlife in nothingness would be better than where he’s headed. And finally, I think he should have asked for $130 million dollars to buy two jets – one for him and one for his enormous ego!


Janis-Joplin-Palace-Of-Fine-ArtsComing this Fall – Creepy Eavesdropping Barbie

A new Barbie doll is set to hit shelves, and it has me a little concerned.

The biggest story in the tech world lately is the revelation that Samsung’s Smart TV will listen to your conversations and share the details with a third party. The documentation that comes with the TV says, “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party.”

However Mattel has taken home invasion a step further in an attempt to cover every age demo. The new Barbie will have the ability to talk to your kids and has some basic “learning” capabilities allowing it to refine its answers.

So where does that information go?

The audio is sent to a cloud server where the words will be recorded, deciphered and sold to third parties. Voice data mining on our kids – great – another gizmo which replaces your child’s desire for real social interaction. This is a great idea if you’re creating reclusive loners who only talk to objects and text. What could possibly go wrong?

I see at least four new Barbie product releases coming next:

ISIS Barbie – “CONVERT, or I’ll cut your head off, American devil girl!”

NSA Barbie – “Does daddy own any guns?”

DEA Barbie – “Does mommy or daddy smoke funny smelling cigarettes?”

SRS Barbie – “Does mommy or daddy spank you?”

Hillary Barbie – “The email you were looking for has been deleted. It was just a cookie recipe I got from the King of Saudi Arabia.”
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59 Responses to Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review

  1. Greedo says:

    Who ends their week on Wednesday?

    All of this other garbage is better covered other places rather than looking at these blinking ads. This guy is a not a good writer, way too mean spirited and not funny at all. Next post, please!

    • Lance The Intern says:

      “Weak” ≠ “Week”

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Lance, thanks for the clarification, but I think Greedo is just upset that he really did send his $300 to Pastor Kept Yo Dollar and now just feels ridiculed about it.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Greedo, if that’s really your real name, this submission lines up with a publishing date for papers this column appears in. I’m sorry, next time I’ll hold off for two more days and let it age, so the week can end on Friday, just for you. It’s simply meant to be a review of the previous week’s news, what’s happened in the last seven days, plus or minus. Its kind of how God created the world. Maybe it was seven days, maybe it wasn’t. I follow the same guidelines.
      And help me out; aren’t most items on here covered “other places?’ We provide news and commentary. We don’t have an exclusive right to news at KCC. We report on what other outlets do, with our own special spin or comments.
      I apologize for my writing skills. Hearne has tried his best to mentor me, even bought me a book I’ve read TWICE. I do this “Weak in Review” for a number of newspapers, whose readership love it. But after your critical and hurtful comments, pointing out I’m not really that good and certainly not funny, I may simply quit.
      I can’t take the pressure of anything less than total adoration for what I do. You win, I suck. I apologize.

    • hahhararley says:

      its weak…as in weak individual…as in weak financially…the writer
      is “weak” in every way. that’s why he uses the word “weak”.
      And you’re right…this is all regurgitated b.s. he got from other
      He knows nothing about the laws about emails…knows nothing
      about religion…
      He does know his barbies though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha..
      Is this the best you can do shoedog????????????????????????????????

  2. Nick says:

    I still have hopes Al Gore will enter the race; certainly, having invented the internet, he would know better than to use a private SMTP server for official email.

    Moreover it would be immense fun watching the GOP candidates being forced to take climate change seriously.

    • the dude says:

      The man who invented the intarwebs would make no such mistake. Clinton is such an email rookie.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Dude, its interesting, in reading about all this private server issue, the comment was made that Bill Clinton claims to have sent two emails…. in his life.

    • chuck says:

      No one wants Al Gore to run more than the GOP.

      Sharing his hive minded fever dreams of a energy renewable planet based on higher taxes, failed strategies and belt tightening from middle class Americans during the fracking revolution from a guy who made 500 million selling his bullsh*t cable network to Al Hezbollah Jazeera so he could buy gas guzzling jets to perambulate around the globe dripping condescension to the proles is a sure fire winner for Republicans.

      • Nick says:

        Hmmm: I had forgotten how that same dynamic unmanned Bain last election.

        But then again…not: Gore’s not a schmuck like Bain.

      • hahhararley says:

        no one wants Rubio/Christie/bush/Donald trump/walker/ ben “the liar” carson/ mitt the loser (remember that wislun..
        you picked him to win..Harley said NO WAY)…George
        bush’s dog/shrock/sanford”i ditched my wife forsome
        south American ho”/fat boy Huckabee/rudy “I’m a loser”
        guiliani/or any of the other clowns more than the dems.
        Each of those losers couldn’t win wheel of fortune against
        2 blind opponents…they couldn’t win anything but
        playpus won’t put his money where his mouth is and
        gather the nickels and dimes under his old couch to make
        a bet with Harley.
        Come on chumps…all you guys take the clowns …i’ll take
        Hillary and we’ll see who has the balls.
        SEe platypus is all talk no money.
        At least glaze put his money where his mouth is…and
        acts like a man.
        get granpa and put all the few bucks you guys can
        get t5ogether and lets bet.
        But you’re all talk…no walk.

        • Lance The Intern says:

          According to Rasmussen, over 57% of Democrats won’t commit to someone who has run for president in the past (i.e. Hillary Clinton).

          What I find really odd is that Elizabeth Warren AND Joe Biden jump to the top of the list of candidates if Hillary does not run.

          Joe Biden? I’d vote for the “Rent is too damn high” candidate before I’d vote for Joe Biden.

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Lance, please don’t try to confuse the boy with facts. Unless they are his facts, they are lies. Further, Rasmussen totally BLOWS as a good polling firm, unless Harley wants to use them, then they are the only accurate firm out there. You can’t win, it’s like arguing with a gurl, only emotion rules, no logic.

          • Lance The Intern says:

            Paul — I put the “i.e. Hillary Clinton” statement in my comment specifically for Harley.

            I was afraid he wouldn’t know who the poll referred to without it….

          • Lance The Intern says:

            According to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll, support for Hillary’s candidacy among Democrats has dropped 15 percentage points since February.

          • hahhararley says:

            Interviews with 1,009 adult Americans conducted by telephone by ORC
            International on March 13-15, 2015. The margin of sampling error for
            results based on the total sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
            This sample includes 605 interviews among landline respondents and 404
            interviews among cell phone respondents.
            EMBARGOED FOR

            more losing comments from wislun and his
            group. It was not Rasmussen or
            wisluns favorite gallup which like him predicted
            a mitts win in 2012. I have seen internal polls
            that verify these numbers but they’ve
            been even stronger. Of course people like
            wislun and lance use the very wrong razzy
            poll that also proved over the last 6 years
            to be off.
            Don’t worry boys…Harleys in the game…and
            if what you think you read in these phony
            nmbers that are still fluid…I’ve got 10K
            ready to bet wislun and his flunky lance
            on the outcome 20 months in advance.
            I don’t see any of the old red dog conservatives
            coming out for any of the candidates here on
            kcc…but I’m sure whinery still has that
            great pic of himself with mitt that probably
            cost him 3K.
            Any takers….or all you all just fakers…
            it was a CNN poll that I got thatb from…but
            when the guys get back from overseas and
            do their polling it will show what Harley has
            said long before any pundit or political
            analysis…that Hillary wins by a landslide.
            Even republicans are giving up….including
            the felon perry….oh by the way….bush is
            dropping like a lead balloon.
            And voter registration is on fire in the
            key democratic areas.
            Remember…as I said in 2012…this election
            will be decided in bout 12-14 counties.
            Can’t wait for the primaries to begin. Its going
            to be a slaughterhouse with all the cash
            these clown have and all the indictments flying
            like paper airplanes. Expect BUSH/WALKER/ AND CHRISTIE ALL TO BE DOING THE PERP
            As far as theemails…remember the former
            sec of states also failed to sign the form.
            what about powell the liar and rice both
            never signing the forms…
            again…dream on…fantasize about Harley
            because again wislun was wrong on the
            source of the polls and his little boy toy was
            also wrong.
            Bring me some cash dudes….my Mercedes needs part b service done and that costs more
            just for service than what some make in a
            have a great day…
            the king: Harley.
            pauly…it wasn’t Rasmussen poll (another wrong
            statement)…it was cnnorc int. which have
            been pretty good ….another strike…that’s
            about 50…but I understand…theboys on kcc
            haveneve been right so why start in 2015!!!!!

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Thanks for playing along, Lance. Type slowly, use small words and he may understand. Oh, who am I kidding!?!?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Nick, Al is too busy trying to figure out how to monetize the sale of carbon credits as a product! He’s sees his next billion looming just over that horizon.

      • Nick says:

        Possibly, but the Dems have to put someone up other than Clinton – even Grandpa Joe, for Thor’s sake.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Nick, I think you’ll see them make a pass at Warren, but for the love of G-d, the Clintons would seem to have a lock on things no matter what level of degenerates they decline to.
          Our dysfuntional commenter, Harley, thinks he has the win with her and has predicted the vote count. I’d love to see him wallow in ANOTHER wrong comment, but at this point, the GOP has nothing and the Dems have little more.
          The funniest part, if she does lose, Harley has himself LOCKED into this one, he can’t come up with enough lies to make his wrong prediction RIGHT, even though he will try!

          • Nick says:

            What’s a “Harley”?

          • hahhararley says:

            SHOW ME THE MONEY.
            after all you belong in the clown car too..
            where the jewl thief..the sprint prediction…
            all the times you took on Harley but backed
            down becaue you didn’t have the b*lls to
            back up your words.

          • hahhararley says:

            just for you and jr……

            In seven potential general election matchups tested by CNN, Clinton leads by between 11 and 16 points over former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson

            BRING ON THE CLOWN TRUCK (car is too
            small to hold them repub. clowns)…
            and note this wa after all the hubbub about
            the emails.
            See I’ve got emails that are in my server
            that would make others look like complete
            fools….not my style…but my newsletter
            is pretty interesting!!!!!!!!!

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Niiiiiice, rww! +1

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            You have no “newsletter” Harley. You forget, I’ve seen inside YOUR “server.” I got the truth for less than the $10large you wanted.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          HARLEY – KCC’s resident basement dweller, vile, short bus commenter and all round troll.

          • rww says:

            I heard hahahaharley has two G650 jets, which he takes to his casino in Vegas every week. His personal friend John Travolta pilots one and Harrison Ford pilots the other. They are very close.

      • hahhararley says:

        al don’t need no money….he’s worth 500 million after working
        with all the internet giants…….

  3. Libertarian says:

    These “in the name of the Lord” types f’king slay me.

    Ray Stevens asked the question, ‘Would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?’

    Good to hear from you, Wilson.

    • the dude says:

      Hey at least the pastor is honest about his fleecing attempts. I give him props for that.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Thanks, Lib. as usual, always good to hear from you!
      Maybe you should go talk to Greedo and extole my greatness. I’m way too mean spirited, as you know, to do it myself. I wanted to personally respond with something funny, but as you also know, I’m not funny. (He likely thinks I mispelled “week.”

      • Libertarian says:

        Maybe that $300 was quite a bleeding for Greedo, so let him slide this time.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Lib, as usual, you shine the light of reason on my short sighted comments. Thanks to you for bringing the healing and I apologize to Greedo. That would make you feel like an asshat, especially if you didnt have it to give…..

        • hahhararley says:

          the dude and wislun couldn’t get $100 between the
          two of them together.
          So maybe they go to wal mart and buy a TOY PLANE
          so thy can pretend they’re pilots.
          After all…the stuff about saving people in Africa
          was b.s… is the rest of the stuff writeen!!!!!!!!

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            If you weren’t such a hide in the shadows, rock throwing pussy, I could take you to a handful of families 20 minutes from your house who would tell you completely different story on the Africa issue. But you’re dumber than a box of rocks and dont care what the truth is. Enjoy your little act while you can. Eek your last little bit of fun out of it, MmmK, little man? Hard rain, buddy, hard rain…

          • hahhararley says:

            sorry dude…heard it was all b.s….
            just what others said about your story at
            a gathering of salespeople.
            to be honest I don’t care…
            people Saturday laughed about it…for me…
            itsjust another funny story you’ve written
            no big deal…..

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            You heard WRONG, Fukstick. The truth is going to get spoon fed to you. You’re too late to apologize. Enjoy your laugh. He who laughs LAST, laughs best. (That’s me)

  4. chuck says:

    Your unexplained lacuna comes to a tardy end.

    Welcome back Paul, funny stuff!


    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Well, thanks, Chuck, but you and Greedo are in stark disagreement. I think he would be happy with a longer term lacuna. As usual, your comments are always appreciated.

  5. balbonis moleskine says:

    Hillary is the new Nixon. She is unsinkable for the time being and will be elected by double digits over lil’ Rand Paul trying to push Randite philosophy in the middle of a downturn.

    Huma Abadein will have a suspiciously prominent seat for the inauguration. Book it!

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Balbo, are you assuming Huma’s seat will be on Hillary’s lap?
      I’m waiting for email to be released between those two that will make Bill blush cause that’s what’s going down there!

    • chuck says:

      Bill “Stedman” Clinton will be spending a lot of time in the Lincoln Bedroom.

      Hillary’s self inflicted wounds, which have even the New York Times and the AP smelling blood in the water, are a harbinger of a spirited contest amongst Democrats vis a vis the expected coronation. The “Old News” strategy will probably work with email gate and the many millions donated by foreign terrorist powers to the Clinton “Foundation”. But, the road to the nomination is, for all candidates, no matter how prepared, is an unexpectedly peripatetic
      one, fraught with betrayal (See Eugene McCarthy) emotion (Muskie’s tears) and, most importantly the whim and caprice of the 4th estate, whom, in spite of their love of all things Democratic are confirmed and undeniable crack addicts for a story, any story concerning a candidate’s peccadillo’s (Note to Harley-that is not a side dish at a Mexican Restaurant, just ask Gary Hart.).

      If Hillary wants to win, she would do well to spend less time listening to her sycophantic cadre of apparatchiks and bring Clinton’s “It’s the economy stupid” boys back into the huddle.

      • hahhararley says:

        chuckie (did you see that movie)….you remind me of that
        She’s added the guys who won 2 yes 2 victories for Obama
        in 2012 and 2008. With that knowledge of the electorate
        she should do pretty well.
        I think the name is 270 strategies ….and they have almost
        4 million ground troops ready to go out for Hillary.
        2.5 million are in ready for Hillary….andwith the
        continued dysfunction of the new house and senate
        (where boner and mcconell the turtle don’t even talk to
        each other)….we’ll find out there’s even more.
        Reemember turkeys….the dems start with 240 electoral
        votes…and ohio and florida are definitely now dem.
        The demographics from 2012 to 2016 include a rapid
        change in other states…and the vote iscoming out.
        Sorry old dudes…the world is changing….your time to
        make decisions is over.

    • hahhararley says:

      yes..huma will be at the inauguration…as will bill/mac/james etc.
      Probably might even see huma’s husband who at least likes women
      while the repubs like little boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • hahhararley says:

      balboni….up thinking about Hillary at 4:34 am….???????????
      I think you should see dr. hugo the psych….maybe he can help
      you with your fantasy problems like the guy who fantasizes about

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Harley, lay off Balbo, YOU were up thinking about ME at 5:30, whats the diference, little man?

        • hahhararley says:

          sorry sir….I wasnot writing about you at 5:30…why
          I have the quotes fro hearne (our hero) where he
          said you fantasized about me. According to hearne
          (a so called bipartisan participant) you fantasized about
          the GREAT HARLEY!!!!!
          come on dude…its on screen shots. You admitted
          NOw come clean.
          Or is this just another “AFRICA” story?
          boo hoo sir….you’re caught red handed!!!!!!!!

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Your ignorance makes me giggle. Soon I’ll be grinning ear to ear. Set your alarm for end of April, plus or minus. You’re gonna love this!

  6. mike t. says:

    Hm… all these predictions about who runs, who loses, who wins and we’re still a year away from Iowa. (Farther out than that in the metaphysical sense.) 🙂 And the general election farther even still. Don’t you think some things might actually change between now and then? Oh well, I suppose I’m just being naïve.

  7. Orphan of the Road says:

    I cannot wait until Lindsey Graham dives into the emails.

    Bigger story, 90% of State Department emails were not saved as required.

    And a subtle reminder, If Jesus saves, then he’d better save hisselfness.

    • the dude says:

      Yeah, it will be interesting because she can’t do the clichéd ‘Clinton wiggle’ to slip out of this big hole she done dug for herself. Who the hell besides Nixon or Bubba himself would think it is ok to send official state department emails on a private server?

      • hahhararley says:

        Nixon/bush/cheney/rice/powell/jeb bush/….they all sent
        info on non protected devices. Hillary did not break any
        laws…its politics and we saw who came out ahead when
        it comes to politics.
        Eventually justice department will ask for all emails from all
        govt. officials (all cabinet officials) etc. and then they all will drop the matter. There’s too much bad stuff in everyone’s
        of those people’s email.
        Ifg I got on platypus’s emails…I’d find out he’s finally “coming
        Can you read dude…they all admitted it.
        plus 2 sec. of defense guys admitted it….
        when do you gtet a brain?
        you’re like the tin man in wizard of oz…NO FREAKING BRAIN!
        subpoena all their emails…then they all shut up!

    • hahhararley says:

      sorry orphan…wrong again….
      read the laws…even your hero BILL (I’m the biggest liar in tv) OREALLY
      said so…
      and that means a lot to sheep like you!)
      and being a right wing nut…..wheres your hated of lies by….
      O reilly
      the guys! a clown and abully

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        WTF are you blathering about? I know reading comprehension is not your strong suite.

        But the government’s own email system failed to capture 90% of all emails by users.

        Sorry, I typed as slow as I could for your benefit.

  8. hahhararley says:

    oh and this stupid young repub they just kicked out of congress from Illinois…
    guess what….they had his emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the only guys who can t do emailsare gw bush and chuck!
    And if I published the emails I’ve gotten from the guy who fantaszied about me
    it be funnier than jjwalker at glaze’s comedy shop!

  9. CFPCowboy says:

    We know that economics is the science of the satisfaction of man’s unlimited wants by his limited means, and we know that the difference between a pastor with wants and a government with wants is simply that the pastor has to be a lot better salesperson, as he cannot forcibly take money. Otherwise, the crooks are the same. What we have learned is that politicians want power, and they equate power with money. As such Citizens United directly equates money with speech. Therefore power s speech? Maybe not. No matter how much money is dumped into the ACA, it still can’t find a majority of supporters, at least according to the polls, so Money is not power. E-mails are dangerous, as they leave records with both the sender and the recipient, so Ms. Clinton is hopeful that those she sent e-mails to still like her better than Trey Gowdy (all of them). It would only take one deleted e-mail to make a felony, and she is not protected by the Presidency (no need to impeach first). In terms of Starbucks, and the discussion of race, perhaps it will be more appropriate after the Indy 500, when we really have something to talk about, even though it is not a subject to banter about. If Starbucks wanted to do something rather than talk about it, they might build a Starbucks in Ferguson and hire a few people. For those who think the my failure of support for Hillary is sexist, I can reassure them my actual choice is Condoleezza Rice, and with that in mind, I leave them to judge themselves under the same criteria.

    • hahhararley says:

      nice writue up cowboy…but you got the governments email laws wrong.
      They are so confusing that even all previous secretary of states would
      have broken the so called law you mentioned.
      All emails remain. You can’t delete them.
      What about gw bush/cheney etc. who will then have their emails
      Then you go to the ambiguous rules about the paperwork that was
      to be signed and who didn’t sign the paperwork….CONDO THE CON
      As far as rice being president…she accomplished nothing.
      And she’s a liar too. She was behind the lies that cost us 5000 kids and
      250,000 lifelong injuries because of a lie.
      Appears your rhetoric does not match the truths that we all know.
      Asfar as starbucks…you’re just like the rest of the old washed up
      white males…they don’t get it.
      Either we learn that the world is changing or we all lose.
      Sorry dude…you’re on the wrong track.
      Pack the horses up and head for the trail. You’re like the rest of
      the greenhorns.

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