Steele: Missouri Dem Office Squabble Gets Nasty

keith-english-primary-signAs reported in the Missouri Torch, Democratic State Rep Keith English of Florissant got a new office and made some new enemies…

Apparently, English was awarded the office after crossing party lines to help Republicans overturn a Jay Nixon tax cut veto.

When Republicans cross over, they are said to be “growing” in office. When Democrats do the same, they’re betraying their friends. Rep. Karla May of St. Louis called English out in front of the Democratic Caucus for allegedly breaking the rules.

Unafraid of skewering a sacred cow, English reportedly said that if Michael Brown hadn’t been breaking the rules, he’d be alive today. While his colleagues swooned, English turned and left the meeting.

This retort prompted Joshua Peters, another St. Louis Rep, to send a letter to Caucus Chair Gina Mitten. He accused English of making an “insulting and racially charged remark.” He explained that “racist remarks” are supposed to be the province of Republicans, not Democrats. The solution: “condemning his remarks and expelling him.”

BANNER140624English had to wonder–couldn’t he at least be allowed a groveling visit by Al Sharpton?

In Democratic circles, the thoroughly discredited “hands up, don’t shoot” media narrative on the Brown shooting has been accepted as sacred text.

Challenging it is like drawing a Muhammad cartoon. Don’t be surprised if English switches parties. He has no future as a Democrat. If he’s going to be accused of being a racist, he might as well enjoy the perks of being in the majority.

Rich Steele is a citizen journalist and head of the NSAAS (Non-Smokers Against Anti-Smoking).
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2 Responses to Steele: Missouri Dem Office Squabble Gets Nasty

  1. mike t. says:

    interesting. sick of this crap about Michael Brown. jesus. the kid eff’ed up, got killed. end of story. this mitten needs to stuff one in her mouth.

    meanwhile, rich, why not a nice post about the NSAAS. that sounds interesting…

  2. chuck says:

    Here is the letter.

    The ongoing apotheosis of Michael Brown and the once barely specious, now fallacious narrative of his actions on the day of his death continues in spite of the unambiguated evidence that he was no more than your garden variety, street thug sporting all the standard accoutrements, a penchant for violence, an attitude of entitlement, execrable excuses for parents, antipathy for the police and the IQ of a Goldfish. It’s all so romantic, the hero dying for a great cause and inspiring others to follow in his wake, making the world a better place for all those who come after. If we just click our fu*kin heels together three times and wish, it will come true, I know it will.

    English’s impertinent foray into the now sacred Michael Brown Democratic Cathedral, sans the deference required of all true believers renders him a Progressive apostate and may end his political career. Truth in politics can kill you in more ways than one.

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