Steele: Steve Kraske, Please Tell Us The Sebelius Story Is A Joke

tiller_amp_govcaptionedThe featured Kansas City Star headline reads as follows, “Kathleen Sebelius criticizes Gov. Sam Brownback’s vision for Kansas.

This is one of two prominent Brownback-bashing articles in Wednesday’s newspaper – by freelance political writer Steve Kraske – a slow day for the anti-Brownback fetishists on Grand Boulevard. Specifically, Sebelius accused Brownback of having a “failed and flawed vision.”

No, you are not mistaken.

This is the same Kathleen Sebelius who orchestrated the notorious rollout of Obamacare, the same Sebelius whom Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts wanted fired for “gross incompetence,” the same Sebelius whom even Democrats criticized for gross incompetence.

“What has happened is unacceptable,” said Nancy Pelosi of the rollout.

“The launch of the website was terribly flawed,” said Sebelius herself after Obama booted her in April 2013. The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart expressed amazement at the “level of incompetence” and all but accused her of lying about her performance.

It is not as if Kansas prospered during Sebelius’ administration.

1381256743257.cachedIn fact, just about the only industry that thrived under Sebelius was the late term abortion industry. In fact, she and her pal George Tiller, in full indifference to Kansas law, helped make Kansas, literally, the world capital of viable infant killing.

The photos of Sebelius hosting and toasting Tiller at the governor’s mansion after he helped get her re-elected in 2006 are priceless.

Even including the abortion industry, however, there was no job growth in the private sector during Sebelius’s reign. In fact, except in government–no surprise there–Kansas lost jobs.

So, Steve, why exactly is it that anyone should care what Sebelius thinks about Brownback’s vision?
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11 Responses to Steele: Steve Kraske, Please Tell Us The Sebelius Story Is A Joke

  1. paulwilsonkc says:

    I listened to his interview with her on KCUR. It was a huge suck fest.

  2. Lydia says:

    I think the explanation is fairly simple. The Star operates on a merit system that awards extra bucks to the reporter who writes the most intellectually dishonest story of the day, and additional extra bucks if that story focuses on Brownback. Both McClatchy papers exhibit Advanced Brownback Derangement Syndrome, eg, if the Governor rescued a child from a burning house, both papers would report that he started the fire and find some failed politician or bureaucrat to quote about the accelerant he used.

  3. Harry Balczak says:

    Um, I am not sure how a bad website rollout makes Obamacare a failure. Ask someone who was uninsured and now has coverage.

  4. Jack Springer says:

    I’ve always thought the reason Obama choose Kitty Kat as HHS Secretary was because of their love of abortion. Like-minded people usually work well together.

  5. hahhararley says:

    Sorry steele…you are wrong again.
    brownies “experiment” failed worse than any other state program in u.s. history.
    Maybe youcan find one other but it would be hard for a state our size.
    1 billion dollars in debt…after kanas enjoyed some great years.
    an experiment that even the koke brothers tried to get away from.
    Sebelius had the state under control at least and no bond downgrades.
    thanks steel for making yourself look like a fool making these
    comments. just what we don’t need at kcc…another fool on the hill.

  6. Stomper says:

    Guessing that if Steele had lived in Rome in 64 A.D. he would have written how beautifully Nero fiddled.

    • Orphan of the Road says:

      “We must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.”
      ― H.L. Mencken

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