Steele: Do Black Lives Really Matter in Missouri?

hamill26n-11-webThe Kansas City Star reports rather matter-of-factly that for the fourth time in the last five years, Missouri led the nation in the percentage of its black citizens who were victims of homicide…

Quick: name two black people in the last five years who were shot and killed?

One comes easy. Michael Brown. How could we not know Ferguson’s gentle giant?

Brown was not, however, one of those 9 percent of the Missouri total under eighteen years of age. Their names have already been lost to history.

As much attention as has been paid to Brown’s death, almost none has been paid to the hundreds who died more conventionally.

Al Sharpton has marched for none of them.

And CNN has kept its distance from all of them.

Meanwhile The Star has not dedicated a single sentence to the real cause of homicide among black Missourians even though they are twice as likely to be killed as black Americans writ large and many more times likely to be killed than non-blacks.

Because if the media cannot blame the police or other white people – or even a “white Hispanic” like George Zimmerman – they have zero interest in addressing this utterly unnecessary mayhem.


Alexis Kane

A black eighth grader was killed Sunday and her body dumped near a local water park.

She had earlier expressed her outrage at the recent murder in a drive-by shooting of a seven-month-old boy in KCK. No one was listening. Her name was Alexis Kane. The little boy’s name was Ja’Quail Mansaw. If you don’t remember them, no one beyond their family does either.

Apparently, neither of them looked enough like President Obama‘s daughter or imaginary son to garner much attention.

But let’s forget about all of this.

Somewhere in America an iPhone might just be catching a cop making a mistake.

Rich Steele is a citizen journalist and head of the NSAAS (Non-Smokers Against Anti-Smoking).
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8 Responses to Steele: Do Black Lives Really Matter in Missouri?

  1. hahhararley says:

    – 10,000.
    thanks for preaching steele.
    How many white people were killed in kc. Can you name their names sir.
    I’m sure you can’t.
    We know black on black crime is a problem. It’s been identified by everyone
    including holder/Obama/Jackson/rev. Sharpton. So you’re saying nothing
    Tell us what we do. You and chuckles rage about this stuff. Give us
    a solution …..give us something to change what’s happening that
    this government will pass and we’ll see what ya got.
    Putting their names in the paper won’t change a thing. lets see what
    ya got.

  2. the dude says:

    Let’s be honest here, they don’t.

  3. Rick Nichols says:

    Good column. With respect to blacks who die at the hands of whites, in or out of uniform, these days, we don’t have trial by jury anymore. We have trial by social media. Is this a great country or what???

  4. hahhararley says:

    these people will matter in 2016. They’re going to storm the polls.
    No use marching/throwing water bottles….tearing down their
    own neighborhoods… won’t change anything!!!
    But they’re finally getting the fact that voting will change things!!!!!
    Their pounding the pavements now….another 5 million black voters
    will turn the next election upside down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    they’ve seen their enemy…and now they’re ready to fight.
    Its going to be a bloodbath and historic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Jack Springer says:

    Black-on-black violence is a taboo subject for the media.


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