Hearne: ‘She’s a Pistol’ Owner Should Not Have Engaged Robbers

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 12.47.58 PMShawnee Police and the district attorney are in no hurry to deliver the goods…

At this stage of the game, they’re not releasing virtually any details from last week’s gun battle at She’s a Pistol in downtown Shawnee. Something about not giving the “bad guys” information that could be used against prosecutors in their pending murder trials.

I don’t get it because, seriously, what allegedly happened allegedly happened.

What’s the use in concealing whether or not – for example – the store owner’s wife got smacked in the head before or after her now dead husband burst into the room sparking a Hollywood-esque shootout?

Many of the pro shoot ’em up crowd have jumped to the conclusion that she was hit before, sparking her husband’s unwise decision to test his video game shooting skills on a room full of armed perps.

And what sort of injury did she sustain anyway? Was it the result of her foolishly mouthing off to the robbers or refusing to cooperate with them? Was it a case of the bad guys sending a message? Or was it a sign that more foul play was at hand and something had to be done.

This much is known:

Shawnee Police say their standard advice is to accommodate, not to engage.

“There are a lot of schools of thought,” explains one high ranking area police official. “There are companies like Quick Trip and Walmart that have gotten press because they had an employee fight back and they ended up losing their job. And there are certainly reasons for people to comply with the robbers and not fight back. But there are also people out there who have no respect for human life and if they’re going to kill you, they’re going to kill you.

“And these individuals were robbing a gun store – it’s not like they were robbing a nail salon. I don’t know the statistics, but anecdotally most of the time, they’re just going to rob you and be on their way.”

96d2c54f63ebaebb3c2ebb10f5d1cc7aOne thing’s for certain, when deceased gun store owner Jon Bieker stormed into a room with four armed black dudes, the odds were stacked against him.

“You’re absolutely right about that,” the police official says. “No good can come from that for anybody. It’s just not going to turn out good for anybody.”

Was it a foolhardy play?

“I would hate to use the word foolhardy, but certainly you would expect something terrible to happen. You could almost guarantee that something terrible would happen.”

And of course, it did.

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89 Responses to Hearne: ‘She’s a Pistol’ Owner Should Not Have Engaged Robbers

  1. Libertarian says:

    Hollywood-esque shootout?

    Oh boy….

  2. hahhararley says:

    where did you dream this stuff up hearne.
    the police official said:
    “I would hate to use the word foolhardy, but certainly you would expect something terrible to happen. You could almost guarantee that something terrible would happen.”

    duh……an armed man against 4 gunmen…..heck yes something terrible
    is gonna happen.
    you gotta be making these quotes up!!!
    a kid could figure this stuff up.
    a Hollywood esque gunfight. You’ve been watching too many reruns
    of Gunsmoke…………………..

    • admin says:

      What’s gunsmoke?

      It may not strike you as a stroke of genius, H Man, but sometimes people need to have common sense lessons explained to them so they don’t do something – dare I say, foolhardy – like Mr. Bieker did.

      • CrazyChris says:

        So I just have to give away my property to anyone that asks??!!! This has to be one of the craziest stories ever posted to this site. blame bieker. My property is mine, if i want to defend it i will. If i die, i die. You make a whole lot of assumptions yourself here Mr. Christopher.

        “Was it the result of her foolishly mouthing off to the robbers or refusing to cooperate with them?”

        Sounds like you’d get on your knees for just about anyone. Boy have the terrorists already won.

        • admin says:

          Thanks for weighing in, Crazy Chris…

          I like your screen name. Too bad I didn’t think of it first!

          But I think maybe you missed what I said in the same breath as the above quote:

          “Was it a case of the bad guys sending a message? Or was it a sign that more foul play was at hand and something had to be done?”

          I think I covered most of the obvious bases with those questions.

          Make no mistake, if somebody wants to defend their property, that’s their right…up to a point.

          It may not have been the smartest safest thing to do but…

          My take at this point though is, it well may have been needless. The odds were stacked against him and despite that they will probably spend the rest of their lives behind bars, the bad guys won.

          • rww says:

            I’m sure you made your wife feel good. You the same as said you would have stayed cowering in the back room leaving her to fend for herself with the bad guys!

      • CrazyChris says:

        BTW, Awesome show Gunsmoke. You don’t know who Marshall Matt Dillon and Ms. Kitty are?! James Arness, nuff said

  3. hahhararley says:

    still say something isn’t right here…why would they rob a gun store?
    daylight..in joco….they had to know the owner/employees knew lots
    about guns….something here we’re not getting info on.
    Put your best investigative reporter on this one hearne….I can
    smell something fishy…..

    • admin says:

      I’ve discussed this with police and others and best I can figure, it was a small shop with a woman-themed angle. They were probably able to case it out and determine what sort of staffing and perhaps firepower they might expect. In all likelihood they took in and had a lot of cash on hand, plus the sort of goodies (guns) that could be readily converted to cash.

      Doubt there would have been much juice at the neighborhood nail salon.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Clearly, your friend Harley has never read “The Bell Curve.” Between the two covers is a pretty decent explanation for why the thugs did what they did, do what they do.

        Also, in the collection of dumb a$$ things Harley’s said, in your previous story he commented he would just tell the bad guys where every thing IS, point out all the valuables, hand over all the booty…. THEN simply tell the bad guys, there’s all my crap, please leave me and my family alone. We wish you no harm, go forth and be happy.

        Sweet Mother of God, what a stroke of genius. Too bad everyone else didn’t think of that. Just hand it all over and the bad guys will thank you for your contribution… and leave peacefully.

        There’s just one problem. Most of the hood rats want to inflict pain and suffering just for recreational purposes. Sure, they want your things, but rarely is that good enough.

        I don’t want to see harm come to any one, not even the Harlinator, but I’d love for him to get caught in that situation, try out his very own strategy, then see what happens when it fails.
        This is the typical line of liberal crap from someone who isn’t prepared to take care of themselves. People who think guns are evil and wouldn’t own one. People who think the number 911 affords better protection than the number 44 MAG.

        These guys rape and rob for fun. They don’t just take your things, follow your wishes and send you a eNote thank you card later. Harley, not even you are that stupid. (….but I may have to eat those words….. cause we all know, you’re NEVER wrong…. except all the times you are…)

        If I needed to sacrifice my life to put a bullet in 3 bad guys and run off the 4th after their intentions had been made pretty clear, not a better way to die than protecting my loved ones.

        Ill keep my guns, Harley can “show them the money” and ask them to honor his wishes. Lets see who comes out on top on that one…..

        There are days you’re just too stupid for words. So stupid it makes me squint…

        • hahhararley says:

          oh…look who’s back.
          I’m sure you would take on the robbers…
          but I never said I’d show them where things were..
          just take it …leave family and me alone.
          Read old man…like those old books you cherish smoking a pipe!
          But according to your buddy hearne…the police..
          security experts…..what I suggested was the correct
          thing to do.
          see idiots like you get hurt.
          you don’t know what these guys robbing the store
          wanted…you got a crystal ball….chances are that
          if the gunmen had gotten their money…they
          probably would have left.
          But again shoedog….you have been proven wrong
          You saying you know more about this type of
          reaction than the police…fbi….security experts
          and your pal hearne and glaze.
          Another faceplant for shoedog.
          Do you know any hood rats? You probably do!!!!!
          You’re a big talker. When glaze called you out you
          ran like a chicken….big talker…small c***!
          as a matter of fact…good friend had house broken into..
          told the robbers take what you want…leave kids
          alone…..they took a few things then left. And this
          guy was an ex marine with more guns in his
          house than most stores.
          You always talk big. Why don’t you get on this story.
          You go5t stuck under the dashboard hiding from the
          “truck with the big antennas” thinking it was the
          police…hahahahahahahah…..I wish I could have
          seen that!!!!
          So before you shoot off your amateur mouth and look
          like some gung ho type ask some experts what should
          be done. The real experts know more than you and
          again I prove you wrong.
          Oh and yes…I heard you were pretty tough with
          the women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
          go away please!

          • hahhararley says:

            ALSO IDIOT ….
            god help us…this gunslinger thinks he’s
            wyatt earp….I’m sure you d run like
            a chicken home just like you did with
            glaze !
            go get your shoes repaired and read one of
            those leather books. Again..Harley makes
            you look like a fool.
            And why disagree with security experts…
            another classic shoedog failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Thanks, I just got another comment for the case! God you’re an idiot and so easy to bait…

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Oh, and thanks for playing “Mark Young” too. That got me more info. God you’re an idiot….. you’re like the dumb crook who keep messaging long enough to find you! See you in court soon, sad little man…

        • admin says:

          “Most of the hood rats want to inflict pain and suffering just for recreational purposes. Sure, they want your things, but rarely is that good enough.”

          That seems a pretty broad statement for someone who hasn’t made a study and/or has specific experience in the field.

          Stereotypes are so easy to embrace.

          • hahhararley says:

            who’s mark young…not Harley.
            Harley doesn’t know the guy who he is..and
            doesn’t usehis name.
            ask hearne…many people use Harley name but
            its not Harley…he can proveit.
            as far as court…get 100K together…because that’s
            what it will take.
            enough depos to fill a library…
            no harm Wilson but you have a lot to answer
            to…including evidence that you and others
            have tried to harass me.
            Christian scientists? uh…hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • admin says:

            I have no idea who Harley is.

            All I know is he’s not me (thank god) and he’s not Paul Wilson.

        • admin says:

          Actually Paul, everyone else did think of that…

          To tell the robbers to help themselves and please leave. And not to engage them.

          Both the Shawnee Police and an area Chief of Police told me that very thing. Including that in the vast majority of robberies such as this, they just was the money and/or the goods.

      • hahhararley says:

        put your top investigative news hound..shoedog on this
        He does so well with investigativevstories like the jewel
        thief and the sprint story.
        for once I agree with hearne…do wht the experts say….
        but please hearne put shoedog on this story.
        we all need a good laugh.

        • hahhararley says:

          hearne…many peoplepost as Harley on this site and
          I am someone whois honest and believes greatly that
          the truth must be told.
          There’s no room for anyone on here to attack
          each other with hatefulwords. We can have some
          fun…punch fun when the time comes….but
          some on here have threatened…harassed….stalked
          me and I will not allow that.
          this is for fun and entertainment…I get most of
          the insults now and still smile at some of them
          knowing that we are just a bunch of dudes
          looking to express our opinions in a fun way with
          facts and information..
          Others spew hate and bigotry and yes racism.
          We know who they are and I receive comments
          from others who are against those hatred comments.
          Wislun wrote about the bell curve…one of the most
          ridiculous books ever written. But he enjoys that
          type of reading fine….it’s been proven to be pure
          Chuck has explained that he’s spent his life in the
          urban core. He has a differenet perspective which
          I can understand but if you and your families life
          is in such danger from crime and death why haven’t
          you moved them to a safer area?
          and hearne….you pick these writers like you’re
          playing bingo. A ball pops up and here ya go dude…
          here’s space to express your opinion and be a writer.
          Writers are held to higher standards than commentators. They should be educated…use facts…
          and be astute to their words than reading and
          linking right wing nut case papers and racist books
          ad websites.
          Don’t worry hearne…you do know me..
          and I’m just trying to keep all the people on here
          from presenting incorrect facts….telling the
          truth and being the voice of reason between those
          who believe in hate and those who believe in love.
          happy new year.
          your friend Harley.

    • Lydia says:

      The simplest explanation is the likeliest. These vicious little feral thugs are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. They prey on the weak. I do not think this is much of a mystery.

      • hahhararley says:

        you’re right Lydia ….the thugs do prey on the weak.
        The 26 young children killed in their grade school.
        The teenagers killed in columbine.
        The man killed in the gun store.
        The young men killed by cops every day.
        The cops killed by others every day.
        The Virginia tech students killed in a classroom.
        The unarmed victims who are shot everyday.
        if all these people weren’t weak their perpetrators probably
        would not have killed them. Fact is the shooters were
        cowards. Fact is the police had probably other means to
        avoid taking lives….fact is that the killers of the 2 police
        in ny found some innocent men serving the public were
        never given a fair chance to protect themselves.
        But again we must ask? Why in America does this happen?
        What makes us so different than the rest of the world.
        12 people in france are killed and 3 million Frenchmen
        fill the streets. Never happen in America.
        What do we do now? Can’t take back the guns…can’t
        or won’t change the laws….but what can we do.
        Mr. Bieker did not deserve to die in his gun store.
        The 4 robbers (do we know they were coming for guns
        or cash yet?) thought they had a weaker prey…a woman.
        Then Wilson comes out and says the experts are wrong…
        put up a fight no matter what. Fight the other guys.
        In spite of every police officer/security expert/fbi protocol/
        law enforcement person’s advice he says they’re wrong.
        We are not in the wild west ….we are supposed to be
        a civilized society.
        After all the blood spilled needlessly you would think we
        as rational beings could devise a new safer way to
        end the violence.
        maybe we have…crime in major cities has fallen.
        Murder in kc is at the lowest numbers in decades.
        Maybe we need what wilsun and chuck have never
        shown…a heart!

        • JoeKC says:

          Sorry Harley but cops aren’t killed everyday. Even if you include heart attacks, cops killed by other cops, training accidents and k-9’s the rate is less than 1 every OTHER day. As far as cops actually murdered, its less than one a WEEK. Not trying to nit pick but you can’t spread falsehoods. The unions are doing a good enough job of that.

        • JoeKC says:

          “In spite of every police officer/security expert/fbi protocol/
          law enforcement person’s advice he says they’re wrong.”

          And I have yet to see an officer follow that advice. It is justifiable for an officer to defend his life, I support that, but its also justifiable for a citizen to do the same.

          Gunslinging goes back to our founding. We can argue the merits of it, but it is more a part of our culture since inception than any other country in the world (besides war torn african nations.)

      • admin says:

        I agree, Lydia…

        I do think that they probably cased the place out and figured it to be an easy mark.

        That’s why I described it for you guys.

  4. Jess says:

    Hearne, you can tuck tail and run if you want. That man died protecting what was dear to him, don’t try and take that away from him due to your anti gun political beliefs.

    • admin says:

      I own a number of guns, Jess…

      I think the way this gentleman died can be a teaching and learning moment for us all, regardless of our stance on gun ownership.

      The lesson being, don’t wade into battle unless it is absolutely necessary.

      The jury is still out because the cops and DA are not talking yet, but given what is known of the circumstances this did not appear to be a one option play

      • CrazyChris says:

        And when is it absolutely necessary is he supposed to wait until his wife was actually shot? You sure didn’t have this stance about Ferguson. And mind you, Mike Brown was unarmed. Sounds like a hypocrite to me. If bieker had been a cop instead of a private citizen would you be singing the same tune???? mr. bieker was completely justified, he was willing to risk his life to keep what was his.

      • CrazyChris says:

        “The lesson being, don’t wade into battle unless it is absolutely necessary” So you hold the same beliefs about trigger happy cops??? Maybe they shouldn’t wade into battle unless its “absolutely necessary” maybe they should retreat and back down to the criminals

        • admin says:

          Somewhat obviously there are good cops and bad cops, oh Crazy One…

          That’s pretty much unavoidable.

          Just like there are good stockbrokers and bad stockbrokers.

          At least the police are tested and trained and have the benefit of the experience gleaned from dedicated their entire career to the task at hand.

      • CrazyChris says:

        “The lesson being, don’t wade into battle unless it is absolutely necessary” So you hold the same beliefs about trigger happy cops??? Maybe they shouldn’t wade into battle unless its “absolutely necessary”.

  5. hahhararley says:

    no hearne…something is wrong here….Harley is thinking something happened
    before..just an intuition.
    But even bad guys usually have some brains. Ask glaze…he was a bad guy and he
    had some brains.
    except the part about handcuffing a guy….wtf?

    • admin says:

      That’s not what Mark says, H.

      Only white collar crooks have brains, the gun store robbing types have bad brains. Speaking of which, anybody remember the punk band, Bad Brains?

  6. mark smith says:

    you’re showing your ignorance when it comes to crime Hearn. Nobody robs gun store for cash.. They rob a gun store to get guns.. Those guns are sold on the street for about twice their value. Period. You also don’t know dick about criminals. there are intelligent criminals and dumb as a rock criminals..The type of criminal who robbed seven Elevens and gun stores falls under the latter category. Intelligent criminals tend to do their stealing through fraud computer crimes white collar crimes etc. Prison is full of double digit IQ sharks who don’t have the intelligence to think on their feet so they take everything through force.. Any criminal who makes their money armed robbery ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. I played handball with a guy in the joint who is in on multiple murder charges for 5 people..he had gone to a house to collect on a drug debt.. Guy tell him I don’t have your money.. Dude leaves comes back an hour later knocks on the door shoots and kills the guy in the doorway when he opens up.. Then he sees four more people in the living room..so he kills them all..he told me he felt bad about it but he had known all of the people his whole life and they could identify..So what you’re missing with your just cooperate spielis that a sociopath doesn’t think like you or i…So when someone is willing to enter a business and put a gun in someone’s face that pretty much qualifies them as a sociopath

    • admin says:

      With all due respect, Mark…

      Your words and what you describe are not exactly rocket science. And I could be wrong, but I’m skeptical of your expertise in gun store robberies.

      Obviously, as I’ve said, guns are like money and they would be after them. I doubt they would overlook what’s in the cash register though. Perhaps your infinite experience in this area says otherwise though.

      Your delineation between street crime and white collar crime is not exactly wondrously enlightening either. Does the word, “duh” ring any bells?

      You have some interesting stories, bet you and Craig could have quite a trip down memory lane.

      But as dumb as I may be, it’s funny how the police and statistics seem to back my point of view. Guess everybody is stupid who doesn’t think going at it with four perps instead of giving them what they want and turning it in on your insurance is the way to go.

      • CrazyChris says:

        Were is this point of view when it comes to cops???? Cops in Ferguson were faceing bottles of water while in full riot gear and you sure seemed to support use of force there. Or a 12 year old kid is playing with a TOY gun at a park, cops pull up and within 2 seconds claim they told the kid to drop the gun 3 times, pulled their gun, and shot multiple time (in two seconds mind you), and thats ok because they were in fear for their life. But a PRIVATE citizen has his store robbed at gun point, with his wife present, is in legitimate fear for their lives and you expect him to show more restraint than our LEO’s are able to show?

      • hahhararley says:

        in other words mark smith…as a convicted felon…you may
        know a few things…but not everything.
        Hearnes right here.
        by the way ….what did you do time for? just curious.

    • hahhararley says:

      and yes…smith the convicted felon would know.
      Maybe help me…I’m not a gun enthusiast…but when was the last
      time in kc a gun store was robbed.
      can’t remember this happening…or a gun show…..
      just not the smartest move by the robbers.
      Of course they have the same iq as shoedog.

    • hahhararley says:

      you played “handball” in the joint?
      uh….I wouldn’t use that line on kcc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Especially with shoedog back on here.

      • rww says:

        Now that was pretty funny harley. Good one.

        • hahhararley says:

          thanks…don’t try to be funny…but theres so many
          “bad guys”
          criminals/felons/non child support payers…female
          wife beaters on here its absolutely amazing how many
          of these kinds of people hearne attracts.
          will be posting one special court recordsthat will
          blow your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • hahhararley says:

            remember wife beaters/dead beat dads/
            plus other info that is available from private
            investigators and more!!!!!!!!!Even public
            records we have in our possession.
            I’m cool with back andforth on kcc and othe
            blogs…but truth is you won’t beat Harley.
            I’ve got the goods…I’ve got the info…I’ve
            got the government….and you can’t beat
            the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            good luck…..and please stop harassing me
            …we have top flight investigators from a previous case that have theinfo needed to
            make ends meet.
            love to all…happy new year…
            and if you don’t want to play ball…stay out
            of the mud ……..

          • admin says:

            I seriously doubt it.

  7. Nick says:

    Haven’t read hardly enough facts to make a judgment one way or another yet.

    • admin says:

      Go, Nick!

      • hahhararley says:

        you doubt Harley….you got an easy 10K in the bank…
        Wilson and chuck backed out…so will youl.
        lets make the bet and the winner takes all.
        got the papers to prove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        and phone calls.
        I don’t take anything for granted anymore!
        show me the money..i show you to paperwork!
        you’d be amazed.

        • Nick says:

          Limited ideation; poor to non-existent grammar; persistent repetition of “major” themes; gratuitous placement amongst the comments…you appear to be nothing more than a particularly pernicious spam-bot.

          Not bad coding; just no apparent point to it.

  8. chuck says:

    Just a little side note for what you can expect from your neighbors when you fire back. There is a drug store at 10th and Central in Kansas City Kansas. I met the guy that owned it through one of my best friends (another pharmacist). I forgot his name, but he was 6 foot, slender, 180 or 190lbs and red hair. Owned a black Porsche. Very nice guy.

    This was back in the 80’s. He got robbed a couple of times, beat up and shot at, so he hooked up a shot gun under the counter and hid guns all over the store so he could grab them and open fire at will when the situation demanded it. He killed several people down there with several different guns. I lost track of him, but there was some blow back from the neighbors whose sons shuffled that mortal coil in pursuit of easy money. Crowds would gather outside his store with signs calling him a murderer and a killer. The usual excuses were made by the usual folks. I always wondered if he continued his rules of engagement as the years went by. After a while, he must have felt like Jeremiah Johnson.

    Another dear friend of mine, was running the strip joint in Topeka many years ago. He through out a guy sleeping at the bar. 30 minutes later, dude returns, kills the guy checking ID, kills the DJ, kills a couple of other folks too and wounded several. 80 rounds were expended. My friend was no place near his gun. He tells me he has nightmares about it to this day. Not because of the dead, which was a terrible tragedy, but, because, and this is a direct quote, “Chuck, sometimes you just can’t get to your guns fast enough.” He knew, if he would have been anyplace near his gun, some of his friends he lost that day, would still be alive.

    The other pharmacist, my dear friend Andy Riley, ran Riley’s Pharmacy on Troost back in the 70’s. He too had some shoot outs with the usual suspects, no one was hit, but he kept shooting out the windows in the bank across the street. THAT really. He said the managers and important people from the bank (Whoever that is.) would come across the street after the robberies and just pitch a hell of a bitch. People were apparently diving onto the floor, screams and just the sh*t hitting the fan in general. It also, for some reason, drove away customers. He would get robbed fairly frequently. He sold the business and moved to LA.

    Me, I think, if you have any chance at all, kill them with extreme prejudice.

    • hahhararley says:

      chuck…get out of the hood…that’s where all the bad guys are.
      and was the guy running the strip joint in Topeka scoots scudiero?
      seems like you were looking for trouble.

  9. chuck says:

    I meant to say, “THAT really pizzed off the Bankers.”

  10. hahhararley says:

    with all the stories chuck tells about his days in the hood he should write a book

  11. paulwilsonkc says:

    Mr. Glazer, please come and let us all know when this happened. Harley seems to think its a fact and I just don’t remember it happening, so maybe you can shed some light on it.

    Harley says:
    hahhararley says:
    January 14, 2015 at 2:55 pm
    Do you know any hood rats? You probably do!!!!!
    You’re a big talker. When glaze called you out you
    ran like a chicken….big talker…small c***!

    • hahhararley says:

      everyone: Harley has a genius memory…can recall things
      from 8 years ago…try me. thanks.

      • hahhararley says:

        who cares….its old news …..
        but most of you would run like chickens when the guys
        you refer to are #######. Let’s see you have some balls
        and see what happens.
        This is not joco where we have losers who don’t pay
        child support and beat their women. Thee are real
        tough dudes.
        but in joco..they have criminal files on the internet that
        are as the german said VERY INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        THE DUDES AT SHES A PISTOL AEN’T THE ONLY ONES WITH INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
        have a great night…we files of info….that could be
        VERY INTERSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

      • admin says:

        You can’t recall things you read eight lines ago!

        • hahhararley says:

          check times…and you hold up printing the
          comments on this site so you can censor them.
          so sometimes they don’t come out right when
          you print one before the other or it goes in the
          wrong place.

          • admin says:

            You’re pretty much the only commenter I screen, H.

            Unless somebody uses one of the forbidden words, then I approve them unless the word needs to be taken out. Which is rare anymore.

  12. Earl Grice says:

    Your victim blaming is simply disgusting. Let this man rest in peace. How about some words against these criminals who perpetrated this cowardly murder. You are a poor excuse for a journalist and even a worse human being.

  13. CCoop says:

    You are pathetic. What the F do you think a cop would say? ESPECIALLY if he is going on the record. Hey step on out and blow them away!! HELL NO.

    So your entire argument revolves around a cop who will never ever publicly advocate vigilante justice or else lose his freaking job.

    All your assumptions, all your poisoning of this mans memory, all because your little pathetic vendetta against the KC star. Bitter much?!!

    When are you writing the biography for the 4 criminals responsible for the killing of an upstanding business man and citizen. You own guns what will you do if someone decides to break in to your home? THE Pro gun shoot’em up crowd shows your personal contempt for gun owners despite being one. God help your family if it is ever left up to you to shoot or comply because clearly we know you’ll let them take the brunt. All because a cop afraid of losing his job said so… Selfish much?!!

    • admin says:

      The cops I talked to were off the record, genius…

      That’s why they were not named. They said what they said because statistically they know that’s the best hand to play

    • hahhararley says:

      chuck,,,no deliveries…no stupid choice for young kids who get killed
      delivering a stupid pizza….we will change…give me time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  14. chuck says:

    The only thi9ng more dangerous than delivering Pizzas, is logging, steelworkers, aviation and roofers. Then, delivering fu*kin pizzas!


    This one turned out ok.


    • the dude says:

      No kidding, what the hell are union cops complaining about when it is more dangerous to deliver pies with less pay than an effing cop?!?!

  15. chuck says:

    Read this article slowly and think about what it says about our so called “Civilization”.

    “DEARBORN, Mich. (WJBK) –
    The owners of a Jet’s Pizza franchise in east Dearborn say their drivers will no longer deliver pizza in Detroit after dark. The decision comes after a 19-year-old delivery driver was shot in the chest after dropping off a pie on the city’s west side.

    Joan McKenna says her son, Timothy, returned to his car after delivering a pizza in the area of Penrod Street and Paul Avenue around midnight earlier this month. “He looked in his rearview mirror and saw a guy rushing up behind him and he knew exactly what it was,” says McKenna.

    Joan says a man held a gun to her son’s head and demanded money. Timothy hit the gas to flee the scene, but not before the gunman fired one shot, hitting him in the chest. “He knew instinctively, ‘I’ve got to get out of Detroit because I’ll never get an ambulance here in time. I’ll die here,'” says McKenna.

    Fellow delivery driver Ali Mozham says McKenna was able to cross the border back into Dearborn where he called police from a Walmart parking lot. “The police, they came right away,” says Mozham.

    Timothy suffered a broken rib and a punctured lung. He was treated and released from a local hospital and is expected to fully recover. He’ll attend Adrian College this fall.

    Workers at the Jet’s say drivers normally deliver pizza in Detroit in pairs. But on the night of the shooting, McKenna’s partner, who carries a weapon on deliveries, left early. Now, the store will no longer deliver to the city after dark. “It’s a dark time. We have to stop it right now,” says Mozham.

    “We’re losing business, but still, we cannot risk our life,” says another driver at the location.

    Meanwhile, the gunman remains on the loose. Anyone with information is asked to call Detroit police”

    He had to “cross the border” back into Dearborn. I read three articles on this shooting and the Pizza place usually has 2 drivers deliver all pizzas. One has the pizza and the back up guy carries a gun. I sh*t you not.

  16. CFPCowboy says:

    The dead owner thought with his heart instead of his head. Your wife or girlfriend has been assaulted and is lying on the floor. You are armed, what do you do? One of the reasons the police may be withholding information is that we do not know who shot whom and when. Walking into a gun shop armed and loaded bring predetermination into it opening up the possibility of capital murder, and Kansas does have the death penalty. At least the fab four are not out on the street plotting their next armed acquisitions, something that might have happened, had the owner just stayed in the back room. Would that his aim had been a little better, the caliber been a little more deadly, there would be three less idiots costing the taxpayers the costs of medical, attorney, and maintenance. It is as much a statement on the justice system, that we have to deal with repeat offenders, and in this case, the solution may not have been permanent with respect to the offenders, but they won’t be robbing a pawnshop in my neighborhood any time soon.

    • hahhararley says:

      Idont think we know allthe facts yet….where was the wife..the
      husband…the robbers…the employees…
      no matter what….there is something wrong here….and if
      Harley says it…ITS TRUE.
      get on this hearne…we need more info before the
      comments on here continue to be ones without all
      the pertinent information.
      where there’s smoke…theres fire.

      • admin says:

        I talked to the next door neighbor, who heard the shots but didn’t know any details.

        I’ve talked to the Shawnee Police and the district attorney and their lips are sealed.

        I and a number of other local media have filed Freedom of Information requests. Nothing yet and not sure how much they will release. The seem to be fixed on bottling everything up until the trial.

        There are a couple other avenues to go down and depending on what comes out shortly, I will go down them

        • hahhararley says:

          call the civil right protection division…something is
          not right.
          as much as my detractors say,,smething is worng or
          will be coverd up…
          thanks for your help hearne…you’re the greatest
          and the last standing man for justice.
          we will get this figured out.
          will be at store saturdya!!!!!!!!
          the world is falling apart…our parent gave us
          a great world…its now our job to imorveo the wold and
          save it from ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Libertarian says:

    The title of this article should read:

    “Young scholars that robbed gun store should have stayed home”.

  18. hahhararley says:

    here’s what the facts are…
    4 black youngsters enter a gun store. they had to know guns were there and
    guess that if someone sells guns they should know pretty well how to
    use them efficiently and know how to break them down…evaluate a gun…
    and how to use it better than the general public.
    Daylight: if they’re after guns why not a crash and grab….eaiser…no
    resistance….quick get away and they can catch side streets without
    heavy traffic and get away.
    I imagine that Shawnee police were aware of this shop. Not your
    typical neddlepoint shop. And they may have shopped or known
    the owners. Probably even visisted the store because the name
    was unusual and because it was an odd store for guns including
    self defense which I imagine meant non gun self defense also.
    Kids break in….what about their getaway. Lots of traffic
    in that area during the day…hard to get thru to outlets
    back to their homes…maybeb I 35/435 etc. Not a smart
    move to make.
    Cash….most stores keep little cash in the store overnight if
    any…and usually in a safe. What kind of guns did this
    store stock….on site it didn’t seem like the stocked the
    ones crimiinals really like (I don’t know guns but watch
    Crime Inc on nat. geo)…so I can’t answer that point.
    If they cased the store…they would have seen multiple
    employees at the store…increasing their risk of
    getting caught or hurt.
    Yes guns are valuable on the street….but kc has
    easier gun store targets to go after. Why go to joco…
    a nicer store probably catering to a more upscale audience..
    especially women who want self protection more than a
    big gune. Read their site and the owners article in the
    paper…she suggests” pepper spray…a small gun that can be
    put on key ring” Hood criminals wants the auto guns…not
    small spray or small guns like a woman would want.
    If they catered to females as the name notes…would they
    carry the big multi magazine guns criminals want. I’m not
    sure…but I would guess no.
    escape route….sorry…this was the gang that couldn’t shoot
    straight…and depending where each perpetrator was when
    the shooting began it was not probably properly planned.
    Again….these questions may or may not be answered publicly
    and held til the prosecutors have to give up their evidence.
    But either these 4 criminals were idiots or there is something
    unusual in this entire caper.
    we shall see.

    • admin says:

      I just wrote a description of the store which I think addresses some of your questions, H.

      The store is so small that I doubt they had many employees working at any given time – maybe on weekends.

      It’s set up to look more like a stylish women’s boutique, and while I’m sure like jewelers do, they locked up the weapons at night, it did not appear that they had anything close to the more serious guns store most people have seen.

      The Shawnee police station is a good distance away and it’s not a huge drive to I35.

      And remember, this thing was not worked out by the World’s Brightest Minds.

  19. G From KC in the STL says:

    Hearne, long time listener, first time caller…..

    You’re a pussy…. Pure and simple. You gonna lay down every time someone wants your lunch money? Seriously? You condescending sanctimonious piece of fatwa dung… Your dismissive tone in regards to Mr Smith and the surly Chuck ( people who have real life experiences, along with me) is what’s truly disturbing… You callously disregard their narrative about the truth…. I mean, for real, have you ever even been in a fist fight?!?! Not that you or I would ever start one, but have you ever been in a situation where one might actually saturate ones pants?

    I have a step son who truly thinks he could be a ninja by checking out some YouTube videos…. But he also tried to to learn how to drive a stick shift, 3/4 ton beast of a pick-up of mine the same way….. He and his friends “almost” got it out of the driveway after killing it four times and abandoning their “project.”

    There would be very little cash in the drawer…. How many people in JoCo would show up to buy a legit HK VP9, or an HK .308 battle rifle with 1,100 in cash?

    Your level of arrogance and naïveté is astounding…. And remember, when seconds count, the po-po are merely minutes away!!

    And please, don’t get me started on Ferguson… Had a few beers down there the week before the ka-ka hit the fan,,, thought the area was on the “come back.” How wrong was I….

    PS: love you, love your show…. Carry on.

  20. hahhararley says:

    G… youre right…that area ws on the comeback.
    friend of mine owned a successful salvage yard with 8 former felnons guarding the
    operation…3 mean german sheperds that wouldn’t allow anyone but the owner
    into the cash room…and a good neighborhood following
    But in ferguson. that kid had a bad rap//gnelte giant…he ruined a great
    neighborhood where police and business owners and resident worked
    I don’t know who was at fault…but I do know the area was safe/
    amicable and black n white lived togehe and prospered (to an extent
    but until til horrendous evemt ocurd everyonevlivev in peace.
    make somev money…hustle some metal or aluminum cams to pay bills…
    and move on.
    the bars in that area accommodated black and white without any problem…
    all had a good time without any problems.
    then comes this kid…who the police rile up for jaywalking…stealing a
    few cigar holders used to hold pot and soon its a national issue.
    Lets quite the pussy footing…lets change the laws so citizien aren’t
    paying 60k a year to keep a young kid in jail for pot possession…lets bring amercicqn
    together to solve our problems. Why give BP 3 billion dollars for shit when
    we cqn use that money to save our our kids.
    to g from kc…its time we took our ouwn kids into account…saved our own
    kids from the horror of crime that is needless…
    let us join together and create a new American vocal majority that give a shit
    about more than the large corpos who have cheated us and screwed up…and
    make sure yound men like your son get the fair shake in American life…
    god bless you…harley

  21. admin says:

    Okay gang, listen up…

    If you look closely, you’ll see that I revised the headline on this column.

    Jim Fitzpatrick and I were discussing the case and we came up with a better plan that would have allowed Bieker to still be alive.

    Check out his column here on KCC in the morning!

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