Hearne: Shot Dead ‘She’s A Pistol’ Owner Neither Martyr nor Hero

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 1.13.53 PMLive by the sword, die by the sword…

That’s the sad reality – and as good a way as any – to  describe the death of a small time Shawnee gun shop owner that got killed last week in a wild west style shootout with four robbers.

Remember what I said recently about slow news days? Well, January’s a slow news month.

Hence the local newspaper of record serving up back-to-back front page, top-of-the-fold headline stories about the incident. Not that it’s not a legitimate news story – though it has TV tabloid style news written all over it – but did it really deserve a second front page send off describing what a nice guy the dead dude was?

Lots of people who die senselessly were nice to their customers, liked Star Wars and shared pictures they took on vacations with friends. Was that information anybody wanted or needed to know or have anything whatsoever to do with the shootings?

And what does being a fan of the headbanger band Pantera have to do with anything?

panteracowboysfromhell2Unless you’re referring to lyrics like those from Pantera’s song Cowboys from Hell:

“Here we come reach for your gun
And you better listen well my friend, you see
It’s a pistol is down below aimed at you
We’re the cowboys from hell.”

And how about those innocuous Facebook postings about the gun store owner enjoying watching movies with his gunslinging wife?

Seriously? This is what passes for a front page news story?

Here’s the bottom line on the shooting and killing of She’s a Pistol owner Jon Bieker:

From the 'She's a Pistol' Facebook page

From the ‘She’s a Pistol’ Facebook page

He was the kind of person who didn’t think twice about engaging in – and encouraging others to engage in – one of the most dangerous, controversial practices going; the ownership of guns for use as self defense. And when the going got tough, Bieker came out blazing – just like his heroes Pantera described – and managed to take out four dudes before succumbing to a fatal wound.

Did Bieker deserve to die? Of course not.

From the 'She's a Pistol' Facebook page

From the ‘She’s a Pistol’ Facebook page

Is he some kind of martyr for a cause – the arming of regular folks, allowing them to blast away when the going gets dicey? Of course he is.

But on such an infinitesimally small scale that it hardly merits 130 column inches of prime newspaper real estate, just to let people know that he knew how to fix lawnmowers – and that when he met his wife she had “blonde hair and a warm smile” – and that his gun store sold “awesome purses that were actually cool and trendy.”


From the ‘She’s a Pistol’ Facebook page

Presumably his wife and co-owner Becky Bieker still has blonde hair and a warm smile, and since the gun store has reopened they probably still have awesome purses.

10888849_10152878228878405_8481185374981994185_nAnd think what might have happened – or not have happened – if Jon Bieker had dialed 911, stayed in the back room and let the bad guys rob the place instead of storming into the storefront guns blazing. Chances are he’d be alive and we wouldn’t be reading ad nauseam about how he like to play miniature golf and had an “ornery sense of humor.”

Or reading quotes by a business neighbor speculating on how the shooting went down, after first prefacing his statement with, “I don’t know all the facts, I don’t know anything.”

This is what passes for front page news?

They let Star investigative reporter  Karen Dillon go to make room for this?

What a country!

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96 Responses to Hearne: Shot Dead ‘She’s A Pistol’ Owner Neither Martyr nor Hero

  1. Jack Springer says:

    Typical story about a weird Kansan.

    What kind of name for a store is “She’s a Pistol”? Where they selling erotica firearms? or gun belts with lace? Maybe whips and chains?

    • admin says:

      Actually, it was themed as a firearms and training store for women, Jack.

      Not a self-defense class place, a place where they try and sell you $500 pistols with pink handles and 12 gauge shotguns, so everyone can walk around with a concealed carry license and put themselves in the same position the police officer in Ferguson found himself in.

      You know, make the planet safer.

    • the dude says:

      Oh, bitterest of bitter irony…

  2. hahhararley says:

    Never heard of this place because I hate guns. Despise them.
    But guys people on here write about them because they need that
    extra push to make them feel like big men.
    I would never own a gun. Don’t get my kicks from killing deer (who have no
    guns) or birds (come on…the birds are easy prey)…sitting in a tree with
    deer urine all over my body or hanging used napkins from a tree branch
    to kill bambi.
    But no matter what my opinion is…no one deserved to die. Not by the
    criminals who tried to rob this store. But that was someones dad/father/
    brother/grandfather/son….not some deer in the woods. They felt threatened and I
    assume felt that it was either use the guns to protect themselves and the
    other people or lose their lives.
    Unfortunately hearne for you this isn’t about someone dying. You made it
    another attack on the paper. Slow news day? Watch faux news
    and it wasn’t…they lookedoverjoyed at the dozen French killed in a terrorist
    attack…and even blamed Obama for the attack…and tried to raise the anxiety
    level of americans with their lies and b.s. they’ve become famous for trying to
    masquerade as news organization.
    I’m for background checks….I’m not into guns….would love to see some common
    sense guns laws (like 90% of americans) and see the end of illegal firearms.
    I don’t want to see some guy walk into a theatre with his gun in sight and scare
    the people and kids waiting to watch a movie. And I don’t want to take away
    the guns of those law abiding americans who do enjoy hunting and believe they
    need a gun to protect themselves. Just make sure they are following the laws
    we already have on the books. And lets find a way to enforce the laws we now
    have and adapt to the changes and try some new ones that might keep guns out
    of the hands of those criiminals and nuts.
    Adnyou counted the inches they gave to this story. How stupid!
    But remember your jewel thief caper that you proudly put out to the public which
    never materialized? What a hypocrite you are.
    May god grant peace to the deceased. May the justice system deal with those
    who robbed and killed the victim.
    And I could care less whether the star gave it front page news or none at all.
    Someone lost a loved one. And this must stop.

    • admin says:

      Easy big fella,

      The Star didn’t fire me and tried to hire me right back at 50 or 60 cents on the dollar. You play pretty loose with the facts when it serves your purposes.

      I’m still following the jeweler story and as I’ve reported, depending on how things are handled behind the scenes it may or may not come out – or for many years.

      However people in the know – which you apparently are not – know that a lot has gone down with this individual and it’s both very sad and very dramatic.

      As I noted, the first story about the shooting was legit; that was news.

      The story today? Did you even bother to read it?

      This was not about a public hero who waded into battle and saved a classroom full of school kids. This was about a dude who made his living capitalizing on the First Amendment, arguably to an extreme.

      And who instead of taking the police’s standard advice and giving in to the robbers, did the exact opposite and tried to blast his way out of the situation. In my opinion – and that of most police – that sort of conduct is both foolish and foolhardy.

      The only dig against the Star was for writing a silly story full of meaningless trivia to try and capitalize on the previous day’s news story, which again, was legit.

      I have two words for you: Thinking cap.

      Did you misplace yours?

      • hahhararley says:

        No I didn’t read the story….I did read the obituary…
        you choose ghoulish topic and try to tear down the star that
        wrote a story…
        I am in the know…and wrote a story that kept from being
        published. I knew you would not let me use the names
        involved because it would make you and Wilson look
        like complete fools when I was the onewho actually knew
        all the facts and could have told the truth about the incidents..
        name names…tell the story instead of you having wislon
        sit under a dashboard like a amateur with “jeeps with lots
        of antennas” doing conspiracy stories that were more b.s.
        than a ything I read in the kc star.
        THIS STORY WAS PURE S<<<<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        come on hearne…I've ripped you and the other writers
        with facts…and when I really had news you wouldn't publish it.
        Then you use a man who tried to protect himself and family
        as a punching bag for some b.s. to attack the star.
        Lucky you don't have to worry about making payroll or running
        a business….you are morally bankrupt with this article
        and I'm sure the victims family would love to meet you
        after you desecrated this man.
        Nooone deserves to die….

        • admin says:

          You’ve got to learn to read, H Man…I said Bieker didn’t deserve to die.

          The only thing I stopped you from doing on the jeweler story was tossing out your guesses of who you thought was involved.

          You can slander somebody on some other site.

    • rww says:

      What happened to your facts hahahahaharley? 90% of Americans are against guns? Show me that link. I hope you and Hearne are never in need of an armed civilian saving your lives! But I will if I happen to be there when you need me.

      • hahhararley says:

        no…according to even fox new poll…90% of ameicans
        we for background checks on gun purchases.
        that was it…nothing more.
        yeet congress fell again to the nra.
        I know many law abiding hunters/gun owners who
        agree with this.
        We don’t want your guns from those who are
        respnsiible…just common sense laws that migh
        keep some guns out of the hands of those who
        migh use them for the wrong purposes.
        check the polls…its real simple..
        no need to pull the “ban gun” b.s. again.
        just some laws (in additionto enforcing what laws are now
        on the books which are not enforced_) that almost all
        law abiding/true americans/hunters etc. feel
        comfortable with!!!!!
        if I’m ever in trouble i’ll be sure to call you.
        truth is I avoid trouble.

        • rww says:

          We have the background checks now. I just renewed my cch to the attorney general of Kansas. The bad guys don’t do that, but they will still have guns.

      • admin says:

        Needless to say, rww, I’ll be forever in your debt!

    • Jess says:

      Harley I will sleep easier knowing that you do not like firearms, a mental case like you should not be allowed to drive a car….let alone own a firearm.

      And please keep your anti gun crazy talk going because if a delusional, narcissist, whack job like you is preaching that crap then nobody will listen.

      • hahhararley says:

        you obviously didn’t learn 2nd grade reading fundamentals.
        send me your address and I’ll buy you the game
        fun with phonics.
        read it again dildo…the story I wrote never said I was
        anti gun…maybe anti criminal getting gunsor
        felons getting guns…you stupid f***!
        what are you a convicted felon too.
        FELONS WRITING CRAPV ON KCC!???????????????????
        BACK TO JAIL YOU ALL GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. CCoop says:

    What’s the matter Hearne is your vendetta against print media fueling your rant against a dead man? Cause that is exactly what this story wreaks of and shows your pathetic nature. You feel those at Charlie Hebdoe deserved what they got? Perhaps had they capitulated to Islamic militant’s they would be alive? You should be kissing this mans a$$ because his defense of the 2nd Amendment is about the only thing letting you exercise your 1st Amendment.

    You second guess his actions when you should be outraged by those of the criminals. Instead you would have preferred they got away with it. I can only assume by your stance here you’d be happy to stand by while criminals beat your wife or worse! What a lucky lady. I assume you KNOW without uncertainty that those that invaded this mans business intended to let them live? Your Monday morning quarterbacking fails to realize they could have put bullets in both their heads after getting what they wanted.

    Plenty of tragedy in this situation. His death, the fact that 4 POS criminals are still breathing, and the likes of you using him as pawn in your petty war on print media. Get over it you look a three year old.

    • admin says:

      Easy Coop,

      There are two things at play in this column.

      The arguably less important one that the newspaper took a sensational, questionable killing and tried to glorify the gun store owner by dishing up a bunch of trivia that had nothing to do with the actual news.The dude dug death metal? His wife had a warm smile when they met – please.

      The second and more important point being, what was not being reported was the dude could have capitulated to the robbers instead of following the advice of Pantera and maybe he’d still be alive.

      • CCoop says:

        Questionable killing? You are delusional. For all you know he saved his wife’s life by engaging in the fire fight. 4 POS’s roll into your business beat a woman and your somehow left with the impression that they are going to let you live!! Those odd’s you willing to bet with if it’s your life. Clearly your willing to let your wife take the beating that is your choice. Coward.

        Your still upset that the Star cut you loose years ago and haven’t gotten over it. How would you have tailored this story? Leading with what upstanding “young men” the criminal’s were. Digging up some kindergarten pictures depicting those “do no harm” criminals as sons of Obama.

        HE COULD HAVE CAPITULATED AND STILL BE DEAD or further fueled by their latest heist these P’sOS could have trotted down to the bank and held it up killed some cops he did the community a favor. More so then you can accomplish with the power of the proverbial pen.

        If someone ever sticks a gun to your face then you capitulate. He made his choice and doesn’t deserve your second guessing, liberal BS, defacto support of criminals in your tirade against your former employer. From where i’m setting the Star is better off without you.

        • hahhararley says:

          excellent…ccoop….one more comment and you
          knock out all of hearne’s “reasoning”….
          its because he saw a chance to take a ruler…
          spend time measuring how many inches were given
          to the story.
          then he attacks the man who had the right to
          defend himself.
          I consider myself a liberal…but also believe there
          are millions of law abiding americans who see the
          sport using guns…and protecting their families.
          Unfortuately sometimes accidents happen like the
          2 year old who shot and killed her mom. That’s the
          risk those people take.
          But hearne…quit this namby pamby argument by
          bringing in the star and how they covered it.
          It was a tragedy…someones son/father/husband/
          etc. died.
          don’t diss on the dead like you have so many other
          times. Let them rest in peace for god’s sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • admin says:

            Look, I worked at the Star for 16 years, H Man…

            And in addition to my column I did numerous front page stories in every section of the newspaper.

            So yeah, as an insider I think in terms of column inches because that’s how the editors think and measure stories. And more than 30 column inches makes for a huge story in the Star. For what, to find out some dude who made a mistake that cost him his life was into Star Wars, a heavy metal band and could fix lawn mowers? Seriously?

            Those are the kind of details I hope get left out if anybody ever writes by obituary.

            You know, like was into Led Zeppelin early on before they got big, wore Vitalis as a preteen kid, shoveled neighbors snow for extra money in the winter, liked to watch old movies, didn’t get his first girlfriend until he was 18 and still in high school.

            Meaningful stuff like that, that really gives total strangers reading about me some insight into what I was really like.

        • admin says:

          Boy CCoop, you okay?

          You can make all the assumptions you want about how this went down and what you think I would or wouldn’t do in a completely different situation, but the fact remains that absent more specifics, police advise not engaging criminals in gun battles.

          And statistically, it’s a losing proposition.

          • Harley's Leak oil says:

            Yea cause the police are never wrong. They are cops. It’s not like they are going to walk out and say if your threatened start shooting.

            I’m perfectly fine. But you come out trash talking another dead person second guessing their actions… Based on what? The recommendations of cops where de facto stance is do no nothing and pray a violent criminal doesn’t kill you! In your perch I’m sure you’ll never face such a situation. But if you do I hope your wife isn’t with you and that I get the chance to write a trash story about you claiming that IF you had fought back maybe you’d be alive. Geesus douche!

          • admin says:

            It’s not just the police who recommend not engaging robbers in shootouts.

            It’s pretty much the conventional wisdom and is supported by statistics, Harley’s Leak Oil

          • hahhararley says:

            YOU GOT IN LIFE.

        • admin says:

          Hey, anything could have happened but the conventional wisdom – statistically speaking anyway – is to not engage when you’re being robbed.

          That’s what the cops say and the statistics don’t lie.

          Why don’t we chill for a few and see what further details come out. I’ll put in some calls to police tomo and get back to you guys with my findings.

  4. paulwilsonkc says:

    This just in:

    Four Kansas City men allegedly involved in a robbery of a Shawnee gun shop that turned into a fatal shootout Friday now face first-degree murder charges, records show. Johnson County prosecutors filed the charges Sunday against Nicquan K. Midgyett, 19, Hakeem W. Malik, 18, Londro E. Patterson, 19, and De’Anthony A. Wiley, 19.

    I’ve shot my entire life, competitively at times. The owner likely saved his wife’s life and took as big a toll as possible on the thugs that tried to take what was not theirs.

    If someone comes in my home uninvited, they won’t walk out. I’m not taking a chance on their motives, if they will just take the goodies and leave, or if they plan on killing my family, beating them or raping them. At that point, I don’t owe them anything other than defending against what ever their intentions are.

    I have a little sign for my front door; I believe in God and I own guns. Break in my home and I’ll introduce you to them both, at the same time.

    Bravo for the shop owner. If these common street scum were smart enough to think some of their intended victims are concealed carry, maybe they would think twice about pulling a gun on them. And if they overlook that fact, I hope the only person left to make the call on cause of death is the Coroner on the scene.

    • admin says:

      I’ll remember that the next time I sneak up on you in your home, Paul.

      However, like the business neighbor you have no idea of how things unfolded, so assuming he “likely” saved his wife’s life is lame.

      Remember the old axiom our teachers taught us: “To assume makes an ass out of u and me.”

      Contrary to your assumption, statistics show that carrying and using firearms has a direct and negative effect on killings.

      “The prestigious American Journal of Medicine (debunked) the historic belief among many people in the United States that guns make a country safer. On the contrary, the US, with the most guns per head in the world, has the highest rate of deaths from firearms, while Japan, which has the lowest rate of gun ownership, has the least.”

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Remove the 93% black on black crime and that stat goes out the window. 4.000 dead blacks last year at the hands of other blacks.
        We don’t have a gun problem, we have an inner city culture of violence problem.

        • admin says:

          Take off the blinders and do a little more research, Paul…

          It’s true that according to a study, from 1980 to 2008, 93 percent of black homicide victims were killed by black offenders.

          However according the latest FBI statistics 84 percent of white murder victims were killed by white offenders.

          All of which points to the somewhat obvious, which was included in the same report that cited the 93 percent figure you refer to. Check it:

          “The report found most murders were intraracial, committed by friends or acquaintances of the victim. Stranger homicides were more likely to be interracial, with a lower rate of white-on-black murders than black-on-white murders.”


          • chuck says:

            Here is what’s next, think about the stats you just posted from a per capita perspective.

          • hahhararley says:

            wislon and hernia are pure losers.
            sorry…don’t care if they’re black or white…
            Asian or Hispanic…
            you are raving fools….and I’m getting
            tired of having to prove it over and over
            and over and over again/

        • admin says:

          We have both problems, Paul…

          Life is not an either or proposition. That’s too simple.

          How does that stat go out the window. Stats are stats. You offered up the 93 percent number, I countered and now you say throw your first stat out the window?

          I’m confused.

          • hahhararley says:

            no hearne you should have written:
            until we can make some common sense decisions
            about guns we’re just whistling in the wind.
            Add to that a special memo that Jebby
            “the liar” bush put out…’DONT TALK ABUT
            GUNS IN 2016″!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            GET MY DRIFT BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • CCoop says:

        You just contradicted yourself Hearne. YOU are assuming that had he capitulated he would have lived. Where is your proof? Your making assumptions just the same and using less evidence. This is a crime of escalation from 2 bit gas stations to a gun store. Pulled off few heists and then going for a bigger score. You’ve had the silver spoon shoved up your a$$ so long your willing to give up what you have because you never earned it in the first place. That’s your choice but when you work hard for something your willing to defend it with your life.

        • hahhararley says:

          or if you have family.
          My take…tell them to take everything..leave my
          family alone…take it all….
          CCOOP…..you are hitting the bullseye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          good comments….

        • hahhararley says:

          Now that we know hearne has guns we’re
          sure the criminals will stay away from him.
          In Lawrence (now the murder capital of the nation)
          you better be careful!!!!! You never know when one
          of those KU fans might go berserk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Be careful…without you we’re down to tonys
          blog now that greg has surrendered his blog.
          Please be careful. Don’t shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • hahhararley says:

        hopefully Wilson won’t blow your brains out while he
        is enjoying his above ground pool from family leisure
        when you try to steal his dragon innertube.
        Maybe bring large breasted girl from old adsfrom watsons with you.
        I’m sure her “large kelvar body shield” will save both
        her and hearne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Jack Springer says:

      First degree murder charges in Kansas mean nothing. Maybe 10 to 15 years in prison. There really isn’t a death penalty .. it’s all for show.

    • hahhararley says:

      nice wislun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what were the criminals thinking robbing
      a gun store…could there be something more to this?
      especially in joco….when there are other stores closer to their
      area that sell guns?
      was it for cash? guns? something stinks here wislun….lets
      get you and hearne on this story asap….
      after the jewel story Wilward and Hearnstein can’t do any worse!!!!

    • Libertarian says:


      Not a one of them over 21, the minnimun legal at which you can own a handgun.

      THAT’S an interesting stat.

  5. chuck says:

    I have been robbed at gunpoint three times here in the metro area. The first was at 71st and Troost where I worked in a 7/11 while in college. I handed over the cash to the guy, he left. He, or another guy came back in exactly one week later, demanded cash from the guy who had taken my shift (A kid like me, it was ca 1976), after the cash was handed over, he shot the kid in the guts, the kid died. I wrote a little piece about it in the “Longview Current”, the Longview Community College paper. I basically said it could have been me, and, it could have.

    The next time I was working as a janitor at an apartment complex at 95th and Blue Ridge to help pay my college expenses. Two guys came in with guns held them to our heads, tied us up and then after getting the cash (This was before they didn’t take cash for rent payments.), as the robbers left, one turned looked right at me from about 20 feet away, pulled the trigger and the slug went directly between my legs missing my business by about an inch (“Insert” jokes here.). He was shooting right at me on the way out of the door and yes, I am thankful he didn’t take another shot. Yes, I was still tied up.

    The third time, I was at Antin House of Video and a guy came in, again, put the gun, a 357, right up to my head and said he was going to kill me and the sales guy I was talking to if we didn’t get our azzes back to the back, where, yes, he was tying people up. There were women present in the last two robberies, they pizzed their pants. Nice ladies, it infuriated me. He then took some useless stuff, not even the TV for Chrissakes and left. The day before, the same guy had robbed a place called Superior Sound down on, I think 16th st. where he fired the 357 at my friend Ron O. hitting him in the chest, sending him to the hospital in critical condition, where he barely, barely survived. He was hospitalized forever.

    Paul is right. The sunssabitches only, only know one thing, violence and you and your family should be ready. Those pukes were crazy enough to rob a fu&kin gun store, so betting on those same pukes to use any common sense during a robbery, or betting again, that there was not a plan to kill everyone there so as to not leave witnesses is stupid.

    Draw your firearm and shoot.

    No disrespect, but violence is not really understood by those who have not experienced it, especially the life and death certainty, that this encounter is life and death.

    Again, Paul is right, fortune does not always favor the bold, but my guess, based on my experience, is, if you have any chance at all, to inflict any damage at all, take it.

    The mean streets are getting meaner. The movement afoot in this nation, which encourages a lack of “Compliance” with law enforcement, means that more and more citizens will carry the burden of providing safety for their families and friends.

    The police are now not just an ad hoc organization that shows up after the crime has been committed, they are an emasculated and ineffective political arm of the politicians we have elected, who are far more concerned with saving their jobs than saving your life.

    Again, Paul is right.

    • chuck says:

      And yes, every single time that I have been robbed or beaten or shot at, it was blacks.

      Every single time.

    • admin says:

      I dunno, Chuck…

      Guess I missed the part of Pauls’ comment where he said, “fortune does not always favor the bold.”

      I will say this, no wonder you’re kinda down on African Americans. Geez, you’re practically a human punching bag.

      I’m buying you a first aid kit for Christmas this year!

    • CCoop says:

      Amen Chuck! Fact is thanks to the mass media and a mentality of the “the victim is the criminal” people are sick of leaving their safety up to the whimsy of the perpetrator.

    • hahhararley says:

      chuck….wtf were you thinking. 71st and troost….bannister….
      hey those are high crime areas and have always been.
      maybe get a jobin a nicer….more safe area next time.
      where the criminals aren’t so numbersous.
      Why would your parents allow you to work there?
      something very wrong with your choice of employers…………..and a
      7 11….?????????????????????????????????????????

    • hahhararley says:

      chuck..you’re the dumbest man I’ve even read comments from
      you get shot at 3 locations in high crime areas…did your brain every
      think that maybe it was safer workin the quick trip on santa fee
      in overland park/ DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
      or that maybe working in these inner city dives might contribute
      to your being shot and injured? maybe apply at the French market
      where there were no stick up or robberines/
      need a night job…try glenwood plaza?
      after reading your stories it seems you needed the adrenaline
      rush ofworking at high crime stores.
      coming back from Vietnam (and we truly appreciate your service to
      our nation) maybe find a jobin a less dangerous area.
      we all thank god you’re still with us bt it seem you just need
      that high stress position that you took.
      we salute your service…but it was over. You worked at brands
      mart and did well..
      hope things go well for you in life.
      Your friend

  6. glenn says:

    $500,000 bond each.

  7. glenn says:

    Anybody see what getting built in Lee’s Summit? “Frontier Justice.”
    What could possibly go wrong THERE?

    • Terri says:

      Exactly what I said. Heard it described as a shooting range and family fun center combined. Yeah, right.

      • hahhararley says:

        I’m sure they’ll have pinballs….claw games…..and bingo for
        the older crowd. Good…maybe these criminals can hone
        their craft there.
        Lets build a freeing fence around that place and keep the
        perps there unless they can show legal papers.
        what a fun family night that should be????? NOT!

  8. hahhararley says:

    first off…the perps were idiots…robbing a gun store?
    that enough qualifies them for 10 years prison for stupidity.

  9. mark smith says:

    Your progressive minded trust fund sense of superiority and loathing for anything or anyone conservative working class, shines through like a beacon in the dark. You say this guy isnt a hero. I say he is by virtue of not laying down and possibly going out in a fetal position after his wifes brains are splattered on his shirt. I say he is a hero for protecting his life, his wife, and his property up to his death. Being a legal gun dealer doesnt make this guy some kind of nutty death merchant who lived and died like a gunslinger. He wasnt asking for it as the undertone of your piece seems to imply. If everyone walked around like wildebeests at the watering hole, excepting their fate as victims, would the world be a better place Hearne? You’ve lived an insulated life if you believe that legit gun sellers and owners are the problem…Find yourself or loved ones at the mercy of some scumbag with the upper hand and an illegal gun, and I wager your view from that lofty tower would change. Being defenseless and at the mercy of a sociopath isnt any fun, but its a real eye opener.

    Being a convicted felon I cant own a gun, that said, if someone tried to rob me and given the chance, Id cut em everywhere but the bottoms of their feet.

    • hahhararley says:

      unfortunately smith it’s not just conservatives who feel this way.
      Many liberal feel this way also. I’d venture this store went by the
      law being in joco…and were upstanding people.
      although I ve never been to a gun store …went to a gun show
      where there were legal problems that could have been changed
      for the better…..Hearne makes a fool of himself with this story.
      Who cares how much space the star gave to this man’s story?
      They could have a special section.
      How many people read the star besides Hearne and his
      laid off buddies???????????????????????????????
      And really…as isaid before…who cares what their opinion
      pieces say. Those writers are freaking idiiots with no brains.
      ever seen yael who or woody or the fat lady on ruckus….a bunch
      of ego maniacs who know nothing about nothing…just glad to
      see someone put their mugs on tv so 10 people who watch can
      see wshat there idiots have to say. Then there’s mike…a face
      plant now doing commericals for a roofing company. Come on..
      give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • rww says:

      Now I have to decide who is better Chuck or Mark Smith! Bravo to both of you!!

    • admin says:

      I haven’t been nearly as insulated as you suspect Mark, but you’re entitled to your opinion

      • hahhararley says:

        hearne what happended…did one of your missiooon hills
        hoods try to steal your gold plated miniature rolls Royce!??????????

  10. mark smith says:

    accepting their fate..my bad

  11. admin says:

    FYI, lest some of you wonder, I grew up owning and shooting guns and I still own a number of them.

  12. Mysterious J says:

    If his death allows Hearne to bash The Star, then it was not in vain.

    • the dude says:

      No, it was not in vain at all. I was surprised the glazed rug didn’t make it to this story. This is likely post 1 of 3 so he’ll be grasping for straws and quotes by then so he’ll be included to bloviate I’m sure. Watson’s girl might have a quote also.

    • admin says:

      Whateva, MJ…

      And what’s with this Watson’s Girl kick you’re on, dude?

      If you want me to try and dig her up again, you don’t have to keep dropping hints. Just come out and beg and I’ll take it under consideration!

  13. Goose13 says:

    To judge what happened is stupid unless you have ever been in a life and death situation where your spouse or child is threatened. The man is dead, respect should be shown. A wife lost here husband. Instead of talking about what he should have done, why don’t you talk about the 4 POS that tried to rob the place and their history. Talk about what they should have done. What happened rests on their shoulders, not the husband.

    • admin says:

      They will get theirs, GOOSE 13….

      Advising crooks not to do bad things is a losing proposition. It seems to make more sense for regular folks to be advised by police about how best to avoid getting shot and killed while being robbed.

      • hahhararley says:

        or have your butler offer them tea and crumpets it they’ll
        lay down their arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. CFPCowboy says:

    Just one mistake, assuming that if the store owner stayed in the back room, both owners would only be dealing with a robbery. We can’t assume that armed people going into a gun store, would not have used their fire arms to commit murder, assuming the owners were armed. At least now, they will not be repeat offenders.

  15. CG says:

    Hearne makes some good points. Very few are ready for a gunfight. With the new laws there have been few good outcomes when people have pulled out their weapon. Whoever gets the gun out first and points to your head wins. Simple as that. Most robbers only want the goods not to kill or harm you…but then there are those who will do that too, tough call.

    • admin says:

      I agree with Craig and in doing some reading, that seems to be the conventional wisdom.

      Sure, it could be a mass murder plot, Cowboy – you never really know for absolute certain.

      But in the vast majority of robberies, they want the money (and in this case maybe guns) not to randomly murder some married couple or store clerks in the suburbs in broad daylight on a Friday afternoon.

      You never fully know, but playing the odds seems to be what police and Craig even, say is the best course of action

    • the dude says:

      Yeah, looks like this once again shot down the all we need is a ‘good guy with the gun’ to stop the bad guy cliché.

  16. Libertarian says:

    “Live by the sword, die by the sword…” you say. (Hearne, please tell me you were describing the criminals, and not the shop owner?)

    I would define this as someone who makes his living using the sword, not selling the sword.

    You know, like the perps.

    I own a gun, and hope like hell I never have to use it to defend my life, limb, or property.

    But in case I do…..

  17. Terri says:

    Hearne-Your “Live by the sword” comment was my first thought as well. No one is saying he deserved to die, but he is not a hero either and all those people wanting to pay for repairs to the shop I wonder about. How many guns are on the street from this business? And didn’t these guns most likely make them a target? I don’t see them shooting up “The Doll Cradle”

    • the dude says:

      Evil doll collectors are well known for their fits of ultra violence.

    • admin says:

      I’m basically with you, Terri…

      Selling guns to private citizens for “protection,” when the statistics tell us the odds of people with guns coming to unfortunate endings increases, is bogus.

      Look at the photos and little jokey items on the store’s Facebook page celebrating the sexy side of having guns.

      I’m not so sure that having the guns made them a target 0 other than they were far more likely maybe to have cash on hand than the Doll Cradle.

      And maybe they want to trade up and get some nicer widow makers.

      Craig was right though, most robberies – especially daylight store robberies – are for the money, not to murder the shopkeepers.

      That’s the problem with having guns. Even learning how to shoot them and getting schooled on when and how to use them doesn’t really help much when the adrenaline is coursing through people’s systems.

      Like it undoubtedly was during the moments leading up to the shootout.

      That’s why experts advice to keep a cool head and not engage.

      Four on one (or maybe two), those sound like long odds to me.

      Everybody wants to play hero maker, Terri.

      The writer of this story is a relatively young and inexperienced writer and journalists in general like to milk events for all they’re worth. That’s really no surprise.

      But taking a total unknown, who goes out in a questionable, if unfortunate manner and using up all that space to lay out boring, innocuous, trivial details of the poor dude’s life.

      If I was grading this young man’s effort, I’d have sent it back and told him if you can’t come up with something at least halfway substantial, unique or interesting, stick with the basics or find another angle.

      That’s a journalism call.

      But remember, the Star fields a ridiculously skelton staff on Saturdays and Sundays and like 90 plus percent of the editors that would be there on a weekday are out driving their Volvo C30 convertibles around.

  18. BrotherSunday says:

    WTF Hearne – never figured you were a Pantera fan. You would like Slayer too. Brosun and Hearne going to Slayer next time they are in town. Brosun’s treat.

    • BrotherSunday says:

      Oh but Pantera is GROOVE metal – not DEATH metal.

      • admin says:

        You’re right, BrotherSunday…

        But they sure have some death metal lyrics. Am I wrong?

        • BrotherSunday says:

          Well country artists sing about shooting people too. Garth Brooks thunder road video actually shows a wife shooting her husband. Is that “Death Country”? “Umm- Can I get some dark riffs from that lap-steel, sir?” Put a metal pedal on your banjo! Oh and Johnny Cash – man he wrote about shooting gdam everybody.

          • BrotherSunday says:

            I’m just fking around – and I shouldn’t. But on that note – maybe dude could have used some time at the range?

  19. The Truth says:

    No one deserves to be killed… ever.

    That being said, you own a gun store you have made your decision that you will handle a burglary/break in, in a certain way. Neither a hero or a goat in this example, just your decision on how you want to handle your business.

    Now, doing whatever you can to save your wife and giving up your life doing what you believed was a way to save her, that does make you a hero.

    So to wrap up.. not a hero because he shot the perpetrators, Hero because regardless of the situation he did what he thought could save his wife’s life.

    Leave it at that. Some people like guns, others don’t. ‘Merica

    • the dude says:


      Let’s leave the whole hero discussion alone because I think the word is Waaaaaaaaaay overused these days. Save a burning, drowning bus full of children and die in the process? Ok, then we can discuss the use of the term hero.

      • admin says:

        I’m with the dude on the hero thing…

        But if he wasn’t a hero, why did we need to know his favorite movie and metal band, etc?

        Kansas City had the 5th highest murder rate of the top 50 cities this past year.

        Maybe the Star should start including more information in their crime shorts, like what CD or radio station was playing in the deceased’s car when he bought the farm. Or last book read, last movie seen. Highest bowling score?

        You know, inquiring minds want to know!

    • admin says:

      Well said, Truth…

      But let’s agree to disagree, because had he stuck with the conventional wisdom in how to handle a store robbery they’d both be better off.

      He placed a bad bet and in all likelihood put his wife in further danger.

      She’s obviously not going to say that now.

      Dude is dead and she’s got a business to run.

      She’d be an idiot to publicly say, “I wish he’d just stayed in the back room and let him rob us.”

      You should see the pro gun guy comments on this story on some of those sites. She’s preaching to her store’s choir. And it’s a whole lot easier to deal with his death by casting him as a hero than as somebody who major messed up.

      • hahhararley says:

        like Kenny said
        know when to hold them…
        know when to fold them…
        guy made a quick decision….and cost him his life.
        But theres something wrong here hearne. Can’t place
        my finger on it. These kids robbing a gun store on a major
        street…with all those people around….with a rather long
        drive to a major highway….in daylight….no smash and grab…
        no preparation…plus beingblack in that area….
        plus knowing that the owner probably was carrying a
        weapon and the otheremployees were probably also…
        tht everyone in that store knew how to shoot and use
        a weapon/gun/ that it was in an area where the police
        have little to do during the day….
        all this leads metobelieve that theres more tothis story
        than anyones figured out.
        Put Wilson (barney fife II) and Richard steele (barney
        fife III) on this and I’m sure we’ll get the real story.
        Oh and hearneyou can do the undercover investigative
        work on this story…you’ve proven yourself to be
        really good at CSI !!!! hahahaha!

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