Hearne: Moderated Comments, Anyone? Smartman, Scribe?


Smartman, Harley & Scribe

A funny thing happened late last week…

Not ha-ha funny, more curious funny. I’d just added a pair of words to the KC Confidential “forbidden words list” – the one I started four years ago to combat that clever rascal smartman.

You remember smartman, right?

He was a gentleman employed in the concert biz that I met in the 1980s when he was more-or-less running the Uptown Theater. Some friends and I hired smartman – Marti Dolinar in real life – to produce Firm Productions first concert at Municipal Auditorium. FYI it was “The Happy Together” tour with The Turtles, Grassroots, Buckinghams and Gary Lewis & The Playboys.

The smartman was a crusty dude, old beyond this years, with a voracious appetite for all things sex, drugs and rock and roll. To describe him as rough hewn would be an understatement because the dude was crass to the 10th power. Which likely comes as little surprise to longtime readers of his many colorful, depraved, bitingly funny and often insightful comments. He was as they say, “a piece of work.” – an unapologetic piece of work that ran off untold numbers of readers, contributors and advertisers.

Frankly, something had to be done. 

Then of course, everybody’s favorite Scribe Craig Glazer got a bit too frisky a few years back. Remember when he challenged the smartman to fisticuffs outside the Beaumont Club? Anyway, Craig went through a phase of using gay slurs on some of his critics and something had to be done. And of course, there’s always Harley, who if not for the odd pruning would overrun the comments section like a noxious weed.

87d8c8c2f0fa4ee48b6c754737089edeEnter moderation, the process of screening comments for certain offensive words or IP addresses in order to maintain a modicum of civilized discourse.

However when I added the two new words to that fairly short list last week, suddenly everyone started getting moderated. Even poor Brandon. And for the life of me, I didn’t knowingly do a thing to cause it.

Nor can I seem to find the way forward to undo it – not yet, anyway.

So for now, it’s all moderation all the time. But hopefully not for long.

I know, it’s lame. But you-know-what happens.

So now even clean cut comments section habitués like The Stomper, Jess, Rainbow Man, the Dude, Orphan and Jack P are trapped in Comment Moderation Hell.

Moderated-Live-Chat-1But not for long!

Because any minute, moderation will again become the province of the folks who carelessly use the F word. Or use the word “gay” (thanks, Craig). Or the N Word or C Word. Or reggin or tnuc (thanks smartman, your legacy lives on).

Most of those bad words comments get approved, unedited, no problem. However by moderating them, I got people to think a little first and dial it back some.

Now excuse me, while I get back to unraveling this moderation nightmare.

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19 Responses to Hearne: Moderated Comments, Anyone? Smartman, Scribe?

  1. hahhararley says:

    smartman was the biggest loser on the earth.
    Glaze is cool butbknows nothing about sports. Loves the poontang (is that okay?)
    but thinks he knows everything about everything when in truth he doesn’t
    know anything.
    Harley may write a lot…but its all backed up and the truth. You cantry and
    bad mouth me but its worthless because everything is true…and if you have
    the cash to prove me wrong…bring it on.!!!!!!!!
    so hearne you can badmouth me allyou want and I canwrite a book about the
    fantacies your writers talk about and the b.s. they try to pass of as the truth
    vbut there’s not one writer on here who knows what the heck they’re talking
    about. They just want to see their names in print so they use their real names
    because in real life…they’ve got nothing else to show what agood person
    they are.
    Glaze shut up both smartman and wislun both. I’m not that type ofguy.
    I’ll just speak the truth…prove it…provided it’s worth my time and effort
    in real hard cash.
    so if you doubt my facts…get out your wallet….its gonna cost ya big.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Glaze shut up “Wilsun?” Thanks, I was unaware of that factoid.
      I see your well wishes and seasons greeting met an early, yet, totally expected death.
      Correction; I use my real name because I have three things you’re missing; testicular fortitude, intellectual integrity and nothing to hide.
      Hard rains about to fall, little man.

    • Lois Lerner says:

      Harley, you were wrong about the IRS Scandal, which will ramp up again to unprecedented heights after January. You were wrong about Obama care being a universally popular piece of legislation that would be embraced by most Americans. You were wrong about having a degree in Journalism from MU. You are wrong so much we quit paying attention, plus, your promise to pay up on bets is stooopid, because of your anonymity.

      Finally and most importantly, you speak ill of the dead.

      smartman was by far the most interesting and noteworthy commenter to ever grace the room.

      • hahhararley says:

        lois loser….wislun…
        get your money together with wislun and lets see who’s lying.
        we can also bring the records!!!!!!
        yes…wislun go back where you were on glaze…you backed off…
        ask hearne…he should have thescreen shots…funny times.
        So lois or wislun….as I said get your money together…sell
        off your house or toys….lets see who’s got the guts/balls
        I know wislun doesn’t… because he refuses to put his
        money where his mouth is.
        Only reason the irs scandal might be brought up again
        is because repubs need something to go after…what happened
        to Benghazi ???????? that worked out real well for ya.
        and election predictions/the jewlel thief story you wrote/
        the hiding under the dashboard…the sprint prediction with
        your wrong inside sources…I can prove everything…bring
        the money…lets see if ya got any balls wislun.
        and as far as aca…tell that to 25 million americans and
        the increasing number of republican governors who are
        seeing its very effective and costly.
        using your real name is really stupid….I
        have gotten so many emails about people who use their
        real names…only wish hearne would leet me post them…
        very interesting and very funny.
        I have nothing against wislun….just tht glaze shut him down
        before like he did smarty
        sstill wish everyone a great holiday…but heck..if I can find
        a sucker to take 10K from I’ll gladly take it from the fool!!!!!!~~~
        Willing to put money in escrow at bank of your choosing…
        we get a mediator who’s a professional and then I produce
        all th4 documents needed …heck I’ll even give you
        odds ……that’s as easy as it can be….put up or shut
        anyway…happy holidays…be careful this new years…and
        health to all.

      • hahhararley says:

        a guy fantasizing about another guy who he doesn’t know
        is creepy. At least that’s what others have said!!!!!!!!!!

      • hahhararley says:

        HEY LOIS LOSER AND SHOEDOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        read this along with mark “bluedog” smith/Whinery the
        bannister and chuckles the sad right wing nutso clown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        dow hits 18,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        gdp strongest in a decade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        you boys missed the truth…..because even with obstruction
        an lies by the repubs…OBAMA HAS BROUGHT US BACK
        remember 2009…..we were about to collapse…NOW WE’RE
        HARLEY WAS RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        AGAIN………………..HARLEY WAS RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        now get back to filling out your application to get that
        free scooter from the government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        thanks to president Obama ……..WE’RE FLYING HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
        too bad you didn’t listen to Harley……again….you’re losers!

        • Yep, I am the Free Market president responsible for the Fracking revolution and the cheap energy available now driving the economy.

          • hahhararley says:

            whatever sir…it’s like I predicted this last year…
            and I’m sure you’re enjoying that 2 dollar
            a gallon gas.
            The repubs are now seeing the real Obama who
            isn’t tieddown.
            wait….there’s more great things to come.
            good luck..happy new year.

        • Harley's Leak oil says:

          2.00 gallon gas? Thank less demand in China energy exploration on private lands. Saudi’s looking to undermine Russian economy the other energy powerhouse. Not Barry. Dow hits 18k thank a strong republican landslide of wins along with artificially propped up valuations thanks to quantitative easing. Feds won’t even breath on the interest rates or the cradle will fall. For someone that claims to be rich you don’t know jack about free markets.

          • hahhararley says:

            wrong again…I said months ago that oil was
            going to drop.
            Shale mining in u.s. is causing huge glut of
            oil on the market.
            was in brownfield texas…small western texas
            town in September…it’s going nuts.
            Anyone with any brains or analysis could see
            that America bringing all this oil onto the
            market would affect it. Harley did. Few
            did or wrote about it.
            Then they found a huge patch in 3 other areas
            meaning even more oil…and found another
            way to extract oil out of the wells less
            costly and dangerous than fracking.
            If you watched what was happening in the
            opec states and kept up on their increasing
            need for revenues you would have seen
            that something was going to give.
            Your comment about free markets is a
            piece of b.s….no free markets…just more oil
            is coming into the market aand the arabs
            can’t afford to give up market share and need
            the oil revenues or their governments collapse.
            Saudis have some excess billions but iran/
            Russia/Venezuela/etc are so dependent on
            those revenues they are essentially screwed
            with prices at 60-70/barrel.
            Now expect congress to suggest some tax
            breaks for oil companies to keep their costs
            of drilling down so they can make money with
            oil at $60. Don’t think this wasn’t planned.
            Everything is planned and as president I’m
            sure Obama knew ahead of time what was
            going on.
            In fact…in Hillary mentioned over 6 months ago the price of oil was going to plummet and
            it did.
            As far as the economy…no thanks to repubs
            who basically won states they were supposed to\\win. And as the republican governors
            realize aca is good for them and their citizens
            one by one they’ll fall by the wayside and join
            it. Only the political supremes can cause a
            temporary problem but with 25 million new
            insureds it will be hard to stop the train n
            republccians will be hard pressed to throw
            their constituents off it and throw the entire
            insurance programs into complete chaos.
            And the prices go down according to cbo
            (which pisses off the republicans wanting to
            replace the cbo chairman).
            So sir…before you try to discredit Harley who
            predicted the lower prices…rememeber there
            are almost no free markets. That’s a fairy tale.
            Free markets don’t exist. It was the u.s.
            bringing up millions of barrels of oil that
            has caused this. And yes 18000 for dow…
            but its not free market…it’s still run by some
            large institutional players and lets be honest…
            today…nothing is free!!!!!
            have a great xmas ….new years…
            and I look forward to President Obamas
            final 2 years in office as amercia recovers from
            the bush lies and thievery………
            Hillary 2016 (its a shoe in boys)

        • Harley's leak oil says:

          LOL, You don’t even read what you write. You attributed oil to Barry and his politics or at least the failure of repubs. WRONG. Now your back pedaling with shale oil exploration – on private land. No thank you Mr Racebaiter and chief. States they were supposed to win in – lets see billions spent to prop up the democratic candidates and they still lost. Your own dis-illusioned mindset that claims your so great has yet to figure out that liberal policy is failing. And show me 25 million more insured HA.. probably with the illegals that will never pay.. Say good bye to your money harley cause your politics are going to cost you plenty in redistribution of your wealth.

  2. No says:

    Thanks for the post, Mr. Hearne. This is a private blog site, (and apparently a business too), and you have every right to do as you please. While I don’t particularly agree, I can certainly understand why you instituted the policy. Most importantly though, I appreciate your transparency (albeit after you had already instituted the new words). Keep the process transparent, and all should be well.

  3. hahhararley says:

    who really cares? hearne should go shopping for xmas gifts instead of writing
    that he’s “cleaning” this site up. The truth is he could fact check his
    writers and that would improve it

  4. CG says:

    ITS ALL Greek to me!!!! I say live and let live. Even Harley. Hey I went TWICE to face haters and both times they noshowed. Has to be a record…somewhere.

    • hahhararley says:

      I can find them…we have all screenshots from several years ago that
      we took.
      You did shake those little losers down…they tried to bad mouth you
      and you made them look like the squirrels they are….
      one down…one to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with my
      peoples new software we can find anyone!!!!! so theres no hiding from
      And wislun…if you knew me you’d see I went to mu….come by the
      house sometimes….have fun in the above ground pool!

  5. balbonis moleskine says:

    I have no problemo with how you moderate the site. It always seemed fair and if you accidentally write an errant f or s word and get filtered you just okay it anyway.

    Keep it up

  6. Nick says:

    I assumed the hyper-moderation was a glitch; nothing to fret about.

    Happy holidays.

  7. Arenot says:

    So, we digress. Hearne wash Harley’s feet so he can see

  8. CFPCowboy says:

    As a lobbyist for Chamber of Commerce in front of a state legislature, I can assure you that the greatest title ever bestowed was the term, “Militant Moderate”. The militant moderate is the frigate, with cannon on both sides, which, after watching liberal and staunch conservative expend shot on each other, sails between the two, delivering a double broadside, while the enemy is reloading. We live in an age where the best lawyer wins in court, no matter the argument, when OJ could be responsible but innocent, and we have watched judicial arguments that have no basis in either law or the Constitution, so, pardon me if I keep my powder dry. In frigate warfare the prospects of a cannon ball breaching the hull were slim in deed, so the best bet was to have the best use of weapons, the “whiff of grape” or “chain shot”, the purpose of which was not to destroy the enemy hull, but to deprive it of motive force, the grapeshot destroying the sails, and the chain intended to bring down the masts. The real thought is that censure is the slippery slope punishment used when you are unable to deliver anything but a glancing blow. Even the likes of Congress understand this. If you ban one word in any context, eventually you will have another that means the same, so rather than address a problem, we tend to reinforce the process that gave us the thought, and those words we relish, pretending to hate, like the F word, become noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Why, because it represents an all-feeling variety, being both pleasure and pain in the context. We all know who we are, and like the frigates, our flags advertise us to friend and foe alike. The best of us listen.

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