Glazer: Scribe Brushes Aside Bah Humbugs, Wishes Readers ‘The Best’

bad-santaIt’s the most happiest time of the year now, right?

You know, Christmas. That’s what the songs say anyway. Sure, for the folks with financial strength and tight families, that well may be the case. HAPPY TIMES. Nice.

However for most of us it’s pressure on the wallet time, pressure on our time, and family arguing. Yep, for all too many of us it’s, Christmas – bah humbug!

You think maybe because I’m Jewish I don’t do Xmas? You’re wrong.

Like many Jewish Americans we look at this holiday as a family time of year. A time to celebrate with those we care most about – our wives, kids and friends. So it’s not really about religion it’s about family and the joy of being an American.

That’s how I see it anyway.

bad-santa-2And most of us think back on those Christmas pasts don’t we?. Like in the movie “A Christmas Carol.”

If you’re like me – wink, wink – you often think back to when you were a kid and found out Santa Claus wasn’t real. It was DAD, dammit. That was always a blow.

And the worst of all those sad holidays of the past were the times when we didn’t get that gift we had dreamed of – remember?

I’ve mentioned this before but, the worst for me was when I’d been promised a mini bike if I made all A’s and B’s in 9th grade. I got two A’s two B’s and one C. So I thought I had the B average and had won. Nope.

what-if-santa-claus-is-real-and-our-parents-tell-us-hes-fake-just-so-they-can-steal-our-presentsI woke up that Christmas morning around 5 am and on my desk  was a typewriter with a ribbon wrapped around it. I closed that one eye hoping it was a bad dream. No such luck.

At 7 AM it was still a typewriter.

My brother, Jeff got all A’s the next year and he got a mini bike.

And he wouldn’t even let me use it much. Oh well, it could have been worse. I could have woken up to boxes of sweaters.

Yep, we have to decide which holiday party to attend, which to skip, whose home to visit on the blessed day and which ones to make up excuses for. If money is tight, and it usually is, what to get and what not to.

As we are all grown our gift today is seeing the joy in our children’s faces or our significant others when they see what we bought them. However we don’t get much anymore.

article-2251284-169AEF7C000005DC-910_306x510“We didn’t know what to buy you sooooo….here’s a gift card to Star Bucks.”


Ah, to be a little kid again.

I must say as a child, good gifts or not, just being out of school, the music, the movies the fun, even the snow made it all worth the wait.

So in the end, I guess Christmas is for the children.

As we age it’s just memories usually of what was and won’t be again. Still it can be a happy time of year.

I hope yours is, my friends.
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17 Responses to Glazer: Scribe Brushes Aside Bah Humbugs, Wishes Readers ‘The Best’

  1. chuck says:

    Hey Glaze, happy holidays. I am moderated now so maybe you will see this by Christmas.

    I bought you $50.00 in scratch off tickets at QT. I went ahead and scratched them off for you. You made 2 bucks. I got the money for you when I see ya.

  2. Jess says:

    Happy Holidays everyone, have a safe new year.

    Chuck, I am moderated too…I think there has been a change in comment software that does it.

  3. Jack Springer says:

    Why is it always so important that Jewish people tell us they are Jewish. What’s the point?

    • Jack Springer says:

      No answer to my question?

      • CG says:

        Well Jack in the case of me being a Jew talking about celebrating Xmas thats why. Cause if I don’t people would comment or think, hey he’s Jewish they don’t have an Xmas…that’s why. Or in the case of maybe a story on the middle east. Cause someone Jewish writing about the war would of course lean towards Israel. That’s about it. Why is it an issue with you?

        Do Jews today feel picked on? Not too much anymore, no. Hey there will always be haters out there for everything. Right.

        • hahhararley says:

          why…because we are the chosen people. We run the
          nation/world….and that’s the way it is.
          We’re proud of our traditions which many other
          faiths should have followed.
          All people are good…god doesn’t make junk…but
          for glaze its a way to let people know he’s a good guy
          who got a second chance in life.
          And we get multiple presents for the holidays…
          can’t beat it!!!!!!!!!!
          merry xmas/Hanukkah/kwanza…and yes
          Harley celebrates both xmas and Hanukkah…..
          happy holidays to everyone…stay safe..

        • Jack Springer says:

          I just don’t get why it’s important to let everyone know that you’re Jewish. No other religion except maybe Muslim promotes their religion like Jewish people do. There are hundred of sitcoms and movies where the main character is Jewish — when was the last time there was a Baptist or Pentecostal main character …. never.

          I think it’s the desire to be the center of attention, a huge ego, and the belief that you are special — which you are not.

          • Jack Springer says:

            No one likes a brown noser.

          • hahhararley says:

            we’re not really special…although jews do
            excel at many things.
            Don’t think we’re the chosen people…my
            goyem friends tell me that.
            I dropped out after my bar mitzvah.
            For many years…event today…we face
            a hatred by many people as a religion.
            It stems from probably jealousy.
            We see it in Nazi propaganda….in kkk
            works….and having grown up with there
            being a racist attitude towards jews.
            Remember…in many parts of joco early on
            jews and blacks were forbidden from living
            in areas of joco.
            so as a believer in the tolerance of all faiths…
            we must work together to understand we’re
            all in this thing together.

          • hahhararley says:

            As far as showswith non jew stars….you’re
            right there were quite a few shows
            with jewish stars. But there were also many
            many shows with no jews….examples..
            ALL IN THE FAMILY
            THE JEFFERSONS
            EVERYONE LOVE RAYMOND…should have
            been Everyone Love Rachmin!
            FAMILY FUED (almost no jews on that show)
            HOGANS HEROS (we’re protesting that show_)
            BEVERLY HILLBILLIES (although mr.
            drysdales orginal name was drydalestein!)
            jewish banker….get the joke?
            could go on and on…but got to wrap my
            xmas gifts tonight.

  4. Orphan of the Road says:

    Perhaps some might remember without Jews, there would be no Christmas.

    From a heathen and a pagan on the side of the rebel Jesus.

    “No matter how black, white, male, female, Irish, German, tall, short, ugly or pretty you felt this year, you are part of a family that has been targeted by an unforgiving cosmos since its inception but has, regardless, survived … humanity, warts and all, is an inherently heroic species that has spent about 99.99% of its short lifetime as an underdog. And If you see no billboards telling you that, it’s not because it’s not true. It’s because there’s little to no profit to be made telling you.

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