Lefsetz: What Goes Around Comes Around — The 1960s

Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 1.32.46 PMThis is how the sixties started…

We’ve been told to trust Big Brother, that the government and the corporations know more. That the rich are smart. That we should be thankful we’ve got flat screens.


They’ve scared you. Frightened you into believing your life is at risk from external forces only they can protect you from. If the government doesn’t scan your phone calls and your e-mails, doesn’t break every law in the Constitution, our whole nation will go under and you with it.

The truth is it has. We’ve lost our country and we’ve got to take it back.

There’s a fiction that musicians will lead the way. But they’re usually last. It’s the abused, those unjustly affected by the system, who revolt first.

That’s right, the sixties began with civil rights demonstrations. Which is why high-paid NFL players protest the chokehold but no musician with millions of Twitter followers has written a song about it… That’s what’s wrong with this nation, all the individuality, we’re only powerful when we come together.

i.0.vf-100-decades-1960sLike with unions. Imperfect organizations, sure. But now the corporations have scared workers to the point where they refuse to organize. They’re just gonna move the plant elsewhere. To some state that will bend over backwards with tax incentives.

And I don’t want to hear any of this right wing Republican b.s. about downsizing the government, it was under your watch, under Bush and Cheney, that this torture took place. You’ll pay zillions for “safety,” for military equipment that ends up in your hometown, all the while bitching that somehow the government must be stopped from providing a safety net, I mean which way do you want it?

As for how long it’s taken…

One can argue strongly the sixties didn’t begin until 1966, when the antiwar movement took hold. It’s six years after the recession. How’s your job? How’s your lifestyle? Things improving for you?

1960s-volkswagan-kombi-bus-john-hayesSomething is happening here and it’s sure not exactly clear.

But the truth is we haven’t seen protests like this since the sixties. Police abuse in Ferguson and NYC is emblematic of a police state wherein there’s a camera on every corner and you’re guilty until proven innocent. Just ask a black man, he’ll tell you.

And you’ll tell the black man that he’s not working hard enough, that he doesn’t have family values. But you’re clueless as to his plight.

As is the Supreme Court, which dismantles voting rights laws saying racism is dead. Rings a bit hollow now, doesn’t it?

As for Snowden… Someone’s got to break the law. Because sometimes the law protects the guilty. Because life is gray and when the institutions trump emotions you’re screwed.

So we’re fighting around the world to bring our lifestyle to them. It’s time we look in the mirror.

Oh wait. We are!

Just not anybody with a dime.

And the sixties taught us you’re either part of the problem or part of the solution. If your wealth is based on shipping jobs overseas, you’re part of the problem.

Right now the internet is driving the generation gap. Oldsters are all on Facebook when their progeny have moved on to Snapchat. As it always was. (Our parents) were listening to Perry Como while we were listening to the Four Seasons.

VsTheFourSeasonsAnd then the Four Seasons were trumped, overnight, by the Beatles.

And then the San Francisco bands raised money for causes as opposed to putting it in their coffers. Believing what’s right is most important. Knowing that music comes before money. And that personal expression is everything.

So while you’re sitting there in your cubicle, or at home dreaming up your app, ask yourself, what are you doing to improve our country, what are  you doing to help your brother, what are you doing to make tomorrow better than today?

We asked those questions every day in the sixties.

People are starting to ask them now.

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18 Responses to Lefsetz: What Goes Around Comes Around — The 1960s

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Civil Rights demonstrations in the 60’s were a grassroots movement that was sustained for years and years and years. The results of that movement had real impact on America, people of color, et al. If you think what’s going on in America today is ANYTHING like that, you are mistaken. Flash forward to 2014 and America’s attention span only last between news cycles. The world is SO different. The last couple of generations are self-indulgent, narcissistic and unplugged from anything and everything that has to do with someone ELSE. Hell, it only took a week from Ferguson, MO to go from the front page to the back page and the 24/7 coverage to become a footnote as the credits were running at the end of the newscast. As long as they all know when the newest iPhone is going to drop, it will all be just peachy.

  2. Mysterious J says:

    Great cutting and pasting, Hearne!

  3. chuck says:

    “If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.” Eldridge Cleaver, Minister Of Information for the Black Panther Party 1968.

    It’s interesting and appropriate that you would quote Eldridge Cleaver because the Black Panther Party is the tip of the spear, the guidon literally and spiritually for these newest “Civil Rights” demonstrations which include violence, murder, arson, looting and most depressing of all, an enhanced, solipsistic black identity politik, personified by sub human behavior that defies predictable analysis and feeds off of the blood and money of it’s victims. Those apparatchiks in the streets with a preconceived emotional narrative that trumps the facts would kill the truth with repetition and persistence. For those chickens in the American barnyard, that all it takes.

    Jim a.k.a. BWH is right. The better angels of the 60’s Civil Rights movement would be a laughable anachronism here, lost in the miasma of a manufactured movement that only assigns worth to black lives lost to their specious vision of white imperatives.

    Racism isn’t dead, the chasm between the races has never been more salient and sad thanks to the efforts of President “If I Had A Son” Obama and the efforts of Eric “My People” Holder. As rabble rousers, scofflaws and race baiters rejoice in the next whiff of grapeshot, or smoke from a minority owned business, the racial Rashomon effect plays out on Cable News every night. When confronted with the facts, these demonstrations make as much sense as the Nika Riots, unless it’s your financial axe is grinding away at the axe wounds left on the tax payers.

    The premise that Unions are emasculated by big business is belied by their numerous donations to the Democratic Party. The most powerful organizations in the United States are Unions, especially Government and Teacher Unions.


    The blowback from the lies and lefty argot forced down American’s throats was felt a couple of weeks ago, in spite of those Unions and Protesters.

    It’s time to water board and kill a mockingturd.

  4. mark smith says:

    “it was under your watch, under Bush and Cheney, that this torture took place.”
    Why stop there? Maybe you can dust off some misdeeds from the Reagan era too. The faux outrage over the water boarding of a few animals would be laughable if not for the fact that the newly released report will only harm Americans. Democrats had to fart in the elevator on their way out of power. I wonder if the poor saps who jumped from the twin towers would have preferred a little water to the face and some sleep deprivation over plunging to their deaths or burning. This aint the 60’s sport and Mike Brown aint Emmett Till. While you’re reminiscing about the 60’s maybe you can pull up some memories of hammer attacks by the patchouli crowd from back in the day. Those wonderful protesters beat hell out of a liberal prof in Berkeley the other night. His crime? Trying to stop looters at a Radio Shack. As for your closing accusatory question about helping your brother, you’re kidding right? The people who need help dont want it. They want reparations for a debt that has been paid over and over. Black Lives Matter!!! Except in the case of Black on black murders. Black Lives Matter!!! Just not the millions lost to the fully funded genocide through planned parenthood…Black Lives Matter!!! Just as long as it’s a white cop who is at the end of the gun. Otherwise, not so much. Your 60’s DOGma just wont hunt today.

    • chuck says:

      +1 Mark

      Here is the video of the man trying to stop protester violence.


    • Orphan of the Road says:

      The one voice from the 60s who remained worth listening to was PJ O’Rourke. Funny and committed to the proposition sacred cows make the best hamburger. As a Lefty McPerson, he is a voice in the wilderness. He ain’t Ambrose Bierce or HL Mencken but he does keep an eye on our Overlords and trusts them not.

      As a people we have forgotten that with rights come responsibilities. And that for the grace of God or the Big Bang, go you and I.

      And to throw out George Carlin’s quote, If you think you are part of the solution, then you are the problem.

      Americans come upon a symptom and think they have found a root cause. Poverty causes crime. Pretty insulting to the vast majority of the poor who are not criminals, eh?

      We guard our world with locks and guns
      And we guard our fine possessions
      And once a year when Christmas comes
      We give to our relations
      And perhaps we give a little to the poor
      If the generosity should seize us
      But if any one of us should interfere
      In the business of why there are poor
      They get the same as the rebel Jesus

      But pardon me if I have seemed
      To take the tone of judgement
      For I’ve no wish to come between
      This day and your enjoyment
      In this life of hardship and of earthly toil
      We have need for anything that frees us
      So I bid you pleasure and I bid you cheer
      From a heathen and a pagan
      On the side of the rebel Jesus.

    • 9/11 says:

      some 3000 people died on 9/11. It was definitely a tragedy, but lets keep it in perspective. “The faux outrage over the water boarding of a few animals would be laughable”??!!!?? What about the government’s killings of U.S. citizens Anwar Al-Aulaqi, Samir Khan, and 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi without due process? Where does it stop? I thought the Constitution protected ALL Americans not just the one’s we like.

      • Shut up. says:

        Here is the score to this point.


        Religion of Peace my fvkin azz.

        • 9/11 says:

          I never said they were the religion of peace. I never said they shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. In fact this should be a wake up call about who we grant citizenship too. Because with citizenship comes protections. What I did say, was 3000 people killed by terrorism is not worth throwing out the protections provided by the Constitution.

          The killings were part of a broader program of “targeted killing” by the United States outside the context of armed conflict and based on vague legal standards, a closed executive process, and evidence never presented to the courts

          If you don’t think the Constitution is efficient enough, we can change it. What we cannot do is disregard it, or it becomes as worthless as the paper it is written on.

          • mark smith says:

            Droning Americans and water boarding terrorists isnt in the same ballpark, hell its not even the same game. I agree with you more than you might think. I just dont have a problem with the methods used to extract info from terrorists, if it potentially saves American lives.

  5. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Lefsetz and his bleeding heart nonsense getting pimp slapped all over the place.

  6. CFPCowboy says:

    I know racism isn’t dead, but the events use in proving it are anything but racist. America is a melting pot, and with desegregation, we prove it to the world. We acknowledge the President’s color, but ignore his heritage. That is both the problem and the solution. Today, more than ever, we see mixed unions more than we ever. We have, unions where people have actually chosen someone of a different race, background, color, religion, and sexual orientation, so in fact we have no pure race or color.
    You blame one party or another for it, but the old southern Democrats, like Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a leader in the Klan, had just as much to do with race in America as any Republican, so it is not a party-oriented scheme. I would dare say that Jimmy Carter’s thoughts on minorities did not advance desegregation any more or less than Gerald Ford’s, and with Truman being a non-participating member of the Klan in Missouri, per haps you have lost your context. You cannot rewrite history with your own selective facts.
    Now, about Ferguson and New York, perhaps you need a little help with the perspective. Is there racism in those two bergs concerning police stops, investigations and enforcement? Maybe, but you haven’t proven your point. In Ferguson, the outcome would have been the same whether or not the officer and deceased were Black, White, Asian, American Indian, or green from the planet Mars. If you punch a police officer in the face and go for the officer’s firearm, you are probably committing suicide by cop. The forensic evidence and the witness testimony destroys, “Hands up; don’t shoot.”
    Now, as for New York, and whether it was a choke hold or not, the basis of the argument is that a team of officers, supervised by a sergeant of color, attempted to enforce a tax law on the orders of the Mayor. The take down by the officer, was done using a hold that was taught in the police academy, but due to the size of the assailant, became a choke hold. Would you call it black on black crime? Hardly. Perhaps people with COPD should not break the law. If you want to argue that he broke the law because he was black, had COPD, and couldn’t find another job, you might have my attention, but, even according to Mr. Gardner’s family, it is anything but racial.
    There has always been a generation gap, but with the recent handling of the economy, more young people are finding conservative values earlier. Perhaps that is what you are rally protesting.

  7. randyraley says:

    If we continue as we’re going along a path of division and derision and not only exchanging opinions but shouting down each other, a change is going to come and it won’t be pretty.
    Politics has become a “stick this in your eye” business. If I have a difference of opinion about how the country should be run, I am the enemy. Even worse than outside influences.
    Each party has moved so far to the extreme there is no hope for compromise. There is no moderate anymore and that’s where Reagan cleaned up.
    Speaking of Reagan would he be anywhere in sniffing range of the Republican nomination today? Hardly. He’s a RINO. Damn, he was for gun control and enacted one of the largest tax increases in American history in 1982 to counter his massive tax cuts that left us with no money (see Kansas).
    I don’t see it changing anytime soon.
    The result of this will be a nasty, virulent uprising by the masses and I hope I’m out of here before it happens.
    CFPCowboy, I respectfully disagree with your comment…”more young people are finding conservative values earlier”. I think it’s quite the opposite. Young people are more in tune with environmental causes and social justice more now than ever and are pretty upset about the unbalance in power that doesn’t favor them. Only in America can kids be saddled with what amounts to mortgage payments disguised as student loans. no other country (to my knowledge) does that.
    Think they haven’t noticed?
    This division will have it’s consequences and it will not be pretty but in the words of Gil Scott Heron, “the revolution will be televised.”

    • hahhararley says:

      randy gets home run #2!!!!
      having worked on a recent group of 25-34 year olds…you see their
      attitudes are different.
      More open to new ideas…innovation…change…and more open than
      any other generation to diversity.
      Black/brown/white/ whatever color people are they can share life
      and the world with one another.
      They are the tsunami I talked about. Millions of young white/blacks/
      Hispanics/women with more motivationthan those of earlier
      genertions…all coming of age to change the world.
      And change it they will.
      They’ve seen what the nation needs.
      We went to see zappo’s headquarters….this is the company of the
      future….and it has no limitations…..they are service oriented with
      a attitude that all companies will eventually become part of…the
      culture there is extraordinatry.
      Don’t know the 60’s…but know the 70/80’s/90’s were the
      highlight of human history.
      The tsunami is coming…its not violent…it’s not the war chuckles
      talks about in his rants…its the overtaking of America and the
      world by a generation who now understand that they can change
      the world.
      Also visited some offices where they are planning for the largest
      voter outreach program ever seen. For the young…the blacks…
      the Hispanics…the female voters ….its redemption time.
      We await our chance…the 60’s may have been the decade of change
      ….but the rest of this decade and beyond will be the decade of the
      revolution in education/social/political changes like the world has
      never seen.
      The repubs can do all they want to limit voters ….but that is ending
      soon………..we have seen the enemy…and we will overtake them
      before they realize what has happened.

  8. hahhararley says:

    Well for Harley 2014 is over. Headed to a project then on vacation…home then
    on another vacation…then a new project but I wanted to wish all the
    people of kcc a very happy holiday and great new year. Have enjoyed the banter of
    another year of fun and entertainment and hope no one took things too
    To all my kcc fans/disciples and readers here’s my 2014 wish.
    1. Glaze: may your business do well. There are angels watching for you and those
    of us who get so much fun with your football picks and personal stories we
    would be bored stiff without your comments and insightful retrospective
    writings about life. You are many people hero’s…despite your past faults YOU HAVE
    NEVER given up and still move forward despite the roller coaster life you have
    lived.the fact you won’t settle down with a nice joco woman annoys us…you are who you are and we know that one day lighting will strike and love will overtake your body and you’ll
    realize that life is better in twos. Keep your money…save it for the super bowl..
    its a crazy sports scene outside…but regardless of your record…you’re still
    a blast to banter with. Happy holidays and have a great new year.
    Hearne: I’ve been tough on you. But someday you’ll realize we’ve broken bread
    together at rod Anderson’s place and you’ll go wtf and say “are you really Harley..
    no way!!!” But without your editing skils (although you never edit my writings
    which probably would take 3 days to do) we still enjoy your blog. Even though
    you chase some bum stories…its fun to banter back and forth. May god bless
    you and your 2 daughters and your new wife. You’ve been blessed with
    a great life…but even for us who had to work 14-15 hours to get where we are
    …the greatest gift is to help someone. You have a great vehicle to help people
    with this site…use it…god will welcome you and your spirit will rise.
    Chuck: We’ve battled like 2 pit bulls. I understand where you come from.
    But having known you for many years (yes we spent many days on a ship together)
    you have great talent that shines thru. The world needs people like you. There are
    thousands of kids without fathers who could use someone like you to set them
    on a path to greatness. I’ve done it and the feeling inside will changebbyour
    life forever. You are not too old to start. I wish your family and you a
    merry Christmas and happy new year. I know we’ve battled but when you find
    out who Harley is you will say OMG…AND we’ll talk about the good old days.
    WILSON: We’ve fought and insulted each other for 2 years now. We’ve both
    probably needed the release of frustration. I call a truce. It’s the jewish
    holiday (and since you know so many jews) of peace and holiness.
    It seems we both wastes time fighting each other that could be directed
    to other more useful purposes. May you have a great holiday season…may
    god watch over your family. I know you lost your mother this year and I know
    from personal experience how that first holiday without her becomes a very tough time. Know that your mother never leaves you. she will always watch over you
    and as mine has…she will laugh when you do well…and will cry when things
    are tough. The holidays will be tough…but remember that those you’ve
    lost never leave you…they are always watching over you and protecting
    you. Never lose faith. Happy new year in 2015.
    To K/smith/lefty (the young kid who’se gonna be more famous than all of
    us combined …including glaze) with that writing he does..remember family
    comes first. A new baby…a new car (no more bikes…but I will be putting
    a trek on craigslist to sell if you need one in the summer) a new wife…you are
    the future of this world. Most of us have lived incredible lives and now we
    turn the world over to your generation. I feel as if the boomers screwed up the
    world the “greatest generation” left to us. It is now yours and your family’s
    to make better. Happy holiday with that new baby and have an incredible 2015.
    So on my final comment (which many of you are probably celebrating to see)
    I wish you all an incredible holiday. May the new year bring you health and
    SOUTHY: COULD’NT forget you. We will never agree on politics but
    your family has been a major force in joco and its growth. Your father
    was very good to us. I made reference to your being born into wealth…
    . People with money do great things with what they
    I apologize for insulting anyone ..mornally not my style.
    Just a small businessman who through hours of work and stress and work
    and hours at the grind who also got lucky and was able to do better than
    my father and his father. whici is what they wanted me to do.
    So to all of you who have put up with my bad grammar and poor spelling
    (I have my diploma from mu now hanging on my office wall) excuse the
    hieroglyphics, havea tremendous holiday/new year and Harley will be
    returning after the holidays to give his very volatile positions.
    God bless you and your families and have a safe and healthy holidays.
    your friend

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