Calvin Sense: Down with Political Correctness, Let America Laugh

6bf5cb2fd62a9e8c88d1be28b4dcfafaSenator Harry Reid is in trouble

Reid apologized for two jokes he made about Asians while speaking to a group of Asians. The jokes were: I don’t think you’re smarter than anybody else, but you’ve convinced a lot of us you are” and “One problem that I’ve had today is keeping my Wongs straight.” 

What Reid obviously meant was that he’d been introduced to more than one person with the name Wong at the meeting.

America’s a richly diverse country and a world leader because of the many contributions of the different racial, religious and ethnic groups who live here. And one of the things Americans should be proud of is how – despite certain difficulties – we all basically want to get along.

This also allows Americans to joke about the different stereotypes, cultural differences, sexual orientations, languages and beliefs we all have.

Humor has been a fabric in American society since it was founded.

I’m an African American and some of my greatest pleasures have been listening to comics who poke fun at our differences. 

Anybody remember these comics? 

Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Margaret Cho, Allan King, Roseanne Barr, Kathy Griffin, Sandra Bernhard, Robin Williams, Larry the Cable Guy, Amy Schumer, Ron White, Will Rogers, Sammy Davis Jr. etc.


Chris Rock

As a great comedian once said, in every joke there is an atom of truth.

Meaning that while the joke may be an over exaggeration, the exaggeration is based in part on truth.

One of the funniest movies ever made was Blazing Saddles.

However when shown today it’s often bleeped out so much it’s not funny anymore.

blazing-saddles-e9413426e25da8eb24e98840231f513b40639780The words being bleeped out are used in comical situations and add humor to the movie. But if we applied that same Blazing Saddles censorship to comedians like Chris Rock, Kevin Hart, Katt Williams, Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White, Jeff Foxworthy, Dave Chappelle, Carlos Mencia and George Lopez, those people would be out of work!!!!

The censors are running amuck and should be made to look at the world from a more realistic and funny point of view.

Again, America’s greatness is in its diversity.

Quote of the day: 

“Comedy is the last refuge of the non conformist mind.”- Gilbert Seldes 

Have a funny weekend, see you next week!
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25 Responses to Calvin Sense: Down with Political Correctness, Let America Laugh

  1. harley says:

    another horrible article by the prominent African American who has no
    concept of what writing is about…but hearne needs to fill up space after 4 stories
    about a small time blogger in a small time market

    Yes…there is censorship nonsense. Where have you been for the last
    40 years. Its the rules buddy.
    And Blazing Saddles was one of the funniest movies you’ve seen?
    Oh god…please help mr. nonsense….

    • admin says:

      Hate to admit it, but I’m with Harley on editing Blazing Saddles…

      I totally walked out of that movie a million years ago. Totally sucked.

      Then again, I didn’t like Ted either – the potty mouthed stuffed bear.

    • Lance the Intern says:

      AFI has Blazing Saddles in their top 10 funniest movies in America….But what do they know, right Harley?

      • the dude says:

        Yeah Lance, I know. I see Harlinator not getting it but this paints Hearny in a whole new light for me.

      • harley says:

        who cares….its old and worn out. If you want the
        unedited version pay for it on dvd or watch it on
        Don’t be a cheap ass. For $3.99 you can watch that
        crap over and over and over and over again!
        If that’s your life contact me and I’ll get you some counseling.

    • Mysterious J says:

      So you are falling for the “prominent African American” gimmick? Personally, I am totally sure the author of these columns is one of Junior’s a-hole teabagger buddies.

  2. harley says:

    “down with political correctness…up with lawlessness!”
    that’s your model nonsense.
    Now a police officer in ny chokes a man to death. It’s ruled a homicide.
    police gets off. Even whites on the island are upset by gj decision. But this has
    been going on for years according to records. All over selling cigarettes.
    Truth is you can probably go into any convenience store in low income areas
    and buy one cigarette or two…nothing too bad I would guess.
    In 2012 I spoke of a tsunami that was coming. We’ve been seeing tiny
    earthquakes happening across the nation. Every day it’s something
    different. Soon the huge one hits…and sets off the tsunami waves that
    engulf the nation.
    Again…Harley is being proven right again.
    ButI’m sure chuckles the sad racist clown and his bros big man sasquatch
    are celebrating.
    They’ll be the first ones to get swept away.
    That is the way it will be!

    • ??? says:

      You’re late to the party Harley JoJo from Red Bridge. There is already a low level civil war in the streets, and, be of good cheer, your side is winning not only the conflict, but the narrative. Front and center is the lie that white cops leave home every day hoping for a chance to kill blacks, more insidiously escalating, is the number of victims of Black on White Hate Crimes that the MSM refuses to report.

      This is the legacy of your specious, false and pernicious narrative. Division, polarization and blood simple, death grinding violence in honor of thugs while urban abattoirs continue to leave black bodies stacked like firewood exsanguinating into the gutters of the Hip/Hop/Holocaust. Those casualties are part and parcel of that same narrative of low expectations, entitlement and failure. You fit right in azzhole.

      One more thing Harley, you should temper your hopes for that conflict and my death as Black Panthers storm some metaphorical Bastille. Violent conflict large and small is unpredictable at best. You envision and hope for a war of black v. white. That makes one prediction ineluctable.

      Take note.

      • chuck says:

        One more thing Harley, your anonymity predicts your position in the coming “conflict”, in the rear, taking it in the rear.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Tell Harlet to STFU till he posts ONE news story that collaborates a rape with an 82 trial he said he served on involving a Stephens student, cause it didn’t happen
          Then tell him to STFU until he produces a link to his USA TODAY front page story.
          If he’s a good little bi$ch he won’t comment again because both are lies and he refuses to prove otherwise.
          He’s been caught more times than anyone I know, starting with faking he was an attorney two years ago.
          Back up your stories little man. I own you, I have the facts and only THREE of your lies are listed above.
          Make me wrong, make me the fool. Prove the above two, your rape trial jury duty, as you described earlier and your front page USA TODAY story you wrote and I’ll NEVER WRITE OR COMMENT HERE AGAIN.
          If you FAIL, you do the same.
          Take it or leave it, no excuses, no nothing. There’s your deal you worthless lying sack of monkey dung.

          • chuck says:

            He is the consummate liar.

            Remember when I referenced literary critic Harold Bloom (“The Western Canon”)? Harley, dipsh*t that he was, thought I was mentioning someone that I knew at MU. He went to great lengths to explain his friendship with the Author Harold Bloom whom he studied under at MU. He even said he knew his family and had dinner with them.

            The honest truth, and I am not kidding, is I would love, just love to hear a recording of Harley breaking bread with Harold Bloom.

            Instead of discussing Mailer’s penchant for boxing as metaphor, the 80 year old Bloom couldn’t help but be motivated to shift his weight, follow through and blast him just to kill the noise.

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            Oh, Chuck, you remind me of another lie. Harlasshole said he was Bud Seligs daughters “big brother” in his frat at MU. A friend just happens to know her and put me in touch with her directly. No such guy existed, nor was she at MU when he claimed. I’m reserving the rest of the punch line.

            On his rape trial jury duty that he lied about, he tried to use the weak excuse of “sealed court records” being why it couldn’t be found. He’s now lying so bad he can’t make up cover ups fast enough. They can seal court records all day; the can’t seal news stories and Stephens confirmed no such event took place. Boone County had no such trial the year he said OR a margin of error on either side of 82!
            Hey, legal expert, you can’t seal an EVENT. Nice try, you pathological liar.
            Prove me wrong on JUST those three claims and I’m gone.
            Fail to do so, you’re the liar we already know you to be and more Harley FACTS start leaking….

  3. Tired Guy says:

    Blazing Saddles is a great example of censorship gone awry. The original cut actually contributes, in a positive way, to the advancement of our society. Sad…

  4. Kerouac says:

    Of late I think of ‘Pleasantville’; things were so much simpler thence, yesterday, afore ‘diversity’ became manifest. Moderation in everything – think what this or other blogs would be sans some. Or, to go Barkley – “the ghetto would be like the wild, wild west” sans the presence police moderation; Kerouac concurs with Charles.

    Take note emperor Obama: a system of checks & balances: respect for & consideration of others/their property: the law, nod Ferguson, MO as everywhere else, be requisite – reason some live here & others there… one person’places satisfaction another’s ennui.

    Speaking of boring, nice conservative guy Kerouac doesn’t make it a habit to frequent certain venues: those that include places where language is prevalent that is injurious his auditory appendages and sensibilities – girlie clubs & church likewise be not on my agenda, or to do list. To each their own many cases – but not all. What once considered ‘moderate’ to many today blase or boring according some – ‘anything goes’ the attitude, or at least it seems to tilt that direction.

    ‘I gots my rights, man’ vs civility. The line keeps getting moved, blurred: one person’s sense demarcation another’s intolerance, perhaps as result those wanting embrace the familiar, others desire to move forward. Some call it progress, the some’s call another’s declination agree with them prejudice; be a ‘progress to decline’, my opine.

    No one is qualified serve as final arbiter of course, ordinances notwithstanding. That the case, long as folks are not directly exposed to it (as say, secondhand smoke), and can facilitate avoiding it, well and good.

    Be a reason restrictions are placed certain types business, including not being located within proximity schools, example; ditto why an ‘speakeasy’ was spoken of in hushed tones once upon a time, rather than heralded via flashing neon.

    Of late I think of ‘Pleasantville’…

  5. JP says:

    Too many people are too sensitive and too many other people want to help sensitive people. I think soon we’ll get back to normal. You know it’s bad when the typical college campus is so closed down that comedians won’t even take their money any more. And – it’s pretty good money!

    Also a PS to Chris Rock – most “conservatives” and nearly all libertarians are free speech absolutists. It’s the democrats that want to shut down free speech. “Somebody’s feelings might be hurt!!!”


    What do you make of the attempt to bar Bill Maher from speaking at Berkeley for his riff on Muslims?

    Well, I love Bill, but I stopped playing colleges, and the reason is because they’re way too conservative.

    In their political views?

    Not in their political views — not like they’re voting Republican — but in their social views and their willingness not to offend anybody. Kids raised on a culture of “We’re not going to keep score in the game because we don’t want anybody to lose.” Or just ignoring race to a fault. You can’t say “the black kid over there.” No, it’s “the guy with the red shoes.” You can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.

    When did you start to notice this?

    About eight years ago. Probably a couple of tours ago. It was just like, This is not as much fun as it used to be. I remember talking to George Carlin before he died and him saying the exact same thing.

  6. G.H. Blosser says:

    Hey Hate Mongering Harley! All you ever do is talk about how you are right and everyone else is wrong. I have never once read anyone on here BESIDES yourself say that you were right about anything… ever. Blazing Saddles was a great movie by the way.

    • Stranger says:

      HAHA hate mongering harley! Nice alliteration

    • harley says:

      gh…obviously you’re new to kcc so you haven’t read my stories.
      Blazing Saddles was good back when it came out..and if the
      guys on here want to hear it with cuss words that’s cool…
      but it’s past it’s prime.
      Obviouly you haven’t read Harleys journals where I force the
      idiots on here to admit that they are wrong about 90% of the time.
      With glaze it’s sports so that’s not counting…because sports is just
      a game and its fun to play them and compare opinions…although
      kcc’s sports reports from K and glaze have been way off
      to the tune of under 20%!
      As far as hate mongering…imagine a guy on here “fantasizing ” about
      you. That’s what happened to me.
      To me it’s creepy…to the others it might now be so bad. Of course
      I think about women not men….but the same can’t be said for others
      on here (know what I mean)….
      As far as blazing saddles….nice movie…but I don
      t have 3 hours to watch and 30 year old film anymore.

      You’re invited to react on this blog to something I say but you must have
      facts/data to back it up..if not you’ll look like the fool.
      thanks for joining my ranks of fans and readers. As you know you can
      contact me at for further information.
      your friend

      • Lance The Intern says:

        Blazing Saddles was released in 1974 — which would make it a 40 year old film. Oh, and it’s run time is only 95 minutes.

        I think there’s a joke in there somewhere..

      • mike says:

        For somebody that doesn’t have time, you sure spend a lot of it writing your longwinded crap on here!

    • admin says:

      You’re going to HATE me, GH but…

      I’ve actually agreed with Harley from time to time – sorry.

      Tell me how I can make that up to you.

      Hey wait a second, GH? Greg Hall? Say it ain’t so!

  7. Mr Black says:

    I don’t comment on hate mongering harley to much for I know he is a lonely, insecure person who craves attention. What a wasted life.

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