Calvin Sense: Obama Immigration Policy a Loser

President ObamaWhat were President Obama’s real reasons for his executive action on illegal immigration? 

There are two reasons most people have for doing something,– especially politicians. The real reason and the reason that sounds good to society.

All those bleeding heart reasons that Obama gave for his executive order for illegal immigration were not the real reasons.  The real reasons I believe are the following:

*** First and foremost Obama’s concern about building a base for the Democratic party for people who feel an obligation to the party and are really concerned about everyday persons lives.  In essence Obama is putting his party above the wishes of the American people who don’t like his immigration policy and want the borders secured before any such policy is instituted.

immigrants*** Secondly, his ego is so damaged by the mid-term elections that he’s trying to punish Americans who voted against his policies by voting in Republicans to congress.

Obama’s statements after the election validate this point in the sense that he blamed the Democratic losses on low voter turnout and that his administration did not sell his policies well enough to the American people.  Unlike President Clinton after his administration’s mid-term election failure, Obama did not realize he has to negotiate with congress now to get his policies passed.

Following mid-term elections it was an ideal time for Republicans and Democrats to work together and compromise.

So what did Obama do instead?

He began threatening the opposition with executive powers.  

Thus the country missed a great opportunity because of Obama’s ego and inability to admit that the American people didn’t like his policies.

*** Thirdly, since the President’s ego will not allow him to admit defeat the next step was for him to declare war on congress and show them they can’t stop him from doing what he wants to do.

It’s like a child who has been told not to do something showing his parents they can’t control him by doing something else he knows they don’t like.  

*** Lastly, the repercussions of Obama’s real reasons are throwing the country into turmoil and dividing us by the haves and the have nots, racial differences and heritage differences.

As far as dividing us along racial and national origin lines, I hope this doesn’t work because we are a country of immigrants.

To American citizens whose immigrant family histories involved becoming citizens the legal way, Obama is now saying too bad your ancestors suffered to become Americans because I have the ability to just give citizenship to anyone.  

0807_pg086_immigrants_pledgePrevious immigrants while fulfilling the requirements to become a U.S. citizen developed a respect and love of America because they had to learn its history, language, customs and something as mundane to some people as the pledge of allegiance.

The joy and feeling of accomplishment past legal immigrants felt the day they officially became Americans was one of the proudest, most momentous occasions in their lives.  They knew how it felt to learn and work hard to become a citizen of the greatest country in the history of man. 

The requirements Obama is saying the illegal immigrants have to go through to become U.S. citizens can’t match what the past immigrants went through.

One of the points Obama alluded to was the fact that some illegal immigrants were leaving their countries because of violence and criminal activity.

checks and balancesWhose fault is that?

Is it the average Americans fault that the police and military in those countries are full of corruption and many of their political leaders are backed by criminals?  In fact the President of Mexico blamed the easy access to weapons that the drug lords of his country have on America’s gun laws.

However the real reason is their corrupt system.  

America does need a new immigration policy, however, it does not need one that is not built on a consensus of its leaders and not done the way the constitution requires it to be done. By a legislative branch working with the executive branch with both kept in check by the judicial branch.
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33 Responses to Calvin Sense: Obama Immigration Policy a Loser

  1. chuck says:

    Excellent article in my opinion. Dead on the money.

  2. James says:

    Great, more national political crap, God knows there’s no other websites or news outlets for these issues

    • admin says:

      By a prominent local though, James…

      And with a discussion by other locals.

      I’m like you in that I prefer our writers weigh in more on issues with direct local connections,but when they have interesting takes on national news, that’s fair game as well

  3. harley says:

    chuck hates n********…so this is right up hisalley.
    Funny calvin tht you would not write that 2 other presidents did the same thing
    as Obama …….why not? Cause you’re fair and just a loud mouth pos for
    ideas and writings to fillup hearne’s empty space.
    Tellus about the other presidents who did the same executive order and why
    ya know…calvin….your words are very close to what cosby used to say.?????
    Im wondering if you are his twin brother?

    • Jon Lovitz says:

      Harley back over to Redbridge and stop insulting black people. That was really bad mister and I think you owe Calvin an apology, or you could just go throw on your white sheet and hit a quick meeting.

      Shouldn’t you be working with a bunch of big wheels for a charity? Oh that is right you gave a couple of bucks last month to the Salvation Army, so your done for the yeer.

      You always lie about everything and that is normal, but the racial slures are too much.

    • Lance The Intern says:

      Harley — Are you referring to Reagan and Bush? If so, both of their immigration acts were approved by Congress, not as executive order.

    • Meh says:

      Harley – the pure essence of the “stupidity of the American voter”.

  4. harley says:

    hey calvin…if you and your freaky ancestors from the jungles hadn’t come here
    we wouldn’t have any problems.
    Any way possible we can givev you a one way trip back to west Africa and a few
    that’s what chuckie is thinking right this moment.

    • chuck says:


      Just, fu*kin wow…

      • harley says:

        calvin isn’t black and his writings are piss poor.
        here’s what this fool said “after mid terms it was time for
        Obama and republicans to work together!”
        ALMOST NONE.
        they threatened to shut down the government and did

        calvin sense…you’re an ignorant writer. Sorry but
        you don’t make any sense.
        And you never answered my question months ago…
        THE MID EAST

        you ain’t got sh*t…just another kcc old gas bag with nothing
        but a big mouth and no answers.
        You’re no different than the rest of the incompetent writers
        that are on this blog…sloppy…wrong and stupid with what you
        you have nothing to offer…so go back to your PROMINENT
        position whatever you do because I don’t think you got
        a brain after reading the regurgitated garbage hearne lets
        you put on here.
        Prove something…and lets see what your plan is.

  5. Stomper says:

    Interesting piece, Calvin. We agree that America does need a new immigration policy and the consensus of it’s leaders to include the legislative branch would certainly be preferable but unfortunately our legislative branch has not displayed any propensity to legislate. Especially with this President. There has been plenty of time for the House to have already worked on this issue but Boehner has been scared to death of it. After it caused Eric Cantor to lose in his primary race, addressing the immigration issue for the GOP has been like slow dancing with an Ebola patient.

    By the way, you didn’t include a quotation here so I thought I’d offer you one.

    ” The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

    John Kenneth Galbraith

    • Meh says:

      His “Dream Act” has created a market for human trafficking south of the border and we have to listen to Barry lecture the American people about compassion. Securing a border is an achievement accomplished across the globe for thousands of years and he either will not or cannot accomplish this task. We are expected to believe he will deport anyone within 5 years with saturation of the immigration system already. Illegals are on their own recognizance to report for their deportation hearing is an absolute travesty.

  6. G.H. Blosser says:

    Good Point, Stomper. However, you have forgotten that the democrats control the senate and nothing can be passed through there that Harry Reed doesn’t like. Secondly, the American people want the border secured before any immigration policy is discussed. Obama won’t follow the law in securing the borders.

    And in terms of being “selfish”, people need to learn to support themselves and not rely on others. That’s not selfishness, that is being self reliant–not dependent on others to support you.

    • harley says:

      borders are secure and Obama has deported more people than anyone
      else…..the border is thousands of miles…what do we do…
      station troops down there..
      and besides its the large corporations who run d.c. who didn’t
      want to close the border for cheap labor. Who do you thinks
      operates the food companies/growers…they want all that cheap labor…
      meat houses….the repubs weren’t against border agreement…their
      lords who fund them need those cheap illegal aliens.

  7. chuck says:

    Stomper’s quote-

    “We agree that America does need a new immigration policy and the consensus of it’s leaders to include the legislative branch would certainly be preferable but unfortunately our legislative branch has not displayed any propensity to legislate. Especially with this President. There has been plenty of time for the House to have already worked on this issue but Boehner has been scared to death of it. After it caused Eric Cantor to lose in his primary race, addressing the immigration issue for the GOP has been like slow dancing with an Ebola patient. ”

    We don’t all agree. Enforce the laws on the books and secure the borders. King Obama had plenty of opportunities to work towards “immigration reform”.

    In 2007, an immigration deal backed by both Republican President George W. Bush and Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy was making its way through the Senate. Publicly, then-Sen. Obama was all for it. Backstage, however, he supported labor-backed poison-pill amendments designed to sink it. In a story at the time on what was going on, Politico described it this way: “The biggest threats to an immigration bill spearheaded by Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy have come from within: Twice this week, senators from his own Democratic Party were poised to back amendments that could have killed the fragile compromise.”

    A year later, Sen. Obama told the National Council of La Raza this during his campaign for president: “I think it’s time for a president who won’t walk away from something as important as comprehensive reform just because it becomes politically unpopular . . . I will make it a top priority in my first year as the president of the United States of America.” In his first two years in office, President Obama enjoyed lopsided Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate. If an immigration bill had really been a “top priority,” he could have had it. It wasn’t.

     Earlier this year, President Obama threatened the same executive order on immigration he’s now going to take. But what does it say that he put it off until after the midterm election — once again elevating political convenience over a supposed core principle? Even now, his promised executive order won’t give America real reform: one that provides a clear and lawful path for talented and hardworking people to come here, a guest-worker program that meets the needs of our economy, and a resolution that doesn’t leave in limbo the final status of the millions here illegally. All his order does is shield them from deportation and allow some to work. Here’s the shorthand: Like every other action this president has taken on immigration, this new one will, in fact, make genuine immigration reform less rather than more likely.

    The irony of a Liberal pillorying Conservatives for the use of “superior moral justification” is no less than fu*kin breath taking.

    Bringing on destructive American Balkanization and Slow Motion Voter Fraud by way of guilt trips is boilerplate, manifesto talking points in the Liberal arsenal.

    Americans are evil and “selfish” if they don’t bend to the Progressive, Socialist high ground. Me, I don’t think it is high ground, but the usual duplicitous, liberal cant designed to bring more “Hope and Change”.

    Just what we need.

  8. Lydia says:

    Yes, Mr. Sense, that is it in a nutshell. I would add that our own children are no longer taught America is the greatest country in the history of man, but rather that it is the source of all evil — with their president leading the lesson and going around the world apologizing for us. Nor are they developing a respect for and love of America because they no longer are taught its history, language, ideals and customs.

    • harley says:

      Lydia my dear….you should be teaching them that….are you too lazy
      to work with your kids. You should be teaching them ideals…morals…
      you’re another parent who just shovles her kids off at school hoping they
      take YOUR PLACE.
      that’s your job Lydia. Don’t be a lazy parent thinking everything is
      blamed on the schools….math/science/geography….then parent should
      teach the morals/ideas/language/spiritual being…etc……

  9. Lance The Intern says:

    Anyone here remember what happened to unemployment rates among blacks after the Reagan immigration act?

    • Stomper says:

      Lance, I did try to research this a bit but it was difficult to relate it to Reagan’s immigration policy, (1986). When Reagan took office, 1/81, the black unemployment rate was 14.6%. Peaked at 21.2 % in 1/83. When he handed reins to Bush, it had dropped to 11.8%, 1/89. Many factors in play but the consensus seemed to be related to the fact that the minimum wage was not adjusted during his terms, and after adjusting for inflation, the effect was that the minimum wage effectively dropped by more than 1/3rd. Thus, lower relative wages seems to be the most logical reason for the drop in unemployment based on my limited research.

      Just for grins, I’d like to share some other interesting tidbits from my brief research on Reagan.

      1. Reagan set the stage for Obamacare by signing the the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, which established that patients cannot be turned away fro medical treatment because of lack of insurance or CITIZENSHIP. He also doubled the size of Medicaid to pay for the increase in patients because of this act.
      2. Signed the Simpson-Mazzoli Act in 1986 , a bi-partisan bill that created a pathway to citizenship for more than 3 million undocumented aliens.
      3. Signed a ban on assault weapons in 1986 and actively supported the Brady Gun Law after leaving office.
      4. Federal spending increased substantially under Reagan, much as the result of his deficit spending for defense.
      5. Actively campaigned for elimination of tax loopholes that benefitted millionaires.
      6. Signed the Montreal Protocol, international agreement on pollution that created the regulations now used to fight climate change.

      If Reagan were around today, he would be regarded as a liberal by GOP standards.

      Since it appears that no one liked by Galbraith quote, here’s another offering.

      ” Most of our so called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do” James Robinson

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind.
        H. L. Mencken

      • Lance The Intern says:

        Stomper — while not as high as the unemployment rate when Reagan took office, black unemployment bottomed out in 1990, and by 1992 was back to mid-70’s levels.

        • Lance The Intern says:

          Which would, I might add, coincide with the immigration act of 1990 signed by George HW Bush.

          • Stomper says:

            So you are saying that making immigration and a path to citizenship easier ( for those coming across our southern borders) results in higher rates of employment ( or lower rates of unemployment) among blacks? I have not looked at HW Bush but from the point when Reagan signed the bill in 1986 to the point when he left office, black unemployment levels dropped. You’re saying those two things are directly related? Interesting.

          • Lance the Intern says:

            No Stomper, I’m saying the opposite. Within a short amount of time after the immigration acts were put in place, unemployment rates among blacks climbed.

          • Stomper says:

            Ok. The numbers during Reagan’s years don’t support that, but as I noted above, the rise in black employment during those years was probably more a result of the inflation adjusted drop in the minimum wage more than any other influence. I’m a supply and demand believer so it would make sense that if you add additional workers seeking jobs while the number of jobs remains the same, somebody is going to lose here. You’re saying the Hispanics are taking jobs from Blacks. Ok. I was a little confused as you asked the question above and the numbers pointed towards the opposite conclusion. I don’t disagree with your assessment there. Lance. Thanks.

      • harley says:

        that’s what chuck is probably saying.
        he’s the racial hater on this and tkc.
        Ever seen the vile language the guy uses on tkc?
        Iwould never use a racial slur…but the quote is what
        chuck was probably thinking or saying…read the comment.
        As far as calvin sense…seriously doubt he knows much of
        what he’s talking about.

        • Lance The Intern says:

          So it’s OK to use racial slurs as long as I think it’s something someone is probably saying?

          Hearne is saying you’re a f*cking cracker ass cracker trailer trash moron, Harley.

      • harley says:

        “America does need a new immigration policy, however, it does not need one that is not built on a consensus of its leaders and not done the way the constitution requires it to be done”

        here’s what calvin nonsense said……what the f?
        a policy that is unconstitutional? not done the way the
        constitution requires it to be done”…..
        this is what nonsense nonsense wrote.
        OMG….please…no more interns writing articles on kcc
        hearne.!!!! please….this guy makes shoeman look like

  10. Mr Black says:

    Another great post Calvin. Keep up the goood work Bro

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