Glazer: The Dismantling of the Bill Cosby We Thought We Knew

3225002Actor/comedian Bill Cosby was the modern day Bob Hope

From the late 1960’s through the 1990’s it was all Bill. His comedy albums were a must in the early 70’s. His hit television series “I Spy” in the mid-1960s was a trendy, pre Miami Vice. Cosby followed that up with a number of hit movies and THE COSBY SHOW from 1984 to 1992. It was a family show about a wealthy black man and his ups and downs with kids,wife and family – a huge, huge hit.

However as Cosby aged he began to have issues.

Cosby had been a handsome, brilliant, rich Hollywood star and a ladies man who openly cheated on his wife. His son was killed on a hillside road in Malibu while changing a tire in 1997. Bill then went back out on the road to cheer up America and is thought to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Since President Obama wouldn’t scold Black America for bad behavior and lack of family values and eduction, Cosby decided to try and set the record straight. He wouldn’t accept any Tomfoolery, no sir – get an education, be respectful and fly right was his message.

Now at age 77 Cosby is being accused of sexual assault on at least 16 women.

Everything from, “He was like my dad but he took advantage of me” to date rape. Some of the stories are sketchy to say the least. Some are 20 years old. What’s strange is other than a 1997 case where Cosby admitted to having an affair with a woman, no charges were filed.

However in 2004, a former Temple University employee, accused Cosby of “drugging and fondling her” and she filed a civil suit against him in 2005 in which 13 different women agreedto testify against him with similar charges and he settled out of court in 2006.

Joe Namath & Suzy Kolber

Joe Namath & Suzy Kolber

So where there’s smoke, there’s fire, right?

One of my friends, a brilliant black woman comic had a run in with Bill when she co hosted the Don Imus Show a few years back. She was in her 30’s hot, black and had large breasts and told me that “Bill asked me how it felt to be sitting next to a billionaire?” He later asked her to steep with him but she refused.

Cosby’s an example of an aging, huge star who once had women hanging all over him.

Now he has to use wealth, position and fame to get them to look and he probably hates that. So he’s become more aggressive – how much so, who knows? Remember when former NFL star/ladies man Joe Namath hit on ESPN sideline reporter Suzy Kolber during a December 2003 Sunday Night Football broadcast?

We all helped make Bill Cosby what he is…a huge star and one who thinks he can say and do as he pleases.

I seriously doubt that Cosby actually raped anyone.

You know, threw them down and beat on them. He probably mind fucked them and then did just that. Who knows? I aways liked Cosby – he’s an American Talent at its greatest – who got old and made some serious errors in judgement.

And it may just cost him his legacy, to the extent that that matters.
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64 Responses to Glazer: The Dismantling of the Bill Cosby We Thought We Knew

  1. harley says:

    don’t compare cosby and Namath.
    Cosby is an old dirty scumbag…always has been. Heard these stories
    from when a friend of mine was a grip for one of his series.
    Namath got a little drunk that night…bbut still have more
    women in a month than glaze has in 4 years! And they’re not strippers.
    Saw Namath in vegas…he’s still broadway joe…..he’s still got it glaze…
    even the young girls love him…….so don’t mess with the king!

    • CG says:

      I hung out with Joe and Ed Podalak so I know all bout Joe..and by the way I scored as many girls as he did, so did Ed.

      • CG says:

        Right here in KC the old Brookridge penthouse…strike a bell.

        • harley says:

          sorry cg….you’re way off.
          in kc you might have some of the 5-8’s…
          but outside this dog town…you’re nothing!
          Broadway Joe…did work with him when he was
          here for an appearance….you’re not even close
          We were with him in vegas at the mandalay
          foundation room…then to drey…..sorry glaze
          in your far fetched and fairyland dreams you never
          had the pulling power of broadway joe. Have seen
          the girls you’ve been with….joe would send them on
          their way.
          Plus he hasa lot more money than you and the guy
          is like jobs and Clinton….magnets!!!!
          You’re not even in the minor leagues when it comes
          to joe and his major league style and class.
          Don’t go there.
          You can gget a few “kardashian” types in this
          small time city but you’re nothing in vegas/l.a.
          ny/south beach with broadway joe.
          You’r Metcalf glaze…he’s the national star joe Namath.
          Haven’tt you learned yet that Harley is always right?
          come on dude. I dragged you thru the royals
          season and playoffs. I denounced your attemptto
          downplay badly this years chiefs team.
          Jump on the wagon Harleys on…and you’ll be a winner
          every time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • harley says:

          tanners place…we had a party there that would put
          you and old man podolak….even with Joe as a
          wingman to shame….WE RULED BROOKRIDGE!!!!!!!
          And we have the pics!!!!!!!! How about nude
          game of golf on the small 9 at bk afterwards?
          Our contacts played some big money card games
          there….we ran the place!!!!!!!

  2. the dude says:

    “I seriously doubt that Cosby actually raped anyone.”

    So, what is your definition of rape then Mr. armchair lawyer? But I expect this kind of a comment from somebody that sees no problems with robbing people even if they happen to be drug dealers.

    • CG says:

      You got it DUDE. I don’t know what he did. I question 16 women, some prominent, who didn’t go to the police but now want to file a civil suit for money..I am sure Bill did some things he shouldn’t have, but flat out rape.hmmm…waited this long..hummmm…money involved hmmmm….so who knows.

      • jimmy says:

        There was a civil suit in 2006 that was settled out of court. There doesn’t seem to be anything reported on a new civil suit. This whole thing started to get traction when Hannibal Burress had a bit on Cosby that went viral. It’s not that all of a sudden there is money to be made. It’s that there was over a dozen women over the course of several decades (the latest accusation claiming that it happened twice in 1969) who made very similar accusations and, yet, Cosby gets a pass and also gets to be some sort of moral voice in pop culture.

    • CG says:


  3. Steveo says:

    How is he any different than Bill Clinton?

  4. mark smith says:

    Did Cosby use his celeb status to get laid? Im sure he did. Is he arrogant, full of himself, a prick? Wouldn’t surprise me. Is he Dr. Huxtable or the pudding guy in real life? No Did he get away with being a serial rapist of over a dozen women, managing to keep them all quiet for decades in some instances, only to have them almost spontaneously bring these allegations to the public? Seems dubious at best. The media has started to turn on the Cos, soon it will be a feeding frenzy. While I dont think Cosby raped 16 women, I also don’t think it matters in the end. What matters is that Cosby has been critical of his own people, black Americans, and that is one dog that just wont hunt. The liberal Hollywood types and the media will overlook Mike bad touch Jackson’s taste for the young and innocent, they’ll chuckle nervously over Jamie Fox gleefully talking about the fun of killing white people, and they will crown Al Sharpton the voice of African Americans while ignoring his many foul deeds. What won’t be condoned, and will bring the full wrath of the liberal media, is an Uncle Tom with the audacity to suggest a lack of personal responsibility within the African American community. The truth , whatever it may be, is irrelevant at this point, Cosby is about to become another cautionary tale on what happens when you don’t follow the Hollywood/liberal herd.

    • chuck says:

      Out of the park.


    • Bob Loblaw says:

      Damn man, he shoots and he scores!


    • the dude says:

      They will even allow R Kelley to piss on underage girls!!

    • jimmy says:

      So, you are saying it is more likely that a bunch of liberals (celebrities, media personalities, news organizations, etc.) collectively decided to turn on Bill Cosby two weeks ago because he tells black kids to pull up their pants? That is more likely than over a dozen women claiming that Bill Cosby raped them?

      “The truth , whatever it may be, is irrelevant at this point, Cosby is about to become another cautionary tale on what happens when you don’t follow the Hollywood/liberal herd.”

      You have got to be kidding me. Cosby is a comedy institution and was LOVED by liberals (myself included) regardless of his politics. That’s how good his comedy is. Sure you get the occasional, “Bill Cosby is wrong about the black community” articles but, for the most part, Cosby was known for his comedy and his TV work and not his politics. Jon Stewart had him on the Daily Show and gushed over him. Letterman was still willing to have him on his show until Cosby pulled out. Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopie Goldberg were expected to make statements on The View and stumbled their way through a non-answer because they both know the man and respect his work. Hell, I loved Cosby and I sure as hell don’t want to believe this. If anything it seems that liberals, the media, and Hollywood gave Cosby a pass up until two weeks ago because it seems like it was a open secret that he has a history of drugging and raping women. To make the claim that these accusations are coming to light is because of a liberal conspiracy to undermine Cosby’s moral authority is absurd.

    • Libertarian says:


      All net, Mark.

  5. randyraley says:

    blah blah blah, liberal blah blah. Don’t know about you, but I still want to kiss Suzy Kolber. Hannah Storm, too.

  6. John Altevogt says:

    The very second he tried to liberate black folks from the liberal plantation his career was over and it was just a matter of time before they could find a vehicle to destroy him. The same accusations could probably be made about many successful men who spend a lot of time on the road away from their families. Certainly, the Kennedys all fell into this category as was Bill Clinton and yet they were not destroyed for it. Cosby’s real crime was opposing liberalism’s mechanisms of enslavement.

    • the dude says:

      The Black Crusaders strike again!!
      The Black Crusaders are a secret group of powerful Black Americans. Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey are the chief majors, but Jesse Jackson, Colin Powell and Gordon from Sesame Street, they’re members, too, and they meet four times a year in the skull of the Statue of Liberty. You can read about that on the Interweb.

      Looks like Cosby got kicked out of the Black Crusaders. Damn.

    • admin says:

      I know what you’re saying, John and…

      Maybe there is some truth in these sorts of things.

      However it’s hard to imagine that these were merely conjured up out of whole cloth, absent any truth whatsoever. For example, he admitted the first affair that became public.

      I think probably in politics things that happened in the past lay in wait for the opportune time for an opportunist to bring them to light.

      Take Paul Davis stripper romp, which Dwight Sutherland agrees probably cost him the election. Not that that was the only thing that cost him, but had that never surfaced, odds are he’d have won.

      And leave us not forget Herman Cain.

      • John Altevogt says:

        Exactly, but it’s going gainst the liberal orthodoxy that gives the allegations their bite. Jesse Jackson has a bastard kid and pays $10K++ a month (how much money does he make that his child support is over $10K a month?) and no one bats an eye, nor did Cosby’s previous pecadillos drag him down. Only now after he utters heretical politically incorrect statements is he savaged.

        And I don’t know if Davis’ misdeeds cost him that much. They were useful to make fun of him (and perhaps that was damaging), but did his Democrat base care? I think not, nor would supporters like Dick Bond and his ilk give a hoot (many of whom would probably love to get a lap dance from a nude stripper – at least those that are still living). So I think that assertion is tenuous. In the end I think most folks found a liberal shyster from Lawrence questionable in a year they wanted to send King Hussein a message to go piss up a rope.

        • John Altevogt says:

          The actual fun of the lap dance thing was posting the vision on Twitter of Barb Shelly, or Derek Donovan giving Paul a lap dance, or asking him if he only exploited working class women, or if he was planning on asking Jill Docking to show him her tits.

  7. CG says:


  8. mark smith says:

    No I am not saying this is a liberal conspiracy, I am saying the liberal media will destroy the guy, unlike MJ , Sharpton, etc. Not a conspiracy, just standard operating procedure. They will do it because of the reasons I stated. I also didnt say all of the claims were bogus, but I believe most if not all of them are. The accusers see a payday. The media sees a chance to topple a guy who didnt conform. It is his nonconformity which makes him a target. Anyone who doesnt think the media loves going after those who dont tow the liberal line is either willfully ignorant, or just plain stupid.

  9. harley says:

    who cares. We all like/love a little poontang. if not we wouldn’t be human.
    except maybe chuck who’s made at the world.
    Leave the guy alone. And glaze…you’re one to talk…you’d do a horse
    in the derby if you could.
    move on…the guys like the rest of you old guys….wishing/hoping/dreaming/
    fantasizing/ grabbing the Viagra then pffft…..the lights go on!! hahahahahaha!@

  10. CG says:

    Now Janice Dickenson says he raped her in the ’60’s’…WTF…she waited decades to talk. All these ladies have a couple things in common. He gave me a pill and a drink then all hell broke loose. Most, like Janice were with him several times and KNEW he was wanting to sleep with them. He invited her to an out of town show after they met and she went. Right.

    Police say nobody came to them at all. With the long waits there was no evidence. I find it all strange. Clearly old Bill did some stuff? What we will never know.

    Remember most of these ‘rapes’ were years ago when Bill was younger and handsome and a hot guy…it all sounds very odd. I just can’t get around the NO POLICE REPORTS ever. But lets take him to civil court for money. Remember many people settle out of court for much smaller amounts to avoid long trials, press and a bigger lawyer bill for going to a trial. I should know. Happens all the time, even when you are not guilty paying a large kinda fine saves you money, time and attention…so it happens alot.

    • Brandon Leftridge says:

      “I just can’t get around the NO POLICE REPORTS ever.”

      Check statistics, CG. This isn’t uncommon at all. It’s all inherent to the psychology of rape. There was a point in time when Cosby was one of the most prominent, most influential entertainers in the world. He could have DESTROYED these women if they came forward. Is it really that crazy that they didn’t? I’m sorry, but 16 women generally don’t decide to just “make sh*t up.” SIXTEEN ACCUSERS. Furthermore, guilty people don’t settle out of court for stuff like this. They just don’t. They fight it.

      Go google “Conor Oberst.” He’s a pretty popular indie-musician who had something similar happen last year. (With one accuser.) He refused to settle because he didn’t want to be known as a rapist. Despite having much, much less money than the disgusting sh*tbag Cosby, he was all prepared to lawyer-up/go to trial/do what it took, regardless of ease or financial cost. She balked because she was lying.

      Sixteen women aren’t lying. Cosby is a horrific rapist. I hate it– I grew up watching and loving his show just like most of America– but he’s an absolute monster. Period.

      • jimmy says:

        That’s the disturbing part of these comments. It’s always, “Why didn’t they speak up sooner? Why didn’t they go to the police?” Never mind the fact that these accusations have been out there for well over a decade and the fact that there have been police reports filed. A lot of these comments are accusing the women of wanting a pay day (without any evidence of why or how that is going to happen). There is a conspiracy theory that it’s the media tearing him down as a moral authority. There is just this disbelief that a pop culture icon could do something like this. And they wonder why someone would be absolutely terrified to come forward with accusations of rape.

        • CG says:

          I NEVER read of any police filings…maybe I missed it. But you make a good point.

          • the dude says:

            Whoops, maybe you should. And like Lefty said one or two coming out would not mean much BUT SIXTEEN!?!?! SIXTEEN Craig, that is very hard to dismiss. And I am sure more women will come out about this pathetic creep.

          • jimmy says:

            To clarify, from what I can tell there was a police report filed by an actress in 2000. Police chose not to press charges because they felt that it was consensual.

            The woman who filed a civil suit against Cosby went to authorities in Canada roughly a year after the incident where she alleges that he drugged and raped her.

            Vulture has a timeline of events (except for the actress from 2000):

        • Brandon Leftridge says:

          Bingo, Jimmy.

          That’s the nature of rape. Always has been and unfortunately, seems like it always will be.

          And yeah, it’s interesting that people have somehow managed to begin turning this into a left vs. right thing. How do you even begin to politicize something like this? It’s absolutely baffling.

          • the dude says:

            The black crusaders are neither right or left, lefty. Ask Chappelle what he thinks about the black crusaders, they took him down.

      • Worm says:

        “Furthermore, guilty people don’t settle out of court for stuff like this. They just don’t. They fight it.”

        Please tell me, other than Conor Oberst, you are basing this legal opinion on what?

        There are a ton of reasons why people settle out of court, even in cases where they probably would win in a trial.

        Also, by the way, Oberst actually filed a libel lawsuit against the woman who accused him online, not the other way around. He dropped it after she admitted it was a lie.

  11. harley says:

    having served on a jury in a rape case in mid missouri…(and I don’t know when these
    cases actually happened) but a woman charging rape was really the one on trial
    in these rape cases.
    Again…I don’t know when these happened…but before the law was changed
    the defense could bring in every boyfriend of the acussor to testify so charging rape
    was a horrible/probably career ending event for a woman when they filed charges
    and the case went to court.
    so probably these women now see some cash….a civil case is much less stressful
    and the laws have changed about rape trials and they can get some cash
    from the old dude.
    Just shows you old guys that just
    cause you’re packing some Cialis in your pocket doesn’t give you the right to
    pop some old broad. You know who I’m talking about!!!!!!!!

    • Jon Lovitz says:

      24 hours and 40 or so comments later, of course, Harley says he “served on a jury in a rape case…”

      Have you EVER, EVER told the truth about anything?

      You are so full of sh*t.

      • the dude says:

        In his mind he served, in his mind.

      • harley says:

        Columbia misssouri….1982…..AA man charged with
        abducting and raping a Stephens College girl from
        Pillsbury Hall on the campus.
        Assistant prosecutor triedc to get me taken oout of the
        jury pool because I was a student at the time and I knew
        many of the people at stephens college.
        it was an incredible experience….we found him guilty…
        because of the presence of a tattoo which flipped the case.
        At that time, a woman going to court to prove rape was
        subjectto some of the most outrageous/grossest accusations
        in a courtroom. The defense made her out to be the
        one who was the bad person in the case.
        We saw thru it. And we found the man/27 year old guilty.
        Know his final sentencing was like the mandatory maximum
        of at least 25 years.
        It was mind boggling and a terrible experience but one
        I will never forget.
        If you’re so sure you’re right…lets put $10,000 in escrow…
        I’ll get the paperwork and we’ll see who’s got the balls.
        Over the last 10 days I’ve received over 1000 replies/
        eamils/reccomendations/updates etc. over my stories
        about ferguson. Someone said I knew nothing…well
        Harley knows whats happening.
        Ask me a question..I’ll answer it…then we can put money
        on it if you doubt what I say.
        I put my money on the table when I make a statement.
        Unlike shoedog who writes pure b.s. and acts like he’s
        some intellectual…he’s never right and I’ve proven
        thsis cub reporter wrong in every single instance.
        You doubt me….bring the cash and lets put up or shut up.

      • harley says:

        where’s your money to back up your statement fukhead?

        • Jon Lovitz says:

          You remain an anonymous liar. Looking up a rape case on google and pretending you were there isn’t as bad as pretending you participate in so many charities, but it is close, considering the importance of this subject. Your “Late To The Party” anecdote rings just as false as your claims to know, literally every body ever mentioned on this blog.

          Anyone who believes you receive thousands of emails with respect to your retarded commentaries on this blog is as ignorant as you are. That is one fact, not in question, as you prove it with every lie you post.

          The pretense that you would come out of the shadows and face the folks you malign with anonymous impunity for a thousand dollars is as preposterous as your idea, that your Red Bridge house is worth $500,000.00.

          Get back to your real job delivery boy and quit pretending you hang with real people who like you.

          • harley says:

            bring the cash jagoff.
            lets put the money where the mouth is.
            Anything you want to wager on that I said..
            lets go.
            bring cash…no bad checks accepted from your
            empty bank account and head.
            the offer stands….I can prove it all…for the
            right amount of money,
            I don’t thinkthe case is on google even…
            boone county Missouri and I believe the
            trial stuff was seasled.
            $500,000 house? come see it. Bring cash
            to bet.
            bring it on….

          • Jon Lovitz says:

            You’re so full of sh*t. You don’t have any money, any real money first of all and you are too scared to ever tell anyone who you are, so no one would ever be able to collect on your loss, cause you would lie about that too.

            Your house in Red Bridge probably has a second on it to cover the cost of your delivery car.

            Where would anyone bring the cash to? Your house in Red Bridge? Or, would we meet you in a parking lot by “The Daily Limit”?

            You are such a liar.

            You don’t contribute to any charities, because you are in need of charity you broke joke.

      • Sir Reginald Bigglesworth Esq. says:


  12. CG says:

    Folks I went all over this town during the playoffs. There was NOTHING in Johnson County, NOTHING. Why they own most of the season tix. Plaza NOTHING to speak of…our center of town. Ward Parkway, where banners and players photos on poles would be cool NOTHING. I disagree we had plenty of time ONE MONTH.

    • CG says:

      THE FANS WERE GREAT, WORN OUT BUT GREAT..LOTS of tshirts, hats,car bumper stickers, so on…the city DID LITTLE. A fact.

    • harley says:

      one month? to prepare for the world series….we won the alcs then
      had the world series.
      were you on the moon glaze?
      we had a few days and I’m sure the city was inundated with things
      to do for the series having game 1 in kc.
      How foolish a story…how foolish are your followups.
      Is this just being mad that your business was zilch for the entire
      month of October or were you so busy during the period.
      We all know local biz took a hit during that playoffs…but I’m not
      seeing any other business people critical of the city for lack of
      Everything went great…except for the food Aramark served at the
      stadium. which is a big deal.
      luv ya…..and don’t jinx my tigers….thanks.

  13. Fuggit says:

    A lot of putrid shit leaks from your face hole, Craig. I cringe while reading your attempts at remaining relevant and your pining for an 80’s coke club scene. You’re easy to dismiss although I do rubberneck your stories which is how I spotted the most powerful and relevant sentence I have ever seen you produce.

    Craig, if you mean to promote that beating or restraining a woman is a contingincy of rape, you are more dangerous and destructive than the ones who commit the act.

    Women often make the choice between being beaten and raped or just being raped. If a woman has been beaten before she knows the rape is going to physically hurt less. If she’s been raped before she knows how to dissociate while the rape is happening. Just because a woman doesn’t kick and scream doesn’t mean it’s not rape.

    Does someone really need to explain this to you?

  14. balbonis moleskine says:

    Let’s all get a field trip together and go see Black Annie next week! We’ll try to prevent Craig from groping the screen and Harley from chewing on the armrests.

  15. CG says:

    With more coming in on old Bill Cosby. It doesn’t look good. This last lady who got a 15,000 check to keep quiet really got me to say know what…its just too much. What a shame his career will be remembered for this. I don’t get it, didn’t seem he’d need to do all that to get laid back in the day…he was young, handsome, rich and powerful…sick guy.

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