Calvin Sense: What Really Went Down in Yesterday’s Elections

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 2.22.30 PMThe midterm elections were not about race, gender battles or Republicans versus Democrats…

It was about the core beliefs of the majority of Americans in this country.

Americans are highly competitive and winners.

And they will not put up with allowing their citizens to be beheaded, telling their enemies not to cross a red line and when the red line is crossed doing nothing about it, allowing illegal immigrants to flow into America like a raging river and criticizing American Exceptionalism.

Yesterday’s election was not about race, which is exemplified by African-American Mia Love winning a congressional race in Utah. I will go into more detail in a later post on the principles that exemplify the beliefs of Utahans and Americans.

Love’s election demonstrates to African-Americans that if you represent the beliefs of the community you are a part of that community will elect you to office.

All of the Republicans that won support the beliefs of the communities in which they live in and the core beliefs of the majority of Americans.  

And that is why they won.

Joni Ernest

Mia Love

This election was not a battle between men and women, which is exemplified in Joni Ernest‘s win in Iowa. She is the first woman to be sent to congress from Iowa. And she represents the beliefs of Iowans and that is why she won. That’s also why other Republican women won.

The country has been heading too far to the left and the midterm election was an adjustment to bring it back toward the center in its beliefs and actions. Democracy is best for the people when things are neither too far to the left or too far to the right.  

Elections are the mechanism by which democracy is adjusted every now and then. As an Independent, the current Republican principles that won them the election are what the majority of Americans believe in now and many Independents as well.

1k2hfj-1.AuSt.91This is what spurred the Republican victory.

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 2.22.21 PMIt’s a fact that independents are the group that determines the outcome of elections in this day and age. 

In the coming days we’ll see the talking heads and extreme liberals blame the Democratic loss on reasons that had nothing to do with their losses.

Unfortunately some will blame the loss on racism toward President Obama 

While racism still exist in America, it’s at a level that it cannot be the lone reason a minority candidate loses an election.  

And again, the women who won yesterday represent the principles Americans believe in today.

An example of how some Democrats cannot take this loss is shown by one of Harry Reid‘s spokesmen saying that many candidates lost because Obama did not campaign for them.

Like rats deserting a sinking ship Democrats are now looking in the mirror and realizing they are the reasons they loss and are desperately trying to find another scape goat.

Bill Parcells

Bill Parcells

If only politics could be like sports where the losing coach admits his team lost to the better team.

That’s the beauty of sports, athletes admit their failure and don’t blame it on outside influences.

Which is best represented by coach Bill Parcells famous quote, “You are what your record says you are.”

Quote of the day:

“Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?”Maurice Freehill

Calvin Sense is a prominent, local African American businessman who chooses not to reveal his true identity.
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36 Responses to Calvin Sense: What Really Went Down in Yesterday’s Elections

  1. Orphan of the Road says:

    Politicians bad. Our politicians good.

    All the rage on KS Republicans while Cleaver is an embarrassment is beyond me. And I lean Democrat.

    Republicans candidates ran on issues that are normally Democrat talking points. Too many black men in jail, new jobs created are mostly part-time, people still can’t find a job which fits their experience/skills and those no longer collecting unemployment benefits not being counted in unemployment numbers.

    Arkansas passed the best Minimum Wage in the country, in terms of being sensible and fail.

    All in all, we get the government we deserve.

  2. Stomper says:

    Joni Ernst was the woman who won in Iowa. Not that it matters, but she is white. Who is Joni Ernest and why is she pictured?

    • Stomper says:

      Guess we should blame admin for incorrectly identifying Mia Love.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Editor, please!!!!

      BTW…….I’m shocked Iowa elected a bible-thumping white chick that opposes gay marriage, medical pot and pushes for fetal “personhood”. Just shocked!

  3. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Please explain what American’s “core beliefs” are. If that isn’t the most generic load of crap, I don’t know what is.

  4. harley says:

    this nonsense fool is just another idiot who didn’t lookat the
    and here’s what happened..
    blacks…Hispanics….women didn’t come out. the states were traditional red
    states and turnout numbers are always better with republicans.
    the dems make some strategic mistakes….voter suppression or fraud
    help the repubs…
    for example…the winner of Colorado…ws for the person hood laws but
    lied to the electorate that he opposed them….
    won’t make any difference…2016 the senate comes back to democrats
    (repubs have to defend 24 seats 7 in states Obama won…Obama is gone…
    hillar has 1 million volunteers and 230 electoral votes wrapped up and 1.5
    billion ready to spend without a prmary…
    mr. nonsense…put your money where your fat stupd mouth is because
    you’re just another phony imitator…
    10,000 cash in escrow…lets see who’s right.
    this was not about the core beliefs of americans…it was a victory which was
    expected in the midterm.
    the dems get a huge advantage in 2016…and bill and Hillary will bring out
    the vote of the biggest turnout in history and stomp any of the
    lying repubs.
    We’ve seen who the enemy is…we can’t fight them….but never bet against
    bill Clinton…..
    and hearne…you look like a damn idiot when you use the wrong picture.
    now change it before more people realize what aj fool you are~!!!!!
    it will be a landslide the other way in 2016….get ready…after 2 more years
    of obstruction americans will be pissed off again.
    and mr. nonsense…you are freaking fool too….
    before you open your pie face check the stats…and go back to misinformation
    and foolish statements.
    Proove me wrong non sense. You’re another looser writing for hearne.
    I’m tired of having to correct hearnes team of fuk9ng losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    • mike says:

      They are not as big of losers as the democrats were in this election!

      • Harry Reid says:

        mike…Obama has the power…the house and senate leadership
        will never agree….they haven’t for years.
        the right wing nuts of the republican aprty will never let
        boehne and mitch do what needs to be done.
        Obama will rule the day. He’s free now to have to listen
        to these idiots.
        Nothing got done…we never hear about ebola…Benghazi..
        But for shoedog that’s more important …remember the
        worthless articles this guy wrote about ebola…and wher’es
        it now shoedog…the same place all the rest of the
        garbage written by people who knew nothing.
        nice gry mikey…when you get some facts and figures give
        Harley a call.
        its only 7 months to do something…politics and b.s.
        goes on with both sides.
        mikey…get your checkbook out…the repubs want your
        money to give it to their billionaire friends.

        • mike says:

          Now we know who you are, Harley! You’re Harry Reid! Don’t you have more important things to do than being on here, like killing more bills that come to your desk for the next two months while you still cling to power? I should have known that was you. About the only other person who is that big of a narcissist is Obama and he is too busy on the golf course to be on here.

  5. jimmy says:

    “All of the Republicans that won support the beliefs of the communities in which they live in and the core beliefs of the majority of Americans.”

    In Illinois they voted on non binding advisory questions to raise the minimum wage and raise taxes on millionaires. They also voted for a Republican governor.

    In conservative leaning states: Alaska, Arkansas, Nebraska and South Dakota, voters passed binding referendums to raise state minimums above the $7.25 an hour wage level mandated by the federal government.

    In Oregon and Alaska, voters agreed to legalize recreational use of pot. In the District of Columbia, possession of up to 2 ounces of pot was made legal.


    So, by going off your above statement, voters have decided to vote based on their values which include raising the minimum wage, decriminalizing pot, and raising taxes on millionaires. Your articles are full of platitudes and no data to back up your claims.

    • Stomper says:

      Great points, jimmy.

      It may not be accurately attributed to him but Tip O’Neill said that all politics are local. Yesterday there were thousands of individual candidates and issues on the ballots in thousands of states, counties, districts, communities, etc. Each voter is unique. One draws any generalities from yesterday’s outcomes at his or her own peril.

      However, Calvin, thanks for the effort so we can jump in, offer our analysis, and opine.

      • jimmy says:

        That’s a good point. I was actually looking forward to a Sutherland article after the elections since he seems to have some “insider information” with regards to local politics. I don’t agree with his political views but he seems to have actual reasons for his beliefs as opposed to relying on conventional wisdom or platitudes.

    • Harry Reid says:

      jimmy …you make stomper and shoe dogand mikey look like foolish
      idiots. Nice comment.
      These fools just don’t get it.

  6. Mr.Black says:

    Old man harley haven’t you figured it out yet? Calvin doesn’t read any posts to his articles. You are wasting your time thinking he will respond to you, but of course you write post to jack off to. I and others see your name on a post and quickly go to the next one for we all realize you are a lonely old man with no family or people who care about you and need some attention. You will be dead soon because negative old people never live too long.

    • G.H. Blosser says:

      Haha I agree with Black! I see I’m not the only one that scrolls past Harley’s bullshit. Such a negative old man! Just because your life has been sucky doesn’t mean that you have to see that world as an awful place. Try to think of something else besides trolling what I’m sure is multiple websites and calling people losers, to distract yourself while you’re waiting to die.

  7. Mysterious J says:

    Sorry, your opinion is invalid because you choose to give it anonymously.

  8. Covey Quail says:

    More than anything else, simply put, the President was correct when he said, “make no mistake I am not on the ballot but my policies, all of them, are on on the balot”. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine people still do not like the Affordable Care Act, ISIS in Iraq, Benghazi, the IRS, or even the direction of the country, his policies. Yesterday, the President promised to listen, but promptly added that he would be listening to the 2/3rds of the registerd voters who did not speak by voting. It is kind of hard to listen to a mute speaker, and for the country’s sake, I hope he changes his mind, because it would be dillerium to believe that the 2/3rds who didn’t vote all belive in his policies. Yes, the winners can over-reach, but perhaps we shouldn’t assume they will before they take office in January. Perhaps the intransigence of Bush, with respect to the economy and Iraq is a good reason we have Obama. Obama, if he remains intransigent, will be a good reason why we may not see Hillary.

    • harley says:

      mr. black….anytime you want to compare notes I aprrecaite …in excellent
      shape physically….so till you get something intelligent to disccuss…
      stfu…you’re an idiot

  9. Kerouac says:

    America’s long national nightmare is coming to an end, demise began Tuesday… it will continue 2016 when the most inept, arrogant & unprofessional resident history 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is yanked out by the neck term limits, the blackest of dark days American history fini. Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we’ll be free at last! Billary? Has as much chance of reaching the summit DC as Sir Edmund Hillary does in reaching the summit Mount Everest then.

    • Stomper says:

      Not really sure what you’re trying to say in your last sentence there K. If you think Hillary has no chance to win in 2016, then don’t listen to political pundits. Go to the real experts, Las Vegas.

      • harley says:

        $10,000 in escrow…by the way you were wrong again on
        chiefs game.. how many times were you wrong on
        chiefs this season..and how often did you shoot your
        mouth about the royals not being in world series.
        If I was you I would stfu…we don’t know you but we will
        eventually. NO big deal…there’s lots of fools on here
        just like you.
        Now pie face (for all your wrong predictions) lets
        make a sizeable bet…winner takes all.
        in other words you pick any repub and i’ll take Hillary
        and bill.
        pretty simple.
        You make glazes picks look magnificent!!!!!!! hahahahah!

        • Kerouac says:

          Kerouac picked the GIANTS and , ‘whoomp, there it is’. He hasn’t been wrong about the Chiefs since 1970 – too, as stated and as history affirms, He only has to be right once – when it matters, the end – and always is Chiefs & Royals… ditto His prescience they, 2014.

          Prediction both will fall short – ad nauseam – really not much of a risk at all – especially comparison those can’t see ‘unbiased truth’ – log own local eye preventing any insight outside their own.

          Billary will never see the Presidential Office again unless she marries a Republican… and thank God Almighty that will ne’er happen.

          As for the lovely brickbat wrapped bouquets you throw Kerouac’s way…the adulation line His forms to the right – take a number.

          Go with a winner – GO GIANTS 2014 & REPUBLICANS 2016!


      • Kerouac says:

        “Not really sure what you’re trying to say in your last sentence”

        – Hillary is dead – both, one doesn’t know it yet/her cremation on hold till 2016. Nod Nixon/Kennedy – ‘never let ’em see you sweat’… Kerouac never does.

        Some people predict Obama will not leave office when his term ends – Martial Law enacted. Still a couple years off, far fetched – but not outside the realm possibility…. such drama.

        As for the odds and their makers, it’s early – but later than the Dumbocrats think. Odds are Hillary is the choice as we speak – flashback ’08 though, what were the early odds some nobody named Obama would be the choice? So much for Vegas, odds.

        For the record, a lot can happen in the blink an eyelash. Obama was late only a 7-5 favorite over McCain 2008, before the latter chose Palin as his running mate; odds his favor went to 10-1.

        So whether you look early here

        Or look even earlier here

        Kerouac looks through his own eyes, judgment & sense of things, not Calvin’s, Las Vegas’ or any others, et al.

        Of note, odds-makers agree to disagree, and Vegas has never been infallible: sports, ’68 Jets & ’69 Chiefs, 1980 US Olympic Hockey team, just recently the ’14 Dodgers – nary an GIANT nor Royal to be found the summit.

        Truman and Dewey ’48, anyone?


        • Stomper says:

          Thanks Kerouac. All good points. Guess I was confused since Sir Edmund DID actually reach the summit.

          Yep, certainly a long way to go before election night, 2016. My only point was based on actuarial science. Actuaries, for the most part, toil in my chosen field of insurance and they are very highly paid for their skill. The best and brightest of these (“You are what your record says you are”) work for the people that own those large buildings along the Strip in Vegas. It’s not like the odds are even close. Look at the odds for the top 50 plus candidates as stated by about 20 + oddsmakers. I get it that you lean to the right and don’t think highly of Hillary but to say she will never see the presidential office is letting your heart speak over your brain. If you do take Harley up on his offer, I’d like a piece of it.

          Trash Hillary all you want and I respect that. Certainly lots of readers here will join you. I trashed Roberts and Brownback from my perspective but I also said they would both win. I’m just curious what you base that prediction on. Cite some facts. To me the facts point overwhelmingly to the democrats retaining the White House because of the demographics in the critical states ( Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina, among others). If the GOP doesn’t look to compromise on the immigration issue and reach across the aisle, they lose the rapidly increasing Hispanic vote. As has been stated here many times, old white men don’t pick presidents anymore. I think even moderate republican women, and certainly independent women voters will give very strong consideration to pulling the lever for the first female president, when that curtain closes behind them in the voting booth.

          Are you saying that Hillary won’t be the nominee and it will be some other democrat or are you saying that no democrat can win in 2016?

          I love it that we are already arguing over 2016. Let the games begin !!!

          • Kerouac says:

            Reason re: Ed, Kerouac said “then” as in ’16… as for the heart and brain mine, horses rear ‘H’is:

            Were I to go with the original former, would vote Chiefs without fail, why w/brain chose GIANTS, and why not (being the caliber of horses rear the latter entity), choose not indulge that imps plea. Too, Kerouac has no need take his $, I having no shortage said and no need more.

            Dumbocrats have no one other Billary/Hillary – it’s her or go BUST… will. Why? As I said, much time between now and then – much can happen. Perhaps Obuma/his ilk managing to enlist more illegals votes… alas, that now looks less likely aft the Dumbo’s spanking Tuesday. As for the Bill’s better half, her time has passed, my opine. Was a time she might have been the first ever female President US… don’t see that being the case now.

            My sense of the pulse America (filtered through my own prism of course as well my own bias) is the lesser of evils be anyone other than letter ‘D’ behind name – ditto anyone associated with the magic negro, BO.

            That this country is no longer same ‘mine ’tis of thee’, is not lost on me. That said, will pass into the great political hereaft ‘never’ compromising my core beliefs.

            As such, am tired of this socialist liberal agenda & though dissimilar he & mine politics, give nod Zapata, paraphrased – ‘better to die upon one’s feet than to live on one’s knees’ – Kerouac slave to his own principles.

            What transpire? Only tomorrow knows, chagrin anyone this blog, pundits in Vegas’ or a question that in fact is unanswerable as we speak (though Kerouac notes with an silly simper his, the angst some evidence this/other blogs when they don’t agree with another’s take, be amusing); semper fidelis.

          • Stomper says:

            ok, thanks, I think.


          • Kerouac says:

            Too, in this world guarantees (think of Chris Farley in ‘Tommy Boy’ that box/what you’ll find inside it), be no guarantee Obuma will even make it to end of his term… a lot of unhappy and/or unhinged types be climbing that fence ’round the blackened White House. Anyone ever wondered if Lee Harvey had any kin may have their answer; and so it goes the territory.

  10. jimmy says:

    Does anyone else notice that although “Calvin Sense” never seems to offer a response to the comments on his articles there seems to be at least two or three readers who vigorously defend Calvin? Some have quite the mean streak (especially when they respond to harley) but they sure do have a pretty similar writing style. It seems as though Calvin Sense has more than one pseudonym on here.

  11. harley says:


    has the prediction skills of glaze
    the losing thoughts like admin
    the b.s. and worthless waste of spaceless ignorant rants…like wislun
    the undocumented findings of all the commenters on tkc
    the hate only chuckles the clown and allude to
    not bad for one of hearnes disciples.
    Maybe he”ll have some balls and put his few bucs he ‘s got and put it
    where his mouth is..
    10,000iin escrow….you wrothless liar!!!!!

  12. harley says:

    oh and never forg et…you missed almost 90% of your so called picks…
    HARLEY MISSED NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Harley reigns.
    And thanks hearne for letting us use your site to beta test our unique
    new software….heck…maybe we’ll take it on tv with the sharks!!! It works
    very very well.
    you and southy come see it….you two sharks would really like what we
    can do for financial people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. mike t. says:

    jesus harley, take a pill, have a nice shot of Jack (or two or three) and relax. you and k’rac get way too serious and agitated over this sh*t.

  14. Stranger says:

    Black and Blosser have a valid points. Harley must be old. I’ve read your comments before and they just sound angry, braggy, and pleading for attention. You’re a virus that’s infected kc confidential. This is not the 70’s, and let’s all be thankful because Carter was a terrible president.

    • Harry Reid says:

      not brgging sire…the truth…and backed up by facts and data.
      you and calvin nonsense are both fools. Calvin sense must
      be one of hearnes made up “friends”. Because calvin sure never says
      anything besides garbage. Sounds like the others on kcc.
      bring facts and information and not just a bunch of garbage that’s
      incorrect….take care…you’ll need it soon.

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