Hearne: ‘Us’ versus ‘Them’ in World Series Showdown

3301-194FrThink Midwestern values versus West Coast feng shui

The simple life versus a contrived one – the upper crust versus the help – it’s all on the line tonight when the Kansas City Royals clash with the San Francisco Giants in Game 6 of the World Series.

It’s hard not to flash back to Joe Montana’s time here – especially when there he is, singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” in San Fran while KC goes down in flames. Montana couldn’t get out of Dodge (aka Kansas City) fast enough and return to the City by the Bay once his time with the Chiefs was up.

And who can forget fellow former 49ers QB-turned-Chief  Steve Bono‘s claim that “the worst restaurant in San Francisco is better than the best restaurant in Kansas City.”

Face it boys and girls, compared to the Golden Gate set we suck.

It’s really pretty simple: Kansas City is flyover, San Francisco is fly to.

So tonight – and with a little luck on Wednesday – it’s our chance to stick it to our betters.

snorlax-bed-4.0.0_cinema_720.0And while we’re on the subject of KC’s homespun ways, an item in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat notes that unlike the Royals, who flew home Sunday night after losing to the Giants, “The Giants will be leaving for Kansas City on Monday. They will land at 4 or 4:30 p.m. and head straight to Kauffman Stadium for a workout…the Royals traveled in the middle of the night — but the Giants, who rely on the advice of a sleep expert, prefer to get some shuteye before an off day.

Imagine that, the Giants have a a sleep expert on the payroll. Who knows, one of these decades maybe KC will catch up.

San Francisco Giants v St. Louis CardinalsThen there’s Santa Rosa columnist Lowell Cohn‘s characterization if SF pitcher Madison Bumgarner giving the Royals a pre Halloween fright:

“I could write how he struck out pinch hitter Billy Butler looking in the eighth inning,”  Cohn begins. “And as Butler slumped back to the dugout, Bumgarner stared at his fielders, turned his back to Butler with disdain because Butler already was in the past — history.

“I could write about Bumgarner’s face. Not really his face. The expression on his face. Call it The Look. It’s a terrifying look. It is mean, without compassion or remorse. I’m talking about his look on the mound, not his look in life. When he has The Look you wouldn’t want to tick him off and meet him on a lonely street. That must be how batters feel — how the AL champ Kansas City Royals feel.”

There they go again, looking down their noses and acting presumptuous.

“Of course, things are looking great for the Giants,” Cohn gushes. “They almost surely will win the World Series, maybe even in six games…The Giants have been too much for Kansas City. We know that. We honor that.”

UnknownKinda like they honor their worst restaurants against our best.

Because when you live somewhere with oceans and movie stars, sleep experts and the like, it’s hard not to notice the poor have nots from time to time, especially when they’re represented by teams like the Royals who blogger M.C. Anthil once described thusly:

“The Kansas City Royals, everyone’s go-to franchises for things that go suck in the night; (one of) two teams that for over two decades carried the banner for suck heads, suckmeisters and suckinistas the world over, and did so by sucking in a way that few teams in history have ever sucked before.”

Here’s to zeroing in on another crowd shot of Joe Montana looking totally bummed as KC pulls ahead tonight.

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6 Responses to Hearne: ‘Us’ versus ‘Them’ in World Series Showdown

  1. harley says:

    those people in san fran. Don’t get it. They love their parades.
    They love their openness.
    I just hope when/if the royals win this series…and its declared a huge
    upset equal to the mets/jets/chiefs super bowl/and Olympic hockey
    u.s. win….that we’ll get a name for this series>>>>
    like “MIRACLE ON I 70!”
    or we just throw a huge parade with no antique cars catching fire…shots of
    the power and light lit up again…and let them know that “every dog has its day”
    Regardless, its been a long long fun run. go royals.

    • admin says:

      Interesting concept, H Man…

      Not sure though if the series so much needs a name as much as the Royals team.

      Seems to me it’s really more about what the team has accomplished on this playoff run. You know, like a team of unexpected destiny

  2. the dude says:

    What is this about Fran Sansisco belittling the cities they play in the playoffs?
    Anybody remember Jeffrey Leonard and his ‘Cowtown’ comments when he received an AB golden shower or two from the St. Louis fans?

  3. Kerouac says:

    “Imagine that, the Giants have a a sleep expert on the payroll.”

    – is that all… it’s California, remember; the Los Angeles Dodgers hired Russian emigre Vladimir Shpunt to be a healer and channel positive thoughts.

    He must have been good – when Owner Frank McCourt declared bankruptcy & had to sell the team in 2012, he was positively healed to the tune of $2.15 billion by leveraging his empty pockets, Dodger Stadium, parking lot & a team drowning in red to swimming in green. McCourt even had enough left over pay off his ex-wife with $134 mill, divorce settlement. The new owners did even better – they sold the Dodgers tv rights to ‘Time Warner Cable’ for $8 (with a capital B)ILLION + over 25 years.

  4. Hearne says:

    Seven run second inning for the Royals.

    So much for sleep experts!

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