Calvin Sense: Checking Out Author, Neurosurgeon, Presidential Hopeful Dr. Ben Carson

Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 10.21.01 AMRun Ben Run...

On October 14, 2014 Dr. Ben Carson spoke at a Women’s Clinic of Kansas City fundraiser and the Overland Park Convention Center was filled with interested voters.

The hors d’oeurvres were delicious, the evening exciting and informative.  If you’ve not yet heard Dr. Carson speak or are unfamiliar with his position on the issues I strongly advise you to check him out at

The extreme political left’s take on Dr. Carson is over the top as usual.  However, the extremists on the political right do the same thing to candidates that they don’t like, so all is fair in love and war, I guess.

Dr. Carson’s positions on the issues below also reflect the Common Sense (or Calvin Sense) views I hold on these same issues.

politically-incorrect-430744• Illegal Immigration– Listen to the American people, secure our borders. End it.

• Redistribution of income– Stop it. It’s un-American and causes universal misery as socialism always does.

• Welfare– It not only encourages self-destructive behavior, it’s a trap that dehumanizes those caught in it. Replace it with a compassionate approach that enables those on welfare to escape and share in the American dream.

•  Political correctness– It’s dangerous, hinders progress and divides our nation. It keeps us from solving problems and healing America.

• Right to keep and bear arms-It’s a vital part of our Bill of Rights! End of story. We won’t stop criminals by disarming America.

• Democrats and Republications– Both have been part of the problem. They see themselves as masters instead of public servants. America first!

Quote of the Day:

“To escape criticism– do nothing, say nothing, be nothing”– Elbert Hubbard

Calvin Sense is a prominent African American businessman who chooses not to reveal his identity.
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23 Responses to Calvin Sense: Checking Out Author, Neurosurgeon, Presidential Hopeful Dr. Ben Carson

  1. mike says:

    I would vote for him in a second.

  2. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    There ya go. All the answers to America’s problems in 6 bullet points. Kudos, Calvin. If only someone would have come up with those talking points before now!

    Welfare, guns and illegal immigration. Got the big RED three, buddy. Congrats!

  3. Stomper says:

    Calvin; Good stuff for the most part. As one of the resident ” bleeding heart liberals” here I wanted to offer a bit of focus to some of what you wrote. We are not that far apart.

    Illegal Immigration – I absolutely agree with you.

    Democrats and Republicans – I absolutely agree with you.

    Welfare – I’d love to learn more about what you label as a “compassionate approach” but I do see merit in what you say there.

    Political Correctness- Again, that’s a gray area but I do agree that political correctness may have gone a bit too far in some aspects.

    Right to Bear Arms – Again, a pretty simplistic statement there. I really think a majority of Americans will agree with the basic statement that we do have a right to bear arms, but I also think a majority of Americans support some fairly basic laws on guns. Just because someone believes in something as simple as background checks on gun sales does not mean they are out to take guns away from everyone. It is not black or white issue. Lots of gray. I would think that even a large number of NRA members would not be against background checks in certain situations. If you think that because I favor background checks means I’m out to take your guns away, you are a conspiracy theory freak in my opinion.

    Redistribution of Income – I get it that you are one that favors the private sector and are against government intrusion. I’m guessing what you mean there is to limit taxes. You don’t want the government taking from the “Haves” and giving it to the “Have Nots” . I guess it is just me being anal here but to say Redistribution of Income is a bad thing is ridiculously simplistic and idiotic. Redistributing Income is what governments do. Fixing Interstate Highways is a redistribution of income. The existence of our Armed Forces is the result of a redistribution of income. Unless you are the most radical of libertarians and living up on a mountain, stockpiling ammo and food, waiting for the impending Armegeddon, you expect some activity and responsibility from your government. Government activity of any sort is the result of redistribution of income. I know what you probably meant to say. If you want to make a point, use a rifle and not a shotgun. Be precise.

    Otherwise, thanks for throwing some provocative points out there. I just wish you would go into a bit more detail to describe your positions. If Ben Carson decides to run, he will certainly have to.

  4. Gavin says:

    Serious question (i.e., I am not trolling, really asking):

    What does “Replace [welfare] with a compassionate approach that enables those on welfare to escape and share in the American dream” even mean? Those words sound great, they really do. And I could get behind that if someone would please tell me what that approach actually is.

    Does it mean guarantee everyone on “welfare” with a job that provides a living wage and a guaranteed opportunity for advancement? Does it guarantee everyone currently on “welfare” an education that will lead to a job with advancement opportunities? Something else? I mean, it sounds great to enable everyone a means to share in the American Dream, but what is that means exactly? Because it sounds like we are being asked to junk the current system without offering any replacement system beyond the promise of “compassion.”

    And, not for nothing, but what about kids? I’ll be the first to admit that the system meant to protect children’s welfare is dysfunctional, but at least it’s SOMETHING. You wanna throw a bunch of able-bodied adults off the “welfare” rolls, that’s one thing, but what about a system meant to protect kids who aren’t able to work? What’s the answer there? The return of workhouses? The introduction of sweatshops because any kid on welfare should be required to earn his keep and if he can’t, he shouldn’t have been born poor.

    And none of this talks about people with mental illness or physical disabilities who are unable to do do much of anything without “welfare.”

    The reason I keep throwing air quotes around “welfare” is because it’s a broad and undefined term and I’m not sure what we’re talking about when using that word. Medicaid? AFDC? ChIP? Something else?

    So, again, I’ll ask: What is Dr. Carson suggesting as his compassionate replacement replacement for “welfare?”

    • harley says:

      nice comment gavin. This phony baloney mr. nonsense is about as
      smart as ____________________! I’m sure you can fill in the
      yeah…throw 15 million kids into the streets….lucky for mr. nonsense
      he’s “prominent” and as hearne said “would shock us if we knew who
      he was”
      he’s already shocked us…with his stupidity.

  5. kansas karl says:

    Simple minds think simple solutions solve complex problems, this as a philosophy of life has never worked in a complex society. Money does not trickle down, never has never will. Every small government politician in the last 50 years has saddled tax paying citizens’s with more debt than when elected. Maybe Calvin actually wants the 50’s back, that will reactivate the Jim Crow laws in Johnson County and all the good “common sense” people of color will be sent packing.

  6. Guido says:

    I notice there was no reference to his quote “…Obamacare is, really I think, the worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery”

    I formed one opinion over that one quote. Just one.

    For any African American to make a claim that ANYTHING is “worse than slavery” is nothing short of blasphemy to blacks. I’d write “Uncle Tom” but some faux PC derp would complain.

    It is ridiculous for anyone, white or black, to think this idiot is anything more than a black man trotted out by the Republicans as a distraction isn’t paying attention.

    This man is a Karl Rove/Koch Bros. puppet. Grade A+.


    He’s the “Anti-Obama”, if you will. As in “we like a black guy, too.”

    If ANYONE thinks this numbskull will be around after 206 in the national political spotlight, then I wanna smoke what y’all are smoking.

    This man is not real. Period.

    • Guido says:


      2016. Not 206. I was typing quickly….

    • the dude says:

      Well, it was either a horrible analogy comparing something to slavery or Hitler, at least he didn’t compare it to Hitler.

    • mike says:

      That “numbskull” was a pioneering brain surgeon.

      • jimmy says:

        His talents and expertise as a neurosurgeon are unquestionable. His talents and expertise in the political arena are lacking. Being an expert in one area does not make you an expert in another. I mean, I have a great dentist but I’m not going to ask her how I should vote next Tuesday.

        Carson says just the right amount of dumb things to get play on television and sells it as “common sense” (which I’m sure Thomas Paine would agree is anything but) so he gets an audience when he comes through town. I’m sure he is going to have a great career as a talking head and he will continue to sell a lot of books. Unless he adds some substance to his bullet points then I highly doubt he is going to get far in his probable presidential campaign.

  7. harley says:

    Nonsense is a better word. Problem is that the corporation and politicians
    don’t listen. Here’s the real take on the situations.

    1. Illegal immigration: won’t be settled for at least 4 years or probably more.
    The large corporations need the illegal immigrants. The food we eat is
    picked by illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants provide cheap labor
    for the meat packing houses…the food manufacturers…the banks (yes the
    banks love these people…who behind the pay day loan people)…
    the corporation who use this labor to make bigger profits…and remember
    they run thecountry now. Sure lets build a fence..lets let 11 million
    stay underground. If you heard the real stats mr. nonsense…the u.s.
    is now at 0 population growth. The repubs know this. Whos going to
    fund the social security when the tsunami of retirees hit the rolls for
    social security? Someone has to pay into the program. So if these
    11 million undeclared can find a pathway to becoming u.s. citizens
    we mightbe able to keep social security around. And the population
    growth will build the economy. Who said this…not barak…but
    the republicans who are smart enough to understand the economics.
    Yes…lets listen to the people….

    WELFARE: Obviously mr. nonsense did read about Microsoft’s guy
    purchase of the clippers. It was a tax move mr. nonsense. Why…he’ll
    get tax breaks worth 1.5 BILLION dollars that were part of laws the
    politicians passed as special for sports teams. 1.5 billion dollars! !!!!!!!!!
    He only paid 2 billion …plus he gets special deductions forsports
    teams based on a players value and depreciation. So mr. nonsense…
    how does a guy worth billions do it…he works the laws and yet
    you say its not fair for a child to get $200 a month to live on!!!!!
    Then we have the trillions that the politicians allowed to be sent
    overseas as untaxed profits. That’s welfare mr. nonsense. It’s
    actually againstthe law and those welfare cheats should be in jail.
    What about the banks…don’t get me started…their money an power
    is endless. the government gives them welfare…0% money to loan
    out….and they charge 4-6 % on the government dole as pure
    profit. Then they stole billions from the government …..just
    a different kind of welfare.
    Yet you forget about the overpaid contracts…the illegal and unlawful
    government welfare to those who really don’t need it…so lets end that
    No mention of that mr. nonsense…why.

    GUNS: you said the politicians should listen to the people. Okay 90% of
    amercans want background check. You can’t expect the pols to go deaf
    when they see and hear this. But they do. The nra and the pols won’t
    listen to 90% of the American public…then what does someone like
    you expect them to listen to.

    Redistribution of income: another crazy statement by nonsense.
    The 1% have cleaned out all the money. Hillary was right…corporations
    don’t create jobs….customers do. Heard that before mr. nonsense?
    Without customers with money or ability to buy we’re where we are now.
    The wealth concentrated in a few who got laws passed to make sure they
    had tax laws that allowed them the breaks…..yet look at Kansas mr.
    nonsense…see where all those breaks went. Farmers got tax breaks
    in Kansas supposdedly to create new jobs. Didn’t happen mr. nonsense…
    the government just needs to enforce the laws….don’t let the cheating
    continue. Just this weekend a doctor in kc was raided…owed900,000 in
    back taxes….wtf? Did you see that mr. nonsense. See the 100 million
    in the top doctors owe in student loans that have never been repaid.
    See the tax breaks farmers and oil companies get…their billionaires
    conning the system. If these people didn’t break the law…didn’t con
    the system…didn’t move profits offshore illegally…didn’t scam homeowners
    with their dog mortgages….if these 1% played by the rules that are
    in law we wouldn’t have to redistribute any wealth. ITS THE LAW MR.
    NOONSENSE…you don’t get it. Just enforce the laws we have on the
    books (like the pro nra people shout)…PUT THEM IN JAIL…no amnesty
    (like the anti immigration people scream)…its not redistributing the
    wealth…its called “playing by the rules”!!!!!!!
    POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: you don’t understand this either.
    Whats political correctness. Getting laundered money to get elected?
    Going from the government to private sector to keep the goodies going
    to the corporation and special interest groups.? Not calling the
    president of the nation a “n” word. Having the decency not to discriminate.
    how many times you been stopped in JOHNSON COUNTY. I’LL BET YOU
    been harassed by the police….explain their political correctness.
    This dr. is just another phony. We’ve got too many liars and cheats..
    wife beaters and those not paying child support!!!!! We’ve got toomany
    ripping off the taxpayers with b.s. tax laws and never going to jail.
    Oh what about those banks paying 2 billion in fines for wrongdoing.
    I guarantee if you’re stopped bythe police in leawood they’re going to
    treat you like every black man they stop. I’m sure it’s happened to you.
    Please explain to me what political correctness entitles you to.
    WTF…another opinion. Tell us what this dr.’s gonna do to change
    what can’t be changed. You walk down the street in the middle of the
    street dressed in regular clothes…you going down!!!!!! Just like Michael Brown.
    Do it leawood or Lenexa and you’re screwed sir.
    I don’t care if you’re black or white…im not like chuckles the sad clown
    who is an open racist. But you seem smarter than this story.
    You’re prominent according to mr. Christopher.
    Are you working for what they call the “man”….your ideas sound good
    but they’re never going tochange until we have a huge revolution (political/
    social/economic) which probably won’t happen in neither your or my time.
    thanks..nice try. Are you sure you’re not the shoe dog in real life?????
    sound like things he would say.
    Good day

  8. Mysterious J says:

    Happy teabagger Tuesday y’all!

  9. Don't blame me I voted for Dick Gregory says:

    This guy is a vanity candidate. Doctors have bizarre warped views of the world.

    Plus after Obama I learned my lesson: never vote for someone not of your own race. In a world where everything is racial it is the only logical thing to do.

  10. Mr. Black says:

    Harley, you are a paper tiger! You talk about America, but you still live here. You talk about change but you don’t do anything about it. Why don’t you become the Che Guevara of America or are you too chicken to put your life and forture on the line for what you say you believe in.
    You talk like you know what it is to be Black, but you have no idea. Oh, I forgot you have 2 Black friends. I haven’t been stopped in Johnson, Cass, Platte or Clay County or Raytown, Mo. Why didn’t you introduce yourself to us at the National Black Panther Reunion Event that ocurred in K.C.Mo last weekend. Since you are such a revolutionary. In your mind that is! You are just someone who talks about how bad society is to get their sexual pleasure but is too scared to put their life or money behind fighting the system.
    Us Blacks and other minorities really appreicate you helping us with your writings in KC Confidential that really really makes us feel so good! However, when are you going to do something!!

    By the way we like Calvin giving people a different view on many subjects.

    • harley says:

      been trying since 1976 sir.
      and have made some progress.
      Jimmy Carter stayed at our house when he had no money. If you
      need to see what he’s done ….contactme. I have a completelist.
      Worked for Gov. Bill Clinton as did all my friends. If you need to know
      what changes hemade got thattoo. 8 years…left with a surplus.
      Many of my friends of mine worked in the white house…including
      directly with the president to make some incredible headway
      in special needs areas.
      I’ve worked with republicans too> Got 3 of the most conservative
      republicnans in Kansas elected. Worked with localpols and many
      national groups for change.
      Met Pres. Obama in Chicago before most people knew him. Worked
      on his first campaign including doingfundraising across the nation
      …if you need to see his accomplishments got those too.
      Asyears have passed have seenthe dramatic changes that have occurred
      in this nation. And it’s not pretty. What I write I have seen and
      If you are truly black you know exactly what I’m talking about.
      And now we’re seeing it for real. The majority of americans are
      broke…lets be honest. They’ve been lied to and the system has been
      If “us” blacks hadn’t had people like me fighting for their rights
      as long ago as the 70’s you probably wouldn’t be anywhere near
      where you are now.
      I have many black friends. Even abusiness partner who isblack.
      Race doesn’t bother me…but the direction we’re taking
      It’s funny that you never factually refuted one example or statement
      I made. Didn’t know the black panthers were in town.
      So mr. blackor mr. whoever you pretend to be…go dosome research
      and prove one point I made in my comments to be incorrect.
      Yes…I’d love to change the direction of the nation. But it’s along
      long stuggle. You should know…you’re black. And I’m sure you”ve
      never face racism in your life.
      I have worked with Big Brothers/I run a large charity giveawayevery
      holiday season to hundrds of families./worked inside of many
      charitable organization…too many to mention.
      Butyou mr. black are uneducated and a fool to believe that changes
      come overnight.
      Calviin nonsense couldn’t argue or present his facts to someone like
      myself. Because they are the same lies and bullshit that everyone
      has told us.
      A different view? its the wrong view!!!! And this worthless
      plan of his is more ingnorant that what you write.
      come on mr. black…show kcc that you have some brains. Take anyone
      of my points and lets discuss the issues.
      I’ve worked for many many years for change. Some has come about.
      Some is still to come.
      If you’e read my previous comments (which I seriously doubt youhave)
      you would understand that (and what I pointed out) nothing is going
      to change untilthe American people wake up and realize we’ve
      all been f*cked.
      I do know what it is to be black. I know the problems of being black.
      You only need to get out of your ghetto life to go see it.
      I love this country. wouldn’t leave it. But we’re headed to an
      economic/political and social period that will be very tough to control.
      Factis you’re a fucking idiot to doubt me than have no proof
      to back up and refute what I say.
      Would have loved to speak to the black panthers. Don’t agre with
      their action…but they face the samechallenges others do.
      Again…I’ve been working for change/charities/for many many years.
      for further info or to learn more…contact me at
      thanks for your comments and thinking about Harley.

    • jimmy says:

      Mr. Black is a prominent African American businessman who chooses not to reveal his identity.

  11. G. H. Blosser says:

    Harley or whoever you are. After reading your postings concernings Mr. Calvin Sense and Mr. Black. As an African American I am disgusted on one hand and feel extremely sorry for you on the other hand. How can you tell any Black person that you know what is to be Black. Not only have you insulted the intelligence of everyone who reads KC Confidential, but have exposed yourself as an egotistical know it all. No race can say they know what is to be another race, how irrational can you be? I have been following Calvin for some time and I am so glad that he doesn’t waste his time responding to you for a person should not logically debate an ignorant person like you. I also suggest to Mr. Black that he not respond to you, the reason being you can not reason a person out of something they were never reasoned into. I am a female and I agree with Mr. Black that you do receive a sexual pleasure from doing these posts. I can understand why no woman would bother with you. Instead of posting all the time why don’t you run for office and change the system. Put your time and money where your mouth is.

    I wholeheartedly suggest that you find a life outside of the internet, just going around and criticizing everyone in order to stroke your own ego is nothing short of pathetic. I know you are trying to poke the bear and get people to follow you but you do nothing sir but make a fool out of yourself. And freaking proofread for once in your life man!!!

    • jimmy says:

      G. H. Blosser is a prominent African American businessman who chooses not to reveal his identity.

    • harley says:

      give me a break gh blosser.
      I’ve worked for equal rights under the law since 1976.
      When we ran the carter campaign…we were for many of the
      law that still existed denying equal rights to gays..women…
      My family were attorneys in florida who fought for equal rights.
      this is not new to me…or my freidns.
      we got no sexual satisfaction from this (what a fukin joke) just a
      lot of hours spent for equality for all.
      NO…I’M NOT BLACK. But 35 years ago I and others spoke out..
      worked ….and struggled for the equal rights for all americans.
      Why? because we knew what discrimination was about.
      For you as an African American to say that we did this for our own
      gratification is not only vile but despicable.
      Maybe we should have let people like chuckles the racist clown
      or maybe shoe dog with all his self righteousness go unnoticed.
      Again whoever you are. You’re ignorant of history and the
      fight myself and others have fought not just for black but
      for all the disadvantaged in this nation.
      Calvin nonsense can’t respond to my comments because calvin
      has no facts…data.or even the common sense to respond to Harley.
      I ask again…find something intelligent to come back to Harley.
      find something incorrect about what Harley has said and lets
      see if you have any brains.
      This prominent African American businessman probably owns
      a soul food restaurant because he hasn’t gotthe brain of
      a 10 year old. I’ve proven he’s wrong on every single point
      he made.
      Hearne..where do you get these fools…ITS TIME FOR HARLEY
      I’dlove to hear from you to disucss more
      we actually know who you are..and who calvin is…
      don’t doubt Harley…we know the facts.

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