Hearne: AMC Puts Kibosh on Cinetopia World Series Promotion

takethecrownaTalk about getting ratted out…

For three weeks the new Cinetopia Overland Park 18 has been hosting free watch parties for Kansas City Royals baseball games during the team’s playoffs run. It started with KC’s wildcard win over the Oakland A’s October 1st and continued through the the weekday games against the California Angels and Baltimore Orioles.

Between 200 to 300 fans showed up for each game – free of charge – to watch the Royals’ successful clash with the MLB titans. Attendees chomped on gourmet cuisine, cocktails and movie fare on otherwise slow weekday movie nights.

Until last night when they showed up for the Royals World Series debut only to be turned away.

“We apologize but Fox television has just informed us that AMC Theaters has contacted them and informed them that we should not be showing the Royals game for tonight,” begins a post on Cinetopia’s Facebook page. “As a result and regrettably the legal department at Fox has insisted we not broadcast the game. We feel we have been singled out and that this is very unfortunate and unfair to us and the Royals fans. Especially in light of the fact that the game is being broadcast at so many public venues as far as we know without objection from Fox or AMC Theaters.”

king kong dancing with godzilla kingkong_vs_godzilla_filmLike The Legends 14 in KCK, for example.

It’s still game on at The Legends tonight for the Royals second trip to the World Series plate because the theater purchased the MLB season ticket package from Direct TV – which includes playoff games – for it’s third floor sports bar.

Unfortunately, Cinetopia was relying on its cable television feed which Fox nixed.

It’s all appears to be part of the ongoing war between newcomer Cinetopia and KC-based AMC Theatres, which has refused to go day-and- date  (play the same movies) with Cinetopia’s OP 18 and its nearby Town Center 20.

If you recall, Cinetopia’s head honcho has threatened legal action against AMC, which is on the record that it’s just the way the movie biz works when two theaters are within three miles of one another.

What galls the Cinetopians is that while they were quick to see the benefit of playing the Royals games on their 65 foot tall screens with Dolby Atmos sound, it only just occurred to AMC to do the same, they say. However when AMC called to get the OK and was denied, they reportedly threw Cinetopia under the bus.

Stay tuned…

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10 Responses to Hearne: AMC Puts Kibosh on Cinetopia World Series Promotion

  1. Bob Loblaw says:

    Can’t say I blame them.

    AMC call to FOX: “Hey FOX, we would like your permission to show the World Series on our big screens at the theater.”
    FOX: “Um, no we won’t allow this.”
    AMC: “You won’t? But you’re letting Cinetopia do it!”
    FOX: “No, we’re not.”

  2. Stomper says:

    Hearne, when can we expect an offering by Professor Magalif?

    Guessing you are still editing the upcoming piece by Harley.

  3. jon says:

    What about Screenland Armour theater. They’re showing the games too???????

  4. Brad says:

    This is so frustrating trying to go to the movie in the Cinetopia/AMC Town Center area. Before Cinetopia opened you always knew that the first run shows would be at TC, and you could just look up the show time. Now you have to figure out where the show is and then what time.

    I think we should start a class action lawsuit against both of them because we can’t go watch the movie where we want to.

    I like that Cinetopia has come in and forced AMC to up their game (al la Google) but Cinetopia really needs to work on their customer service. Waiting to buy tickets and concessions will not get a lot of repeat business.

    • Hearne says:

      You bring up an interesting point, Bob…

      While AMC appears to be the culprit in demanding that the two theaters not show the same movies – by refusing to play the movies Cinetopia shows – it penalizes Town Center’s devotees in that they have to go somewhere else if they want to see half of the new movies that are out.

      It’s not Cinetopia’s fault though, Bob.

      Cinetopia would be more than happy to compete toe-to-toe with AMC and lets both plexes screen the same movies.

      It appears to be an effort to drive Cinetopia out of business, at which point AMC would likely be an interested party in taking over Overland Park 18 at which point…

      Presumably both theaters would then screen ALL the new movies.

  5. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Please don’t let MLB or those dicks at AMC know that I’m charging $5 at the gate and showing the games on my 100′ outdoor screen. Concessions are all BYOB. Screw the corporate man.

  6. bschloz says:

    Is Lew Perkins working for FOX/MLB?
    He probably also ratted out Peregrine Honig


    So glad the pervs at Homeland Security are wiping out ISIS

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