Hearne: Democrat Paul Davis Strip Club Misadventure May Be Fatal

TfqSANever been much for strip clubs myself…

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve attended my share, but for writing stories in recent years. Long ago though I went with friends – first out of curiosity – later with married pals from Pembroke Hill…while I was still single, of course

Kinda like Paul Davis, the Democratic candidate for governor in Kansas.

My married friends were seeking PG13 thrills, while I generally tried to position myself in-between them, where I wouldn’t have to fend off lap dances. Not because I was prudish, I just wasn’t particularly into it.

All of that said, I know quite well how the strip club game is played. 

So after receiving a mailing yesterday dinging Davis from backers of Kansas Governor Sam Brownback – a Republican of questionable character himself – I’m thinking Davis is in trouble.

Brownback’s challenger from Lawrence has been leading in the polls up until now, owing to Sam the Sham’s multitudinous missteps.

Which is saying a lot in a dyed-in-the-wool Red State like Kansas.

Unfortunately for Davis – back then a red-blooded American boy in his 20s and single – he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught up in a drug raid that went down there to boot.

Horrors, right? Of course not.

Making a big deal out of someone hitting a gentlemen’s club 16 years ago in their youth is silly, sophomoric even…unless of course you’re a Democrat running for governor against a Republican in Kansas.

In which case, all bets are off.

Paul Davis Strip Mailer Inside OneBecause we Kansans believe the world was created in seven days , the first two people were named Adam and Eve and were from Chanute, and if not for Ronald Reagan we’d be speaking Russian and driving Yugos.

Unfortunately for Davis, the details and circumstances of his 1998 stripper romp are just saucy enough to turn off Bible Thumpers in the hinterlands and cost him the election.

If that wasn’t obvious at first blush, one need only glance at the mailer to see how Brownback’s camp plans to play this all out – and play it out they are.

“Paul Davis was caught…in a ‘compromising position’ with a girl at a strip club during a drug raid,” the mailer reads in bold letters, atop a color photo of an empty stage with a pair of stripper poles and whorish red lighting.

I think we know how this will translate to conservative, rural Kansans.

Davis was probably doing drugs and had his ding-dong out in one of those private back rooms guys pay extra for so they can do the sort of stuff one doesn’t want anybody else to see them doing.

And frankly,who knows? That well could be the case.

Because based on my experience, dudes don’t do that private room stuff at strip clubs unless they plan to choke out significant extra cash and get down and dirty with the strippers.

Otherwise you stay in the main room, enjoy the stage show there and maybe buy a PG13 lap dance or two at your table. The back rooms are for customers willing to shell out big bucks so they can do stuff that at the very least would be embarrassing, if not incriminating.

And it’s generally understood by both parties – the stripper and the customer – that the action’s gonna be far racier behind closed doors once the cash starts to flow.

While that’s hardly a cardinal sin for a “regular guy,” it’s not the sort of thing that plays well for somebody who wants to be the next governor of the Great State of Kansas.

Especially since the police report described Davis as being in a “compromising position” when he got busted.

Paul Davis Strip Mailer Inside TwoThere’s no limit to what conservation Christians might read into that.  

Like that Davis had his winky out, or maybe was on the receiving end of a you-know-what or that he and/or the stripper were undressed and doing…

You get the picture.

So now what was a relatively mundane news short a few weeks back has gone tabloid via a political mailing – and probably on television ads and email blasts – complete with crime scene tape, stripper poles, a gloomy, remorseful photo of Davis and enough innuendo to choke a Kansas City Bishop.

Yep, this tabloidesque game is well afoot and could easily pull Brownback’s charred chestnuts out of the funeral pyre they appeared to be in, giving him four more years to make Kansans eyeballs roll right out of their sockets.

What a country!

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44 Responses to Hearne: Democrat Paul Davis Strip Club Misadventure May Be Fatal

  1. Greedo says:

    Wow. This story is only TWO WEEKS OLD and it’s mostly about you. Good luck blogging!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Greedo, good luck commenting…

      This two week old story arrived in the mail like yesterday.

      But who’s counting? Certainly not you.

      My story isn’t that this happened, but that it’s starting to and I think will continue to take on a life of its own and well may be the fall of Paul.

      • harley says:

        we’ve seen ropbertson’s record and has done
        nothing for this state.
        Kansas is broke!!!!! 400 million in debt. KU is in financial
        trouble…allschools are. Your daughters schools are in
        wrost economic growth of any state…
        this was an experiment and it failed….but you and I
        got great tax breaks.
        I’ve learned that all these dems and repubs are the same…
        crime still is growing….wwe’re still fighting wars…our economy
        nationally is in shambles…we lost 5000 lives to a lie….
        and Robertson was part of that whole deal.
        its timefor change.
        going to strip clubs is bad…your best buddy dates them all…
        is he a bad guy….no….just his choice.
        we’re headed to an economic and demographic tsunami…
        pat Robertson has had his chance ….and he’s done
        then he pissed in Robert doles face voting down the
        law (which really wasn’t a law) to try to get other countries
        to follow our ADA act. While a hero and gentleman like
        sen dole (and remember I am a decmocrat) sat on the
        senate floor trying to get that bill passed….pat Robertson
        spit in the face of sen dole and the millions of americans
        who suffered disabilities whether in war or in peace.
        Orman is a businessman….we need a change…and fast…
        this story you wrote shows you need to get out of Lawrence
        and come see and read whats really happening.
        Kansas is in trouble…and regardless of party its time for
        change..whether in governor/senate/in state or around the
        The old ideas haven’t worked and they can’t even talk.
        Lets move on.
        as far as wisluns comments about disingenius…that’s more
        guys like wislun need to move aside and let the
        new ideas and new ways of thinking come into play.
        we’ve listened to that b.s. and it hasn’t worked.
        even the conservative republicans are at each others
        throats in Kansas. tea party people are probably sitting out
        the election…moderates are hating brownback for his over the
        top actions.
        an entire book was written about whats wrong with Kansas?
        guys like hearne and chuck and wislun are whats wrong
        with Kansas. We could lead the world in many areas.
        Their ideology has held us back.
        replace them and send them to Oklahoma/Alabama/Mississippi
        or the lowest states in the nation….
        they’ll feel right at home among those backward foolish
        WANT TO leave southern states…let the rest of us pack your
        bags ………
        we need new bright leadership….the old guys have done nothing to make this country great again.

  2. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    The state of Kansas right now is so backwards they should spell it Sasnak. When, not IF, those myopic morons of the state re-elect Gov Brown-Eye I’m going to get a good chuckle out of it. If you are SO uniformed that you don’t at least know a LITTLE bit of what is going on with the state revenues, tax collections, et al due to that idiot’s policies, you deserve every single thing you get.

    Keep voting against your best interests, folks! There’s another tax cut right around the corner. It’s not really for you, Joe Taxpayer……….but it’s a tax cut nonetheless. Bravo.

  3. paulwilsonkc says:

    Dichotomy; Paul Davis feeling threatened over a lap dance nearly two decades ago; could end his hopes in the election. Bill Clinton bends a barely legal intern over the desk in the Oval Office, over humidifies way too many good cigars, stains a blue dress and he’s Democratic super hero “King of the World.”
    Disingenuous much, people?

    • jimmy says:

      I would imagine the goal is to rile up the base to make sure they get out and vote as opposed to change minds of independent or democrat voters. Brownback might try and push this hard to make it an election issue but as long as Davis doesn’t say something completely idiotic (which is never a guarantee in politics) then I can’t see this doing much harm.

      • paulwilsonkc says:


      • admin says:

        I don’t know, jimmy.

        Never underestimate the “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” crowd.

        • jimmy says:

          I checked some of the polls this morning and, as of today, most polls show Davis is up by three to five points. The “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” crowd are the base voters for Brownback. His campaign might believe they can swing a few votes but more than anything this is just a way to convince the base that they need to get out on election day and vote.

          I have to admit that I do love the tactic of, “Not only does Davis love Obama but he loves strippers!”Not because it’s particularly clever politics but because it’s so desperate at this point. I really doubt that this is going to swing any independent, democrat, or moderate republicans or are already looking to move on past the Brownback years.

    • admin says:

      Paul, Paul, Paul…

      Bill Clinton was already in office, Davis is trying for an upset in a state redder than your eyes the last time we partied

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Admin, Admin, Admin; I was speaking to the crooked ruler which we use to judge character. In office/out was of no consequence.

  4. Stomper says:

    As a Democrat that lives in Kansas, my opinions should have no credibility on this topic, but, wtf, I’ll toss them out anyway.

    1. A guy hits a strip club at the age of 26 and gets busted in the back room. Big friggin’ deal. The Bible Thumpers in the hinterlands you mention would never vote for a Democrat anyway. Thought it was a bit ironic that the ad mentions sexually oriented businesses when Brownback is selling the inventory of one such business right now with the proceeds going into the state coffers.
    2. The fact that polls show Republicans Brownback and Roberts behind at this point in the campaign in the reddest of red states says quite a bit about their performance in office. You have to be a pretty poor politician to be a Republican in Kansas and trail in the polls just before the general election.
    3. As much as I’d love to dream that one or both of them might lose, all Brownback and Roberts have to do is continue to run ads that mention their opponent and Obama in the same sentence ( ie. Davis was an Obama delegate, or Orman donated $ to Obama) and they should wake up as winners on November 5th. Most Kansans seem to regard Obama as the equivalent of Satan.
    4. And finally, esteemed admin, remember that some of us knew you back in your younger days. “Methinks thou doth protest too much”

  5. rww says:

    I’m a republican, but I think I may have to vote for this guy! Sounds like my kind of guy.

  6. If we lived in Kansas, we would vote Democratic too.

  7. Lydia says:

    The most interesting part of this article is the utter contempt in which the author holds a great many of his fellow Kansans because he disagrees with their quaint, outdated and rube-like values. Ditto for those who commented on it.

    • the dude says:

      Methinks he aims his barbs mainly at the hypocritical politicians.

    • admin says:

      I hate to pull a Wilson on you, Lydia but…

      My dictionary defines a rube as “an unsophisticated person from a rural area; hick.”

      That said, I really don’t have any contempt for rubes or people who’s values are “outdated,” as you put it.

      I used to be a commodity broker and have spent considerable time both living and hanging out in very small, rural towns are areas. Quality time, I might add.

      And I can even see why some might flinch at the thought of the governor of Kansas schmoozing his way into a seedy rural strip club where drugs were allegedly being dealt and coughing up a large amount of cash to go into a private room and pay some stripper to perform one-on-one sexual favors.

      I always preferred to pursue my romance in the Free Market – as opposed to the Fee Market – but that’s just me.

      My issue with Brownback has more to do with how much he’s messed up and some of his shallow, hypocritical positions. And frankly, it’d be a shame for him to snag a second term while using an embarrassing and unflattering moment in Davis life to win a second term.

      So while I don’t admire Davis here, I think the state of Kansas has far bigger fish to fry…starting with Brownback

  8. Libertarian says:

    A dem that digs strippers?

    Thats what I’d call a “good start” in Sasnak.

  9. balbonis moleskine says:

    If we were going to elect someone who does blow and gets blown at a strip club in kansas we should just elect CG.

    This guy looks like a mediocre talent with nothing groundbreaking who is running on the platform: Not Brownback

    While I dont agree with his politics, Brownie is honest and predictable and reflects Kansas. To unseat an incumbent you have to show me something. Plus while he has cut overall school funds the flagship university looks better than ever and super well funded.

    Its like in boxing. If you go 12 rounds with the champ and it goes to decision and you didnt put him on the mat or outbox him significantly you will lose.

  10. balbonis moleskine says:

    Hearne should go to the outhouse. It is a BYOB strip club with ku dancers and douglass county townies. Used to be an epic punk venue in the 80s.

    • admin says:

      I did a few shows at the Outhouse in the late 1980s, balbonis.

      You didn’t know that I promoted alternative bands for 7 years into the early 90s?

      I’ve heard about the debauchery there and to me it sounds similar to the place Davis got busted (go ahead and take that the wrong way) in.

      It’s outside the city limits, so it seems to mostly get a pass on probably some fairly likely illicit and illegal activities.

      Remember a handful of years ago some 20-something, brand new dad was walking home drunk from there in the wee hours and got mowed down by a car and killed.

  11. Greg says:

    I think the writer is correct. It is not the Paul Davis supporters who will be swayed nor the independents, however it is my belief for a Democrat to get elected to state office in Kansas they have to pull rank and file Republicans to vote Democrat.

    Is this enough to sway things Governor Brownback’s way? I am not sure, but if I had to guess this is just one of the shoes that has been dropped. I am curious when the next one will hit the floor.

    I still think Paul Davis has a great shot, however he better start hitting on more than just the tax cuts and education.

    • admin says:

      Interesting take, Greg

      Wonder what that second shoe will look like?

      The fact that they are playing this card with an expensive mail piece and who knows what other media seems to indicate that they think this will play in Mudville. And I suspect as much myself.

      I’ve always wondered about the polling that shows Davis ahead.

      That Republican base is pretty humongous and when you get out of Johnson and maybe Douglas counties, it’s a whole mother world

    • harley says:

      our resident political experrts wislun/and whiney) with all the republicans
      iin disarray they’ll take the chance with davis and a repub house and senate
      to get brownback. brownback stabbed his fellow teap arty and repubs
      in the back…but theres millions from the kochs waiting to be spent.
      unfoprtunately the race and very fluidand even I can’t get a grasp on
      what will happen. But I will predict this…if davis wins this starts a
      very fast moving movement that will change politicics.
      makeno mistake Gregory…with the demographic changes the repubs will
      become extinct…its jut a matter of time.
      so let them play their games for the 7 or 8 months they can work with
      before the wave of Hilary and the new democratic majority tidal wave
      takes over.
      this election is really a clown event…it means nothing really….only the
      news media care….but as hundreds of my followers/disciples and
      readers know if you follow me you will be on the the path to knowing
      whats happening here and across the nation….
      good luck….and thanks.
      Harley…and hopefully the second kick is the one that sends brownback out of
      watch for my soon to come articles on kcc…thanks

  12. Rosco says:

    As for the backward rubes in Kansas, I will take them all over the KC scholars that vote in a Congressman that can’t even balance his checkbook. I’ll take my chances with the Salina hoodlums versus those bangers that now haunt even the Plaza. And let’s not even talk about schools other than to mention that KC has not been the best steward of the billion given to them to educate their kids.

    So, by all means, throw out Browny. Just hold the next politician to the same standard of fiscal responsibility.

    As to the strip clubs, Topeka has some of the best ones in the state. Total nudity, private intimate rooms and some real value compared to the big cities. Davis will be very comfortable there.

  13. Hilaryisadude says:

    Ironic that the party promoting equality for women and reproductive health is being represented by a guy busted in a strip club. For starters neither cares about your life. Including but not limited to your job, your healthcare, freedoms or other measures. They care about your vote and as soon as they have it they will cut you at the knees if the tides of opinion change. Using a political tactic worthy of an election for student body president to disenfranchise KS democrats for an “independent”. Meanwhile the party line supporters on both sides claiming to “know it all” having been fooled by the establishment into thinking the establishment cares. Long gone are the leaders where regardless of political stance you could at least trust in their ethics.

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