Hearne: IKEA Short Sheets KC on ‘Grand Opening’ Meatball Schmooze

100578578-162639610.530x298Would you believe KC is actually bigger than Miami?

True story – a population of 467,000 versus 419,000 – although there’s more to the tale-o-the-tape when you factor in the two “metro” areas. That’s where the Florida city smokes Greater KC, with 5.5 million people to our 2 million.

Which still doesn’t explain why Kansas City came out on the short end of the stick with “the world’s largest furniture seller’s” meatball schmooze promotion.

That’s right, IKEA Merriam plans to give away but a fraction of the much-ballyhooed  yet you-probably-can’t tell-em-from horse meat – Swedish meatballs that IKEA Miami gave away two weeks back at its grand opening.

Yet both giveaways were described as “meatballs for a year.”

Except for the fact that IKEA’s Miami store was the company’s 39th, so it gave away 39 “Meatballs for a Year” and since KC’s is the 40th, they’re giving away 40.

The devil’s in the details.

In Miami the first 39 people in line got “a 15-piece meatball plate only, for up to four guests,” with the winners getting “52 coupons, each dated for consecutive weeks. Valid only at IKEA Miami, through August 28, 2015.”

So in KC should get the same deal, right?


less-is-moreKC’s meatball schmooze from IKEA pales by comparison.

Because “Meatballs for a Year” in Kansas tallies only “12 coupons, each dated for consecutive months. Valid only at IKEA Merriam, through September 30, 2015.

That’s right, 52 coupons four the Miami winners, only a dozen for KC’s.

Which if you do the math – and even Harley should be able to work this one in his head – is 40 fewer meatball plates.

web-Gun-Open-CarryYet, we still have to adhere to the same BS rules they did in Miami.

Ten minute bathroom and smoking breaks only = how can thousands of people get to the bathroom and back in IKEA in 10 minutes? – no tailgating, no cussing, no boozing or recreational drug use, no wearing tee shirt with a company’s name on them and no concealed carry – is that last one even legal in Kansas?

Former Merriam councilman Dan Leap’s take on the slight?

“I don’t know, maybe the city of Miami gave ’em a better tax incentive than Merriam did.”

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10 Responses to Hearne: IKEA Short Sheets KC on ‘Grand Opening’ Meatball Schmooze

  1. the dude says:

    Miami asked for smaller kickbacks?
    Hey, summer vacay homes don’t build themselves, amirite??

  2. the Polar Bear says:

    Shame they didn’t have that “Buy Black” day on Wednesday. The Bear Klan could use a couple of particle board pieces to spruce up the den.

    With the word “free” you know what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps with Barnum & Bailey coming to town, they will have a couple of extra zoo keepers they can loan out to control the hoodies.

    Odds on a free-for-all ?

  3. Mysterious J says:

    Don’t stop the wall to wall Ikea coverage before we know what the Watsons Girl has to say on the subject!

  4. the dude says:

    Oh good lord, did you see the sweating mass(es) that were lined up on last night’s newscast? Yeah, it definitely didn’t look like the line for the next Apple masturbatory product that’s for sure. Looked more like people lined up for black Friday stupidity at walmart.

  5. tiad says:

    On the bright side, they could’ve been given only 1 coupon good for 1 year. That’s still a year’s worth. On a related note, I heard that those in line who were “losers” of this promotion were given the 52 weekly coupons, and will be forced by the Merriam police to redeem them every week.

  6. SteelyDanMan says:

    Reporter Joyce Smith at The Czar: “Ikea is known known for its easy-to-assemble furniture…” (Typo wasn’t mine, either.)

    Seriously? They are gagging on IKEA’s cock…and licking their (meat) balls while they’re at it.

    Pop culture has a recurring joke about how notoriously difficult it is to assemble IKEA furniture, and here’s a paper saying the opposite.

    Most blatantly biased story yet. Journalism is already six feet under, but now rolling in the grave after reading this drivel.

  7. harley says:

    hey hearne…you took my joke about you writing about meatballs off!!!!!!!!!!
    that’s funny…..you are censoring…don’t lie…..I saw it…

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