Whinery: Standing Up for ‘Compromised’ Women Celebrities

kirsten-dunst-nude-marie-antoinetteThis past weekend, it came to light that several A List women entertainers were hacked hacked and intimate photos of them were stolen from Apple’s iCloud...

The horror of it all!

Or so you would think by the rabid reactions from the pseudo-feminist celebrity defenders out there. Defenders who have gone so far as to compare the viewing of said photographs to the raping of these poor women!


Where was all this outrage when Edward Snowden came out with his revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) was not only doing this to all the citizenry of this country, but to basically everyone on the planet with an internet connection? 

And FYI, don’t you think the perverts at the NSA already had access to these “selfies” as well as to all the “sexts” people send back and forth to one another?

Hell, it even came out that the NSA was eavesdropping on the Skype dirty talk between our troops in uniform, out their in the middle of some forsaken desert somewhere, with their spouses that were stateside.

But who cares about the privacy of plebians? 

Joan-Rivers-Cell-Phone-SnapAnd “Celebrity Privacy,” what the hell is that anyway?

These are the same people who broadcast practically every detail about their personal lives – including but not limited to – their political leanings, the diets they’re on and who they’re screwing at the moment.

I’d like to do one thing to help protect the privacy of my personal favorite on the list of women celebrities who’ve been “raped” by this egregious violation of the sanctity of their flesh.

If anyone has pictures of Kirsten Dunst in her birthday suit, please forward them to me at thedigitalpundit@gmail.com and I’ll make sure that they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

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9 Responses to Whinery: Standing Up for ‘Compromised’ Women Celebrities

  1. the dude says:

    Whiney – watch Melancholia for a sweet, sweet shot of Dunst’s yabbos willingly shown for dramatic purposes.
    They are very, very nice.

  2. Curtis Blow says:

    Will pics of your mom suffice? I know your are ok that her pics leaked too.

    While she is no Kirsten Dunst, I’m sure you can find some use for them.

  3. Libertarian says:

    What good is a picture of YOU naked if YOU are the only one that can see it?

    • admin says:

      I imagine that the injured parties shared their pics with more than just themselves.

      Just like Anthony Weiner, right?

      They just didn’t intend them for the unwashed.

      Which seems reasonable to me.

  4. Kerouac says:

    Hacked celebs: ‘victims’ their own device(s) or peacocks on parade? Half a century ago, Bobby Vee sang ‘the night has a thousand eyes’…how many more nod modern technology to include the new idiot box of the 21st century, internet.

    Blaming the nekid or heaping helpings object lessons served the naivete, the question. Can’t see Forrest (“stupid is as stupid does”) for the trees, can’t be bothered consider a devious gumption others, answer.

    If you want to keep a (it) secret, don’t tell (show) anyone, venerable adage. In the same way some believe they can (should be able) to dress as they like sans repercussion, and some believe they can (should be able) to walk down a dark street at night without any repercussion, with (nod Bill Cosby), “$10 bills hanging out my pockets”, so too does an opportunist, hacker/other, embrace their belief; access equals entree. That it shouldn’t be this way is beside the point… it is.

    Shy cloak of invisibility, only privacy exists 2014 is measured in Angstroms, only place it resides a stealthy, mute silence. If purity raped does not wish to acquiesce totally to the realities of the present, 2014, then at minimum use a smidgen of common sense… fate has no pity for those awash in ego and/or fatuity.

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