Calvin Sense: “Let’s Bomb Everything & Let God Sort it Out”

DPIGeneral Curtis LeMay had the right idea during the Vietnam War

And in my opinion, LeMay’s thoughts on bombing enemies are applicable today where ISIS is concerned. There’s just no justification by anybody with any Common Sense for not bombing ISIS, a group who’s method of retaliation is beheading people.

Last time I checked we were no longer in the Middle Ages.

ISIS still seems to think we are.

Like the kamikaze pilots of Japan during World War II, ISIS seems dedicated to the destruction of their enemy no matter the cost to themselves.

It’s impossible to negotiate with people with this type of philosophy.  

Consequently, we have to destroy them before they destroy us, because a good offense helps a good defense.

ISIS’s philosophy is another reason why the biggest mistake America could make would be to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.  I know Israel isn’t about to let that happen and the US should aid and support Israel in any way possible.

GoldFinger-1Where’s James Bond when you need him?

America should never have allowed North Korea to develop nuclear weapons.

No matter what price must be paid, countries with the type of leaders North Korea and Iran have cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons.


BvAeMpwIIAAHjBfUnlike others in the media I feel enough has been written about Ferguson, Mo.

Mainly because a grand jury is now involved. There are some differences among the witnesses’ accounts, so let’s let the chips fall where they may.

Quote of the day: “Only the dead have seen the last of war” — Plato

Calvin Sense is a prominent African American businessman who chooses not to reveal his identity.
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25 Responses to Calvin Sense: “Let’s Bomb Everything & Let God Sort it Out”

  1. Lydia says:

    “Mr. Sense” has articulated the only responsible solution to what is going on in Syria and Iraq.

  2. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    1,000 years ago, people in the Middle East were killing each other over some parcel of sand. 1,000 years from now they will be killing each other over the same parcel of sand. That region will never, ever evolve into anything that faintly resembles a modern society. A couple of well placed nukes and we’d have glass and no ISIS. There’s no God to sort them out, but the end result is the same.

    • the dude says:

      But they gots oil Jim, we have to liberate the oil from them.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        It was all about spreading democracy in the region and had NOTHING to do with oil, Dude. The good ‘ol USA is always, always, always the benevolent giant that never has any ulterior motive or political agenda. It’s about the people. All the people.

        • the dude says:

          You are incredibly naïve if you think we want to spread democracy anywhere. Just look at Central and South America and our middling in those countries and you will see we don’t give a rat’s patoot about democracy, especially here.

  3. Jack Springer says:

    Please remember that Clinton gave North Korea nuclear intelligence.

    Obama thinks he can talk with ISIS — he’s a fool.

    Turn the middle east into jagged glass.

  4. harley says:

    mr. nonsense…what a idiot. a few strikes into Syria…special forces troops…
    and its over. all you idiots think the answer is simple…its very complicated because
    we’re becoming allies with our previous enemies including Syria and iran and
    nnow we find Qatar is financing these hoodlums.
    mr. nonsense….you make no sense…..go back to geography class then come
    talk with us.

    • admin says:

      Harley as the voice of reason?

      • Stranger says:

        The voice of reason of a child maybe. Calling people idiots on the internet just because you don’t agree with them is petty. There is no room for name calling in an actual debate, so why don’t you stop name calling and come up here on our level Harley?

  5. Mark says:

    Nice and simple–minded, like most knee jerk reactions. The trouble is, somebody’s wonderful old Aunt Habiba times 10 million is down there along with the 20,000 or so raging bullies with nothing else to do. Still feel like pulling that trigger?

  6. Nick says:

    I would hope the portion of this post touching on ISIS was troll-bait; I would hate to think that Mr. Sense actually received remuneration to pen something that profoundly stupid.

    • admin says:

      Let me assure you it was a charitable offering, Nick.

      However, he does appear to be serious and he’s not your typical white male Republican.

      Far from it, actually

  7. Curtis Blow says:

    Hey Calvin, I can get some enlistment papers over to you so you can help out with your wanted war effort. What is your fax #?

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