Paul Wilson: Olathe Attorney Claims Hillary Can’t Win

Hillary ClintonFrom time to time your well-coiffed Scribe likes to hang out on the patio of Dub V’s, a nondescript bar across from the Johnson County Courthouse in Olathe…

You know, enjoying a cigar and fine conversation with some of the city’s best and the brightest attorneys and judges. Among them, political junkie Michael Dreiling.

Last week the topic turned to why Hillary Clinton won’t win the presidency.

That’s Dreiling’s opinion and I happen to share it, regardless of what Harley says. We’re not going to see another Clinton in the White House. Not anytime soon anyway.

It would make for some interesting trivia though if Hillary did win because it would be the first time two Presidents ever slept together.

Or would it?

“Hillary will never ascend to the presidency for many reasons, not the least of which is the contrived story of her birth name,” Dreiling says.

Sir Hillary

Sir Hillary

In former President Bill Clinton’s book – and renditions told by Hillary – she has claimed she was named in honor of Sir Edmund Hillary’s conquest of Mt. Everest. Until it was pointed out she was born in 1947 and Sir Hillary didn’t make his famous climb until 1953.

“Hillary Clinton stands for all things to all people, which means she stands for nothing,” Dreiling says. “She isn’t guided by morals or principle, but rather by opportunity and political expediency.”

Some say that’s no different than any politician, but Hillary seems to possess a special kind of disingenuous.

Let’s boil it down to the basic reasons she will never become president:

First, when it comes to campaigning, she’s no Bill.

“Where Bill convinces people he is empathetic and can feel their pain, Hillary fails miserably in her attempts to show she has the same experiences and difficulties as everyday Americans,” Dreiling says. “Hillary failed to connect with caucus voters in Iowa and primary voters in New Hampshire in 2008 and lost the nomination she had been handicapped to win.

“Whether she’s channeling an old black hymnal before a black congregation in Selma or waxing about how she and Bill struggled to make two mortgage payments on their houses in New York as they each wrote their memoirs after leaving the White House, Hillary not only fails to connect with the very demographic groups she is courting, she usually spends the next several days trying to recover from her own unforced errors.”

Dreiling’s correct.

Remember the bad “negro” dialect Hillary adopted in 2007?

Second, does she really want it?

Sir Glazer

Sir Glazer

Hillary is nearly 67 and face it, she’s no Craig Glazer.

Is this how she wants to spend the next four to eight years after the election? I’m not sure she has the desire. Some of the tides are already starting to turn against her and it will only get worse.

Third, Hillary’s no longer the media darling she once was.

She gets pressed on issues and isn’t given the softball pass she used to get. Whether it’s Benghazi, gay marriage or Sunday’s book signing questions about the Ferguson shootings (in which she flat pretended she didn’t hear the reporters).

The bullets are starting to head her way. Can she hold up under the scrutiny or does she even want to try?

Then there the lackluster sales of her memoir “Hard Choices,” which it could be argued should have flown off the shelves if she was truly “Presidential.”

“It appears the liberal media understands the weakness of a Hillary Clinton candidacy for the Democratic nomination,” Dreiling says, “judging by the press coverage of the foot-in-mouth rollout of her book and her not getting a pass on claiming she and Bill were broke when they left the White House.”

Unknown-2“Hard Choices” reportedly only sold around 250,000 copies though July and early August – on bookstore orders totaling one million. But heads could roll at Simon & Schuster if the unconfirmed rumors her receiving as much as a $14 million advance on the book are true.

Finally, the country wants the real hope and change it thought would accompany Obama’s election.

“Hillary is trying to distance herself from Obama but she can’t,” Dreiling says. “Much like she did as a US Senator when she went from war hawk to claiming she was a patriot for criticizing President Bush for his involvement in Iraq. This current version of Hillary is trying to morph back to being a war hawk, claiming she disagreed with Obama on his reluctance to meddle in Syria. And that she would have been more pro-active in removing Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and fomenting peace in areas of the Middle East now controlled by ISIS with unimaginable brutality.”

Dreiling’s bottom line:

“Hillary Clinton can no more run away from the Obama Administration than Walter Mondale could run away from the Jimmy Carter Administration in 1984.”

Asked recently about the latest ISIS crisis, Clinton laid it squarely in Obama’s lap stating, “The failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad—there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle—the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled.”

Hillary_Clinton_2013Policies developed while Hillary was Secretary of State.

“I believe that like in 2008, when no Republican was going to win after 8 years of Bush – when no Republican was going to defeat the Anointed One – that the GOP seemed resigned to their fate and offered up John McCain as the sacrificial lamb,” Dreiling says. “That ridded them of him on the short-list of future presidential hopefuls. Democrats in 2016 may likewise be resigned to a similar fate and may offer Hillary as the sacrificial lamb to finally rid themselves of her for good.”

Light up a Cohiba and keep your eye on things, it may be a surprise.
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47 Responses to Paul Wilson: Olathe Attorney Claims Hillary Can’t Win

  1. Mysterious J says:

    Hilary will become a shoe-in the moment Whiney predicts she will lose.

  2. rkcal says:

    It’s far too premature to be sure of anything. It’s two freakin’ years from now. Who had heard of Obama in 2006?

  3. Stomper says:

    Thanks for the red meat, Paul. Guessing your buddy Dreiling is a Republican. Too easy to argue from a political point of view and won’t change anyone’s mind here anyway. Why not go to the real experts for credible insight, Las Vegas. Hillary is 2-1, Rubio 6-1, Bush 9-1, Christie 10-1, Cuomo 12-1, Ryan 16-1, Paul 16-1, Warren 18-1. Are you sure that wasn’t a blunt Dreiling was smoking instead of a Cohiba?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Stomper, no Dr. Carson in the odds?

      • I am a registered Libertarian. Not that one needs anything other than a keen mind and one good eye to see the train wreck that is Hillary.

        • the dude says:

          Oh, she’s a certified trainwreck but if the Bildeberger controllers give her the nod IT WILL HAPPEN. Remember when Hillary and Barry disappeared for two days on the campaign trail in 2008? Hillary was being told Barry was the next Presidential puppet.

        • harley says:

          you’re a registered non factor…and just so you
          know i did the 1000-1 odd pick in 2012…not
          whinery or wislun.
          The train wreck you saw was bush cheney. obamas
          been trying to clean up their messeson his own
          from the day hetook office.
          Please no more predictions Michael….leave the
          stupid and always wrong predictions to the regular
          people like wislun and whinery. They’re great at
          picking losers.

  4. stephen burstein says:

    Maybe people should actually check her vile history dating back to the late 1960’s. She is the most corrupt woman of our time. To even hear her name associated with president makes one feel like puking in their mouth.

  5. CG says:

    Hearne I beg to differ. I think Clinton can win, she has Bill who would win if he could run, no question. Look how much Bush Jr. and now Obama want out and to be left alone. That job is a thankless killer, hey Bush senior was worn out and ready to leave. Only Bill Clinton wanted more. He’d still be in if he could. Hillary has a strong shot and her ex, I’m sorry her husband is main reason. I think she gets the nod and wins.

    PS thanks for the photo op Hearne…you trouble making dog.

  6. b12 says:

    I think Wilson and his friend are correct. Hillary’s not getting a pass from the media that used to lob softballs at her. Also, HDTV is not her friend.

    This is probably horrible, but the photos of her and Bill on the beach a month or so ago…are not flattering at all. She’s in a muumuu on the beach, no makeup, looks like hell.

    If she is the nominee, and the Republicans are smart (no certainty on that…given their propensity to shoot their own feet), they’ll run that photo everywhere.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      B12, at least I have you on my side. I really think Michael is right.

      • harley says:

        wrong again again again again again again…
        wislun….please please please stop.
        you’re making me laugh so hard when you make statements
        like this that its just beyond comprehension.
        how many times must I prove you wrong?
        seriously…consult me beforeyou write any future articles..
        at least you’ll be right on a subject….
        whoever this Michael is….explain him that Harley is always

    • Stomper says:

      As a democrat, I pray that they use that strategy. Double standard there b12. A guy can look like hell but a women must be attractive? Women voters are the majority and a GOP female would be offended by that strategy. As has been stated often here before, old white guys won’t vote for Hillary but old white guys haven’t elected presidents for quite a while now.

  7. expat says:

    Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to find an even worse candidate and squander any advantage they might have. They’ll probably send Huckabee up there.

  8. Nick says:

    It would make for some interesting trivia though if Hillary did win because it would be the first time two Presidents ever slept together.

    That we’re aware of…

  9. chuck says:

    Make no mistake about it, it won’t even be close. Barring a galactic misstep, she wins in a landslide.

    It won’t be close.

    • chuck says:

      I love ya Paul, but it’s time to come up for some air.

      What drives elections is the 4th Estate, Hollywood and the entertainment industry in conjunction with those who vote for a living. Again, sorry, President Clinton redux is a certainty.

      rkcal’s point is important, it is 2 years, but again, she would have to really screw the pooch to blow this.

      Does she want it? She doesn’t actually have to want it, she will be crowned. Charlemagne had to grab his crown that Christmas Day, Hillary already wears it in Clintonian primogeniture absentia.

      ““Hillary is trying to distance herself from Obama but she can’t,” Dreiling says. “Much like she did as a US Senator when she went from war hawk to claiming she was a patriot for criticizing President Bush for his involvement in Iraq. ” How naive. As if facts matter to the hypnotized chickens in the New Demographic grunging for Government benefits. Benghazi? Jesus, that doesn’t even get any traction with me and I am in reciept of Attila’s lunch money 24/7, pu**y.

      Light up all the Cohiba’s you want buddy, Hillary kills any and all Republican candidates. It is what it is.

      • chuck says:

        Sorry Paul, one more thing.

        In my opinion, this is a really big deal. No matter WHAT women say, alone in that booth, they are going to (And rightfully so) consider voting for Hillary because she is a woman.

        Hillary is the first, FIRST real viable female candidate in our nation’s history. Even I think the election of a woman to the presidency is long, long overdue. Would I like it to be a Conservative or a Libertarian? You bet. Not gonna happen in 2016.

        Hillary’s politics seem to shift with the waxing and waning of her party, her affiliations and political crisis’. You know who that reminds me of? Elizabeth the 1st. She was a fu*kin stud.

        Lets hope for the best. Lets hope our next president, seasoned by American failure in war, American failure on the international stage, American failure in domestic policy, American failure in race relations, American failure on the economic front, sees the middle, steadies the ship and gives this country time to breathe, heal and set a new course with the wind and the sun on our backs.

  10. newbaum turk says:

    Is this a monarchy? The Bushs’ and Clintons and all the other political families. They are all basically the same person, slaves to their campaign contributors and lobbyists. I personally want Elizabeth Warren to run but she won’t do it.

    • the dude says:

      Kind of, this corporation/nation is run by a handful of families and corporate juggernauts. The democratic republic thing is just a sham/cover for the real people that pull the strings behind the scenes.

  11. Arte says:

    Bet George W. and George HW slept together.

  12. balbonis moleskine says:

    I predict the neo-fascist Rand Paul will win with a message of ending the war.

    People are too dumb to understand finance much less corporate finance much less govermental finance so his message to “run the US like your own checkbook” will be popular, even though it is not what you want to do running a country.

    Unbelieveably the Dems made the mistake of not actually winning or ending the wars so there will be a GOPer elected and a repeat of history will happen that a Republican executive ended the war that the Democrats ‘opposed’.

    The only thing that could sink Rand Paul is his Randite views. Hopefully a Democrat strategist can boil down Ayn Rand to a degree where people understand the fundamental dislike and arrogance he has to poorer people.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Balbo, truth be known, I’m betting Hillary DOES win. Why? Because we are an apathetic society that can’t get out of our own way. Second, we are incredibly under educated voters, as a whole, and vote on myopic issues along with who’s most likely to bring home the bacon. Add to that, more of this than we could imagine is preordained.
      And if that doesn’t scare the crap out of you nothing would.

      • balbonis moleskine says:

        I’d rather have a bland, old middle of the road Democrat than a dyed in the wool Randite.

        People who like Ayn Rand too much indicate a lack of empathy with others and a desire to justify the fact that they were born on second and thought they hit a triple. They need a philosophy that encourages that they are and continue to be a selfish asshole.

  13. harley says:

    wislun…you and your buddies pick Romney two days begfore the election.
    I seriously doubt you and your clown buddies know anything a bout elections.
    Hillary will win with about 330-340 electoral votes.
    it won’t be close….when the women hitthe voting booth it will be
    a clear win for Hillary.
    the demographics are just too much for a republican to win in your
    lifetime .
    and…within 2012 and 2016 there will be 9 million more blacks and
    Hispanics voting age.
    please….you’ve proven yourself a complete fool in 2012…the jewel
    theif…the stalker…and dozens of otherstories and especially you
    5 part story on sprint that you completely blew…and I mean that was
    a complete screw up onyour part.
    please leave politics to those who know it…myself..
    thanks…but as I have said so many times..and its getting old…wislun…you’re
    wrong again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this just adds to the fact that

  14. Kerouac says:

    If Reagan wasn’t too old, then Hillary isn’t ugly enough, the actor/coattail rider same (if looks could kill or curry favor, Hillary’s would as Palin’s conversely the other.)

    Beyond appearance sake, blondie in a bottle has too much political baggage – if the vote were held today (and even more assuredly bearing down age 70, post 2017 Presidential inauguration), ‘Billary’ has seen her better days, past. Will be no post script, no two-for-one… the end our lOng Brutal nAtional nightMAre draws nigh.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Kerouac, you always lay it down; all I can do it hope you’re right.

      I see apathetic Republicans staying home and licking their wounds while every female and Hispanic, legal or not really doesn’t matter, they will all vote, flood the pools to get our first female and first interracial marriage, since Bill is, you know, our first black President.

      I’m afraid her ascension is going to be as easy as taking candy from a diabetic who no longer wants candy.

  15. harley says:

    wislun….your stories are pure fantasy. get real…..
    Hillary tke 93% of black vote
    78% of Hispanic vote
    60-62% of female vote…(especially younger females)…
    gets 42-48% of male vote…
    and what you have mr. wislun Dixie is a landslide….maybe even Georgia
    and Kentucky go blue….and within a few years texas goes blue and the
    repubs and people like you fade into the past.

    • mark smith says:

      And who pays the tab for the 47 percenters, like you h man? The $hit heels who live on the government tit, unwilling or unable to fend for themselves. A few more terms of liberal nimrods playing the overseer of their Welfare plantation and there wont be a middle class to suck dry. Here’s a prediction, Hiawatha Warren will be the democratic nominee, and she will win for the same reasons Obama won twice. A mainstream media who is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for progressivism, a population of dolts who vote on feel good horse $hit rather than informed opinions. The first woman POTUS. Just as white americans voted for Obama so they could show they aren’t racist and are progressive thinkers, they will fall in lockstep and vote to prove they aren’t misogynist soldiers in the nonexistent war on women.

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        No worry, Mark. My liking Warren dooms her.

        Hillary will never get my vote. She’s beats McCain when it comes to rattling the saber.

        We need new ideas, plans and the two parties give us another Clinton, another Bush.

        I don’t care if people call me a radical, a rebel, a red, a revolutionary, an outsider, an outlaw, a Bolshevik, an anarchist, a nihilist, or even a left conservative, but please don’t ever call me a liberal.

      • Stomper says:

        Those $hit heels on the government tit include farmers, drug companies, and a pretty impressive list of private companies.

        If you have any retirement money in mutual funds, you’d be amazed at how much government subsidy is going into your account value.

        Hypocrisy runs rampant.

        • mark smith says:

          Id hardly compare the producers of the food you shove in your pie hole, to some welfare queen who pops out kids like a Pez dispenser. Drug companies? Ever have a loved one saved from a deadly illness? The problem with you Libs and Republicans to some degree, you take a dump on facts and twist the truth. Ive got no mutual funds, stocks, bonds, or money in jars. Full disclosure.

          • Stomper says:

            What truth am I twisting? You seem to be saying that feeding off the government tit is fine as long as it goes to where you like. I just saw hypocrisy in what you wrote. I agree with you that there are a lot of those unwilling or unable to fend for themselves. They’re looking for, and receiving, government handouts. They’re called corporations.

      • harley says:

        1.5 billion dollar campaign chest….2 million volunteers….
        its a lock for HC smith.

  16. Paracelsus says:

    I’ve had to change my mind about this. Yep, I think Hillary wins it in a walk, unless Romney gets crazy and runs again. Hillary stands for nothing, she has negative charisma, and she’s a casual and clumsy liar not fit to be dog catcher. While it’ll be amusing to watch the effort to media-wash her into something like human form, the only reason she’s even a viable contender is the obvious freefall of what used to be the Republican party. It’s a highly depressing prospect any way you look at it.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Im ahead of most people and most everyone here, save one dolt, gets it.

      • harley says:

        most of his writings are ripand read from other pubs.
        nothing original basd on facts….he should be writing
        dr. seusss books…at least they something entertaining
        …please wilsum…..stay in the redneck Riviera…hahahahaha!

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