Calvin Sense: Run Ben, Run! Dr. Ben Carson Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Congratulations to Dr. Ben Carson for winning the Polk County Iowa Straw Poll and the Western Conservative Summit Poll in Denver…

 If you haven’t seen Dr. Carson on talk shows such as the O’Reilly Factor it is a must that you do.  One of the principles he believes in is free speech. He doesn’t believe in political correctness and has been quoted as saying, “I hate political correctness.” 

Carson believes it’s antithetical to the nation’s founding principles of freedom of speech and expression. As you know, I too do not believe in political correctness for it’s hindering us as a society from emphatically saying what needs to be said. And it makes wimps out of people.

Carson is fiscally conservative and believes the American Dream can be obtained by anyone.  In these straw polls he’s beaten Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Rick Perry of Texas, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and as many as 50 other candidates. 

If anyone favors him ,indicate so in your comments and maybe we can get him to visit our city.



“A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.” Charles Schwab

Calvin Sense is a prominent African-American businessman who has chosen not to revel his true identity.
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16 Responses to Calvin Sense: Run Ben, Run! Dr. Ben Carson Wins Iowa Straw Poll

  1. Millie says:

    Dr. Carson has common sense solutions for our nation’s many problems. If you’d like to see Dr. Carson on the ballot in 2016, please sign the petition here: We are trying to reach one million signatures by the end of the year!

  2. Wullum says:

    Dr. Ben Carson is a winner!

    His impressive credentials (available at Dr. Carson’s web site, indicate that this is one talented and inspiring individual.

    Based on Dr. Carson’s jaw-dropping national interviews and videos, America is definitely paying attention to him as a potential 2016 presidential candidate.

    His engaging conversation and pragmatism make him a clear presidential contender, should he decide to run. It will definitely be worth watching as his candidacy unfolds and the liberals scramble to attack his stellar credibility.

    Already, with his popularity climbing and his awareness growing, Ben Carson is making believers out of millions. I look forward to his future debates with Hillary and other potential victims.

    Let the carnage begin!

  3. rkcal says:

    I’m Ben Carson, and I approve this message.

  4. chuck says:

    He will have a tough fight. There is nothing that Liberals hate more than Black Conservatives.

  5. balbonis moleskine says:

    One thing I learned from The Good the Bad and the Ugly is NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES try to take Ben Carson’s tobacco.

  6. Curtis Blow says:

    I love Ben Carson!

    Jesus, our Lord and Savior, has taken the brains of a real medical doctor and combined it with the politics and political acumen of Sarah Palin all held together in a silky chocolate wrapper.

    What is the over/under on his next damn-the-gays comment, followed by an eventual non-apology apology?

    More importantly… Who cares! Did you hear that Carson is a black conservative doctor! There is goood in them hills!

  7. jimmy says:

    Carson is an interesting guy if you look deeper than his main stream media appearances. In one of his books he makes the statement, “I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country.” I would agree with that to some extent. It would be nice to see a congress filled with more scientists and doctors as opposed to so many members of the law and business profession. This is especially true when so many senators seem to be willfully and gleefully ignorant towards science or medicine. Carson also has some interesting ideas on health insurance. He seems to hate for profit insurance, he has written about government regulators taking charge of pricing, and has also written about how the government should be taking on catastrophic insurance. He writes, “Allow insurance companies a 15% annual profit, 5 percent of which would go to the government’s national catastrophic health care fund.” Though lately he seems to be touting the idea of a health savings plan as an alternative to the Affordable Health Care Act so maybe he is backing off some of his older ideas. Also, he has written about how he believes that in certain situations people should be allowed to choose to end their own life. That is positively progressive. His older views on Affirmative Action seemed to be have also, um, “evolved” and they have become more user friendly for conservatives (compassionate action or whatever he called it a few months ago). Anyway, I kind of doubt he has the political savvy to even come close to the White House. Being brilliant in one area doesn’t necessarily translate to brilliance in another area and he is not a brilliant politician. These days all I tend to hear from him is typical conservative red meat and a bunch platitudes that have the depth of a greeting card. He could potentially make a run for the House or maybe even the Senate but I doubt he wants to settle for that.

  8. harley says:

    calvin nonsense…
    saw this dude on Hannity…Hannity hates this guy….this so called dr.
    said ferguson was right to happen with all the pent up tension between
    blacks and police.
    this guy has as much a chance of being prez as hearen does.
    repubs would never vote for a black man…they hate them….and the
    guy can’t get two dimes together.
    Hillary comes into the general with 1.5 billion cash on hand…
    won’t even be close.
    hearne: where did you find “nonsense”…another guy who writes and is
    wrong on every subject he writes about. If you need any more like that
    I’m sure there are plenty of know nothings out there in your readership pool.
    stop giving bylines to fools…you’ve already gotenough…
    again….mr. nonsense….you’re wrong again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. A good number of people in this country are so sick of D.C. politics as usual and politicians in general, so someone who hasn’t been corrupted and co-opted into one tribe or another in Washington is a plus. In that sense Dr. Carson is a breath of fresh air and he is exactly the kind of leader the Founding Fathers envisioned when they wrote the founding documents. They wanted strong patriots who would leave their farms, businesses or medical practices (several of the signers of the Constitution were physicians) to go serve their country honorably and bravely, then return to their families, homes and livelihoods. Finally, a number of our greatest presidents have had little political experience, from the first ones to one of the greatest, President Lincoln (who only had one two-year term in Congress before becoming president.
    What is necessary for an effective president are the qualities Dr. Carson has in abundance: character, wisdom, leadership, intelligence, compassion, trustworthiness, and, perhaps above all, a great love of country and its founding principles.

    Dr. Carson here’s us. Ben Carson authorizes new PAC, names would-be campaign manager for 2016
    If you have not signed the petition in the last two months please sign & I will send them to Dr. Carson.

    • Curtis Blow says:

      Does he here you or hear you?

      And the link to his website includes your recruiter ID. Oops!

      PS, Carson has as much of a chance at being President as the poo I am currently depositing into this toilet bowl does.

  10. Bob says:

    Hahaha. The Iowa Straw Poll. Look at past winners. This guy might as well just stay on the talk show circuit. Oh, wait. He is only pretending to run for president to gin up his appearance fees? Smart dude. Sadly, it appears many fools are already taking him seriously.

  11. John Altevogt says:

    Sorry, anti-2nd Amendment. Until he figures that out there are better candidates to be had.

    Indeed, absent that fact, I’m getting a little sick of inexperienced guys who think that they can hold major political offices based on their ability to spew rhetoric to the uninformed. That’s how we got stuck with King Hussein.

    Incompetence is incompetence no matter how much they seem to agree with the opinions that come to mind at 2 in the morning when you’ve got a good buzz on.

  12. paulwilsonkc says:

    Dr. Carson = Dark Horse candidate

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