Calvin Sense: Police Bias Exists, Even in Kansas City

Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 3.52.13 PMA few bad eggs in the police force can make things escalate in a bad way…

That a handful of police have demonstrated bias in policing is not imaginary. Most minorities know that even if a police officer follows the correct procedures, we still don’t know what’s going on in their minds.

This was illustrated by a recent a Facebook post a KCMO policeman who posted a photo of a young man with a wad of money in his mouth and a gun in his hand. The posting seemed to indicate that the man was Michael Brown but it was not.

The posting went on to state sarcastically that, “I’m sure young Michael Brown is innocent and just misunderstood.  I’m sure he is a pillar of the Ferguson community.”

The post caused immediate backlash and prompted a Facebook group titled, Marc Catron isn’t worthy of the Shield.  Already the group has more than 1,500 members. 

In another incident an officer was captured on video pointing an assault rifle at peaceful demonstrators and telling them that he would “f***ing kill” them.  This officer has been relieved of duty and suspended indefinitely.

Out of the many interactions between police and the looters and protesters these two incidents exemplify that there is always going to be a bad apple in the barrel.

I realize that being a police officer and having people cuss at you and taunt you isn’t easy to bare, However, if you signed up for the job you shouldn’t holler about what it takes to perform it.  Or to quote President Harry Truman, “If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.”

marc-catron-539x385All Americans have pre-formed opinions of the various races that make up this country.  That can’t be helped the way people are portrayed in the media and given America’s past history.

What we all have to do is realize that this is a new day and the old stereotypes don’t fit in today’s society.

In all fairness, because of the accusations and incidents that went down between Ferguson police and the city’s minority population there needs to be an impartial outside investigation for civil rights violations.  T

hat’s just Common Sense.

Marc Catron

Marc Catron

Attorney General Eric Holder stated that this is what would happen and I hope it can be done in a fair and impartial way.

Quote of the Day:

“There’s no such thing as a perfect job.  In any position you’ll find some duties which, if they aren’t onerous immediately, eventually will be” —John Luther

Calvin Sense is a prominent African American businessman who chooses not to reveal his true identity.
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20 Responses to Calvin Sense: Police Bias Exists, Even in Kansas City

  1. chuck says:

    That is a picture of Jodah Cain and Micus Ward. They are two thugs from Kansas City who traveled to Portland Oregon to kill Jodah Cain’s Great Grandmother, rob her and take her car. During these proceedings, they took a little time for a nice “selfie” which you see above.

    It’s a hell of a read, really uplifting.

    This officer from Kansas City, has his thugs mixed up.

  2. mike t. says:

    catron may or may not be worthy of the shield, but it sure reflects poorly on the KCPD to have a freakin’ moron on the force. really? in this day and age, ‘you’ post something stupid like that because you just can’t censor yourself? talk about getting some heat in the kitchen.

    • admin says:

      Agree, Mike T

      You know, by my measure it’s been about six years since people like Mike Hendricks at the Star and former Pitch top gun Nadia Pflaum learned the hard way about posting stupid stuff on Facebook.

      And through them (and others), I suppose many others learned what not to do or say – you know – in public.

      Guess the learning curve for some is quite a bit more extensive.

  3. the dude says:

    Man, I am tired of this crap. It feels like an endless loop of crappy afterschool specials about racism and riots.
    People- quit being stupid and racist and this would not happen in the first place.

    **drops mic**

  4. Huey P Newton needs a new drug says:

    The thing white people need to do in this situation who are on the side of the law or at least not lyching a cop is to silently judge.

    Let everyone pro-Michael Brown express their “rage” to everyone around them. Then act accordingly in terms of promotions, favors, lending of monies, and the perenially outraged’s own criminal activities.

    If they own the airwaves due to the leftist media the best solution is to let them squawk the loudest and the brightest. People are slowly coming around to seeing there is a rush to judgment and most will change their mind or backtrack. The ones who refuse to budge once the truth comes out are the enemies in the intellectual war. Now you know who they are. Act accordingly and within the law and your rights.

    That goes for elected officials and laymen. Sit back and watch who tries to squawk loudly to get airtime and make sure to remember they are against you and your family and will not stand up for anything once the mob is converging on them.

  5. mark smith says:

    Im sure Eric Holders justice department will be fair and impartial. I’ll just stick my head in the sand and pretend Holder didn’t interject his own blackness and police prejudice into the mix in a recent interview. Jay Nixon no doubt has also helped to keep things on an even keel, given his recent comments about a vigorous prosecution of the officer who shot Brown. As to the cop who told the agitators he would kill them, Ill pretend the very same agitator and others weren’t screaming for someone to take the cops gun in the middle of an unruly and potentially volatile crowd. They were throwing bottles of urine on the cops as well, Molotov cocktails and gunfire, That cop was involved in riot control, he showed great restraint.

  6. KCMonarch says:

    HC- the cop pictures you posted and labelled ‘Marc Catron’ are actually pictures of a Ferguson, MO cop named Darren Wilson.

  7. Libertarian says:

    This WAS a state vs. the people issue until Al and Jesse got involved to make sure it becomes a black vs. white issue.

  8. chuck says:

    It is time to quit eating, forever, at McDonalds. Just my opinion, but check this story and tell me why, why you would ever eat there again.

    Full disclosure, I ordered the Jalapeno Burger two weeks ago, awesome…

    Who cares. Jesus, the lopsided coverage of atrocities in the low level civil war, the black on white infitada disgusts me. I can skip a cheeseburger and I am asking you, with much respect to do the same.

    It’s not much, not even the movement of a butterfly’s wing in a far away country.

    Just my humble request, that after you read that article, the story which is all too common and frequent, that you will, for the dead, speak for the dead and avoid this corrupt company.

    God Bless.

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