Mancow: The Sad, Soulless, Miserable Life & End of Robin Williams

robin-williams-instagram-3Robin Williams reminds me of Mark 8:36…

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

I spent several days with Robin Williams years ago near my house in Pacific Heights San Francisco. I also spent several days with Michael Jackson in Kansas City during the Bad Tour in 1987. And I met Elvis at the Hilton in Vegas as a lad.

What do all these people have in common? They were all MISERABLE!

Those that possess all that the world can offer are miserable because it’s all meaningless. The riches of the world are shallow.

We tend to believe the illusion that if we just “had it all” we’d be complete.

pomprn9g84It’s THE lie.

“More! More! More!” screams the ego. But there is never enough to feed the spoiled id of a star such as Robin Williams.

“Funny” Robin got quite belligerent with me outside a miniature  comedy club called The Holy City Zoo in San Francisco in the early 1990’s when I told him of my belief in a higher power. He was aggressively anti-God.

Without God one sees no dishonor in suicide.

If this is all there is then why not kill yourself? It’s all so meaningless!

I however know there is more to all of this than just THIS.

faewfaw3-20120911-81_largeWilliams made me ache from laughter as Mork, the coked up alien, watching him on TV while I was growing up in Raytown Missouri.

However, his sad ending – and probable eternity – now make me cry. That’s why I don’t take the advice of the venerated Hollywood crowd. Because beneath their veneer is a deep soulless abyss.

Robin leaves behind the children I saw him with on Fillmore Street in my old California neighborhood all those years ago. What about them now?

His last act was that of a coward.

It’s THEM our hearts should really break for.
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14 Responses to Mancow: The Sad, Soulless, Miserable Life & End of Robin Williams

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Wow. Careful. Long way down from that high horse. Typical, though.

    “I however know there is more to all of this than just THIS.”

    Ummm, no. You don’t KNOW. You believe. Big difference.

    • the dude says:

      YOU are the idiot and coward boyheifer. What a self-righteous buffoon.

      Does this mean there is an opening in Hollyweird now for Glayzer?

  2. Nick says:

    “There is no need to disprove that which cannot be proved.”

    Which is another way of saying you’re a self-righteous idiot, with an ego at least as keen as Williams’, else you would have provided concrete evidence of your assertions. Instead you attribute your blinkered responses to meeting Williams, Elvis and Jackson as documented fact, and from there launch into the generalized moralizing that is the verbal signature of your kind.

    You and your sanctimonious brethren are far sadder than those of whom you disapprove, who at least lived, instead of hiding behind false philosophical constructs.

    And, no – our hearts care not about your ending.

  3. harley says:

    he had it all…but couldn’t contain in.
    probably financial stress…or thnking that having to take roles just for a paycheck
    was not where he expected his life to be at his age.
    god bless his family/friends/loved ones…….life is short…sometimes shorter
    than we’d ever think.

  4. harley says:

    mancow….were you in a suit on fox news this week sometime…thought I recognized
    your voice and demeanor………..

  5. Boogs says:

    Wow. This is so low and disrespectful to someone who cannot defend himself and his grieving family. I hope you wake up and feel ashamed…nasty irrelevant has been.

    • Mysterious J says:

      You must be new around here. The death of a famous person (or even a local celebrity) is always an occasion for Hearne & company to demonstrate loathsome behavior.

  6. Stomper says:

    Until one has actually experienced clinically diagnosed depression, they are in no position to pass judgement on the actions of one that has. I have to imagine that the level of “severe” depression is a whole new ballgame itself. To call the suicide of a person diagnosed with severe depression as the act of a coward is WAAAAY off base in my humble opinion.

  7. CG says:

    Look folks Elvis, Jackson, Williams all mega stars. Biggest in the business. Household names worldwide. Now they are all LOSERS! I think not. They had their fun, their moments, their ups their downs. Sure as life gets to third base or so things get fuzzy especially for the rich and famous. These guys were no exception. Drug problems, most do, money problems, who hasn’t or doesn’t, love problems, join the crowd.


    They were all great. They were all human. Just like you and me.

  8. Paracelsus says:

    Let me get this straight. Third rate Howard Stern wannabe waxes stupid and philosophical with his braying attempt to be ‘edgy’ and scrape together a couple more listeners at the expense of a dead man who suffered from depression, addiction, and early stage Parkinson’s. All of this in the sure knowledge that, if he were still alive and able to respond, Robin Williams would verbally fillet little Muller with no trouble at all. There’s some cowardice here, certainly: a pygmy beating his chest on the fresh corpse of a giant.

  9. red says:

    So, you met Elvis as a “lad”.
    Did you have a meaningful discussion about his problem?
    Ignorant name dropper.
    I just love guys like you. You’ve got yours, so fuck everyone else? Seems to be your (and most conservatives) mantra.
    You claim to be a Christian but you have no heart, no soul and not even a smattering of empathy. You’re a “Christian” when it’s convenient for you. Now, come to find out Robin was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I’d think about checking out early, too. Coming from someone who has fought depression a number of times in my life, may I make this completely clear…go fuck yourself.

  10. Curtis Blow says:

    Of hey it is Mancow… I forgot you were there.

    You may go now.

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