Mancow: Musical Patriotism in Sheep’s Clothing

Gorky_Park_-_Gorky_Park_album_coverThose Russians are bastards aren’t they?

Even after Glasnost and Perestroika I never trusted them. They still have nukes pointed at us. Would anyone trust someone that had guns aimed at them?

I still like the song Gorky Park but it’s BS. I like Sting’s “Russians,” which is right on except that the theme was really for unilateral disarmament by the United States because we’re the good guys and more civilized, therefore we should initiate things like that.

That of course would have been suicide.

Land of Confusion

Land of Confusion

I loved “Land of Confusion” by Phil Collins. He was supposed to be mocking Ronald Reagan in the song but it backfired on him. People would cheer when they showed the Reagan puppet, especially when he put on his Superman outfit. So the backfire was to the libs chagrin and conservatives loved the song.

That kind of stuff reminds me of the Yosemite Sam cartoons when he would get frustrated and say, “Oooooooh, I HATE THAT!”

BornInTheUSASingleBorn in the USA” was the same thing. It was critical of the United States in Vietnam, and turned out to be a patriotic song instead. I love that stuff. It’s almost like somebody conservative saying to the libs “Thanks for the great songs, guys.”

I came to a stop light that had a long wait. And there was a middle aged woman getting into a Volkswagen bus parked by where I was waiting. She had bumper stickers and you could tell she was a liberal feminist. So I put on a CD quickly, rolled down the windows and turned up the volume.

I played part of Born a Woman by Sandy Posey and she looked pissed off.

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10 Responses to Mancow: Musical Patriotism in Sheep’s Clothing

  1. rkcal says:


  2. Harry Balczak says:

    They should call this blog ” Kansas city in the 90’s” . It seems that everything on here is 20 years behind the times. Although I will give you that these two songs are actually from the EIGHTIES, so maybe 30 years behind!!

    • Hot Carl says:

      And “Land of Confusion” is a Genesis song, not a Phil Collins. Splitting hairs, I know but you might as well get your facts straight. Seems Mancow is the one who’s confused.

  3. chuck says:

    Nationalism- Good


    Fox News, Bill and company are popular in my house. But, gotta kill the spin here.

    I do not want to see one more fu*kin kid exsanguinate into desert sands for a fantasy and a trick of fame. I sure as hell do not want ANY American troops in Europe rattling sabers or bloodying same.

    Our foriegn policy over the last 50 years, with a few notable exceptions has been an unqulified failure, resulting in a loss of blood, treasure and respect that will take decades to recover.

    I want Obama to go play golf (Eisenhower played golf over 800 times while President.) and let the Russians do whatever the fu*k they want. If America wants to send troops to an area of vital concern, I would suggest the Plaza.

  4. the dude says:

    No Boyheifer, the fact that republicans tried to make born in the usa into some kind of jingoistic anthem made it that much more sad and ironic. Jesus you are an idiot.

  5. Orphan of the Road says:

    Mancow, that would be a steer. Know how you get a steer, right?

    As was stated back in the 60s, Americans make damn poor Hessians.

    Take the time to read Gen. Smedley Butler’s book, War Is A Racket. Read about the business coup of ’33.

    The average American citizen is third-class now. Behind the monies and Big Business, they are useful to complete the illusion we are a Nation of laws and freedom.

    As they say in the circle of power, War is good business, invest your sons and daughters. But not mine.

  6. PB says:

    “Born in the USA” was the same thing. It was critical of the United States in Vietnam, and turned out to be a patriotic song instead. I love that stuff. It’s almost like somebody conservative saying to the libs “Thanks for the great songs, guys.”

    And all the rest of us with higher than room temperature IQs, laughed at yet another nod to conservative idiocy. Kind of akin to their posting satirical pieces from The Onion as tea party affirmations on their blogs and facebook pages. Let me dumb it down for you, Mancow, The Colbert Report is a put-on.

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