New Jack City: B&B Rescues Kansas City Drive-In Theaters

Greaserama car show Rat Rods and moreKansas City is one of the top movie going markets in America on a per capita basis…

 Box office figures show peg ticket sales here at approximately 25% above the national average. Not bad for being the 34th media market, I’d say.

Then again, it’s not like we have a bunch of oceans and mountains to distract us.

And yes, we’re one of the very few markets remaining with SEVEN – count ’em – first run Drive-In screens in three citywide complexes.

However as late as last fall things didn’t look promising for some of our ozoners. Only one Drive-In—the BOULEVARD—had converted to digital projection.

And with Hollywood’s plan to rid the industry of all 35mm film prints in 2014 the pressure and price tag to convert the four screens of the I-70 Drive-In and two screens of the TWIN Drive-In were daunting – between $65,000 and $75,000 PER screen to update the projection equipment.

However matters came to a winning conclusion during this past off season when regional movie circuit B & B THEATRES stepped in to aquire both the I-70 and TWIN drive-ins from Independence based GLOBE CINEMAS.

And the first priority of B & B was the complete digital projection conversion for all six drive-in screens.

Hence the I-70 and TWIN Drive-Ins along with the independently owned and operated BOULEVARD will all continue to operate successfully with great first run double feature movie programs for many seasons to come.

Chris-Evans-Captain-America-2-2014Speaking of the 2014 drive-in season, it kicks off this weekend with the re-opening of the I-70, 4 screener with attractions that include DIVERGENT, MUPPETS MOST WANTED and MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN.

The BOULEVARD and TWIN drive-ins join in two weeks later on April 4th with first run programming under the stars that includes CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER starring Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce.

Finally some retro good news for family budgets.

And kids 11 and under will CONTINUE to be admitted free at all three greater Kansas City rrive-in complexes this season so don’t forget to bring those fake IDs…kidding.
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8 Responses to New Jack City: B&B Rescues Kansas City Drive-In Theaters

  1. mike t. says:

    drive-ins. haven’t been to one probably since I was in my mid-20s (?) and I’m over 60 now. in fact, the last time I went to one was the one near Red Bridge Road (forgot the name of it and the movies I saw, but I do remember it was raining).

    • newbaum turk says:

      I take my kids a couple of times a year to the Boulevard and it really is great. Sound is really good. People are well-behaved and respectful. There is even an old school playground from probably the 60’s or 70’s that you can’t find anymore because god forbid a kid might scratch themselves. Also kids are free and two movies for the price of one.

  2. jack p. says:

    Well Mike I’d say it’s time for you to give the drive-Ins another try this season. You don’t even have to use their speakers anymore. You can actually tune in the movie soundtrack on your in-car radio. (think of it as another miracle.)
    And who knows it might not rain this time around……

    • mike t. says:

      actually jack, after posting that comment, I got to thinking that might be a fun night out to do exactly that. but using their speakers? that’s a must for that “drive-in” experience. that and a visit to the concession stand.

  3. Markus Aurelius says:

    This is great news. I haven’t been to a drive-in movie in at least 20 years. I also didn’t realize kiddos were free. I think I’ll drag the family out this spring to check out the Twin. How do they handle the sound nowadays? FM signal through the car audio? Do most people stay in their vehicle or sit in bag chairs outside?

    • mike t. says:

      for me, the experience requires being in the car, tho’ I know lawn chairs are perfectly acceptable.

      meanwhile, jack, if you have any pull at all with the boulevard folks, suggest they get rid of the small white type on the black background on their website. good god I gave myself a headache reading it!

      • Markus Aurelius says:

        thanks for the info. I’m with you – staying in the car (or laying on the hood/front windshield) is the way to go, but with 3 kiddos and a wife in tow some of us are going to spill outside. From their FB page it sounds like some people also pull in backwards and sit on the tailgate or the back of a hatchback (and apparently are supposed to stay in the back row – which makes sense if you have a stinkin’ hatchback way up in the air).

  4. mike t. says:

    just as a follow-up… talked to the wife last night about doing a drive-in. I actually expected her to be somewhat wishy-washy about it, but she’s all in. I think she totally bought in when I told her that the Boulevard sells Nathan’s hot dogs.

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